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Rib Fatalities in Mining: Historical Analysis

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Investiating the Contributing Factors to Rib Fatalities Through Historical
Conference Paper · July 2014
3 authors, including:
Tristan Jones
Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara AB
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33rd International Conference on Ground Control in Mining
Investigating the Contributing Factors to Rib Fatalities Through
Historical Analysis
Tristan H Jones,
T. Team Leader
Khaled M Mohamed,
K. Service Fellow
Ted M Klemetti,Klemetti,
Acting Deputy
Branch Chief
Ground Control Branch
NIOSH, Office of Mine Safety and Health Research
Pittsburgh, PA
technology advanced, rib reinforcement changed both in method
and in purpose. Mines started utilizing pillar reinforcement less to
improve pillar strength, and more to keep entries open. Adoption
of first mechanical and then grouted bolts, straps, and bands
helped to improve entry stability (Horino, Duvall, and Brady,
1971; Baumgarth, 1977; Weakly, 1976; O’Beirne and Shepherd,
1984; Gauna, 1983; O’Beirne et al., 1986). Work has continued by
mining professionals around the world throughout the 1990s and
2000s as well, though much of this work has focused on rib support
methodology and selection of proper support for a specific location
(Dolinar and Tadolini, 1991; Smith, 1992; Colwell and Mark, 2004;
Colwell, 2006; Gauna and Mark, 2010).
Rib-related accidents in underground coal mines continue to
cause injuries and take lives at a rate of 1.3 fatalities per year for
the last 17 years. Prevention of these accidents cannot simply be
a matter of installing more rib support, though the eventual final
solution will undoubtedly include that component. Ultimately, rib
safety will be brought about through an understanding of the causes
and mechanisms that cause rib fatalities, and by fine-tuning mining
methods and procedures that are currently in place.
This paper investigates the factors likely to be most influential
in the occurrence of rib fatalities. A careful analysis has been
conducted of the rib fatality reports documented by the Mine Safety
and Health Administration between 1996 and 2013. The primary
outcome is the determination of the relative impact of each type
of rib fatality factor and a better understanding of the impact each
factor has.
Given the ongoing rib-support-related research, it is unfortunate
that there has been a continual occurrence of rib-related fatalities in
the underground coal mines. While these efforts have contributed
to the overall improvement in rib safety, the average fatality rate is
still 1.3 fatalities per year over the last 17 years (Figure 1). Perhaps
it is encouraging that there have been four years out of the past
nine in which there were no rib-related fatalities (non-burst or yield
pillar related). However, a three-year running average of fatalities
over this time period, while showing a decline between 1998 and
2009, has again risen for no discernable reason and accurately
forecasting future changes is difficult.
Among the rib fatality factors considered, the influence of
rib profile is considered for the first time. Mining height, rib
stratigraphy, mining cycle, and the standing position of a miner
next to a pillar are also considered. Questions are also raised about
the current interpretation of rib fatalities due to mining depth, with
the indication being that mines operating at the greatest depths
may actually have the most respectable rib fatality record among
all mining depths. Additionally, a new method of considering rib
exposure is developed. Based on the results, recommendations are
made for future work. By gaining a better understanding of how
particular factors contribute to rib fatalities as opposed to rib failure
or stability, it is hoped that future efforts can be more precisely
directed towards the desired outcome of fatality reduction.
The research papers mentioned previously have detailed the
proper types of rib support and methods of installation to use
in many situations. In this paper we take a new approach to the
problem. This paper considers the many variables that have been
associated with the most hazardous situations specifically from the
point of view of reducing rib fatalities as opposed to rib failures.
This preliminary work will allow mines to begin focusing their
attention directly on problem areas. It provides insight that should
help mines to be proactive in their rib support, instead of reactive.
Efforts to improve the performance of underground mine ribs
have continued for decades. The first research into the stability of
ribs was not completed with an eye towards improving rib safety,
but rather to improve roof control through better pillar stability.
