Bones of the Wrist
Some Lovers Try Positions That They Cannot Handle
Slowly Lower Tilly's Pants To The Curly Hairs
Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetrum, Pisiform, Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate, Hamate
Brachial Plexus
Randy Travis Drinks Cold Beers Robert Taylor Drinks Cold Beer
Roots, Trunks, Divisions, Cords, Branches
Branches of the Brachial Plexus (In order from most lateral to most medial)
My Aunt Raped My Uncle
Musculocutaneous, Axillary, Radial, Median, Ulnar
Cranial Nerves
Oh Oh Oh To Touch And Feel Virgin Girls Vaginas And Hymens
You have 1 nose. You have 2 eyes. (The first "O" is Olfactory, second "O" is Optic)
To remember what cranial nerve is Motor, Sensory, or Both use this ( In order from CN I to CN XII):
Some Say Marry Money, But My Brother Says Big Bras Matter Most
Extraocularmotor muscles
LR6 (SO4) LR6: Lateral rectus --> VI abductens
SO4: Superior Oblique --> IV Trochlear
All other extraocularmotor muscles are CN III
Branches of the Facial Nerve
Ten Zebras Bought My Car
Ten Zebras Bit My Cock
Two Zulus Buggered My Cat
To Zanzibar By Motor Car
Temporal, Zygomatic, Buccal, Masseteric, Cervical
Miscelaneous Anatomy Mnemonics
Innervation of phrenic nerve c345 keeps the phrenic alive c345 keep the diaphragm alive
Long thoracic nerve innervates serratus anterior c5-6-7 raise your arms to heaven
Relationship of Thorasic duct to Esophagous and Azygous
The duck is between two gooses.
duck = thoracic duct 2 gooses = azyGOUS and esophaGOUS
Attachments of Pectoralis Major, Teres Major and Latissimus Drosi
A lady between tow majors.
Pectoralis major attaches to lateral lip of bicipital groove, the teres major attaches to medial lip of bicipital groove, and the latissimus dorsi attaches to the floor of bicipital groove. The "lati" is between two "majors."
Innervation of the Penis
Parasympathetic puts it up; sympathetic spurts it out.
Point Shoot Score
Parasympathetic, sympathetic, somatomotor
Lateral and Medial Pectoral Nerve
Lateral is less, medial is more.
Lateral pectoral nerves goes through pectoralis major while medial pn goes though both pectoral major and minor.
Layers of the epidermis
Granpa Shagging Grandma's Love Child.
Brent Spiner Gained Lieutenant Commander
Germinativum or Basale, Spinosum, Granulosum, Lucidum, Corneum
Things going through Orbital Fissure
Seven French Tarts Sit Naked In Anticipation
Brachial plexus subunits"Randy Travis Drinks Cold Beer": Roots Trunks Divisions Cords
Branches · Alternatively: "Real Texans Drink Coors Beer".
Tarsal bones
"Tall Californian Navy Medcial Interns Lay Cuties":
· In order (right foot, superior to inferior, medial to lateral): Talus Calcanous Navicular
Medial cuneiform Intermediate cuneiform Lateral cuneifrom Cuboid
Atrioventricular valves"LAB RAT": Left Atrium: Bicuspid Right Atrium: Tricuspid
Tarsal tunnel: contents
"Tiny Dogs Are Not Hunters":
· From superior to inferior:
T: Tibialis posterior F: flexor Digitorum longus A: posterior tibial Artery N: tibial Nerve
H: flexor Hallucis longus
Vagal nerve: path into thoraxVagus nerve, unlike phrenic, continues through diaphragm with esophagus--it is "Not Left Behind": · The left vagus is anterior, right is posterior
Inguinal canal: walls"MALT: 2M, 2A, 2L, 2T":
· Starting from superior, moving around in order to posterior: Superior wall (roof): 2
Muscles: · internal oblique Muscle · transverse abdominus Muscle Anterior wall: 2
Aponeuroses: · Aponeurosis of external oblique · Aponeurosis of internal oblique Lower wall (floor): 2 Ligaments: · inguinal Ligament · lacunar Ligament Posterior wall: 2Ts: ·
Transversalis fascia · conjoint Tendon
Bronchopulmonary segments of right lung
"A PALM Seed Makes Another Little Palm":
· In order from superior to inferior: Apical Posterior Anterior Lateral Medial Superior
Medial basal Anterior basal Lateral basal Posterior basal
Tarsal bones
"Traverse City (is) Noted (for) MIchigan's Lovely Cherries": Talus Calcaneus (new row)
Navicular (new row) Medial Intermediate cuneiforms Lateral cuneiform Cuboid
Aorta vs. vena cava: right vs. leftAorta and right each have 5 letters, so aorta is on the right. Vena and cava and left each have 4 letters, so vena cava is on the left.
