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Lab Summaries

Quiz 1 - Melting Point
1. What is the rate of temperature increase used in a true melting point determination?
1-2 °C per minute, starting at 30 °C below expected
2. In determining the identity of an unknown thought to be urea, what percentage of urea
and of unknown are combined before mixed melting point is done?
3. What are two characteristics of an impure substance’s melting point?
-broad 3-7 degrees
-depressed (10-20 degrees lower)
4. Why would the melting point result be erroneous if the rate is increased too rapidly?
-sample and aluminum block are not at thermal equilibrium with thermometer
-since thermometer is mercury, it will respond sooner than sample and block which will result
in higher observed melting point
5. Which intermolecular force requires greatest energy to overcome to melt?
Quiz 2 – Separation by Liquid-Liquid Extraction
1. Define Distribution Coefficient KD
KD = [compound]organic
2. What acid and base extract was used
 Base = 3-nitroaniline
 Acid = benzoic acid
3. When using aqueous and ether extraction system, what solvent is drawn off through the stopcock?
 Water (water more dense than organic)
4. What variable will be adjusted to help separate the acid and base?
 pH of aqueous solvent will be altered in order to separate
5. What is the purpose of adding dilute HCl to organic mixture?
 It protonates the primary amine functional group on 3-nitroaniline and makes it
preferentially soluble in the aqueous phase
HCl is proton DONOR  protonates primary amine, therefore, makes it preferentially
soluble in aq. phase
ASSOCIATION WITH ONE PHASE OVER ANOTHER – used in isolation of desired product from
reaction mixture
Liquid-liquid extraction involves 2 liquid phases that are immiscible – don’t dissolve in one another
After reaction completed, reaction mixture often contains desired product, also by-products, left over
starting material, catalysts
Extraction can separate these based on preferential solubility in certain phase
Inorganic salts, Organic ions = more soluble in AQUEOUS phase
Neutral organic molecules = more soluble in ORGANIC phase
KD = Partition Coefficient = Distribution Coefficient
Way to quantify how much more (or less) soluble a compound is in an organic solvent than water
The solubility (or concentration) in organic solvent divided by solubility (or concentration) in water
KD = [compound]organic
P can be calculated from result of an extraction experiment – if P is known, can be used to predict how
efficient an extraction will be
P = [X]ether =
(g need to recover/ mL X was dissolved in)
((g of X dissolved – need to recover) / mL of water shaken against)
Predict how much X would be recovered by evaporation of the ether layer if same (amt) X were dissolved in
(amt2) mL diethyl ether and shaken against (amt3) mL of water?
(m/ mL shaken against)
((g of X dissolved – m) / mL X was dissolved in)
WR =
(V1) n
(PV2 + V1)
WR = amount of solute that remains in solution unextracted
W = amount solute
V1 = amount of solvent the solute is initially dissolved in
V2 = amount immiscible solvent used in extraction
P = distribution coefficient
n = number of extractions performed
Quiz 3 – (ctd.)
1. What is the major component found in highest percentage in clove oil?
Eugenol (70-90%)
Eugenol acetate ( 2 – 17% )
Caryophyllene ( 5 – 12% )
2. What process is being used to isolate clove oil and name 2 reasons why it is used
 Steam distillation
a) avoid inconveniently high boiling point
b) avoid thermal decomposition
3. What are the medical properties of clove oil?
Anesthetic, anti-flatulent, analgesic
4. Constituents of essential oils can further be isolated by other techniques.
List 3 techniques used in natural products isolating other than steam distillation
-solvent extraction
-super critical CO2 extraction
-column chromatography
Since the mixture is being distilled & the components of mixture are immiscible, BP is < 100,
lower than either of the compounds in their pure forms
Why? Since the 2 compounds are immiscible, each of the compounds as it boils exerts it’s own vapour
pressure on the system
If organic compound is truly immiscible with water, mole ratio of water:organic in the vapour is proportional
to the vapour pressure of each component
b/c of temperature depression effect on BP
---> for distilling compounds with very high BPs below their normal BP
--->some compounds decompose before their BP is reached
b/c enables compounds to be separated based on whether the compounds are volatile
with steam or not
o requires compound to have appreciable vapour pressure
Only oils present on surfaces of plant material are able to vaporize with steam
Oily compounds present on surface of plant material are able to vaporize with steam
-must diffuse out to the surface, as an oil-in-water mixture, to be distilled
---as oil diffuses out, water must diffuse in to replace the oils (hydrodiffusion)
to accelerate release of volatile oils,
soak the plant material in water
crush the plant material
Hydrodiffusion is important in determining composition of essential oils recovered from plant material
The more soluble the oil is in water, the more easily it will diffuse out of the plant tissue to the surface.
