Uploaded by Jacob Chikwanda

Flip Side of the Known: Salvation & Biblical Interpretation

What Did You Miss?
Jacob Chikwanda
Concise list of what is inside
Where it all begins
A twist in a righteous man’s life who thought he was going to heaven
A cry for help
An admonition
Partial journey into biblical interpretation
What can cause the angels to be cursed?
A flip in fallen nature
What did you miss on the birth of water?
Birth in the Spirit resulting in receiving power
An ex-sorcerer asks for power
A testimony worth looking at
Final remarks
Jim Morrison said “There are things known and things unknown and in between
are the doors.” Doors give access to many different things, you have heard of, and
seen many doors through which millions of people have claimed and have being
declared to be saved. You perhaps have gotten into one, but what door did you get
into? Was it a door of salvation or damnation? What if you push a door this day
and realize that all you have known about your salvation is not really what the
Bible says? So what really does the Bible say you must do in order to be saved?
Are you sure you are really saved from the fires of hell if Jesus was to come today,
or if death was to catch up with you?
Where it all begins
“How has life being, or how is life?” is the question that different kinds of
people ask one another. You perhaps have done this often, or just several minutes
prior to reading this, either verbally, or non-verbally. The most common responses
to these questions are what I term as “the triune responses.” These triune responses
are either; positive, negative, or intermediate.
Sometimes individuals positively respond by saying “life’s good,” others
negatively “life’s bad,” and intermediately some simply say “so so,” which is a
means of saying “my life’s good and bad at the same time.” Realistically speaking
what these three responses refer to are what I choose to term as “experiences of
what life offers.”
For instance, the reason why one would say “life’s good” is because they
are living either a satisfactory or over satisfactory life, with no problems in it.
Indeed it is clear that the experiences one undergoes and life itself are inseparable,
one cannot exist without the other, in fact experiences make life what it is.
Have you ever drove to some place, or walked to town, or to a friend’s place
without coming across an angry person, or a drunkard, a frustrated individual, a
man or woman insulting and fighting? Have you ever sat by a place and heard
people complaining about what they are passing through in their lives, or saying
one to another “so and so died?” Ever being somewhere where you saw a child and
an elderly woman begging for money or food, and you just felt sorry for them?
Have you ever being told or heard of stories about young men and women who
suddenly became spoiled and ended up either being shot to death, or jailed up, or
became prostitutes, and you just said to yourself “where are we going with this
Did you come across breaking news concerning the latest war, or latest
machine that has being made to kill mankind, or the newest group of both children
and adults that are involved in killing and kidnapping people? Have you ever
walked late at night and when you saw someone coming fear grabbed you and you
thought to yourself “is this person going to kill or rob me? Have you seen how
many are suffering? Have you ever wondered and asked yourself “why is there so
much evil in this world?”
When the first man Adam chose to disobey God, by giving in to the
temptation of Satan, the entire human race became affected. The Bible says all
human beings are sinners, no one can say I am without sin (1 John 1:10) and
because of this we stand in need for salvation
Read Proverbs 20:9; Isaiah 64:6; I Kings 8:46; 2 Chronicles 6:36
The Bible says God is not a respecter of persons, it is for this reason that the
first three chapters of Romans clearly tell us that both the Jews, and the Gentiles
are sinners before the eyes of the Lord.
Read Romans 3:8-9; Romans 3:23
Because all mankind has sinned, man is subjected to the eternal wrath of God.
Read Romans 6:23; James 1:15
If all have sinned is there hope?
Since the Bible clearly tell us that all humanity is in sin, it means that man,
has neither the power, nor ability to save his self from the wrath that God will
place upon the sinners.
Read Ephesians 2:8-9
From the above scripture, we just read, it is has being made clear that its
grace that saves a man and not his deed lest he boast about it.
A twist in a righteous man’s life who thought he was going to heaven
Do you know Cornelius in the Bible?
The story of Cornelius is found in the book of Acts 10. Here are some of the
compliments that the Bible gives about this man:
He was a devout man, or a very religious man.
Cornelius and his family feared God, and worshiped Him.
He was one who helped people, and gave to the poor.
He was a man who prayed consistently.
God was pleased with his prayers and Charity.
If such an individual was to die, do you think he would go to heaven?
Many individuals would say “most certainly, this kind of an individual
would definitely go to heaven.” But the reality is that this individual was not saved
despite doing all these things, but this does not mean that doing the above deeds
are bad. So you might be wondering and asking yourself “why this man can’t be
Read Titus 3:5
The Bible is very clear, it’s not the works that we do that save us, Cornelius
was doing everything just right but yet he lacked one valuable thing “his personal
salvation.” Many people in this world go to church on Sunday, give offerings and
pay their tithes, they possibly even help the poor and are living just right, but yet
they are not saved.
I guess you are now asking “then what must be done in order to get saved?”
To answer this question we must continue with the story of Cornelius.
Because Cornelius was a righteous and prayerful man God showed mercy upon
him, and sent him an angel (a messenger of God) who told Cornelius to call for
Peter (one of the disciples of Jesus) who would tell him what he needed to do in
order to be saved (Acts 10:5). Peter’s message can also help you know how you
can also be saved. So a question worth looking at is this “what was Peter’s
salvation message to righteous man Cornelius?” But before we answer this
question let’s look at this…
Why did the angel tell Cornelius to call Peter and not some other disciple?
Was it because Peter was good looking, or simply the most eloquent, or an
intellectual capable of explaining the most complex things? The answer is No! It
all begins at Caesarea Philippi sometime before the death of Jesus Christ.
Matthew 16:13-16 13 Now when Jesus went into the region of Caesarea Philippi,
He asked His disciples, who do people say that the Son of Man is? 14 And they
answered, some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and others Jeremiah or
one of the prophets. 15 He said to them, but who do you [yourselves] say that I
am? 16 Simon Peter replied, you are the Christ, the Son of the living God.
Note who answered Jesus’ question in verse 16 “Peter!” this is just part of
the answer, when Peter gave this answer Jesus was pleased and gave him a great
Matthew 16:17-19 17 Then Jesus answered him, Blessed (happy, fortunate, and j
to be envied) are you, Simon Bar-Jonah. For flesh and blood [men] have not
revealed this to you, but My Father Who is in heaven.18 And I tell you, you are k
Peter [Greek, Petro's — a large piece of rock], and on this rock [Greek, Petra — a
l huge rock like Gibraltar] I will build My church, and the gates of Hades (the
powers of the m infernal region) shall n not overpower it [or be strong to its
detriment or hold out against it]. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of
heaven;” -emphasis minePeter was rewarded greatly; Jesus said he would build his Church on a rock
(you need understand that Peter in Greek means a huge rock, so Jesus meant
building his Church on a rock where it wouldn’t be destroyed “Mathew 7:24-25”)
Look at verse 19, Peter was given the keys to the kingdom of heaven, now
here you need to answer this question “what is the Church?” The Church is not a
physical building, but it is a body of individual believers who have died and are
presently living. You also have to understand that the Church is like an airplane
that is getting ready to take off.
