OPEC Fact-Finding Worksheet: World Geography

Name: ________________________________
Date: ___________________
9G World Geography: OPEC Fact-Finding Sheet
Directions: Fill in the handout by researching the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
(OPEC) on the Internet or using print sources. Use a separate sheet if you need additional room for
1. What is OPEC, when was it founded, and who is in it?
2. What is the reason for OPEC’s existence?
3. How does OPEC influence the supply of crude oil?
4. How does OPEC promote interdependence among its members?
5. How do the actions of OPEC impact worldwide trade?
6. How do the actions of OPEC impact interdependence between NON-OPEC and OPEC nations?
9G World Geography – OPEC Map Research
Identify and label which countries on the map below are a part of OPEC. Then, research how much
oil each of these countries produces per year and what percentage of all oil produced that equals.
Write this under the country label.