Process Instruction Sheet & Control Recipe
SAP-PP-PI-Process Industries Objectives
• Understand the use and structure of a master recipe
• Understand the meaning and use of a resource
• Understand the meaning and use of a material list
• Understand the structure of the operation overview in the master recipe
• Understand the steps in the production life cycle for process materials
• Understand the meaning and use of co-products
• Understand how process planning, process management, and process control interrelate and what information they pass back and forth
• Understand the meaning and use of control recipes
• Understand the meaning and use of process instructions
• Understand the meaning and use of process messages
SAP-PP-PI-Process Industries Objectives
You should be able to:
•Create a recipe group
•Create a master recipe
•Create a resource
•Create a material list
•Create process instructions
•Create a control recipe
•Create a process order
•Create process messages
Area of Industries
•Special Projects
•Individual Mechanical Engineering
•Assemble According to Catalogue
•Manufacturing by Lot-Size
•Repetitive Manufacturing
•Batch-Oriented Process Manufacturing
•Continuous Process Manufacturing
Areas of PP-PI
• Chemical
• Industry
• Process
• Manufacturing
• Batch
• Production
• Batch and
• Production
• Records
• Food
• Industry
• Variable
• Production
• Parameters
• By-Products
• Co-Products
• Fully and
• Partially
• Automated
• Lines
• Pharmaceutical
• Industry
SAP-PP-PI Process Industries
• PP-PI supports batch-oriented process manufacturing and continuous process manufacturing.
• The target markets for PP-PI are the chemical, pharmaceutical, and food industries.
• The application areas which PP-PI has been developed for are process manufacturing, batch production, byproducts, co-products, fully and partially automated lines, variable production parameters, and batch and production records.
PP-PI vs. Standard PP
• Resource
• Master Recipe
• Process Order
• Standard PP
• Work Center
• Routing
• Production
• Order
PI Sheet
• You can use PI sheets to exchange data between the partially or completely manually operated production level and the R/3 System (PP-PI). In manually operated production lines, this usually involves a process operator who uses the PI sheet to transfer production-relevant actual data to the R/3 system and receives data from the R/3 System.
• You can describe the entire production process of a product or only part of it in a PI sheet. If the
PI sheet only represents part of the production process, you usually need several PI sheets to manufacture a product. You can, for example, define control and picking information for the individual production steps in the PI sheets. The PI sheet is used to inform the process operator about the individual production steps that need to be performed. He or she can interactively maintain the R/3 PI sheet according to the phase sequence.
• Apart from control information, the PI sheet can contain input fields and pushbuttons. You can, for example, define fields into which you want the process operator to enter the quantity of material components consumed for a phase. The material withdrawals must then be posted as goods issues in inventory management. You can use process messages to automatically carry out this function.
PI Sheet
• The process operator can use pushbuttons navigate to other R/3 applications to make entries and then return to the PI sheet. You can, for example, define a pushbutton for quality inspections during production. The process operator can then use this button to navigate to quality management, record inspection results, and then return to the PI sheet.
• You can create two different types of PI sheets:
The ABAP list-based PI sheet
The browser-based PI sheet. This is an enhanced version of the old ABAP list-based PI sheet.
Two of its many advantages are the new user interface in HTML layout as well as new functions.
PI Sheet
ABAP List Based PI Sheet
• The PI sheet represents the result of a control recipe that was sent to a process operator and whose content is displayed as text on the screen. This means the PI sheet is an instruction for the process operator that describes how and in which order a product is manufactured. The PI sheet can, for example, contain information about the picking of raw materials as well as instructions about charging the mixer, filling silos, and so on.
• The R/3 PI sheet is designed for processing on the screen, which means that the process operator should enter, confirm, report, or complete data interactively. In this way, the R/3 PI sheet enables communication between the R/3 System (PP-PI) and process operators in production lines that are operated manually (either fully or partially).