If you miss a flight can you be happy? I guess not. The church has a
destination “heaven” so desire to be part of the Church that will be ruptured.
1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven (to
get his Church) with a commanding shout, with the voice of the archangel, and
with the trumpet call of God. First, the Christians who have died* will rise from
their graves. 17 Then, together with them, we (Christians) who are still alive and
remain on the earth will be caught up (or ruptured) in the clouds to meet the Lord
in the air. Then we will be with the Lord forever.
So Peter was given keys that would show one how to be part of the Church
that has already being destined to go to heaven, it is for this reason that Cornelius
was told to call Peter. What are these keys that Peter was given?
These are the keys that have the power to save an individual from the
destruction that will befall those that will remain when the Church is taken away.
When two countries want to wage war, example Zambia and Malawi, the Zambian
government will first take away their ambassador from Malawi and so will the
Malawian government. Did you know that the Church comprises of ambassadors?
2 Corinthians 5:20 tells us that we are ambassadors, so before destruction comes
upon this world which is not our home, we who are part of the Church will be
taken by Jesus, don’t miss this for anything.
What is the source of salvation?
The death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ make salvation possible
for all mankind, and the only way of receiving salvation is by having faith in the
Lord Jesus Christ and the power of His sacrifice. Having faith in the Lord Jesus
Christ is not a mere confession in which one just says “I believe the Lord Jesus
Christ died for me,” but it involves obeying the gospel of Christ, and applying, or
doing what the gospel commands you to do. Jesus is the source of Salvation for all
mankind (John 3:16).
Why is Jesus Christ the source of Salvation?
Read John 14:6; John 8:24; John 6:35
Since all mankind has sinned, Gods holiness demands separation from sinful
man, and requires death as a penalty for man’s sin. But because of God’s love for
humanity He chose to deal with sin by placing a substitution for sin (in the Old
Testament priests sacrificed animals because of the sins of men, but sin was not
permanently dealt with, it was only postponed for a year.)
The Bible tells us that “without the shedding of blood there is no:
I. Removal of sin (Hebrews 9:22)
ii. Restoration to fellowship with the Holy God (Ephesians 2:13-14)
-The blood of animals was not enough to take away sins.
Read Hebrews 10:4
You might be wondering why the blood of animals could not take away the sins of
a man, it’s because man is greater than an animal (his created in the image of God)
Read Genesis 1:27
-It is important to also know that no man can die for another because all men have
sinned, and deserve eternal death (Romans 3:23)
-It is for this reason that God manifested in the flesh of Christ Jesus to die for
Read 1 Timothy 3:16; John 1:14
Christ was without sin (Hebrews 4:15) thus making him the perfect sacrifice that
would permanently take away the sins of the whole world.
Read Hebrews 10:10-17; 9:28
-It is for this reason that there can be no salvation outside Jesus Christ.
What is Salvation?
Salvation is the deliverance from the power and effects of sin. Salvation has
three aspects: past, present, and future:
Past salvation: In the book of Titus 3:5, Paul says “we were saved”
because in the past he had applied the gospel in his life and received, the
forgiveness of sin, liberty from the control of sin, and he was given the
power to save the Lord Jesus Christ. We can also say we were saved if we
have applied the gospel in our lives.
Present salvation: We can say we are saved because presently our sins
that could have led us into eternal death have being forgiven, and we have
been given the power to serve the Lord by His Spirit (Romans 5:10)
Future Salvation: This is when salvation will be complete, despite
currently being saved one faces temptation, sickness, physical death,
hunger, pain, and all the evils that are in this world, thus salvation will
only be complete when we receive the eternal benefits that God has
promised (1 Corinthians 15:51-57).
Who can experience Future salvation?
The only ones who can receive future salvation and its benefits are those who
have experienced past and present salvation. People that can currently say “I am
saved “should make sure they do not return to doing sin, they must endure unto the
end despite the many temptations to commit sin. One can easily lose salvation
Read Mathew 10:22; Romans 1:17
A cry for “help”
When a person is about to lose his life due to certain unexpected events like
drowning, he uses all his strength to cry out “help! Help! Somebody please help
me!” Some people in the Bible also cried out in this manner. We will analyze only
two portions of scripture in which this happened.
Read Acts 2:37
Acts 2:37 has got a very wonderful setting of events, the day of Pentecost
had fully come and the disciples were all filled with the Holy Ghost and spoke with
other tongues as the Spirit gave them the ability (Acts2:1-4). A dramatic series of
events unfolds when those who were dwelling at Jerusalem (Acts 2:4) heard them
speaking with other tongues; we are told that some were excited (Acts 2:6-12) to
hear this, whilst others made fun of them (Acts 2:13). When Peter and the others
heard all this they stood up, and began to explain to them that what they had heard
was that which was prophesied by the Prophet Joel (Joel 2:28).
It was during Peters preaching, that he brought their attention to Jesus Christ
who they had crucified. He told them that the same Christ who they had crucified
was the Messiah who God had promised in the Old Testament (Christ was the
Messiah who was going to come and save them from their sins which could lead
them into eternal death). When they heard that Christ was their Savior, they were
troubled because they had crucified him, and suddenly cried out “Men, and
brethren what shall we do?” in other words they were saying to Peter and the
other Apostles “Please help us to be saved, we don’t want to die and go to
Read Acts 16:27-30
In this Scripture, the Philippian jailer is in dream land as Paul and Silas are
praising and worshiping God, then suddenly a huge earthquake strikes the prison.
When this supernatural thing happened the hand cuffs of the prisoners, and the
prison doors all opened, and the Bible records that the jailer awoke when this
happened, and he thought the prisoners had escaped, so he wanted to commit
suicide but was stopped by Paul. Upon seeing the mighty power of Silas and Paul’s
living God he trembled and fail before them, and was convicted that there is a true
God who can really do what no man can do. He quickly asked “Sirs what can I do
to be saved?” I believe you are also asking “How can I be saved?” Let the Bible
help you.
An admonition
How can you be saved?
Many people and different Churches have different perspectives on how one
can be saved, but no attempt will be made to discuss their beliefs, but our focus
will be to hear from God through His Word the Bible.
Read Romans 3:4
Some say one can be saved by “doing all the 613 laws of Moses,” whilst
others say one can be saved by “confessing with his mouth that Jesus is Lord, and
accepting Him as your Lord and personal savior,” and other say by “doing good
things.” Well these are three ways in which one can be saved, but the Bible says
there is only one way and one faith, not two or three but just one way in which you
can be saved.