Much of the earliest work was completed in the underground lead
mines of the St. Joseph Lead Company in the Viburnum Trend of
southeast Missouri and involved the wrapping of used hoist cables
around the pillars as reinforcement (Wykoff, 1950). As mining
This work is based on the fatality reports from the 23 “pure”
rib fatality cases – those not caused by bumps, bursts, or on yield
pillars - that occurred from 1996 to 2013. These fatality reports
are available from the Mine Safety and Health Administration
(MSHA). Although 23 cases is a small dataset, these cases include
every rib fatality that has occurred during the study period,
representing over 1.43 billion total worker hours, allowing for
33rd International Conference on Ground Control in Mining
Rib failure mechanism
The size and shape of a rib failure depend on interactions
between three parameters: stresses (in-situ and mine-induced),
the geometry of the mine workings (dimensions and orientation),
and seam geology (strong and weak stratification, parting
characteristics, and cleat, slickenside, and joint characteristics). The
two major rib instability mechanisms found in underground coal
mines are: (1) structurally driven rib failures, referred to as joints,
wedges, or slickenside slips, and (2) stress-driven rib failures,
such as rib buckling, sloughing, or rib brow formation. Different
types of rib falls could be developed by these mechanisms, as
described below.
Granular rib falls
Granular rib falls are characterized by small pieces of coal
or rock with a maximum size of 0.3 m, and are characteristic of
low-rank coal (Smith, 1992). They are highly dependent upon the
variations in elastic properties found in the different coals within
the same seam.
Figure 1. Non-burst rib fall fatalities in US coal mines, with a
3-year running average shown.
Williamson (1967) summarized the Stopes-Heerlen system
that classifies the components of bituminous coals into four
lithotypes: vitrain, durain, clarain, and fusain. Vitrain is the
primary component of bright coal and tends to be brittle with
lower strength. Clarain and fusain are other common constituents
of bright coal, both tending towards weakness. Durain is usually
dull, strong coal. Every coal seam is composed of several bands
of anisotropic and non-homogeneous material. Coal seams always
contain one or more layers of partings of different strength and
thickness at different elevations (Peng, 2008).
ample exposure time. An appendix is included that details the data
used during this study.
Rib failure mechanism, mining depth, mining height, rib
stratigraphy, rib profile, mining stage, and the miners position
with respect to the pillars, crosscuts, and panels in his or her
environment have been included in this research as factors that
have a strong influence on the occurrence of rib fatalities. Other
stresses, such as horizontal or multiple seam, are discussed and
considered as contributing to the mining stage variable and so are
discussed in that respect.
Jeremic (1985) explained that the granular rib fall mechanism
is a brittle coal failure in which deformation by the shear flow of
individual layers within coal seam leads to cleat dilation and rib
fracturing. Figure 2 shows a repetitious sequence of bright, weak,
coal and dull, strong, coal found in most bituminous coal seams,
and illustrates a typical failure progression. The differences
between the elastic properties of strong and weak coals lead to
the initiation of sloughing from the weak coal band. Progressive
deterioration of the soft-coal layers causes unsupported fragments
of adjacent hard-coal layers to loosen and fall with a tendency
towards larger fragments. The size of the fragments depends on
the degree of fracturing, cleat, and/or pre-existing fracture pattern
(Smith, 1992). The system is not limited to strong-coal/weak-coal,
as there are ample examples of moisture-sensitive or otherwise
weak rocks preferentially deteriorating, as well as stronger rocks
taking the place of hard coal, too.
One of the common steps when comparing datasets is the
normalization of the data with respect to exposure. Usual methods
of accomplishing this incorporate the number of man-hours worked
or the amount of production under the influence of a particular
factor. Reliable man-hours-worked data is available for mining
height, and production-based estimates can be made for depth,
but none of the other factors listed above can be normalized in the
same way because the necessary data does not exist.
This dataset includes fatalities occurring over a huge number of
man-hours-worked during the period studied. Given that extremely
large amount of exposure, it is considered that the distribution of
the number of fatalities occurring in each factor is related to the
actual exposure within that factor. This justification is used in this
paper in places where hourly or production-based exposure data is
not available.
Granular rib falls usually occur gradually over time, but can
fail suddenly in some cases. Sudden failures are unlikely to be as
hazardous to the miner as other failure types due to their granular
nature and because they will tend to roll down the rib instead of
falling outwards and onto the worker. Combined, these factors give
granular ribs a lower fatality hazard to miners. Between 1996 and
2013, only two granular falls were directly linked to a rib fatality.
