Directions: Close the flaps that are NOT needed to solve your problem. Leave open the flaps that are needed to cancel units and solve Hint: Molar mass (g/mole or reciprocal) is the combined atomic mass of all the elements in the formula. Hint: Mole Ratios show the relationship between two different substances in a chemical reaction and are from the COEFFICIENTS in front of the formulas in the balanced equation. Hint: Molar mass (g/mole or reciprocal) is the combined atomic mass of all the elements in the formula. Mole unknown Value Unit Formula Calculations: Multiply everything across the bottom, multiply everything across the top, then divide the answer from the top by the answer from the bottom. Fold here Givens only on top row!!!!! g known Value Unit Formula Mole known Value Unit Formula g known Fold here Value Unit Formula From molar mass NOT given g unknown Value Unit Formula Mole known Value Unit Formula From coefficients 1 Mole unknown Value Unit Formula = Value Unit Formula