Read John 14:6; Ephesians 4:5
Before we look at “how one can be saved” it is important to know a few
very important things about the Bible, otherwise confusion will arise in
understanding how one can be saved.
Read Hosea 4:6; Isaiah 29:11-13
The prophet Hosea said “the people of the Lord perish because they lack
knowledge.” This scripture has a great application in this generation; people are
unknowingly being led to destruction, the prophet Isaiah made it more plain by
saying “both learned and unlearned are lost.”
Why are so many lost?
The reason why many are lost in this generation is because they do not want
to take time, and study the Bible instead they prefer to just hear from men, and
obey what men say, and not confirm the things they hear in the Word of God. As a
result some individuals think they do what is right (because the pastor, prophet,
reverend, bishop or whomsoever told them so), but the Lord says “their hearts are
so far from me because they follow the doctrines of men, and not what the Bible
tells them (Isaiah 29:11-13).
Warning: Pastors, reverends, prophets, and bishops who preach and teach
tradition (or men’s doctrines), and not what the Bible says lead those who the Lord
has placed in their charge to destruction, and will give an account for every soul
that will go to hell for that (Hebrews 13:7). Jesus said “take care lest men deceive
you (Mark 13:5)”, Paul further said “see to it, then, that no one enslaves you by
means of worthless false human wisdom, which comes from the teachings handed
down by human beings, and from ruling spirits of the universe, and not from
Christ. (Colossians 2:8)”
Partial journey into biblical interpretation
In order to know how you can be saved you need to “study (Gods word) to
shew thyself approved unto God, (in order to become) a workman that needeth not
to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Timothy 3:16).” Rightly
dividing the word of truth means “correctly knowing and understanding what God
has spoken to us in His words.”
Since there is only one way to salvation, we are going to rightly divide
Gods word in order to know how we can be saved.
Two important things to know about the Bible in relation to salvation:
1. The three groups addressed by the Bible (1 Corinthians 10:32):
The Bible is indeed for all men, but not all passages of scripture apply
to all men. Some Bible scriptures apply to the Jews, others Gentiles, and
others to the Church of God. In order to know how you can be saved it is
important to know that;
-If a scripture concerns the Jews it should not be understood as referring to
the Gentiles.
-If it refers to the Church it should not be understood as referring to the
Gentiles, or the Jews.
-If a passage speaks of the Gentiles it should not be understood as speaking
to the Jews, or the Church.
Look at this example: “You here a phone ringing at a strangers place,
what do you do? You cannot pick it up because it does not concern you, you
don’t know who the caller is, and what his message is for the right receiver
of the call.” Using a scripture that concerns the Jews to explain salvation for
this generation is like picking up a phone call at a stranger’s house.
Knowing these three groups will help you know where you fit in, and
what God expects of you, “God is the caller and you are the right receiver.”
Where do you fit in amongst these three groups?
Jews are those who are in the bloodline of Abraham, Gentiles are those not
in the bloodline of Abraham (non-Israelites), and the Church is a special group
comprised of both Jews, and Gentiles who have equal footing with one another.
If one is in the bloodline of Abraham he is a Jew, but if not, then he is not a
Jew. Please note that the phrase spiritual Jew is not biblical, you can either be a
Jew, or Proselyte Jew, or a Gentile but not a spiritual Jew (it’s unscriptural).
Does this mean salvation for the Jews, Gentiles, and the Church is different?
The answer is a definite “no.” When we begin to discuss the different
Dispensations that have existed, you will discover that different plans of salvation
were given to men of different Dispensations.
It should also be emphasized at this point that in our Dispensation it matters
not whether you be a Jew, or a Gentile (this will be discussed later in this lesson)
2. The Dispensation’s:
Dispensation is from a Greek which means “Management,
administration or stewardship.” A company always has a manager who
manages different kinds of departments; department of transport, department
of resource, department of health, and so on.) Answer this question, “Does
the manager manage all the departments and the people in different
departments in them the same way?” No, he manages them differently.
Dispensations have to deal with God managing different people of
different time periods in respect to their sin and responsibility. As a company
manager manages different departments, so it is in our case, the manager is
“God,” and the different departments are the “dispensation that He dealt
with (past), is dealing with (presently), and will deal with (future).
Is it important to discuss this?
As we had established earlier “the Bible is for all of us, but not all passages
of scripture involve all of us.” The lesson of dispensations will help you to
understand how God dealt, and how he is currently dealing, and how he will deal
with the three groups that the Bible addresses.
This will also help you to know what your responsibility is in respect to your
salvation in this present dispensation that you are living in.
The eight dispensations
In this particular lesson, only six dispensations will be discussed. Please note
that, if you are reading this, then you are in the sixth dispensation were it matters
not whether you are a Jew, or a Gentile.
I. Dispensation of Innocence: Genesis 1:26 to 2:25
This is the first dispensation, it started when man (Adam) was created,
and ended when man sinned against God. No one knows how long it
In this Dispensation mankind knew neither good nor evil, but was free
to choose between the two if they were placed before him.
Man was given the responsibility to be faithful, and replenish the earth
(Genesis 1:28), and was also responsible for taking care of the Garden
of Eden (Genesis 2:15)
Man was commanded not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and
evil (Genesis 2:8, 9, 16, 17)
Man chose to disobey God by obeying Satan and eating of the tree
that God had commanded them not to. As a result Sin entered into this
present world and all the evils that we see “this was Gods judgment
for disobedience.”
As a result of Adam’s sin (Genesis 3:6), judgment came upon; the
serpent (Genesis 3:14), the woman (Genesis 3:16), the man (Genesis
3:17-19), the earth (Genesis 3:17-19), and upon the entire human race
(Romans 5:12-19).
Because of God’s love, He gave the first promise of a coming
deliverer (Christ) who would destroy Satan (Genesis 3:15).
ii. The Dispensation of Conscience: Genesis 3 to 7
Started when man was with sin outside the Garden of Eden, led only
by his conscience that had being awakened by eating of the tree of
knowledge of good and evil.
This dispensation lasted about 1656 years.
Man had the responsibility to do good (Genesis 4:7). The minority
lived by faith (Hebrews 11:4-7), while the majority were wicked
(Genesis 6:1-8).
Because man failed to fulfill his responsibility of doing good,
judgment came upon man, animals and both were destroyed by the
flood (Genesis 6:7).
But because of God’s mercy, eight souls were spared to begin in a new
dispensation (Genesis 7:1; 1 Peter 3:20).
iii. The Dispensation of Human Government: Genesis 8 to Genesis 11:9
This dispensation started after the flood had destroyed all the evil
men that were on the earth.
This dispensation lasted about 427 years.