Granular falls do, however, serve to advance the progression of
other rib failure mechanisms and can be identified and used as a
preliminary indication of future potential hazards.
In the following sections each of the rib fatality factors
are considered in greater detail. Discussion regarding their
contributions to rib fatalities is included, along with an analysis
of the rib fatality case histories available from MSHA. The results
of the analysis show a much more detailed picture of the exact
contribution of the different fatality factors. This analysis will be
valuable for future research.
33rd International Conference on Ground Control in Mining
Figure 2. The progression of granular failure leading to eventual
brow formation and failure.
Blocky rib falls
Blocky rib falls are characterized by large pieces of coal or
rock with a minimum dimension greater than 0.3 m, and can be
developed by different rib fall mechanisms. First, a block may
be formed from a large overhang or brow that separates from the
strata above after the supporting material beneath sloughs through
granular failure (Figure 2, right side). This type of blocky fall is
especially hazardous and it tends to increase the entry width and
decrease pillar width, reducing overall pillar strength (Peng, 2008).
Figure 4. The formation of slabby/columnar blocks through
buckling, or blocky falls through cleat/joint sliding.
freedom allowing block formation. This is the primary reason that
blocky failures are more frequent in the United States compared
with Austrailia, as much of Australian coal tends to have fewer
interrupting layers.
The second blocky failure mechanism is the “Mine-Induced
Fracture” (MIF), introduced by O’Beirne et al. (1987). This
describes the nearly vertical factures observed ahead of the face
and at the sides of the entry. MIFs are caused by the stresses
induced during mining and are independent of the natural coal
cleating. In Australian coal mines, it was discovered that MIFs
form ahead of and parallel to the development face, curling around
at the face corners to run at a low angle to the riblines out into the
pillar. If the MIFs intersect the cleat system at near right angles,
blocky rib falls can be produced (Figure 3). Additionally, the
presence of slippery or low friction layers at either the roof or floor
interfaces or within the coal horizon can prevent or reduce any
confining effect from the horizontal stresses in the roof and floor
and allow rolling or/toppling of blocky rib falls (Figure 4).
Finally, loose blocks can be formed when an angled plane of
weakness (slickensides or joints) exists on the bottom of a block
and intersects the coal pillar above the floor line while a lowfriction interface exists at the top. At the corner of a pillar, this
scenario may be enough to cause the formation and movement of
large, wedge-shaped blocks, similar to those encountered in surface
rock slope failures (Figure 5). On the sides of a pillar, the same
mechanism can interact with vertical MIF or cleat sets, adding
degrees of freedom to a block and allowing it to slide. These
“joint failures” are similar to wedge-type failures found in surface
rock slopes.
Delamination plane
soft coal
en t
ck in
sli jo
ke e
lic lan
(s ip p
MIF / joint
Rib Falls
1) Blocky (wedging / sliding)
Figure 5. Blocky wedge or sliding plane joint-type rib failures.
When taken together, blocky rib failures are the most hazardous
of all failure mechanisms. Between 1996 and 2013, a total of 18 rib
fatalities can be attributed to this mechanism. Of these 18 fatalities,
eight were caused by brow failures, three were blocky joint
failures, and six were due to MIF or other potential blocky failures.
Figure 3. Face cleat/MIF interaction in the formation of blocky
rib failure, after Shepherd, J. et al. (1984).
Slabby rib falls
Slabby rib falls are characterized by a continuous process of
thin slabs or plates detaching from entry walls along open cleats
or vertical/nearly vertical fractures. The slabby rib fall does not
usually extend more than 0.1 m into the coal rib (Jeremic, 1985).
The MIF failure mechanism requires a third plane beyond the
MIF and cleats in order to form blocks as opposed to slabs. The
interfaces between different coal layers, at partings, clay streaks,
or interbedded rock units all serve to create a third degree of
33rd International Conference on Ground Control in Mining
O’Beirne et al. (1987) found that slabs were formed when the
roadway was driven sub-parallel to a well-developed cleat set.
The slabby rib fall mechanism was explained as a buckling failure
resulting from the vertical loading of the slabby ribs driven by roof
and/or floor closure (Hebblewhite et al., 1998; Seedsman, 2006).
