AMELIORATION Amelioration is a type of semantic change that happens when a word’s meaning improves or becomes more positive over time. Semantic Change Change in the meanings of words, especially with the passage of time, the study of which is historical semantics. Your Logo or Name Here 2 Amelioration is the result of semantic change in the connotative meaning; the new meaning adds positive charge pretty The adjective “pretty” comes from the Old English “prættig” (West Saxon), “pretti” (Kentish), “*prettig” (Mercian) which meant “cunning, skillful, artful, wily, astute.” In the change from Old English to Middle English, “pretty” by 1400 had come to mean “manly, gallant,” and then it shifted to “attractive, skillfully made,” and then to “fine,” and then by the mid-fifteenth century came to mean “beautiful in a slight way.” dude in 1883 “man who affects an exaggerated fastidiousness in dress, speech and deportment', a dandy (OE) ‘guy, person, man’ (ME) knight (OE) cniht ‘boy, youth, servant, attendant’ About 1100 'military servant‘ became a rank in the nobility (ME). dizzy (OE) ‘foolish’ primary meaning 'suffering from vertigo.‘ (ME) nice about 1300 means ‘silly, simple; ignorant, senseless, absurd’ in 1500s it shifts to 'requiring or involving great precision or accuracy’ in 1800s 'kind and considerate, friendly’. Your Logo or Name Here 4 The following table shows other examples of amelioration, Word Old Meaning Specialized Meaning enthusiasm “abuse” “excitement” queen “woman” Wife of a king governor pilot Head of state minister servant Head of a ministry fond foolish affectionate Your Logo or Name Here 5 Reference Your Logo or Name Here 6