Man was given the responsibility to multiply and replenish the earth
(as seen in Genesis 1:28, God wanted man to spread over all the
earth and not to stay at one place), and govern for God. (Genesis 9:17)
Man chose to disobey God by not spreading all over the earth, instead
mankind built a city and a tower which symbolized their rebellious
plan to glorify themselves and avoid their God-given responsibility:
“let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of
the whole earth” (Genesis 11:4).
This dispensation ended in judgment as God destroyed their plan by
confusing their languages.
Our God who is full of mercy chose a man called “Abraham” through
whom he could extend his mercy to all mankind. (Genesis 12:1)
iv. The Dispensation of Promise: Genesis 11:10 to Exodus 15:21
It started when Abraham was called by God and ended at the exodus of
the Children of Israel. This dispensation lasted 430 years.
During this time God dealt directly with the patriarchs (Abraham,
Isaac, and Jacob).
God promised Abraham that he would be the father of a great nation
(Genesis 12: 1-3; 13: 14-17; 15: 6; 26: 2-3.)
Abraham was given the responsibility to dwell in the land that God
had given him (Genesis 12:1-7). He was not to go down to Egypt; this
was a call to separation from the worldly things that were in Egypt
(Genesis 26:2-5).
When a famine broke out (Genesis 41:56) it was Gods will that Israel
go into Egypt during the famine, but it was also His will to bring them
up again to Canaan. When the Israelites became prosperous in Egypt
they refused to go to the Promised Land thereby disobeying God.
As a result Gods judgment was that they become slaves in Egypt
(Exodus 1:8-14)
The Lord heard the cry of the Children of Israel and delivered them
(Exodus 3:9-10)
v. The Dispensation of Law: Exodus 19 to John 19:30
Started at Sinai and ended at Calvary.
This dispensation lasted about 1491 years.
The Law of Moses was a covenant made specifically and only
between God and the nation of Israel (Jews).”2 Kings 17:7-20”
It included 613 commandments that the nation of Israel was to
This dispensation ended with the coming of Jesus Christ and His
complete fulfillment of all the prophetic aspects of the Law.
Please note that Christians do not keep the Sabbath because it was a covenant
made between God and the Children of Israel only. It had never being established
in other dispensations, it was only established in the dispensation of law “The Lord
made not this covenant with our fathers, but with us, even us, who are all of us here
alive this day” (Deuteronomy 5:3). “Moreover also I gave them my Sabbaths, to
be a sign between me and them, that they might know that I am the Lord that
sanctify them” (Ezekiel 20:12). In fact the Bible tells us that “let therefore no man
judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of any holy days, or of the new moon,
or of the Sabbath: which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ
(Colossians 2:16-17)” Sabbath was a shadow of things that have come through
Christ, we now enter not into a physical rest, but a spiritual rest (Hebrews 4:8-10)
Israel was to keep the law (2 Kings 17:7-20). Instead they crucified their
Messiah, the only one who had ever kept the law (Mathew 27:20-25). As a
result judgment resulted in; captivity of Israel (2 Kings 17:6), Captivity of
Judah (2 Kings 25:7-11), dispersion of Israel over the world (Deuteronomy
28:58-67), destruction of Jerusalem by Titus in 70 A.D (Mathew 24:1, 2)
Mercy and truth are met together at the cross of Calvary (Psalm 85:10).
It is worth noting that the thief on the cross didn’t have to be baptized
because he was living in the dispensation of law “this is for people who
claim that baptism is not necessary.” look at this…..
Hebrews 9:16-1716 Now when someone leaves a will,* it is necessary to
prove that the person who made it is dead.* 17 The will goes into effect only
after the person's death. While the person who made it is still alive, the will
cannot be put into effect.
When Jesus was talking to the two thieves on the cross it was a clear
that he (the testator) was still alive, which means the dispensation of law had
not yet ended, but when he died he introduced a new dispensation which
required new ways of salvation.
vi. The Dispensation of Grace (or The Church Age): Acts 2 to 1
Thessalonians 4:17
This dispensation started on the day of Pentecost and will end when the
Church is ruptured. This dispensation has existed from the day of
Pentecost till date. No man knows when it will end (Mathew 24:36), it
will happen at any moment in time; it is for this reason that one ought to
be constantly prepared.
The church itself is a mystery, not revealed to the prophets of old
(Ephesians 3:3-6). During the church age, God is visiting us the Gentiles
to take out a people for His name (Acts 15:14). During this age, believing
Jews can be saved as well (Galatians 3:28).
After the Rapture of the church (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18), the judgment
of God will fall upon the Laodicean church and the unbelieving world (1
Thessalonians 5:1-9; Matthew 24; Mark 13; Luke 21; Revelation 2:1422; Daniel 9: 24-27) for a period of seven years “where the famous 666
will take its course.”
Please note that, this is the dispensation in which we are living in, humble
yourself and just listen to what you should do in order to be saved according to
the Bible. After knowing these few things lets now get back to the question at
How can I be saved?
At this point you already know that it’s not personal works of righteousness
that save you as discussed earlier. It has also being made clear that doing the 10 or
613 commandments does not save you (it saved those in the dispensation of Law),
so how then can you be saved in this Church age?
Read Romans 1:16
In this scripture we are told that what saves a man is having faith in the
gospel of Christ.
Please note that some people wrongly interpret Romans 10:9 “if thou shalt
confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe that God hath raised him from
the dead thou shalt be saved.” And Romans 10:13 “For whosoever shall call on
the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Some are told “pray after me in order to be
saved today” and they start praying “Lord Jesus I accept you as my Lord and
personal savior forgive my sins and wash me in your blood Amen.” And they will
be congratulated “you are now saved,” that’s not how it should be. When you read
the whole of Chapter Romans 10 you will understand that Paul’s concern was on
Israel’s present condition (Romans 10:1). Paul said that many Jews have a zeal
for God but not according to knowledge of God’s word (Romans 10:2), they have
held on to the Old Testament or Covenant by doing the Law of Moses, there by
establishing their own righteousness which they think will save them in this
dispensation, and not submitting to the righteousness of God revealed through
Christ in this dispensation “the dispensation of Grace” (Romans 1:17; Romans
10:3). But Paul says that “Christ is the end of the law for righteousness (Romans
10:4)” in other words we are now in a New Testament or Covenant with Christ
(Hebrews 9:15) and our Covenant is not of the Law of Moses which gave those in
it righteousness (Romans 10:5), it is of faith (Romans 10:6-13). In verse 14 he
asks “how they will call on the Lord Jesus if they don’t believe, or how they can
believe on whom they have not heard if the preacher does not preach to them.
Many Israelites in Paul’s time heard many preachers but refused to obey the gospel
of Christ (Romans 10:16), and presently many Jews refuse to obey the Gospel of
Christ (Romans 10:16-21). The whole passage stresses that it is important to
believe in the gospel of Christ otherwise there can be no salvation for both the
Jews and the Gentiles.
