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Energy & Macronutrient Needs: Activity Worksheet

Estimating Your Energy and Macronutrients Needs
1. 4 points. Follow the steps below to calculate your Estimated Energy Requirements using the
following prediction equations. Use figure 9.10 in page 321 of your textbook to determine your
PA level. Show all steps and calculations.
Example: if you are an active (spends at least 60 minutes per day engaged in moderate-intensity
activity (like bicycling leisurely or hiking, dancing...etc.) or spends at least 30 minutes in
vigorous activity such as tennis, basketball, soccer...etc.) 21-year old woman who weighs 60 kg
and is 1.70 m tall, EER = 354 – (6.91 × 21) + 1.27 [(9.36 × 60 kg) + (726 × 1.7 m)] = 2,489.6
Complete the following:
a. Your age is: 22
b. Your activity level: 30 minutes of vigorous activity
Corresponding PA value: 1.27
c. Your weight in kg: 56.7 kg
d. Your height is meters: 1.57 m
e. Your Body Mass Index (BMI): 23.05 kg/m2
Please show BMI calculations:
Weight in kilograms/(Height in meters)2
56.7 kg/(1.57 m)2
56.7 kg/2.46 m2 = 23.05 kg/m2
Your EER is (show calculations on the line below): 2,303.55 Cal/day
EER = 334 – (6.91 x age in years) + PA [(9.36 x weight in kg) + (726 x height in m)]
= 334 – (6.91 x 22) + 1.27 [(9.36 x 56.7) + (726 x 1.57)]
= 334 – 152.02 + 1.27 (530.71 kg + 1,139.82m)
= 334 – 152.02 + 1.27 (1,670.53)
= 334 – 152.02 + 2,121.57
= 2,303.55 Cal/day
2. 6 points. You learned in Chapter 2 that the DRIs include an Acceptable Macronutrient
Distribution Range (AMDR) for carbohydrate, fat, and protein. These ranges ensure adequate
intake of carbohydrate, protein and fat as well as help reduce the risk of chronic disease. The
ranges are wide and support a variety of diet plans and eating styles. Follow the steps below to
compute the upper and lower limits (in calories and in grams) of your macronutrients needs.
a. The Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution (AMDR) for:
a. Carbohydrate is: 45 to 65% of total calories
b. Protein is: 10 to 35% of total calories
c. Fat is: 20 to 35 % of total calories
b. According to the AMDR and my daily caloric needs (use the EER that you computed above),
I would need:
1. Between 1,036.60 and 1,497.31 calories from carbohydrates or between 257.65 grams
and 374.33 grams of carbohydrates, each day.
2. Between 230.36 and 806.24 calories from proteins or between 57.59 grams and 201.56
grams of proteins, each day.
3. Between 460.71 and 860.24 calories from fats or between 51.19 grams and 89.58 grams
of fats, each day.
Show calculations for carbohydrates here:
1. 2,303.55 Cal/day x 0.45 total calories of carbohydrate = 1,036.60 calories from
2. 2,303.55 Cal/day x 0.65 total calories of carbohydrate = 1,497.31 calories from
3. 1,030.60 calories from carbohydrates / 4 calories/gram = 257.65 grams of
4. 1,497.31 calories from carbohydrate / 4 calories/gram = 374.33 grams of
Show calculations for proteins here:
1. 2,303.55 Cal/day x 0.10 total calories of protein = 230.36 calories from protein
2. 2,303.55 Cal/day x 0.35 total calories of protein = 806.24 calories from protein
3. 230.36 calories from protein / 4 calories/gram = 57.59 grams of protein
4. 806.24 calories from protein / 4 calories/gram = 201.56 grams of protein
Show calculations for fats here:
1. 2,303.55 Cal/day x 0.20 total calories of fats = 460.71 calories from fat
2. 2,303.55 Cal/day x 0.35 total calories of fats = 806.24 calories from fat
3. 460.71 calories from fat / 9 calories/gram = 51.19 grams of fat
4. 806.24 calories from fat / 9 calories/gram = 89.58 grams of fat
3. 5 points. Please answer the following questions: (These are all or no points questions.
Credit/points will not be given to a partially correct answer)
a. (1 pt) What are ketone bodies, and when are they produced?
i. Ketone bodies are molecules or compounds that are made by the liver to
provide energy in the cells where there is not enough glucose.
b. (1 pt) Explain the concept of energy balance.
i. Energy balance is the amount of energy that a person eats or drinks
balances the amount of energy that the person uses up through exercise.
c. (1 pt) List and describe the three main components of energy expenditure.
i. Basal metabolic rate is the amount of energy that is necessary for a
person to keep its body or life functioning, such as breathing and blood
circulation, when at rest. Typically, 60-75 % of total energy expenditure
is used to keep the body doing from what it usually does.
ii. Physical activity typically makes up about 15 to 30% of energy
requirement, which is used up in planned and daily activities as well as
non-exercise thermogenesis. It is generally the energy needed for a
person to move their muscles.
iii. Thermic effect of food is the amount of energy that is necessary for food
to be processed regarding digestion, absorption, metabolism, and
storage. Also after a person eats, it causes the body temperature to rise
slightly for a while. Depending on the type and portion of nutrients that
a person consumes, it typically makes up about 10% of energy intake.
d. (1 pt) Explain the three main factors that determine energy expenditure in activity.
i. The three main factors that determine energy expenditure is a person’s
size, the duration of physical activity, and intensity.
1. A person’s size would determine the amount of energy needed to
be used to move. The heavier a person weighs, then the more
energy is required to be able to move.
2. Duration would determine how long a person would need to
expend energy to perform an activity.
3. Intensity would determine the amount of energy needed to put
up with the demands the activity is asking for, like how more
strenuous activities requires more energy than less strenuous
activities do.
e. (1 pt) What body mass index (BMI) values are associated with being underweight,
overweight, and obese? Do these vary for men and women?
i. The BMI associated with being underweight is less than 18.5 kg/m2,
overweight is less than or equal to 25 and less than 30 kg/m2, and obese
is between greater than or equal to 30 kg/m2. These do not vary between
men and women.