/ 1 )[oog ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Ministry of Education wishes to acknowledge the work done by the following persons who were involved in the production of the first edition: Ruth Persico, (team leader) Cheryl Foster Myrtle Fraser Pearl Marks Winifred Toney Marvin Bart Maylene Duncan Brian Clarke Franciene Doris Ainsworth Mckend The work of the following persons who were involved in the production of the second edition is also acknowledged: Andrew Kartick Philip Kartick Claudette Phoenix Norma Stepheny * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * © 2004 Ministry of Education, Georgetown, Guyana. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the copyright owner. Published by The Ministry of Education, Georgetown, Guyana. Printed by VonHoffmann Corporation Revised 2004 SOCIAL STUDIES FOR OUR CHILDREN BOOK! WRITING TEAM: Ruth Persico [team leader] Cheryl Foster Myrtle Fraser Pearl Marks Winifred Toney SUBJECT SPECIALIST: Marvin Bart ILLUSTRATORS: Maylene Duncan Ainsworth McKend Brian Clarke DESIGN TYPIST: Franciene Doris COVER DESIGN BY: Ainsworth Mckend Maylene Duncan A GOGIEFA-FTI Project Easy Path Series NOT FOR SALE PRINTED FOR THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION GOVERNMENT OF GUYANA. FOREWORD One welcomes the publication of this series of textbooks as part of the Primary Education Improvement Project funded by the Inter-American Development Bank and the Government of Guyana. This series of texts has been long in planning, writing and producing. In the process however, many Guyanese have developed skills in textbook writing and publication. This will serve Education well in the future. We congratulate all those responsible for the production of these texts. They have done a good job. Guyanese children at the Primary level, and, indeed, the society as a whole, will be the beneficiaries of their labour. Thanks to the Inter-American Development Bank for its financial support. Primary Education in Guyana will benefit considerably with the availability of relevant reading material. Dale A. Bisnauth Senior Minister of Education and Cultural Development CONTENTS Page Chapter 1 Children Children are special Children play together Children eat together Chapter 2 The Family Family members work together Families observe special occasions Ron and Sue are polite Chapter 3 Children go to school Where is the school It is fun to work at school People take care of the school Chapter 4 School Rules Keep the school clean Chapter 5 Many families live in a neighbourhood Green Valley - Our neighbourhood Neighbours help each other Families relax Chapter 6 Keeping healthy Health and safety Rules Do not travel with strangers Chapter 7 Our Nation 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 32 33 Guyana is an Independent State 34 Some of our National Symbols 35 37 38 The National Pledge Be loyal to Guyana Chapter 8 Weather 39 Chapter 9 Celebrations 40 Diwali 41 Christmas 42 Republic/Mashramani 43 Labour Day 45 Match each picture on Side A with one on SIDE B 46 I "awou mol< a~!JM I I I"jlasJnoA MOJO I~ "sawou aAo~ SIJ!6 puo SAOq "AOq 0 IIV S! UO~ .... ---~~- ens puc UO~ U8JPI!4:) L Children are special Their parents love and care for them. ~ IName someone who loves you?1 I How does he or she care for you?1 2 f I · a~!i nOA awo6 0 ~noqo ~loll ~ · ~J~oJs-do~ AOld puo d!~s o~ a~!1 Aa~l - Children eat together < •t Ron shares his milk with his friends. They like to sit together to eat. ~ IDraw two fruits you 4 like to eat. I 2 The Family We live in families. Ron belongs to this family. ~I Count the members in Ronls family·1 ICount the members in your family. I 5 \.. f t "'---- ~",-- I\. I t .............................. ~ --- Sue belongs to this family. ~ !Name the members of Ron's family.! !Name the members of Sue's family.! !Draw your family. ! 6 Family members work together ~ '\ )~ J '\ v' )~ ~ ) - . _ 1f':41Y'41 . ~~ h ~ . r\ Ron's father and mother work in the garden. ~ I How do you help at home? I 7 Families observe special occasions ---- ----/ ~ ~ - ----------./- Ron has a birthday party. He is six years old today. He invites Sue and other friends. 8 v/V ../ They ploy games and shore gifts. ~ IWhen is your birthday?1 IDraw a birthday cake ·1 9 ;.c~ "'>===-- Ron's parents and Sue's parents have fun. It is Mother's Day. ~ /Make a Mother's Day card./ 10 Ron and Sue are polite F Our we...tl.e.- Ioclo'j Ch ..t is ~. iI33 U '- ---- ~~~ '-. ~~ Ron and Sue are polite to their teachers. ~ I Show howJou can be polite to your parents an to others. 11 3 Children go to School , • Ron and Sue get ready for school. Ron brushes his teeth. Sue combs her hair. • ~ IHow do you get ready for school? I 12 • Where is the school? \ f' ~ ~ q . ~II~ ~ '" '"'- t:iti+i+i-l 1" ' -. W;W;W \ ~ I L~ } 1 .