Depending on the process instructions contained in a control recipe, the PI sheet supports the following functions:
Displaying control information such as instructions for the process operator on how to carry out production steps
Displaying additional notes, such as notes on specific rules that must be followed when dealing with dangerous goods
Recording of actual process data
ABAP List Based PI Sheet
Reporting of entered and calculated values using process messages, for example, posting goods issues and receipts or time-ticket confirmations
Navigating to other R/3 applications outside of PP-PI to make entries and afterwards return to the PI sheet
Performing calculations, such as calculating dates
Triggering a dialog or requesting data from internal or external applications
Each PI sheet consists of a header and a number of elements defined via the process instructions in the control recipe or by the process operator when he or she maintains the PI sheet. These elements include:
Control information and notes with additional information for the process operator
Comments by the process operator
Input fields for the actual process data to be reported
Fields for values to be calculated by the system
Pushbuttons that enable the process operator to call user-defined function modules or the QM function for recording inspection results
The data contained in the PI sheet is displayed on an overview screen and various detail screens for the individual elements.
ABAP List Based PI Sheet
The Header
• The header is shown at the very top of a PI sheet's overview screen. It contains information on the following:
The status of the PI sheet
The process order for which the PI sheet was created
The material to be produced
The process operator or group of process operators responsible for maintaining the PI sheet
The Phases
• The lower section of the PI sheet comprises the phases. Depending on the content of the process instructions, they can contain the following information:
Control information Control information for the process operator is displayed on the overview screen of the PI sheet. The information to be displayed is defined in a process instruction of the type “process parameter”. In the PI sheet, the number of the process instruction and the corresponding phase of the process order is displayed before the control information.
ABAP List Based PI Sheet
Additional information Additional information on a process step can be displayed on detail screens within the PI sheet. The information to be displayed is defined as a note in a process instruction of the type “process parameter”. On the overview screen of the PI sheet, one or more pushbuttons are displayed below the corresponding control instruction. You can use these pushbuttons to call up the information on the detail screens.
Comments Within the PI sheet, the process operator can create comments on individual process steps. These comments can either be saved in a special comment sheet within the PI sheet, or they can be reported to process management using a process message. The comment sheet can be accessed from the PI sheet's overview screen by choosing the corresponding menu option or the corresponding pushbutton in the header. Comment messages always refer to a specific process step. If a comment message has been created in the PI sheet, the document symbol as well as the beginning of the comment are displayed to the right of the corresponding control information. You can display the entire comment on a detail screen.
Input values On the overview screen of the PI sheet, input fields are provided for the actual process data to be reported. The values to be reported are defined in process instructions of the type “process data request”. Single input fields are displayed to the right of the preceding control instruction. If several values of the same type are to be reported, a corresponding table is displayed below the control instruction and the other input fields.
ABAP List Based PI Sheet
A signature is a special type of input value that marks the end of a process step within the PI sheet. By executing a signature, you confirm and report the data entered or calculated in the process step. If you have made the corresponding system settings, you must execute a signature with a password or a digital signature . Like any other input value, the signature is defined in a process instruction of the type “process data request”.
Values to be calculated If you want the system to calculate a value in the PI sheet, a field for this value is displayed on the overview screen to the right of the preceding control instruction. If the value has not yet been calculated, the field contains a question mark (?). Values to be calculated are defined in process instructions of the type “process data calculation formula”.
Inspection results If inspection results are to be recorded for an operation or phase, the Record inspection results pushbutton is displayed in the PI sheet to the right of the preceding control instruction. Using this pushbutton, you can branch to the QM function for recording inspection results. The operations or phases for which inspection results are to be recorded are defined using a process instruction of the type “inspection results request”.
Dynamic function calls If an R/3 function module is to be called within the PI sheet (for example, to access order confirmation or material quantity calculation, or to start a user-defined function), a pushbutton with which you can start the function is displayed to the right of the preceding control instruction. The function to be called is defined using a process instruction of the type “dynamic function
Sample ABAP List Based PI Sheet
Browser-Based PI Sheet
• You can also create PI sheets in HTML layout. The browser-based PI sheet is an enhanced version of the ABAP list-based PI sheet . It offers a new user interface that is intuitive and easyto-operate.
• To be able to best use the browser-based PI sheet, you must install Microsoft Internet Explorer
5.0 and make some security settings in the Internet Explorer.
• The PI sheet represents the result of a control recipe that was sent to a process operator and whose content is displayed as text on the screen. This means the PI sheet is an instruction for the process operator that describes how and in which order a product is manufactured. The PI sheet can, for example, contain information about the picking of raw materials as well as instructions about charging the mixer, filling silos, and so on.