What can cause the angels to be cursed?
Galatians 1:8
8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you
than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
What then is the Gospel of Christ?
Others refer to it as the good news, so the good news or the gospel is defined
by the Bible in this scripture;
Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-4
Paul delivered unto them the gospel which he had neither received from any
man, nor was he taught by any, but he said “I received it (the gospel) by the
revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ.”(Galatian1:12) Paul told them that they stood
on the gospel, “our lives should be built, and established on the Gospel.” He
emphasizes that they are saved by the gospel, “we are saved by the gospel.”
The Gospel of Christ is that “Christ died for our sins, and that he was buried,
and that he rose again the third day.
How do the death, the burial, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ save you?
Read Romans 1:16; Romans 10:9-10; 1 Corinthians 15:2
Before knowing how the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ can save
you, you must ask yourself this question, “Do I believe with all my heart that
Christ died, was buried and that he resurrected?” If you do not believe that Christ
died, was buried, and that he resurrected, you need to make a confession or admit
with your mouth as seen in (Romans 10:9) “that the Lord forgive you for not
believing in the Lord Jesus, but now you believe with all your heart that God has
surely resurrected the Lord Jesus who died for your sins and was buried.”
Believing the written Gospel brings faith, for the Bible says “faith cometh by
hearing and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:17) Indeed you can believe
in your heart that God hath raised Christ from the dead and decide to end there, but
the Bible says “Faith without works is dead.” (James 2:17) Faith brings tangible
results “something one can see and even touch,” or evidence (Hebrews 11:1). For
faith does not stand alone, it stands with works, if you have faith that Jesus Christ
died, and was buried, and that he resurrected what are your works?
Have you died with Christ?
Have you being buried with Christ?
Have you resurrected with Christ?
In order for you to be saved there must be a constant balance in your faith and
works, if you believe Christ died for you, you must die with him (It’s your faith
with works), and if you believe he was buried, you must be buried with him (It’s
your faith with works), and if you believe he resurrected you must resurrect with
him. “This is faith in the gospel with works confirming that your faith is not dead.”
A flip in fallen nature
How do you die with Christ?
We die with Christ by crucifying the old man, or old nature (Ephesians 2:2-3).
The old nature makes one a slave to sin, and takes away the power to serve God.
Read Romans 6:6
Is it important to crucify the old man with Christ?
The word of God clearly tells us that those who die with Christ will also live
with him. From this it is important to understand that those who embrace dying
with Christ will also live with him.
Read Romans 6:8
When you die with Christ, sin no longer reigns in your mortal body, in other
words you will no longer be a slave to sin, therefore making you a free man to
serve the Lord. (Romans 6:11-12)
Does this mean you will never sin?
Read Galatians 5:17
The Bible speaks of the constant war that is present between the flesh and
the Spirit. When one dies with Christ, this war between the flesh and the Spirit is
still present, but what isn’t present in a man who dies with Christ, is the old nature
that prevents one from serving the Lord, and that enslaves one to sin. When you
die with Christ, it does not mean you will never sin. It is for this reason that one
needs to crucify the lusts or the filthy desires of the flesh daily (Romans 8:13; 1
Corinthians’ 15:31).
How then do you crucify the old man, or nature with Christ?
You crucify the old man through a process called genuine repentance.
Repentance is a complete personal decision to forsake sin (I John 3:4), and turn to
God (2 Chronicles 7:14).
Read Acts 26:20.
Should you repent?
From the beginning we have learnt that all have sinned (Romans 3:23), and
because of this, every sinner should forsake his wicked ways and turn to the Lord,
or else he will perish.
Mathew 3:10; Romans 6:23; Luke 13:3; Galatians 5:19-21
How should your repentance be?
Your repentance should be one that should start with a realization within
your heart that you are a sinner, who has disgusted the Lord by your attitudes and
sinful life style (going to Church, and praying sometimes doesn’t mean you have
genuinely repented, some lifestyles are corrupt, holy on Sunday, and unholy on
other days).
Upon realizing the sins you do in private, and in public, there must be a
genuine confession of sins (Proverbs 28:13) not to any man but to God who is the
forgiver (Isaiah 43:25). You do not have to go and confess your sins to any man
because Jesus is the mediator (or negotiator between God and man) “1 Timothy
Your confession and crying out to God for forgiveness should be full of
sorrow and regrets upon realizing that all your actions have being wrong all along.
“For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation…..”(2 Corinthians 7:10)
David a man after Gods heart always cried out to the Lord for forgiveness
whenever he sinned, “I will declare mine iniquity; I will be sorry for my sin”
(Psalm 38:18), “…a broken heart and contrite heart, O God thou wilt not despise”
(Psalm 51:17).
Jesus spoke of a publican who smote his breast, “God be merciful to me a
sinner” (Luke 18:13), as a man who went justified because of his repentance.
Repentance should be full of a heavy heart crying out to the Lord “dear reader,”
your prayer should be full of regrets upon past deeds that did not please the Lord.
What are the benefits of genuine repentance?
God forgives our sins and cleanses us from all unrighteousness like; worldly
addictions, drunkenness ( or beer drinking, or smoking), adultery, murder,
fornication, unfaithfulness to God, your wife, or husband, family, parents,
Children, insults, envy, jealousness, cruelty, witchcraft, fighting, stealing, lying,
bad tempers, bringing of divisions, gossip, party spirits (Galatians 5:19-21)
Read 1 John 1:9
There will be joy in heaven, and you might even pray through to the Holy
Ghost, and speak with other tongues.
Read Luke 15:7 and Acts 10:43-46
Genuine repentance qualifies a man to be baptized in Jesus name (this is one
of the reasons why a babe, or a baby cannot be baptized, a baby cannot repent from
its sins for it knows neither good nor evil, and neither does it have faith. A baby
can only be dedicated unto the Lord “1 Samuel 1:28,” do not do what the Bible
does not command).
Read Acts 2:38 and Acts 10:33
What did you miss on the birth of water?
John 3:5
5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born of
water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
How do you get buried with Christ?
In this world that we live in, whenever a person dies he has to be buried; the
same applies to your salvation. When you die with Christ by crucifying the old
nature you need to get buried with Christ through a process called “water baptism.”
Read Romans 6:3, 4 and Colossians 2:12
Who can get baptized?
As we studied earlier, the only one who can get baptized is the one who
genuinely repented, and by so doing got qualified to be buried with Christ.
The Bible also says, only those that believe can be baptized (a baby doesn’t
believe, so he can’t be baptized). (Mark 16:16; Acts 8:36-37)
Is baptism important?