Stone partings within a seam act as the end point of buckling
slab (Colwell, 2006). “Rolling” of slabby rib falls occurs when
the parting is close to the mine floor, while “toppling” of slabby
rib falls occurs when the parting is close to the mine roof (Figure
6). During the study period, slabby rib falls were attributed to
four fatalities.
Table 1. Rib fatalities by failure mechanism, with associated
fatality contribution.
Brow failure
Joint failure
Blocky failure
Slabby failure
Columnar failure
Mining depth has always played a very important role in
assessing rib stability and is one of the major topics concerning
the design of rib support systems. In a 2010 publication by
Gauna and Mark, they completed an analysis of rib fatalities that
occurred between 1996 and 2010. One of their most prominent and
influential findings was the identification of a relationship among
fatalities, depth, and mining height (Figure 7). They found that for
the 21 fatality cases included in their analysis (including two from
yield pillars – not part of this study), over 75% occurred at depths
700 ft. or greater. A conclusion was to include rib support for cases
deeper than 700 ft. This was also supported by the MSHA Program
Information Bulletin (PIB) 11-29 (MSHA, 2011). Our research
recreated their dataset to the greatest extent possible and then
expanded it to include rib fatalities between 2010 and 2013 (Figure
7b). The 2013 dataset showed that 16 of 23 fatalities, or 70%, occur
at depths 700 ft. or greater.
% Fatalities
Mining depth
MIF / cleat
Granular failure
Figure 6. Slab formation and the effect of partings in
buckling failures.
Columnar rib falls
Columnar rib falls are the least common of the mechanisms
and were not attributed to any fatalities during the study period.
This failure mechanism forms slender columns of coal and/or
rock that detach from the entry walls. The columns result from
interactions between MIF with existing joints (Figure 3) and tend
to be an intermediate stage between blocky and slabby rib falls.
The smallest dimension in the plane of the rib ranges between 0.1
m and 0.3 m (Hebblewhite et al., 1998). Similar to the slabby rib
falls, the mechanism of columnar rib falls could be explained as a
buckling failure of slender columns.
Figure 7. Mining height/Depth of cover/Fatality relationship
after Gauna and Mark, 2010 (left - 1996-2010) and the same
relationship based on 1996-2013 data (right).
Contribution of rib failure type in fatal accidents
Three of the four fatalities that occurred from 2010 to 2013 were
at relatively shallow overburdens (300, 600, and 720 ft.) These
three extra years of data have dropped the percentage of fatalities
occurring at 700 ft. or deeper from 75% to 70%. At this point it is
impossible to determine if the PIB release was causal to the recent
reduction in high-overburden rib fatalities and the lower percentage
of deep fatalities. A three-year running average of rib fatality
depth shows that sudden decreases in average fatality depth have
occurred a number of times in the past, even prior to PIB11-29
(Figure 8). This indicates that recent decreases in fatality depth are
not necessarily due to the updated rib support guidelines, but may
be part of typical fluctuation.
Many mines, pillars, or ribs have a tendency towards a particular
type of failure that can usually be identified. This expected
failure type can be one of the most significant components of the
overall hazard of rib failure. The rib fatality database was used
to determine the most likely failure type (or sub-type) for each
fatality occurrence. Based on the results, the contribution of each
failure mechanism to the total number of fatalities was calculated
(Table 1).
Figure 9 shows a graph of the cumulative number of fatalities
as they increase in depth. The figure provides insight into the
33rd International Conference on Ground Control in Mining
• All the room-and-pillar mines in the Northern Appalachian
region are operating at a mining depth less than 700 ft.
• The coal production from room-and-pillar mines in the
Central and Southern Appalachian regions, and in the West
has the same distribution with respect to mining depth as
longwall mines operating in these regions.
• 85% of the coal production from room-and-pillar mines in the
Illinois basin is competed with less than 700 ft. of overburden.
The remaining 15% takes place between 700 and 1250
ft. deep.
The production distribution and fatality rates in each zone are
estimated to be 50%/28%/22% and 0.04/0.13/0.05, respectively
(Table 3).
The fact that there is an upwards transition point at 700 ft.
provides support for the 700 ft. threshold found in the PIB. The
lower fatality rate above 1250 ft. is likely due to the higher level
of rib support that is common at these depths, while the low rate
found when mining below 700ft is likely due to the shallow depth.