Hip: lateral rotators"Play Golf Or Go On Quaaludes": · From top to bottom: Piriformis
Gemellus superior Obturator internus Gemellus inferior Obturator externus Quadratus femoris · Alternatively: "P-GO-GO-Q".
Facial bones"Virgil Can Not Make My Pet Zebra Laugh!": Vomer Conchae Nasal Maxilla
Mandible Palatine Zygomatic Lacrimal
Scalp layers
SCALP: · From superficial to deep: Skin Connective tissue Aponeurosis Loose areolar tissue Pericranium
Thoracoacromial artery branches"CAlifornia Police Department": Clavicular Acromial
Pectoral Deltoid
Ankle: anterior compartment of leg contents
"The Hamptons Are Never Dull Parties": · From medial malleolus: Tibialis anterior tendon (Extensor) Hallacus longus Artery (anterior tibial) Nerve (deep peroneal)
(Extensor) Digitorum Peroneus tertius
Erector spinae muscles
"I Love Sex":
· From lateral to medial: Iliocostalis Longissimus Spinalis
· Alternatively:
"I Long for Spinach"
· "Sex" helps you think of "Erector", but "Long" and "Spinach" help you remember the muscles' names.
Leg: anterior muscles of leg"The Hospitals Are Not Dirty Places": T: Tibialis anterior H: extensor Hallucis longus A: anterior tibial Artery N: deep fibular Nerve D: extensor
Digitorum longus P: Peronius tertius [aka fibularis tertius]
Nasal cavity components
"Never Call Me Needle Nose!":
Nares [external] Conchae Meatuses Nares [internal] Nasopharynx · Note mnemonic sentence is nasally-related.
Rotator cuff muscles"The SITS muscles":
· Clockwise from top: Supraspinatus Infraspinatus Teres minor Subscapularis · A pro baseball pitcher has injured his rotator cuff muscles. As a result, he SITS out for the rest of the game, and then gets sent to the minor leagues.
Radial nerve: muscles innervated
"Try A Big Chocolate Chip Sundae, Double Dip Cherries And Peanuts Preferably
· In order of their innervation, proximal to distal:
Triceps Anconeus Brachioradialis ext. Carpi radialis longus ext. Carpi radialis brevis
Supinator ext. Digitorum ext.Digiti minimi ext. Carpi ulnaris Abductor poll. longus ext.
Poll. brevis ext. P poll. longus ext. Indicis · For the neighboring words that start with the same letter (eg: chocolate and chip), notice that the longer word in the mnemonic, corresponds to the longer of the two muscle names (ex: ext. carpi radialis longus and ext. carpi radialis brevis)
Deep tendon reflexes: root supply
· God designed body reflexes according to a nursery rhyme: One, two-- buckle my shoe.
Three, four-- kick the door. Five, six-- pick up sticks. Seven, eight-- shut the gate. S1,2 = ankle jerk L3,4 = knee jerk C5,6 = biceps and brachioradialis C7,8 = triceps
Penis autonomic innervation actions
"Parasympathetic Puts it up. Sympathetic Spurts it out". Alternatively: "Point and Shoot":
Parasympathetic Points it, Sympathetic Shoots out the semen.
· Erection and Ejaculation (Emission).
Internal iliac artery: anterior branchesWhat Bill admitted to Hilary: "I Milked Our
Insatiable Intern's Udders Under the Desk": Inferior gluteal Middle rectal Obturator
Inferior vesical artery Internal pudendal artery Umbilical U/D=Uterine artery (female)/
Deferential artery (male)
Muscles: potentially absent ones · Muscles which may be absent but may be important: 5
P's: Palmaris longus [upper limb] Plantaris [lower limb] Peroneus tertius [lower limb]
Pyramidalis [anterior abdominal wall] Psoas minor [posterior abdominal wall]
Carpal bones"Stop Letting Those People Touch The Cadaver's Hand": · Proximal row, lateral-to-medial: Scaphoid Lunate Triquetrum Pisiform · Distal row, lateral-to-medial:
Trapezium Trapezoid Capitate Hamate
Carpal bones"She Looks Too Pretty; Try To Catch Her": · Proximal row then distal row, both lateral-to-medial: Scaphoid Lunate Triquetrium Pisiform Trapezium Trapezoid
Capate Hamate · Alternatively: "She Likes To Play; Try To Catch Her".