· , - <5 @l5:. " - -- --- - Ron and Sue go to a school near their home. A big tree is near their school. ~I Find out what is near your school. 13 J It is fu n to work at school • • , ~ At assembly, the Headteacher tells us of Ron's birthday. 14 • . 'A' I I! I I c. 7 // ~ The other pupils cheer Ron. They wish him a "Happy Birthday". ~ I What else does your Headteacher do at school? 15 • 91 ·Sf Jods IOoy:)s fO +aaw 11 0 AaYl ·SpUalJj AUOW aAOY ans pUO UO~ ~- ----_ . ----:- \ - -.• -----. .. I -- ---- - People take care of the school / I / / / / / ------The cleaner sweeps the school. The guard protects the school. Ron and Sue like their school. ~ I Nome the workers at your school. I 17 j 4 School Rules Be regular! Be on time! /' /' g .. ..g, -"1\ Ron and Sue obey the school rules. They come to school regularly. This means they come everyday. ~ ISay two of your school rules. 18 • I Keep the school clean Ron and Sue help to keep their school clean . They put waste paper in the dustbin. ~ IHow do you keep your school clean? 19 I 5 Many families live in a neighbourhood Ron lives near other families. They are his neighbours. A trench is near their home. ~ ~I Draw your house and your neighbour's house. 20 ~ lZ ·pooYJnoqy6!8U JnOA U! s6u!PI!nq 8WOS 8woN ~ Neighbours help each other v- ' ',- Jjj' ttl' tli ~ '- , " ,~ \. ... ...-.- tt~ . ~~~ , ~ , 2Q ........ (' 0 They are many workers in the neighbourhood . ~ INome some workers neighbourhood . 22 ," " in your I ( Ron's father is a carpenter. -----="<I ,- - , .~ II.; ~ ~~}---EX IT" Sue 's mother is a nurse. ~ IHow does your father help others?1 IHow does your mother help others? I 23 Families relax T .. _-- - .- .- - . ..... The family plays games after work. ~I Name a game that you play with your tamily. 24 c 6 Keeping healthy , Ron and Sue eat many kinds of foods . /, ~ "" ~~ ~~~ - ' . ~~':-~l ~, •::;-. - ,.....A. ~ ~ ~~ - - ,..- ..:=. -- ~"" '..:-- '- - ;J jJ!~ ·/~ <. - -. ~ ~~r ·~~-·-- ""'~~ "--,. L . .. ",< \.I .- -.--_ ...,... These foods give them energy. -,- These foods build their muscles. These foods protect their bodies. ~ I Name one food from each group. I 25 Health and Safety Rules • .. ;. I .... . \Ib:.-lil/l (. I ) \ t' -....-. - =z ~ ------ ~ ..... . ------~---~ -u -" ~ -~, ~~ ;-~ Ron washes his hands after using the toilet. Germs can make you ill. ~ IHow do you keep germs away? I 26 .cr-I1>J ~ ~ ~ I · 6u!~oo:J S! Jey+oV\j ueyM eAO+S ey+ WOJj AOMO SAO+S ens sz 'snoJa6uop s! 6u!~owS / / / <i ------~- It is not safe to play on the stairs. «.' I ,,-r'1\ l ~ \ r \ '. \ -:) r---.~~ ~ ~i boo . . Sue flies her kite in open spaces. ItS I How do you keep safe? I 29 -../ Kerb Drill l ook righl! look left! look righl again! If lhe rood is clear Cross quickly. ------- ~,. ....... .... ,..."... . _ _ - to. ' - - - ,..... - ---------( ~- r--- .... ,- -...... 0. .~ -~4· . , Ron's father tokes him to school. Why do they walk on the right hand side of the rood? ~I Soy the Kerb Drill . 30 If r Do not travel with strangers Ron and Sue meet a stronger. They do not go to him. ~ I What would you do when you meet a stronger? 32 7 Our Nation We are Guyanese. Ron and Sue are Guyanese. They were born in Guyana. Complete: ~IThe name of my country is 33 .1 Guyana is an Independent State. Guyana became independent on the 26th May, 1966. Guyana has a Head- of- State. He is our President. ~ I Name the President of Guyana. 34 Some of our National Symbols The Notional Flog The Coat-of-Arms Guyana has a Notional flog and a Coat-of-Arms. ~I Draw and colour the Notional Flog. Nome the Notional Bird. 35 Our National Anthem ~--.-. Deal'"" lond 6t Gu~~nQ ... Guyana has a Notional Anthem. ~ I Sing the first verse of the Notional Anthem. 36 . . .. PlJoRn.g ..InoUQ'i 0+ L£ to Sol.1 "'''j.+ s\::oM1D J/-3ShU-' -aop-a/cI-;: 8£ ';\J~uno:) J!ey~ o~ ;\~I0;\0l puo pedseJ MOYS ens puo uo~ - 8 Weather Sun and rain - Clouds and winds &-" #--J'-, ' j""-- L \ \\ Sunny , \ "- \ \ \ \ Rainy , '1 '""'--, r .~~~ ~ r:::~~~~~S·i~[!~l II - ~~.- - - -I ~ ( , , '1 ~ . . ~ Cloudy Windy Complete: ~ IToday is a day. Can you play games outside today? 39 • 9 Celebrations Remember those who went to war. Ron and Sue buy poppies. ~ IWhat is the special name for that Day? 40 r Christmas Ron and Sue receive gifts. Their parents give them toys at Christmas. ~ IDraw a toy you wish to receive at Christmas. 42 Republic/Mashramani t( I \l - .', ." " . . ,. . . ''- ; ?:::rr:= · '~.'==TJ:::=rT"=--;'. ....nc . .... ,,,,,.,,,,.,,, 0 O. ~,"." "'1r \\ c_ "',,,,, Jf f i ./ \ ( ---- , Guyana became a Co-operative Republic on the 23rd February, 1970. ~ IHow does your school celebrate Republic Week? 43 Mashramani l ,..... t· . . ., ~ "" ...--.......... ....-....-- . ~ Many persons take part in Mashramani. ~ ISay what is happening 44 in the picture. I Labour Day e~ II !6) , r / "r Many persons march on Labour Day. Do your parents march on Labour Day? Complete: ~I Many workers march on 45 Day. 9t 8