These results bring into question the “low-production-thereforelow-fatality” sentiment that is commonly used to explain low
fatality numbers at depth.
Figure 8. A 3-year running average of rib fatality depth.
effectiveness of rib support, pillar design, mining techniques, and
hazard management during the studied time period as it relates to
depth. The fatalities are divided into three zones: a low-depth zone,
less than 700 ft.; a mid-depth zone, from 700-1250 ft.; and a highdepth zone above 1250 ft. Each of these zones is bounded by a
breakpoint, shown by the vertical lines at 700 and 1250 ft. There is
a noticeable shift in fatality rate between the three zones.
A comparison of fatality rates between zones shows that there
is a 225% increase between the low and mid zones, which is
attributable a production decrease of 46% and an increase in the
number of fatalities of 44% between the two zones. Meanwhile,
comparing the mid and deep zones reveals a decrease in production
of 17% and a decrease in fatalities of 77%, which translate into
a fatality rate reduction of 61%. To even further illustrate the
differences in fatality rate between the mid and deep zones, of
the fatalities depicted in Figure 9 occurring above 1250 ft., one
“pure” rib fatality occurred in 1996. A second fatality occurred
in 2010, but was actually caused by a standing roof support that
was dislodged by a rib fall, subsequently hitting a miner on the
head and killing him. The remaining two fatalities are yield pillar
rib failures and are only included to help show how few “pure”
rib fatalities have actually occurred at great depth. The common
understanding is that ribs are more dangerous with increasing
depth. Holding all other variables equal, that logic holds, but over
the past 18 years ribs as built have been decisively less likely to
cause fatalities at depth. These trends illustrate a poor correlation
between depth and fatality rate. They also identify that the middepth zone is where the most effort should be focused for rib
fatalities reduction. This trend also clearly shows the difference
between rib fatality and rib hazard.
Figure 9. Cumulative fatality graph showing the variations
in fatality rate depending on their depth zone as compared to
fatality rate normalized by production (fatals/1 million tons).
Based on the data gleaned from the MSHA Accident Illness
Injury and Employment database for the year 2010, production
levels were estimated for both the 700 and 1250 ft. zone splits
(Table 2). From these values fatality rates (fatalities/million tons)
were computed for each zone (Table 3). These rates are also shown
on Figure 9. The distributions of longwall and room-and-pillar coal
production with respect to mining depth were categorized based
on coal regions. While the distribution of coal production from
longwall mines was available, room and pillar mine production
depth distribution data was lacking. Therefore, the distribution of
coal production from room and pillar mines with respect to mining
depth was estimated based on the following assumptions:
It seems likely that the combination of rib support, mining
practices, pillar and entry design, management control, and the
natural awareness and care that may be instilled in the miners when
operating under greater depth, all combine to drastically reduce the
occurrence of rib fatalities under high overburden. The conclusion
is that even though we don’t yet know if the recommendations in
PIB 11-29 have caused the recent rib fatality reduction, it likely
does not do enough to address the rib fatality problem. The most
noteworthy rib fatality rates are found at the greatest depths,
and it is unlikely this is due to lower mining exposure. This is a
testament to the efforts of the mines operating in these conditions.
Perhaps the mines in the mid-depth zone should strive to follow the
example that the deep-cover mines are setting.
33rd International Conference on Ground Control in Mining
Table 2. Estimated distribution of underground coal production with respect to depth. Values estimated based on 2010 production
data. All values displayed in millions of tons.
Room & Pillar
Less than
701 ft
701- 1250
Greater than
1250 ft
Less than
701 ft
701- 1250
Greater than
1250 ft
Illinois Basin
Western USA
Table 3. Fatality contribution due to depth.
Depth (ft.)
Total UG production
Total % at depth
2010 Dataset
% Fatalities
Less than 700
Greater than 1251
Rib stratigraphy
For the purpose of this research, the fatality rates developed in
Figure 9 are used to determine the boundaries for setting depth
zones. The percentage of total fatalities occurring in each zone is
then identified in Table 3.