Flexor digitorum muscles: how they insert onto fingers · A little rhyme: Superficialis
Splits in two, To Permit Profundus Passing through.
Scrotum layers
"Some Damn Englishman Called It The Testis":
· From superficial to deep: Skin Dartos External spermatic fascia Cremaster Internal spermatic fascia Tunica vaginalis Testis
Femoral triangle: contents NAVY:
· In order from lateral to medial: Nerve Artery Vein Y of the groin · Alternatively: Y = Yfronts [male underwear].
Vagus nerve: path into thorax"I Left my Aunt in Vegas": Left Vagus nerve goes Anterior descending into the thorax.
Supine vs. prone body position Know SUPination is your hand while carrying a bowl of
SOUP. Your face follows where your palm is facing [i.e. up]. Put a handpuppet on your hand while hand is in supination and the puppet will be the supine position. · See diagram.
Axillary artery branches
"Suzy Thompkins Loves Sex, Alcohol, and Pot": · From proximal to distal: Superior thoracic Thoracacromial Lateral thoracic Subscapular Anterior circumflex humeral
Posterior circumflex humeral
Horner's syndrome componentsSPAM: Sunken eyeballs/ Symphathetic plexus (cervical) affected Ptosis Anhydrosis Miosis
Voicebox: names of parts in sagittal cross-section
"There's 3 V's in your Voicebox": Vestibular fold Ventricle Vocal fold · Note: Vestibular and Vocal cord also known as false and true cords respectively.
Serratus anterior: innervation SALT: Serratus Anterior = Long Thoracic.
Hip: lateral rotators "Piece Goods Often Go On Quilts": Piriformis Gemellus superior
Obturator internus Gemellus inferior Obturator externus Quadratus femoris
Thigh: innervation by compartment" MAP OF Sciatic":
Medial compartment: Obturator Anterior compartment: Femoral Posterior compartment:
· So all the thigh muscles in that compartment get innervated by that nerve.
Internal jugular vein: tributaries"Medical Schools Let Confident People In": · From inferior to superior: Middle thyroid Superior thyroid Lingual Common facial Pharyngeal
Inferior petrosal sinus
Genu valgum vs. genu vargum Genu valGUM (knock-knee): knees are GUMmed together.
· Varum (bowleg) is the other by default, or Far rhymes with Var, so knees are far apart.
Erector spinae muscles"I Like Standing":
· From lateral to medial Illiocostalis Longissimus Spinalis
Cubital fossa contents "N-MAN":
· From lateral to medial: Nerve Muscle Artery Nerve · Specifics are radial Nerve, biceps
Muscle tendon, brachial Artery, median Nerve.
External carotid artery branches"Suzy Always Lays Flat On Pillows Making Sex
Terrific": Superior thyroid Ascending pharyngeal Lingual Facial Occipital Posterior auricular Maxillary Superificial Temporal
Median nerve: recognizing it in an opened axillaThe Median nerve is the Middle of a giant capital "M" formed by the musculocutaneous and ulnar nerves.
Trigeminal nerve: where branches exit skull"Standing Room Only": Superior orbital fissure is V1 foramen Rotundum is V2 foramen Ovale is V3
Dermatome C7 locationC7 gives the finger to heaven (as in middle finger).
External carotid artery branches"Some Angry Lady Figured Out PMS": Superior thyroid
Ascending pharyngeal Lingual Facial Occipital Posterior auricular Maxillary Superificial temporal
Brachioradialis: function, innervation, one relation, one attachment BrachioRadialis:
Function: Its the Beer Raising muscle, flexes elbow, strongest when wrist is oriented like holding a beer. Innervation: Breaks Rule: it’s a flexor muscle, But Radial. (Radial nerve usually is for extensors: Recall BEST rule: B was for brachioradialis). Important relation:
Behind it is the Radial nerve in the cubital fossa. Attachment: Attaches to Bottom of
Pleura surface markings"All the even ribs, in order: 2,4,6,8,10,12 show its route": Rib2: sharp angle inferiorly Rib4: the left pleura does a lateral shift to accommodate heart Rib6: both diverge laterally Rib8: midclavicular line Rib10: midaxillary line Rib12: the back ·
See diagram.
Aortic arch: major branch order "Know your ABC'S":
Aortic arch gives rise to: Brachiocephalic trunk left Common Carotid left Subclavian ·
Beware though trick question of 'What is first branch of aorta?' Technically, it's the coronary arteries.