With cloves, steam distillation from the whole spice produces essential oil that’s mostly eugenol
with crushed cloves, produces significantly less eugenol
Further purification:
(eugenol – phenol) extraction with base
Quiz 4 – Preparation of Cyclohexanol
1. __addition/hydration___ reaction breaks pi bond and adds a single hydroxyl
2. Technique used to isolate cyclohexanol?
Steam distillation
3. What is an azeotrope
 a mixture of 2 or 3 compounds which, when distilled, exhibit a fixed melting point, like
that of a pure compound
(cyclohexanol, water, small amount of cyclohexene)
4. What is the effect of adding NaCl and why?
 Higher yield of product
 ‘salt out’ the alcohol
 Used in extractions
 Adding enough salt to the aqueous phase to make it a saturated solution
 Salt helps to remove the organic compound from the aqueous phase by reducing the
solubility of the organic compound in water, forcing a transfer of the organic compound
out of the aqueous phase and into the organic phase
 This step is followed by the separation of the organic phase from the aqueous phase
Diethyl ether is added as a precaution against mechanical lloss
After separation, organic layer is dried prior to distillation
Drying agents:
Anhydrous potassium carbonate is used because it will neutralize any trace of acid that may have been
carried through the work up procedure as well as absorb water
In the final distillation, a trace of acid would cause dehydration of the cyclohexanol
Used for: removing a solvent
Purifying a liquid
Separating the components of a liquid mixture
Liquid is vaporized by boiling
Hot vapour condenses back into a liquid, called distillate/condensate
Collected into receiving flask
Highest-boiling components remain in distillation flask as a residue
Appendix A2 – Distillation
Appendix B2 – Refractive Index
Physical property – can be used to determine identity and purity of a liquid compound
Refraction – bending of a ray of light as it passes obliquely from one medium to another of different
Occurs because light travels more slowly through a more dense substance; called a liquid
Refractive index useful property because the degree of refraction depends on the structure of
Determined using refractometer
Index is very sensitive to temperature
Water can be used to calibrate the refractometer
Adjustment calculation****
Quiz 5 – (ctd.)
1. Explain distillation technique
1. Remove solvent, purify liquid or separate components of a liquid mixture
2. Liquid mixture is vaporized by boiling
3. Hot vapour rises up to distillation head is forced to travel at a right angle through a cold condenser
which causes vapour to condense back into a liquid and drip out the end of the condenser tube
4. A mixture of liquids would be separated by the lowest boiling compound boiling off first, followed
by next low boiling point and so on
2. Why is diethyl ether used to rinse distillate into separatory funnel?
 Used to reduce mechanical loss of cyclohexanol
 Cyclohexanol is viscous and needs to be dissolved in ether to transfer as much as possible and
therefore increase the yield
3. What 2 compounds need to be removed in the forerun when crude distillate is distilled the second
 Diethyl ether and
 unreacted cyclohexene
Quiz 6 – Multistep Synthesis
1. What are the functional groups in methyl salicylate
Ester and phenolic hydroxyl group
2. Methyl salicylate can be hydrolyzed using either acid or base
Here we’re using NaOH (base)
3. What is the purpose of adding dilute sulfuric acid to the mixture after reflux
To protonate sodium salt of salicylic acid which converts it to a free acid
4. What are 2 purposes of reflux
a) Supply heat to the reaction at boiling point of solvent
b) Keep solvent from being lost to the atmosphere
5. What are 2 techniques used to purify then test the purity of a compound
Recrystallization and melting point determination
Quiz 7 – (ctd.)
1. Why can’t salicylic acid be directly ingested
2. Why are reflux reactants not necessary
Acetic anhydride is sufficiently reactive
3. What functional group on salicylic acid is involved in substitution reaction with acetic anhydride
Phenolic hydroxyl group
4. What compounds are going to be present in mother liquor after first vacuum filtration
-unreacted salicylic acid
-sulfuric acid
-acetic acid