Many people say “baptism is nothing more than a sign; one can be saved
with, or without baptism.” False doctrine, the truth to the matter is, “baptism is
very, very important,” the Bible says whoever is not baptized shall not be saved
(Mark 16:16), and it also so says that whoever gets baptized receives the removal
of sins (Luke 24:47), it also adds on to say that “for as many of you as have been
baptized have put on Christ.” (Galatians 3:17)
In fact, baptism is being buried with Christ which is a second step to your
salvation, and has its origin in the dispensation of the law as a shadow of things to
come in Christ, so it’s very important. The Bible cannot emphasize a useless thing;
it only emphasizes the most important.
How should I be baptized?
As emphasized earlier, we ought to obey Gods word, and not be misled by
mere men’s words. Many have missed the clear explanations of the Bible on this
matter, and follow tradition rather than the Bible. Open your heart and mind to
understand what the Bible says about how you should be baptized, that you may be
saved; the Bible says "My people perish because they lack knowledge”
Hosea 4:6.
The Bible says “we are buried with him by baptism…” (Romans 6:3-4). Burial is
defined as “a ritual of placing a dead body under the ground,” and the Bible says
“we are buried with Christ by baptism….” This means that Baptism involves a
complete immersion of the body into the watery grave (or into the water.) Would it
be normal, to bury someone’s body, and leave the hands above the ground?
If you say it’s not normal to leave the hands above the ground, you are right.
Baptism comes from a Greek word “baptizo” which means to dip, or submerge an
object into the water. Therefore baptism should be done in much water in order to
cover the whole body, not by sprinkling, or pouring of water on the head, but by
dipping one into the water. It would also be abnormal, or not right, to leave some
parts dry when you are being buried with Christ.
Read Mathew 3:16; John 3:23; Acts 8:38
Does immersion or dipping really matter?
It most certainly does because its Gods own plan given to man for his
salvation. He even decided to give us multiple examples of immersion in the Bible
to prove it’s relevance to us in this present generation; In Acts 2:41 “3,000 souls
were baptized in much water,” Paul and Silas baptized the Philippian jailer during
the midnight hour in much water (Acts 16:33), The Ethiopian eunuch saw water
befitting a watery grave and commanded his Chariots to stand so that he could be
baptized in much water (Acts 8:38), Galatians 3:27 says “those that are baptized
into Christ have put him on” how can one put own Christ by sprinkling, or pouring
of water on your head? It’s not possible; it can only be done through burial, or
immersion into much water, Christ was buried in a tomb that was completely shut,
shouldn’t you also be placed in a tomb of water that will be shut? You should if
you say you are to be Christ like.
Disobeying this command would make one like the Pharisees whom Jesus
rebuked for “putting aside the commandments of God and holding on to the
traditions of men” (Mark 7:8) and by so doing they made the commandments of
God have no effect, but made their tradition to be of effect and not Gods word
(Mathew 15:6). Being immersed in much water will be an act obedience and
reverence to Gods holy word. Also, immersion will be a fulfillment of you being
buried with Christ, sprinkling, or pouring of water on your head is in no way
related to getting buried with Christ, it’s not a biblical pattern, but a convenient
man made pattern.
In whose name should you be baptized?
Many people think within themselves “the Bible contradicts itself upon
reading Mathew 28:19 and Acts 2:38,” reality is that it doesn’t. A thought that the
Bible contradicts itself is a product of failing to correctly interpret scriptures.
Mathew 28:19 says that everyone should be baptized in the “name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost,” while Acts 2:38 says one should be
baptized in the “name of Jesus Christ.” When one is asked, “which one is correct?”
Many often say “the command that Jesus gave.” This is not true, let’s closely study
Mathew 28:19;
Jesus said “……..baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Ghost”
Many Pastors and Reverends get this scripture literally and baptize people in
the “words Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,” and not in the “name of the
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”
Jesus said “people should be baptized in a singular name,” do you see any
name in Mathew 28:19? All you can see in Mathew 28:19 are the titles
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but not the name of the Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit.
To understand this scripture you must answer these simple questions
a. Is there a name in Mathew 28:19?
b. If there is no name in Mathew 28:19, what then is the name of the
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost?
c. If there is no name in Mathew 28:19 are you really baptized in the
name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost?
d. What then is the name in which I must be baptized in?
The above questions should bring you to a point of realization that Mathew
28:19 has got no NAME, look at this example “Jacob is a Child to his
parents, he is also a Student at Word Aflame Bible College, and he’s also an
Evangelist who preaches the word of God.”
Answer these questions about Jacob in relation to the example
a. What is the name of the Child, Student, and Evangelist?
b. Is Child, Student, and Evangelist Jacobs name?
c. If you were to visit Jacobs house can you say “am looking for
someone who has the name Child, Student, and Evangelist?” or
would you simply say “am looking for Jacob?”
d. Why would you say “I’m looking for Jacob, and not the one who
has the name Child, Student, and Evangelist?
When you get directly baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit, you are baptized in titles only, and not calling upon the name which is
of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
To know the name in Mathew 28:19 ask yourself these questions
a. What is the name of the Father?
b. What is the name of the Son?
c. What is the name of the Holy Spirit?
Please note that, Jesus said in the “name,” not “names.” So the name of the
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit must be one and not two, or three.
The name of the Father……………
Read John 5:43
In this portion of scripture Jesus said the name that he came here on earth
with was his father’s name. This means that the name of the Father is Jesus.
The name of the Son………………
Read Mathew 1:21
The name of the Son is Jesus
The name of the Holy Ghost……………….
Read John 14:26
Jesus said that Father would send the Holy Ghost/Spirit in his name, which
means that the name of the Holy Spirit is Jesus. In fact we Christians say “Christ
lives in us,” Who lives in us? It’s Jesus who told his disciples that “……he that
dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.” (John 14:7) He spoke of himself coming
in Spirit form to dwell in man (Romans 8:9)
Pay attention to how accurate Bible interpretations fall into place, we now
know that the name in Mathew 28:19 is Jesus. The question now remains “can we
prove this further in the Bible?”
Jesus himself said that baptism should be preached in his name among all
Read Luke 24:47
This is a fact; Jesus said that “baptism was to be preached in his name
beginning at Jerusalem among all nations.”
More proof, since Jesus told the disciples that baptism should be preached in
his name among all nations beginning at Jerusalem then we can prove that baptism
in Jesus name began at Jerusalem and continued till date. Read these scriptures in
this order
In Luke 24:47 (Jesus gives a commission on the mount called Olivet as also found
in Mathew 28:19 and Mark 16:16, that baptism should be preached in his
nameamong all nations.)>>Then in Acts 1:9 (Jesus ascends into heaven after he
spoke to the disciples and others.)>> Acts 1:12 (states clearly that they returned to
Jerusalem from Olivet fulfilling what they were told in Luke 24:49)>> Acts 2:5
(shows that people from different nations, and amazingly all nations were gathered
in Jerusalem, therefore fulfilling the words that Jesus had told them to go into all
the world and preach this very gospel “Mathew 28:19, Luke 24:49 and Mark
16:16”)>> Acts 2:38 (beginning of baptism in Jesus name, and preaching of the
gospel to all nations hence shown.)