V3 innervated muscles (branchial arch 1 derivatives)
"M.D. My TV": Mastication [masseter, temporalis, pterygoids] Digastric [anterior belly]
Mylohyoid tensor Tympani tensor Veli palatini
Foramen ovale contents
MALE: Mandibular nerve Accessory meningeal artery Lesser petrosal nerve Emissary veins
Head & Neck
CRANIAL NERVES: I-Optic, II-Olfactory, III-Oculomotor, IV-Trochlear, V-Trigeminal,
VI-Abducens, VII-Facial, VIII-Acoustic (Vestibulocochlear), IX-Glossophrayngeal, X-
Vagus, XI-Spinal Accessory, XII-Hypoglossal
On Old Olympus Towering Tops, A Finn And German Viewed Some Hops (older and cleaner)
Oh Oh Oh To Touch And Feel A Girls Vagina And Hymen (newer and, well ...)
Which cranial nerve is Sensory, Motor, or Both- Some Say Marry Money, But My
Brother Says Big Breasts Matter More
BRANCHES OF FACIAL NERVE: Temporal, Zygomatic, Buccal, Mandibular, Cervical
Ten Zebras Beat My Cock
Two Zulus buggered my cat –(for the sicker, amongst you!)
You have I nose. You have II eyes. (I - Olfactory; II -- Optic)
Standing Room Only -Exit of branches of trigeminal nerve from the skull S
V1 -Superior orbital fissure, V2 -foramen Rotundum, V3 -foramen Ovale
For the order of nerves that pass through the superior orbital fissure:
"Lazy French Tarts Lie Naked in Anticipation."
(Lacrimal, Frontal, Trochlear, Lateral, Nosociliary, Internal,
2 Muscle of mastication- Lateral Lowers- lateral pterygoid is the one that opens the jaw
4 Muscles of Mastication MTPP( which could be read as "Empty Peepee") -masseter, temporal, lateral and medial pterygoids --
Arteries as they come off the external carotid:
Superior thyroid, Ascending pharyngeal, Lingual, Facial, Occipital, Post Auricular,
Superficial temporal, Maxillary
Some Anatomists Like makin loveg, Others Prefer S & M
Some Angry Lady Figured out PMS
Innervation of Extraocularmotor Muscles: LR6 SO4 3
LR6--Lateral rectus--> VI abductens
SO4--Superior Oblique--> IV Trochlear
3--The remaining 4 eyeball movers = III Oculomotor
ABC'S of the aortic arch!
Aortic arch gives off the Bracheiocephalic trunk, the left Common Carotid, and the left
Subclavian artery
BRACHIAL PLEXUS: Roots, Trunks, Divisions, Cords, Branches
Robert Taylor Drinks Cold Beer.
CERVICAL SPINAL NERVES: c345 keeps the phrenic alive (innervation of phrenic nerve) c345 keep the diaphragm alive (innervation of diaphragm) c5-6-7 raise your arms to heaven (nerve roots of long thoracic nerve innervate serratus anterior)
Cranial Bones
Annoying, aren't they?
The cranial bones are the PEST OF 6...
Parietal, Ethmoid,Sphenoid,Temporal,Occipital,Frontal- 6 ? (6-the number of bones!)
( another one) Old People From Texas Eat Spiders.
LOCATION OF THORACIC DUCT: The duck is between two gooses (duck = thoracic duct) 2 gooses = azyGOUS and esophaGOUS
Cartilages of the Larynx - There are 4 cartilages in the larynx whose initial letters are
TEAC (also the brandname of a home stereo).
Thyroid, Epiglottis, Arytenoid, Cricoid
Parasympathetic puts it up; sympathetic spurts it out
Point , Shoot, Score! (erection, emmision ,ejaculation) Parasympathetic, Sympathetic ,
"S2, 3, 4 keep the penis off the floor" Innervation of the penis by branches of the pudental nerve, derived from spinal cord levels S2-4
Structures perforating the esophagus
"At T8 you see, perforates the IVC" (inferior Vena Cava) the "EsoVagus" pierce T10 (esophagus, vagus nerve)
T12 - red, white and blue (aorta,thoracic duct,azygous vein)
Femoral Sheath (lateral to medial) order of things in thigh -NAVEL
Nerve, Artery, Vein, Empty, Space, Lymphatics
Radial n. innervates the BEST!!!!