• The R/3 PI sheet is designed for processing on the screen, which means that the process operator should enter, confirm, report, or complete data interactively. In this way, the PI sheet enables communication between the R/3 System (PP-PI) and process operators in production lines that are operated manually (either fully or partially).
Browser-Based PI Sheet
• Depending on the process instructions contained in a control recipe, the PI sheet supports the following functions:
Displaying control information such as instructions for the process operator on how to carry out production steps
Displaying additional notes, such as notes on specific rules that must be followed when dealing with dangerous goods
Recording of actual process data
Reporting of entered and calculated values using process messages, for example, posting goods issues and receipts or time-ticket confirmations
Navigating to other R/3 applications outside of PP-PI to make entries and afterwards return to the PI sheet
Performing calculations, such as calculating dates
Triggering a dialog or requesting data from internal or external applications
Browser-Based PI Sheet
• SAP Standard Layout
The following sections show you how the browser-based PI sheet is structured in the SAP standard layout and how the interface elements are displayed.
The browser-based PI sheets comprise a header (details) and the individual phases of the process order. The header and all phases are open when you call the PI sheet and can be collapsed and expanded.
All functions are available in the context menu. In addition, a menu bar in the PI sheet header contains the functions that refer to the entire PI sheet. To display the context menu, you position the cursor on the corresponding field and use the right mouse button. You can also use
Ctrl + F10 to call up the context menu
• To create browser-based PI sheets, you must send your control recipes to a control recipe destination of type 4 : transfer to browser-based PI sheet.
Browser-Based PI Sheet
The Header
The header is shown at the top of the PI sheet. It contains detailed information about the PI sheet that you can hide or show by choosing Details. The header contains information about:
The status of the PI sheet (test or active PI sheet)
The process order for which the PI sheet was created
The material to be produced
The batch to be produced if the material you want to produce is subject to batch management
The number of the control recipe from which the PI sheet was created
The number of the inspection lot if a QM inspection has been defined for the process order
The Phases
The lower section of the PI sheet comprises the phases of the process order. Each phase can be subdivided into several sections. Whenever a long text has been defined, a new section is created. A section ends when the next long text has been defined.
Phases can contain the following elements:
Control information, notes, and input fields for long texts that are displayed on the left side
All input fields, output fields, and pushbuttons that are displayed on the right side
Tables that are displayed over the entire PI sheet screen
Browser-Based PI Sheet
Browser-Based PI Sheet
Browser-Based PI Sheet
Browser-Based PI Sheet
Sample Browser-Based PI Sheet
Process Order Structure
• PO
•PO Header
•Material List
•Process Instructions
•PI Characteristics
•Resource Allocations
•Material Allocations
• Mat
• ----- ------ -------
----- - ----- --
------- ------- ---------
• Material
•Inspection charact.
Operations & Phases
• PO Header
• PO
• Operations
• Phases
• Costs
• Process
• Definition
• Individual step in the processing of a process order
• Resource
Allocations • Mat
----- ------ -------
----- - ----- --
• ------- ------- ---------
• Material
• Material
• Relationships
• Origin
• Manually
• Master recipe
Operations & Phases
•Process Order Demand
•Process Order Creation
•Availability Check
• Mat
----- ------ -------
----- - ----- --
------- ------- ---------
• Material
•Process Order Release
•Control Recipe Creation
•Material Withdrawal
•Process Order Execution
•Completion Confirmation
•Inward Stock Movement
•Process Order Settlement
•Archive / Delete
Creating & Sending Control Recipe
• Process Order
• Header
• Process Management • Process Control
• Operations
• Phases
• Destination
• Process
• Instruction
• Control
• Recipe
• PI Sheet
Control System
Creating & Sending Control Recipe
•Information relevant to process control is stored in the process order in the form of process instructions. The process instructions are assigned to the phases of the process order.
•Process management combines the process instructions into control recipes and transfers the control recipes to the control recipe destinations specified in the process order.