One aspect of rib fatality hazard not frequently considered is the
impact of seam stratigraphy on rib failure. The presence of multiple
stratigraphic layers plays an important part in the destabilization of
a rib, especially with respect to blocky failures. Geologic factors
in general are complicated due to their inconsistent nature. Truly
solving the geologic aspect of the rib hazard estimation would
require massive funding, time, and effort beyond the scope of this
research, though some headway has been made in other efforts.
Mining height
Entry height has substantial impact on the stability of ribs and
the number of rib fatalities. Over 95% of fatalities occur at mining
heights equal to or above 7 ft. (Gauna and Mark, 2010). New
additions to the dataset since the analysis by Gauna and Mark and
the elimination of yield pillars in this research have adjusted this
value to 20 fatalities out of 23, or 87%, still a significant number.
Otherwise, the analysis by Gauna and Mark remains valid, and
will not be further discussed here. Table 4 shows the updated
contribution to total fatalities as calculated for seam height.
A study completed by Colwell and Mark (2004) developed a
design equation based on case studies and instrumentation sites.
This concluded that 15% of the variation in recommended rib
support could be accounted for by the Hardgrove Grindability
Index (HGI). HGI itself is not geologic in nature, but rather a
strength-of-materials index related to the friability of coal. That
being said, HGI is a step forward in accounting for some of
the variation due to the rib material itself. Additionally, due to
differences between Australian and United States coal seams, HGI
would not correlate as well in the United States.
Table 4. Mining height contribution to Rib fatalities.
Entry Height
# Fatalities
% Fatalities
Less than 71
The geologic component of the rib fatalities described here is
based on the distribution of rib stratigraphy in the 23 rib fatality
cases experienced since 1996. Each case history was examined and
21 of them provided clues about the stratigraphy of the rib at the
fatality site. The number of independent stratigraphic units (coal,
rock or clay bands) identified in each case history was counted,
allowing for the formation of a rudimentary distribution. The
distribution data is seen in Table 5 and Figure 10, respectively.
As expected, a higher number of stratigraphic units provide more
opportunities for differential degradation, leading to further
rib sloughing.
33rd International Conference on Ground Control in Mining
• A rib with a brow that has already formed will be more
hazardous to a person standing next to it than a rib that will
likely form a brow in the future.
• A rib with slabs that have already loosened, exhibiting
clear joints or gaps, is more hazardous than a rib with slabs
that might form in the future due to nearly parallel cleat and
MIF systems.
• Any rib that has progressed through its failure cycle to nearcomplete failure (defined as a rib with a pile of spall from the
roofline to the floor, lying at the angle of repose) will be less
hazardous (from a rib fatality point of view) than a rib that is
just beginning to fail.
• A rib that has already had its first major failure will be less
hazardous than one that has not.
• Any other rib is more likely to cause a rib fatality than a rib
that has completely failed.
Table 5. Distribution of fatalities with respect to the number
of stratigraphic units and the associated fatality contribution.
# Stratigraphic
# Fatalities
% Fatalities
More research is needed on this topic, but currently the best
way to view this theory is through a simple graph for fatality
contribution based on rib profile (Figure 11). A number of authors
have produced rib rating guidelines that can be used to generalize
rib failure stage along a 0 to 5 rating system (Karabin and Evanto,
1994; Heasley and Chekan, 1998; Lawson, Zahl and Whyatt, 2012)
The general practice is that a freshly mined rib is ranked at 0, while
a fully-failed rib with spall from floor to roof lying at the angle of
repose is a 5. This type of concept is used here, but with an added
attempt to include the mental aspect of perceived hazard through
the miner’s eyes, as well as the inability to get close enough to
the rib for a fatality to occur, due to accumulated rib material.
Refinement will be necessary on the final rating sequence for this
purpose, but this is sufficient for introducing the concept. Since
not all ribs eventually progress to total failure, this method offers
flexibility in the way profile hazards are considered.
Figure 10. Fatality contribution with respect to the number of
stratigraphic units present.
Rib profile
While not generally distinguishable from the MSHA fatality case
histories, it is recognized that the profile of a rib can have a major
contribution to rib fatalities. It plays a role in the general instability
of a rib and its likelihood to fail, and therefore cause a fatality. It
plays a role in the ability for a miner to easily approach the rib
closely enough such that a fatality is possible. It also plays a role
in the cognitive state of the miner, the perceived danger of the rib,
and therefore the likelihood that a person will choose to stay away
from it. Figure 2 shows an example of a blocky rib failure profile
through the first portions of its rib life-cycle.