Course of Ureters
Water runs under the bridge (uterine a. and ductus deferens)
Carotid Sheath-- VAN
Internal Jugular Vein
Common carotid Artery
Vagus Nerve
C3 is a high turtleneck shirt
T4 is at the nipple
L1 is at the inguinal ligament (or L1 is IL -Inguinal ligament)
Randy Travis Drinks Cold Beer--Brachial plexus
Robert Taylor Drinks Cold Beer
Roots, Trunks, Divisions, Cords, Branches
Bones of the wrist -Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetrum, Pisiform, Trapezium,
Trapezoid, Capitate, Hamate
1. Slowly Lower Tilly's Pants To The Curly Hairs
2. Swifty Lower Tilly's Pants to try coitus here. (the risque version)
3. Scared Lovers Try Positions That They Can't Handle. (Classic version)
Pelvic Diaphragm
PICOLO(A) -Posterior to anterior
Levator Ani
Pelvic Splanchic-Parasympathetic
Sacral Splanchic-Sympathetic
Armies travel over bridges, the Navy travels under.
(Bridge is the ligament...reference to suprascapular artery and nerve.)
Pad, dab. Dorsal ABduct...Palmar ADduct...interosseous muscles of hand/foot.
Layers of the epidermis-Germinativum or Basale, Spinosum, Granulosum, Lucidum,
Grandpa Shagging Grandma's Love Child.
Limbic System- the 5 F’s- Feeding, Fighting, Feeling, Flight and makin loveg
The 5 sphincters found in the Alimentary Canal are APE OIL:
Anal, Pyloric, Lower Esophogeal, Oddi, and Ileocecum.
Sally Thompson Loves Sex And Pot pie. The branches of the Axillary Artery are:
Superior Thoracic, Thoracoacromial, Lateral Thoracic, Subscapular, Anterior Circumflex
Humeral, Posterior Circumflex Humeral, and Profunda Brachii.
TIRE- four abdominal muscles -- transversus, internal oblique, rectus abdominus, and external oblique
GFR -Layers of the adrenal:-- Glomerular, Fascicular, Reticular
• BRACHIAL PLEXUS: Roots, Trunks, Divisions, Cords, Branches
Randy Travis Drinks Cold Beers.
Robert Taylor Drinks Cold Beer.
• CRANIAL NERVES: I-optic, II-olfactory, III-oculomotor, IVtrochlear, V-trigeminal, VI-abducens, VII-facial, VIII-acoustic
(vestibulocochlear), IX-glossophrayngeal, X-vagus, XI-spinal accessory, XII-hypoglossal
On Old Olympus Towering Tops, A Finn And German
Viewed Some Hops
You have I nose. You have II eyes. (I - Olfactory; II --
• Innervation of Extraocularmotor Muscles:
• LR6 (SO4) 3
LR6--Lateral rectus--> VI abductens
SO4--Superior Oblique--> IV Trochlear
3--The remaining 4 eyeball movers = III
• Some Say Marry Money, But My Brother Says Big Bras Matter
More (what cranial nerve is Motor, Sensory, or Both)
• BRANCHES OF FACIAL NERVE: Temporal, Zygomatic, Buccal,
Masseteric, Cervical
• Ten Zebras Bought My Car
• To Zanzibar By Motor Car
• c345 keeps the phrenic alive (innervation of phrenic nerve) c345 keep the diaphragm alive (innervation of diaphragm) c5-6-7 raise your arms to heaven (nerve roots of long thoracic nerve innervate serratus anterior)
• The duck is between two gooses (duck = thoracic duct)
• 2 gooses = azyGOUS and esophaGOUS
A lady between two majors.
Pectoralis major attaches to lateral lip of bicipital groove.
Teres major attaches to medial lip of bicipital groove.
• Latissimus dorsi attaches to the floor of bicipital groove.
• The "lati" is between two "majors."
Parasympathetic puts it up; sympathetic spurts it out
"S2, 3, 4 keep the penis off the floor"
• Innervation of the penis by branches of the pudental nerve, derived from spinal cord levels S2-4
• "Lateral is less, medial is more."
• Lateral pectoral nerves goes through pectoralis major while medial p.n. goes though both pec major and minor
• Aortic arch gives off the Bracheiocephalic trunk, the left Common Carotid, and the left Subclavian artery
"NAVEL" nerve, artery, vein, empty space, lymphatics
Pterygoid muscles: function of lateral vs. medial
"Look at how your jaw ends up when saying first syllable of 'Lateral' or 'Medial' ":
"La": your jaw is now open, so Lateral opens mouth.
"Me": your jaw is still closed, so medial closes the mandible.
Supine vs. prone body position"Supine is on your spine.
Therefore, prone's the "other" one. · Also, prone to suffocate in prone position.