•Control recipes can be created for:
•Process control systems in automated plants
•Line operators in the case of manually controlled lines
•In the second case, the control recipe can be displayed in the form of an R/3 process instruction sheet (PI sheet) which shows the process instructions in natural language and can be maintained by the line operator.
PI Sheet
• PI Sheet is made up with Process Instruction Categories;
Process Message Categories; Characteristics; Process
Message Destination Etc.
• Relationship is like below: Process instruction Categories are assigned in Control Recipe; Inside Process Instruction
Categories Process Message Category is assigned. In Each
Process Message Category Characteristics and Process
Message Destination are assigned. Inside of Process Message
Destination One Function Module is Assigned.
• We will check each Functions one by one.
Control Recipe
• Using control recipes, you transfer control data from the process order to process control. The information contained in a control recipe and the destination to which it is sent are userdefined.
• Control recipes can be used in both automated and manually operated plants. Different types of control recipe destinations are available for this.
• In automated plants, you must use the PI-PCS interface [Ext.] to send control recipes to the process control system (control recipe download). This means that your process control systems must be able to communicate with the SAP System through this interface. The control recipe download can be initiated by the R/3 System or the external system.
• In manually operated plants, you send your control recipes to the R/3 PI sheet. You can choose between the ABAP list-based PI sheet and the browser-based PI sheet .
Control Recipe
• You define the content of control recipes by assigning process instructions to the phases of your master recipe or process order.
• Depending on the definitions in the process instructions, the following data is transferred in control recipes:
Process and control parameters
Information about process messages that are to be returned to PP-PI
Instructions for the process operator as texts in partially automated or manually operated plants
After a process order has been released, the process instructions are combined in control recipes and transferred to process control to be carried out.
All control recipes to be sent are first checked by process management and sent to the corresponding destinations only if the checks were successful.
When the control recipes have been sent, you can monitor the processing status of individual recipes in the control recipe monitor.
Control Recipe Destination
• Process control system, process operator, or group of process operators that receive and execute control recipes
• You define control recipe destinations in Customizing for Process Management by choosing
Control Recipes/PI Sheets -> Define and Set Up Control Recipe Destinations.
• When creating a phase in a master recipe or process order, you assign a control recipe destination to the phase.
• During order processing, you create one control recipe for each control recipe destination in a process order. In the control recipe, you transfer the process instructions of all phases assigned to the corresponding destination .
Control Recipe Destination
• Structure
A control recipe destination contains the following data:
• The destination type that specifies:
Type 1: Transfer to R/3 ABAP list-based PI sheet The control recipe destination is an operating group for the R/3 PI sheet that is displayed as an ABAP list on the screen.
Type 2: Download to external system, initiated by R/3 process management The control recipe destination is an external system. The control recipe transfer to the external system is to be initiated by the R/3 System.
Type 3: Download to external system, initiated by process control The control recipe destination is an external system. The control recipe transfer to the external system is to be initiated by the external system.
Type 4: Transfer to R/3 browser-based PI sheet The control recipe destination is an operating group for the R/3 PI sheet that is displayed in HTML layout on the screen.
Control Recipe Destination
• The destination address
• In destinations for processing R/3 PI sheets, details on:
– − The number of phases that are displayed at the same time
– − Whether a password or a digital signature is required when a signature is executed
• For external systems, the process instruction categories that are suitable for the corresponding system
• Details on the sequence in which material-related process instructions are generated in the process order
• Details on the process instructions that are automatically generated when the control recipe is created
Control Recipe Destination
Process Message Categories
• Process message categories are standard process messages that have been defined in
Customizing for Process Management.
• The standard system comprises a number of standard process message categories that you can use or copy to define your own process message categories. You can create your own process messages in Customizing for Production Planning - Process Industries by choosing Process
Management -> Process Messages -> Defining and Setting Up Process Message Categories .
• Message categories are defined per plant when you customize your process management system.
• The process message category specifies:
Which message characteristics are to be contained, which means which information is to be passed on in a process message of a certain category
The message destinations to which the process message is to be sent
If required, the destination-specific target fields to which the individual message data is to be transferred
Process Message Categories
This offers the following advantages:
• The structure and destination of similar messages need to be defined only once in a plant.
• Only the users defining message categories in Customizing must have a detailed knowledge of the destinations and the data they need. The persons who create process messages during the production process can use the predefined message categories.