The application of rib profile hazard for preventing rib fatalities
cannot be applied as with the other hazards, calculating through
percentages. Also, when making decisions regarding how to treat
a particular type of rib profile those decisions will be applied
depending on the circumstances. When used for planning purposes
prior to mining, the rib profile should be treated as if it is standing
upright, freshly mined. Planning use is intended to minimize the
formation of hazardous conditions, so the goal should be to keep
the rib in a freshly-mined-like state as long as possible. Rib support
should be installed towards that end.
Figure 11. The fatality contribution of the varying rib profiles
experienced by a rib from initial mining through total failure.
Mining stage
Since, rib failure has been directly linked with loading condition
of mining stage (Colewell, 2009), it is logical to assume that within
a single mine the TG front abutment would be more hazardous than
the HG side abutment, which is would be more hazardous than
the TG previous-panel abutment. It needs to be recognized that
having zero rib fatalities is distinctly different from having zero
rib hazard. When considering rib fatalities with respect to mining
stage (development and retreat), It is apparent that the number of
When used in response to observed conditions, the level of
hazard for the different failure mechanisms should be included
when considering the hazard posed by various rib profiles. If a rib
is prone to failure, it will have a varying likelihood of causing a
fatality throughout its stages of failure. Some examples of that
varying likelihood are:
33rd International Conference on Ground Control in Mining
Only 20 of the 23 fatality cases contain enough data to determine
fatality position.
fatalities in each part of the mining cycle is highly similar to the
expected distribution of exposure hours while operating in that part
of the cycle (i.e. development hours are high, and development
fatalities are high; tailgate hours are low, and tailgate fatalities
are low).
The positions of workers relative to pillars have been divided
into five groups. Four of the groups are identified in Figure 12,
with the fifth group representing all other locations within the mine.
Descriptions of each location can be found in Table 7. The number
of fatalities experienced in various positions is clearly tied to their
distance from the pillar corners, though in this dataset only the 0-10
ft. and 10-20 ft. distance from the rib stand out from the baseline
value. With regard to the distance from the pillar, the fatalities
typically occurred while the victim was less than 5 ft. from the rib.
Mining cycle exposure is determined by identifying the number
of fatalities in the dataset that have occurred at each point of a
mining cycle. This exposure actually includes two elements:
exposure based on time spent in those areas of the mine, and
exposure to the varying stress states of each part of the mining
cycle. Workers in the development section of the mine have a very
high time exposure, but a relatively low mining-stress exposure.
Workers at the tailgate (TG) corner have a much higher miningstress exposure, but a relatively low time exposure. The data was
too sparse to allow for inclusion of exposure to multiple seam
mining, but it should be noted that increased stresses due to this
condition could potentially increase the stress component of mining
cycle exposure.
Limiting exposure to a hazardous rib is one of the most basic
ways to eliminate a rib fatality hazard—i.e., a rib is only fatally
hazardous if there is a person for it to fall on. Reducing the
access or exposure to dangerous ribs is a simple, inexpensive, and
common method of mitigating hazard. It is regularly used in the
tailgates of longwall mines, and is no different than prohibiting
miners from working under unsupported roof, or teaching miners to
walk in the center of an entry away from the rib.
Table 6 shows the categories that have been chosen for inclusion
in mining cycle exposure. Development fatalities for room and
pillar and longwall have been combined into one category. The
“Other” category includes all occurrences of fatalities in travel
or service areas of the mine, i.e. mains, belt transfer points, etc.
These areas are usually lower stress and have only transitory
or temporary time exposure. This is a complex category as these
areas have longer lifespans than working areas and as such have
the opportunity to experience more time-dependent degradation,
increasing their relative hazard, but frequently have higher rib
support densities to offset that.
This research represents a starting point from which many
improvements can be made towards the prevention of rib fatalities.
In order to best achieve fewer fatalities, the research will continue
and grow. Below are some of the topics that can best further
this effort.