Meckel's diverticulum details
2 inches long. 2 feet from end of ileum. 2 times more common in men. 2% occurrence in population. 2 types of tissues may be present. · Note: "di-" means "two", so diverticulum is the thing with all the twos.
Perineal vs. peroneal
Perineal is in between the legs. Peroneal is on the leg.
Anterior forearm muscles: superficial groupThere are five, like five digits of your hand.
Place your thumb into your palm, then lay that hand palm down on your other arm, as shown in diagram. Your 4 fingers now show distribution: spells PFPF [pass/fail, pass/ fail]: Pronator teres Flexor carpi radialis Palmaris longus Flexor carpi ulnaris Your thumb below your 4 fingers shows the muscle which is deep to the other four: Flexor digitorum superficialis.
Carpal tunnel syndrome causesMEDIAN TRAP: Myxoedema Edema premenstrually
Diabetes Idiopathic Agromegaly Neoplasm Trauma Rheumatoid arthritis Amyloidosis
Pregnancy · Mnemonic fits nicely since median nerve is trapped.
Lumbar plexus "I, I Get Laid On Fridays":
Iliohypogastric [L1]
Ilioinguinal [L1]
Genitofemoral [L1, L2]
Lateral femoral cutaneous [L2, L3]
Obtruator [L2, L3, L4]
Femoral [L2, L3, L4]
· Alternatively: "I twice Get Laid On Fridays". · Alternatively: "Interested In Getting Laid
On Fridays?"
Elbow: muscles that flex itThree B's Bend the elBow: Brachialis Biceps Brachioradialis
Cavernous sinus contents O TOM CAT:
O TOM are lateral wall components, in order from superior to inferior. CA are the components within the sinus, from medial to lateral. CA ends at the level of T from O
TOM. · See diagram. Occulomotor nerve (III) Trochlear nerve (IV) Ophthalmic nerve
(V1) Maxillary nerve (V2) Carotid artery Abducent nerve (VI) T: When written, connects to the T of OTOM.
Bronchi: which one is more vertical"Inhale a bite, goes down the right": Inhaled objects more likely to lodge in right bronchus, since it is the one that is more vertical
Carotid sheath contents "I See 10 CC's in the IV":
I See (I.C.) = Internal Carotid artery
10 = CN 10 (Vagus nerve)
CC = Common Carotid artery
IV = Internal Jugular Vein
V3 innervated muscles "My A$$ Meets The Toilet":
Anterior digastric
Muscles of Mastication
Tensor veli palatini
Tensor tympani
Inferior vena cava tributaries "I Like To Rise So High":
Hepatic vein.
· Think of the IVC wanting to rise high up to the heart.
Spleen: dimensions, weight, surface anatomy "1,3,5,7,9,11":
Spleen dimensions are 1 inch x 3 inches x 5 inches.
Weight is 7 ounces.
It underlies ribs 9 through 11.
Heart valve sequence "Try Pulling My Aorta":
Liver: side with ligamentum venosum/ caudate lobe vs. side with quadrate lobe/ ligamentum teres "VC goes with VC":
The Venosum and Caudate is on same side as Vena Cava [posterior]. Therefore, quadrate and teres must be on anterior by default.
· See inferior-view diagram.
Cranial bones "PEST OF 6":
· The 6 just reminds that there's 6 of them to remember.
Thyroid: isthmus location "Rings 2,3,4 make the isthmus floor":
Isthmus overlies tracheal rings 2,3,4
Cervical plexus: arrangement of the important nerves "GLAST":
· 4 compass points: clockwise from north on the right side of neck:
Great auricular
Lesser occipital
Accessory nerve pops out between L and S
Transverse cervical
· See diagram.
Lumbar plexus roots "2 from 1, 2 from 2, 2 from 3":
2 nerves from 1 root: Ilioinguinal (L1), Iliohypogastric (L1).
2 nerves from 2 roots: Genitofemoral (L1,L2), Lateral Femoral (L2,L3).
2 nerves from 3 roots: Obturator (L2,L3,L4), Femoral (L2,L3,L4).
Joints in the midline "SC":
In medial line, below Second Cervical, joints are Secondary Cartilaginous and usually have a diSC.
· Notes: secondary cartilaginous is also known as symphysis. The one that doesn't have a disc is xiphi-sternal.