In summary Baptism should be done in much water, in the name of Jesus
Christ. Why should it be done in the name of Jesus Christ? Luke 24:47 and Acts
2:38 says that the name Jesus remits, or removes sin, also Acts 4:12 says Jesus is
the only name that can save a man, Mathew 28:18 says all power here on earth,
and in the heavens is given unto Jesus, and you get buried with Jesus Christ and
not the Father, or the Holy Spirit (Colossians 2:12). Lastly the Bible commands
that whatsoever we do in acts (works), or in words, we should do all in the name of
Jesus (Colossians’ 3:17), guess what? Baptism is an act, or a work therefore it
should be done in Jesus name, failure to do so leads into disobedience.
Can you get re-baptized if you were not baptized in Jesus name?
Misunderstandings corrected:
1. Concerning Paul re-baptizing John the Baptist’s disciples.
Some people claim that this re-baptism was not of water but it was of the
Spirit. But this is not true, if one says that this re-baptism was of the Spirit, he will
have trouble explaining verse 5 and verse 6 of Acts 19, because in verse 5 we are
told that they were baptized in Jesus name, and after that he laid his hands on them
and prayed for them to receive the Holy Ghost which they received with an initial
sign of speaking with other tongues (verse 6).
This is similar to what had happened when Philip had gone to Samaria (Acts
8). Those that believed were baptized in Jesus name (Verse 12), and later the
apostles prayed for them to receive the Holy Ghost (verse 17).
2. Concerning Hebrews 6:1-3.
Some people have misunderstood the scriptureHeb 6:1-2 “Therefore leaving
the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection (spiritual
maturity); not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of
faith toward God,Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of
resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment.”
Some say that because the Bible says we should not lay the foundation of
baptism, it is not necessary to even get re-baptized, but one needs to understand
that the emphasis of God’s word in these portions of scripture was that one who
has undergone the listed things should start approaching maturity in Christianity.
Repentance from dead works and baptisms (of water and of the Spirit) are what
cause one to be born again, but they do not cause one to mature, they are like milk
as spoken of by the Hebrew writer (Hebrews 5:13-14).
So baptism is part of a new birth experience, which makes it a very cardinal for
salvation, so baptism should be left if only one had done it the right way, but if not,
Heb. 6:3 tells us that there is a need for us to go back to baptism if God permit….
And so God has permitted that you be baptized the right way for a proper
foundation of your salvation.
You can be re-baptized if you were involved in the following:
1. If you were baptized in the words father, son, and Holy Spirit.
2. If you were sprinkled at baptism.
3. If you were not dipped in water during your baptism.
In the Bible Paul re-baptized the disciples of John the Baptist In the name of
Jesus Christ for the remission of their sins. If you are not baptized the correct way,
it is my sincere prayer that you get convicted to get baptized in Jesus name for the
remission of your sins, so that one day we meet in the clouds of glory.
Read Acts 19:1-6
Birth in the Spirit resulting in receiving power
Acts 1:8
8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you
will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem,
throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
How do you resurrect with Christ?
“Like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even
so we also should walk in newness of life. For if we have been planted together in
the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection”
(Romans 6:4-5). “Reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive
unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:11).
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ (Romans 8:9), so when you receive
the Holy Spirit, Christ comes into you, and begins to live in you. The Holy Spirit
brings into our lives the same very power that resurrected Jesus from the dead
(Romans 8:11).
Is the Holy Spirit important?
Yes, the only way that you will resurrect, or be caught up in the clouds when
the trump of God is blown (I Thessalonians 4:16-17), is if you are filled with the
Holy Spirit (Romans 8:11).
The other reason is this, for you to qualify as belonging to God, or being His
child, you need to be filled with His Spirit (Romans 8:9). It is also a seal, or a
stamp, or a mark that shows God that you are His property, this therefore assures
us that we will receive all that the Lord has promised, and everlasting freedom in
the hereafter. (Ephesians 1:13-14)
How can you receive the Holy Spirit?
Receiving the Holy Spirit is very easy to those that have taken a genuine
step of repentance. In fact true repentance allows an individual to pray through to
the Holy Spirit. The Bible says, “Ask, and it will be given you….” (Mathew 7:7).
Some people never pray by themselves, but wait for someone to pray for them, if
you are one of those, you won’t get the Holy Ghost. You have got to pray on your
own, for the Spirit of God to come.
The reasons why some find it difficult to receive the Spirit of God is because
they fail to genuinely leave the worldly things and give the entire lives to God.
They want to serve both God and the world, they want to serve, pray, praise, and
worship God on a Sunday, then serve the devil on a Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Whenever a Sunday comes they want
to get serious with the Lord. Jesus said “you can’t have two masters” (Mathew
6:24). You will respect one more than the other, Our God is a Jealous God, and he
wants all of you, not half of you. It is for this reason that you first have to give and
surrender all of you to Him, by “presenting your body as a living sacrifice, holy,
and acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service (Romans 12:1), and he
will fill you with the Holy Spirit.
How do I know that I have received the Holy Spirit?
Receiving the Holy Spirit goes beyond the finite reasoning of a man, and it
is real, true, a fact, a definite fact, and evident in the Word of God, and in every
believers life in this generation that “Speaking with other tongues is the initial
evidence of receiving the Holy Spirit.”
Many say, “I used to do many evil things, but when I received the Holy
Spirit I started doing good things, righteous things.” But the Bible is clear
“Tongues are for a sign, not to them that believe, but to them that believe not…..”
don’t rush into saying “I am a believer, so tongues are not for a sign for me.” A
believer is one that has fulfilled all that was said on the day of Pentecost “Repent,
be baptized in Jesus name for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift
of the Holy Ghost.” (Acts 2:38) The Bible considers all those that have fulfilled the
Acts 2:38 message as believers, so tongues are for a sign to them that believe not,
that they may believe, and have a personal desire to experience what it feels like to
receive the Holy Ghost and speak in tongues genuinely “Warning, do not fake
tongues, it is God who gives one the ability to speak in tongues.”
Please note that, speaking in tongues is two-fold
-Firstly, speaking in tongues is a sign that one has being filled with the Holy Spirit
(Acts 10:44-46, Acts 2:1-4) -Secondly, speaking in tongues is a gift that God has
placed upon desiring believers to deliver prophecy. (I Corinthians 12:10; Isaiah
1 Corinthians 14:22 rightly divides these two types of tongues. In fact, in verse 4
of first Corinthians 14 it is explained that there are personal tongues that build one
“a conversation between God and man which other people can’t hear (1
Corinthians 14:27-28),” and those that edify the whole Church (these are the very
ones that require interpretation).