• Each process message sent via process management must belong to a predefined message category. You need process message categories:
If you want to define process messages in a process instruction category in Customizing for
Process Management under Defining Process Instruction Categories .
If you want to define process messages in the process instructions of master recipes . and process orders .
Process Message Destination
• User or component to which process messages are sent for processing.
• The standard system comprises a number of standard message destinations of type R/3 function module that you can use or copy to define your own process message destinations. You can create your own process message destinations in Customizing for Production Planning - Process
Industries by choosing Process Management -> Process Messages -> Defining and Setting Up
Process Message Destinations.
You can sent process messages to the following types of destinations:
Type 1: R/3 function modules defined by SAP or the user
This option can be used to update data in other R/3 components such as material stocks in inventory management. The standard system contains a number of message destinations defined for this purpose.
Type 2: external functions
This option mainly serves to coordinate between the different process operators and control systems involved in the execution of a process. For example, a process message can be sent to inform a control system that the manual charging of a vessel has been completed.
Process Message Destination
Type 3: Users of the SAP office mail system
This option can be used to inform specific people within a company on the progress of the production run.
Type 4: ABAP tables
• Message data that has been sent to user-defined ABAP tables can be accessed for evaluation purposes using internal or external functions.
• Depending on the destination type, you may need to define target fields or interface parameters for the characteristic data transferred.
• For the destination type ABAP tables, you must defined additional target fields to which the characteristic data is to be transferred.
• For the destination type R/3 function module you may need to define target fields depending on how the function module has been defined.
• You can assign process message destinations as follows:
To a message category in Customizing for Process Management by choosing Process Messages ->
Defining and Setting Up Process Message Categories.
Directly in the process message if message destination PI07 has been assigned to the message category in Customizing
You can assign more than one destinations to a message category. You can assign each message destination to several message categories.
Process Instruction Category
• Process instruction categories are standard process instructions that have been predefined in
Customizing for Process Management and that usually do not have specific characteristic values assigned. They serve as a kind of template for the process instruction you use in the master recipe and process order.
• If you want to create process instructions in the master recipe and process order, you must always enter a process instruction category that has been predefined in Customizing. The characteristics of this process instruction category are copied into the process instruction. You can, however, change or delete the characteristics and assign process-specific values to them.
You can thus adjust your process instructions to the specific requirements of your master recipe or process order.
• The standard system comprises a number of standard process instruction categories that your can use or copy to define your own process instruction categories. You can create your own process instruction categories in Customizing for Production Planning - Process Industries by choosing Process Management -> Process Instructions -> Define Process Instruction Categories
(General) .
Process Instruction Category
In the process instruction category, you define:
• The process instruction type to which a process instruction belongs
• The information you want to convey in the process instructions, which means that you assign characteristics, and if required, characteristic values to the process instruction category
• Using process instruction categories in the master recipe and process order has the following advantages:
You need to define the structure of similar process instructions only once in a plant.
Only users defining process instruction categories in Customizing need to have a detailed knowledge of the process control systems and the communication formats they require. All other users who create process instructions during process planning can refer to the predefined process instruction categories.
Process Instruction Category
For information processing using the PI sheet, you can use the following process instruction types:
Type 0: universal process instruction category
Type 1: process parameter
Type 2: process data request
Type 4: process data calculation formulas
Type 5: inspection results requests
Type 6: dynamic function calls
Type 7: sequence definition
Control Recipe Destination Configuration: T Code: O10C
Control Recipe Destination Configuration: T Code: O10C
Process Instruction Category Configuration: T Code: O12C
Process Instruction Category Configuration: T Code: O12C
Process Instruction Category Configuration: T Code: O12C
Process Instruction Category Configuration: T Code: O12C
Process Message Destination & Characteristics assignment with Process
Message Category : O13C
Process Message Destination & Characteristics assignment with Process
Message Category :O13C
Process Message Destination & Characteristics assignment with Process
Message Category
PI Sheet generated by this Control Recipe Destination: T Code:CO60
Process Order Data
Process Order Data
Process Order Data
Process Order Data
Process Order Data
Control Recipe Monitor: T Code CO53
Process Message Monitor: T Code CO54