Anterior forearm muscles: superficial group "Pimps F*ck Prostitutes For Fun":
Pronator teres
Flexor carpi radialis
Palmaris longous
Flexor carpi ulnaris
Flexor digitorum superficialis
External carotid artery branches "Some Aggressive Lovers Find Odd Positions More
Superior thyroid
Ascending pharyngeal
Posterior auricular
Superficial temporal
Axillary artery branches "Screw The Lawyer Save A Patient":
Superior thoracic
Lateral thoracic
Anterior circumflex humeral
Posterior circumflex humeral
Descending abdominal aorta branches from diaphragm to iliacs "Prostitutes Cause
Sagging Swollen Red Testicles [in men] Living In Sin":
Phrenic [inferior]
Superior mesenteric
Suprarenal [middle]
Testicular ["in men" only]
Inferior mesenteric
Inversion vs. eversion muscles in leg
Second letter rule for inversion/eversion:
· Eversion muscles: pErineus longus pErineus brevis pErineus terius
· Inversion muscles: tIbialis anterior tIbialis posterior
External carotid artery branches "Sister Lucy's Powdered Face Often Attracts Silly
· Before entering the parotid gland:
Superior thyroid
Posterior auricular
Ascending pharyngeal
· Ends as:
Superficial temporal and
Maxillary bifurcating in the in the parotid gland
Spermatic cord contents "3 arteries, 3 nerves, 3 other things":
3 arteries: testicular, ductus deferens, cremasteric.
3 nerves: genital branch of the genitofemoral, cremasteric, autonomics.
3 other things: ductus deferens, pampiniform plexus, lymphatics.
· Note some argument about this: Moore doesn't put in cremasteric nerve, Lumley puts in inguinal...
Fibula vs. tibia: which is the bigger one People talk of telling just a "little white lie", or a
"little fib":
Therefore, the fibula is smaller.
· Alternatively: TIBia is the Thicker Inner Bone.
· Alternatively: "Little lat FIB, big fat TIB".
Interossei muscles: actions of dorsal vs. palmar in hand "PAd and DAb":
The Palmar Adduct and the Dorsal Abduct.
· Use your hand to dab with a pad.
Thoracic duct: relation to azygous vein and esophagus "The duck between 2 gooses":
Thoracic duct (duck) is between 2 gooses, azygous and esophagus.
Lumbricals action Lumbrical action is to hold a pea, that is to flex the metacarpophalangeal joint and extend the interphalangeal joints. When look at hand in this position, can see this makes an "L" shape, since L is for Lumbrical.
Pectoral nerves: path of lateral vs. medial "Lateral Less, Medial More":
Lateral pectoral nerve only goes through Pectoralis major, but
Medial pectoral nerve goes though both Pectoralis major and minor.
Intrinsic muscles of hand (palmar surface) "A OF A OF A":
· Thenar, lateral to medial:
Abductor pollicis longus
Opponens pollicis
Flexor pollicis brevis
Adductor pollicis.
· Hypothenar, lateral to medial:
Opponens digiti minimi
Flexor digiti minimi
Abductor digiti minimi
Diaphragm innervation "3, 4, 5 keeps the diaphragm alive":
Diaphragm innervation is cervical roots 3, 4, and 5.
Femoral triangle: arrangement of contents NAVEL:
· From lateral hip towards medial navel:
Nerve (directly behind sheath)
Artery (within sheath)
Vein (within sheath)
Empty space (between vein and lymph)
Lymphatics (with deep inguinal node)
· Nerve/Artery/Vein are all called Femoral.
Lingual nerve course
The Lingual nerve
Took a curve
Around the Hyoglossus.
"Well I'll be f*#ked!"
Said Wharton's Duct,
"The bastard's gone and crossed us!"
External carotid artery branches
"Some Anatomists Like F*#king, Others Prefer S & M":
Superior thyroid
Ascending pharyngeal
Posterior auricular
Superficial temporal
· Alternatively: As She Lay Flat, Oscar's Passion Slowly Mounted".
Abdominal muscles
"Spare TIRE around their abdomen":
Transversus abdominis
Internal abdominal oblique
Rectus abdominis
External abdominal oblique
Bicipital groove: attachments of muscles near it
"The lady between two majors":
Teres major attaches to medial lip of groove.
Pectoralis major to lateral lip of groove.
Latissimus (Lady) is on floor of groove, between the 2 majors.
Carpal bones
"Some Lovers Try Positions That They Can't Handle":
· Proximal row then distal row, both lateral-to-medial:
· Alternatively: "Scared Lovers..."
· Alternatively: "Senior Lecturers...".
Bronchi: which is more vertical "Right on Red":
Many places allow making a right hand turn at a red light, if you first come to a complete stop.
A child swallowing a red penny is more likely to get it stopped down the right bronchus, since it is more vertical.