Is speaking in other tongues for this generation?
Some say it ended in the Bible times, yet the Bible says “The Lord will pour
out His Spirit on all flesh…” (Joel 2:28) The promise was unto them in the Bible
Times, to their Children, and also to we who were afar off, even as many as the
Lord our God shall call (Acts 2:39). It’s for you, and your Children, believe the
Bible not men.
Is there another sign to show that I have received the Holy Ghost apart from
speaking in other tongues?
The Bible is very clear in Mark 16:17 “And these signs shall follow them
that believe; in my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new
tongues;” Now ask yourself “If I am a believer, shouldn’t speaking in tongues
follow me?” It should! A fact is that some Bibles do not have this scripture
concerning the signs that follow believers, I do not know why they deleted this
precious information, but I believe if you have a Bible like the one I have just
spoken about then you should turn to Acts 8 and see this mouthwatering event
concerning the Holy Ghost, do you know it?
An ex-sorcerer asks for power (Taken from Acts 8)
When Philip had gone to Samaria due to the persecution that was in
Jerusalem, he began to preach Christ to them and performed miracles promised to
every believer (Mark 16:17-20) and there was great joy in the city. There was a
man in this city that had bewitched people for a long time, and spoke of himself as
some great one. Both children and adults respected him and listened to him, but
when Philip preached Jesus to them, the least and greatest believed him and were
baptized in Jesus name for the remission of their sins, and Simon also believed and
was baptized.
After the ex-sorcerer had being baptized he started moving with Philip
beholding the miracles and signs that Philip was doing by the hand of God. There
came a time were the apostles “John and Peter” heard that Samaria heard and
believed the word, so they went there to pray for the people to receive the Holy
Ghost. Amazingly the people had believed the gospel, they repented got baptized in
much water in Jesus name but did not yet receive the Holy Ghost, so when the
apostles came they prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Ghost.
When the apostles laid hands on them, they received the Holy Ghost (Acts
8:17). Some of you can say “see, they didn’t speak in other tongues.” But look at
this, in verse 18 Simon sees that through the laying on of hands people received the
Holy Ghost so he offers money to the apostles and says “give me this power that
whoever I lay my hands on can receive the Holy Ghost?” Now ask yourself “can
you pay for something you can’t see, or can you pay for a car that you haven’t
seen moving, or a television that you haven’t seen working?” I guess you can’t,
same applies, Simon saw that when the apostles laid hands on the people they
received the Holy Ghost and spoke in other tongues, so he wanted to pay for this
supernatural gift, but guess what? You can’t buy the Holy Ghost, it is a gift from
God (Acts 2:38).
I guess you now see that the receiving of the Holy Ghost is accompanied by
speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gives you the ability. Interestingly it can
take place anywhere and at any time.
A testimony worth looking at
On the 15th of June, 2018 we had gone for evangelism in the capital city of
Zambia (Lusaka, kanyama) and we found a woman sitting outside her house.
When we saw her, we approached her and asked if we could share the word with
her and she agreed. As the preaching of God’s word was going on the Holy Ghost
came and filled the place, and faith just escalated…. We asked her “do you believe
you can receive the Holy Ghost?” she said “I believe.” I have to admit that she was
a woman geared in faith and had a positive response to the word of God that we
preached to her.
We went into her house to pray for her to receive the Holy Ghost, and it was
like that warm presence of the Lord moved with us as we left the outside
surrounding to get into her house. When we got into her house we told her “raise
your hands to heaven as a sign of surrender and just confess all your sins genuinely
to the lord Jesus and when you feel He has forgiven you just begin to praise the
lord.” So after guiding her we started to sing a song of worship and there was an
explosive presence of God…
The Spirit of the Lord Jesus burst open upon all of us in a few minutes, and
as His spirit was moving, it began to move upon her and she broke down in tears
and the hands that were in the air began to shake as if they had got into direct
contact with a naked electric cable. We led hands on her, and Jesus just touched
her and gave her the ability to speak in tongues…. Oh!! how that we had a divine
After she received the Holy Ghost, we asked her “have you received the
Holy Ghost?” and she said with joy on her face and her eyes sparkling “yes!” The
Holy Ghost is so real you can feel it and as Jesus put it “He that believeth on me,
as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.” When
water builds up in a water body to an extent where that body cannot contain it there
is an overflow… Don't be deceived its still happening… We often call for altar
calls at our church for those that don't have the Holy Ghost, and guess what? They
receive and experience something out of this world… We can testify indeed as it
was on the day of Pentecost, this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel “it
shall come to pass afterward that the Lord will pour out His spirit on all flesh.” Not
some people (or pastors, prophets, evangelist, and bishops only), but all people,
and you are one of the people.
We asked ask her “have you ever being baptized?” And she said “I was
baptized at Seventh Day Adventist Church.” We asked her “so you were baptized
in the name of the father, son, and Holy Ghost ?” she said yes, so we told her that
“without the mentioning of the name Jesus there is no remission of sin, and told to
be re-baptized.” The following morning she was baptized in Jesus name for the
remission of her sins…. We give the praise to Jesus, and I pray that He speaks to
you in Jesus name Amen.
Can one be Saved By fulfilling repentance, and receiving the Holy Spirit, but
not getting baptized?
NO! The gospel must be fulfilled in its completeness; if you miss one of
these steps it will cost you your salvation. By repenting, getting baptized in the
name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, not the words father, son, and Holy
Ghost, and by receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit with initial evidence of speaking
with other tongues, you become part of the Church group that was discussed
earlier. There is no distinction to those in the Church group; they are one despite
being gentiles, or Jews.
Final remarks
The true way of salvation is in your hands “take it,” I have written this unto you
that you may be without excuse on the Day of Judgment. It’s my earnest prayer
that the Lord Jesus convicts
The true way of salvation is in your hands “take it,” I have written this unto you
that you may be without excuse on the Day of Judgment. It’s my earnest prayer
that the Lord Jesus convicts you to repent, get baptized, or re-baptized if you were
baptized as a Child, or baptized by sprinkling, or pouring of water on your head,
or baptized in the words father, son, and Holy Spirit. Please get baptized or rebaptized in Jesus name for the remission of sins, if you’re in a congregation that
does not baptize in Jesus name visit us and get baptized (We do not want you to
join us if you don't want to, we just want you to do that which is right for your
salvation “Salvation is individual”) and receive the Holy Ghost with the sign of
speaking with other tongues for the purpose of your personal salvation in Jesus
name Amen. For more information contact the lines given, we want to hear from
+260963360015 (what-Sapp line) or +260973228947
I am yours in His service,
The Lord Jesus Bless You, Amen.