The frequency of occurrence for various rib failure types should
be considered through field surveys to help better understand their
contribution to fatalities. It should be determined whether rib
brows cause more fatalities than other failure types because they
form more frequently and therefore miners have higher exposure
to them, or because they are a greater hazard and are more likely
to fail if they form. This insight would provide clues regarding the
best way to prevent future brow-related rib fatalities.
Table 6. Mining cycle exposure values calculated from
adjusted fatalities.
Mining Cycle/Stress
# Fatalities
% Fatalities
RP Retreat
HG Front Abutment
Further research is needed regarding perceived danger, and
how that contributes to the hazards posed by rib profile. Gaining a
better understanding of how miners of various age and experience
levels react when presented with ribs at different levels of failure,
or with different profiles is necessary. The outcome might also
provide clues about why mines at great depth tend to have fewer
rib fatalities than might be expected. How much of the fatality
reduction is caused by increased levels of rib support, and can
any be credited to behavior changes on the part of the miner?
The insight gained from this research would help to better define
management controls towards preventing rib fatalities.
Of the three areas mentioned, there are a number of good
reasons why fatalities may not have occurred. It is notable that in
each of these areas miner exposure is generally decreased through
management control, taking people out of harm’s way. Also,
the tailgate typically has a larger amount of roof and rib support,
helping to control the entry. Finally, all of these areas are zones
where significant rib damage occurs, which as stated previously, is
likely to reduce the long-term fatality hazard.
Miner position relative to pillars
Development is necessary on a method to determine rib profile
in a repeatable, universal manner. Much research has been done
on the development of rib rating systems, but that has been task or
site specific. Ideally, this method should be usable in any mine and
should give repeatable results between raters and over time. The
method should be made as quantifiable as possible.
Rib failure and rib fatality hazards exist at varying levels in
different positions relative to the pillars and panels of a mine. Pillar
corners always experience greater degradation than mid-pillar
locations, and pillar ribs usually experience greater degradation
than panel ribs do. The number of fatalities that have occurred
in these various locations fall well into line with expectations
regarding position-based degradation and as such, can be used
directly as data for examining position-based hazard and exposure.
Some interesting interpretations can be drawn from Figure 9
regarding fatality rates in different depth zones. The most striking
is a realization of just how well deep mines are performing
regarding rib fatalities. In fact, it may be that mines operating at
33rd International Conference on Ground Control in Mining
Table 7. Exposure value assigned according to fatalities experienced in a given location along
the rib.
% Fatalities
0-10 ft. from pillar corner, in pillar
10-20 ft. from pillar corner, in pillar
20-30 ft. from pillar corner, in pillar
0-30 ft. from crosscut midline, in panel
All other positions
looking at this issue from a fatality-hazard point of view will lead
to the next step in rib safety improvement, and better determining
fatality contribution is a first step.
Table 8 is a summary of the data used in this study. Blank cells
indicate data that is missing or cannot be determined from the
MSHA report. The asterisk in row 1 identifies a value that was
estimated from historical data at the mine.
The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the
authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the National
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
Figure 12. Exposure positions relative to mining layout. Positions
repeat at every pillar corner and panel T-intersection. While
other mine layouts exist, the basic premise should hold true.
great depths are best-positioned from a rib control/rib fatality point
of view. Given this, more efforts should be directed towards
reducing rib fatalities at other mines, specifically those in the middepth range. Economic and logistical issues may make this
difficult, but step by step, this is a direction that should be
investigated and pursued by mines at all depths. Additional
research is necessary to better understand the factors influencing
the occurrence of rib fatalities at different depths.
This paper has developed the foundations for a future method
of estimating rib fatality hazard by determining some of the initial
contributions of many of its factors. The goal of the paper has
been to discuss the components that most frequently contribute
to rib fatalities in underground coal mines, and rudimentary steps
have been made to begin quantifying each of those hazards. These
steps were taken with a high focus on prior rib fatalities, and now
the process begins to use those historical experiences to eliminate
future rib fatalities.
The largest potential benefit of this research may be the simple
act of approaching rib hazards from a new point of view. Work to
improve mine safety often focuses on the elimination of accidents
or fatalities, yet much of the effort that has been put into previous
rib-related research has focused on failure or condition. Hopefully
33rd International Conference on Ground Control in Mining
Table 8. Data used in this study.
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