THE COMPONENTS OF PHYSICAL FITNESS WHAT IS FITNESS? • Physical Fitness: the body’s ability to function efficiently and effectively. • Fitness consists of 2 components: • Health Related Fitness • Skill Related Fitness HEALTH RELATED FITNESS COMPONENTS • 1. Body Composition: The proportion of fat and fat free mass (muscle, bone, water) in the body. • 2. Aerobic Endurance: The ability of the body to perform prolonged, large muscle, dynamic exercises at moderate to high levels of intensity. • 3. Flexibility: The ability to move joints through their full range of motion. • 4. Muscular Strength: The amount of force a muscle can produce with a single maximum effort. • 5. Muscular Endurance: The ability of a muscle or group of muscles to remain contracted or to contract repeatedly. SKILL RELATED FITNESS COMPONENTS • Speed • Agility • Balance • Coordination • Reaction Time • Power Which components of fitness do you want to improve/change this semester? WHY BOTHER? • If you are active and fit, you decrease your risk of: • Dying of heart failure • Adult onset diabetes • Osteoporosis • Obesity • High blood pressure, stroke, heart attack • Look good & feel good THE PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICAL FITNESS TRAINING 1. ADAPTATION TO STRESS • The human body is very adaptable. • The greater the demands made on it, the more it adjusts to meet those demands. • Particular types and amounts of exercise are most effective at making the body fit. 2. OVERLOAD PRINCIPLE • - to build muscle you need to use more resistance than your muscles are used to . • - the more you do the more your body is capable of doing, so you should Increase your workload to avoid plateaus. • - lift enough weight that you can ONLY complete the desired # of reps. The last reps should be difficult but still maintain proper form. OVERLOAD PRINCIPLE CAN BE ACHIEVED THROUGH CHANGES IN: • FREQUENCY: how often you exercise (3-5x/week) • INTENSITY: how hard you train • TIME: How long (duration) • TYPE: Mode of activity 3. PROGRESSION • Progression is critical because fitness increases only if the volume and intensity of workouts increase • Exercising at the same intensity every training session will maintain fitness but not increase it as it is not stressing your body enough to adapt. • To avoid plateaus, you need to increase your intensity regularly. PROGRESSION CAN BE ACHIEVED BY: • increasing the amount of weight lifted • changing sets/reps • changing the exercise • changing the type of resistance • training loads must be increased gradually to allow the body to adapt and to avoid injury. 4. SPECIFICITY • Train for your goal • - Develop a particular fitness component by performing exercises specifically designed for that. • - Eg. To build muscle/gain weight – train with heavy weights closer to 1RM • - Eg. To lose weight/body fat – include cardio (interval/circuit training), train with lighter weights/more reps. Keep in mind you CANNOT spot train. 5. REST & RECOVERY • - Rest days are just as important as training days. • - It’s during rest periods that your muscles grow and change. • - Do not work out the same muscle group 2 days in a row. 6. REVERSIBILITY • Fitness improvements are lost when demands on the body are lowered. • Disuse leads to decreasing strength and muscle mass (atrophy) • If you stop exercising, up to 50% of fitness gains are lost within 2 months. 7. INDIVIDUAL RESPONSE • Each person will respond differently to the same training stimulus. • Factors can alter the training response: • - genetics - sleep • - maturity - illness • - nutrition - injury • - prior training - motivation • - environment