L4 landmark: 2 items "B4U" [before you]:
Bifurcation of aorta
Retroperitoneal structures list
Suprarenal glands
Aorta & IVC
Duodenum (half)
Colon (ascending & descending)
Esophagus (anterior & left covered)
External carotid artery branches "Some Aberdeen Ladies F#ck, Others Prefer Manual
· From inferior to superior:
Superior thyroid
Ascending pharyngeal
Posterior auricular
Superficial temporal
Superior mediastinum: contents
Phrenic nerve
Vagus nerve
Thoracic duct
Left recurrent laryngeal nerve (not the right)
Brachiocephalic veins
Aortic arch (and its 3 branches)
Lymph nodes
Retroperitoneal organs (major)
"AC/DC Rocker Kids Party Down":
Ascending Colon
Descending Colon
Bell's palsy: symptoms
BELL'S Palsy:
Blink reflex abnormal
Lacrimation [deficient, excess]
Loss of taste
Sudden onset
Palsy of VII nerve muscles
· All symptoms are unilateral.
Liver inferior markings showing right/left lobe vs. vascular divisions There's a Hepatic
"H" on inferior of liver. One vertical stick of the H is the dividing line for anatomical right/left lobe and the other vertical stick is the divider for vascular halves. Stick that divides the liver into vascular halves is the one with vena cava impression (since vena cava carries blood, it's fortunate that it's the divider for blood halves).
Extraocular muscles cranial nerve innervation "LR6SO4 rest 3":
Lateral Rectus is 6th
Superior Oblique is 4th rest are all 3rd cranial nerve
Femoral hernia: epidemiology
FEMoral hernias are more common in FEMales.
Obturator canal: relations of structures "Who's flying in the top of Obturator canal?
Obviously Not A Vein!":
Thoracoacromial artery branches ABCD:
Breast (pectoral)
Diaphram aperatures: spinal levels "Come Enter the Abdomen:
Vena Cava [8]
Esophagus [10]
Aorta [12]
Cubital fossa contents
"My Bottoms Turned Red":
· From medial to lateral:
Median nerve
Brachial artery
Tendon of biceps
Radial nerve
Thyroids: relative sizes
Thyroid looks like a bra (see picture).
Breasts are bigger in women, so thyroid bigger in women.
Pregnant women have biggest breasts of all, so they have the biggest thyroids.
Navicular contacts 3 of 5 cuneiform bones
"Navicular is like the Navigator logo":
There are 3 things coming off each.
· See diagram.
Therefore, cuboid has to contact 2 of the 5.
Kidney hilums at transpyloric plane [L1] L-1 goes through hilum of only 1 kidney, and it’s the Left one.
Radial nerve: muscles supplied (simplified) "BEST muscles":
Superior orbital fissure: structures passing through "Lazy French Tarts Lie Naked In
Anticipation Of Sex":
Lacrimal nerve
Frontal nerve
Trochlear nerve
Lateral nerve
Nasociliary nerve
Internal nerve
Abducens nerve
Ophthalmic veins
Sympathetic nerves
Cranial bones"Fraternity Parties Occasionally Teach Spam Etiquette": · The first two letters of each bone: Frontal Parietal Occipital Temporal Sphenoid Ethmoid
Internal iliac artery: posterior branchPILS: Posterior branch Iliolumbar Lateral sacral
Superior gluteal
Foramen ovale contentsOVALE: Otic ganglion (just inferior) V3 cranial nerve Accessory meningeal artery Lesser petrosal nerve Emisary veins
Anatomical planes: coronal, horizontal, sagittal
Coronal: A classic painting/stained glass window of a saint/angel has a corona radiating around the person's head. The plane of the glass/page is cutting their head in the coronal plane. Horizontal: Someone coming over the horizon has their abdomen cut in the horizontal plane. Sagittal: the remaining one by default.
Brachial plexus branches"My Aunt Raped My Uncle": · From lateral to medial:
Musculocutaneous Axillary Radial Median Ulnar
Tibia vs. fibula: which is lateralThe FibuLA is LAteral.
Superior orbital fissure: structures passing through"Lonely Fat Teenage Virgins Rarely
Like Swallowing And Never Ingest": Lacrimal nerve Frontal nerve Trochlear nerve Vein: ophthalmic Ring: tendinous · From the ring, arises: Lateral rectus Superior division III
Abducent nerve Nasociliary nerve Inferior divison III
Brachial plexus: branches of posterior cordSTAR: Subscapular [upper and lower]
Thoracodorsal Axillary Radial
Dermatome C6 location
Stick arm out like crucifixion stance. Curl your thumb and forefinger into an "OK" symbol while keeping your other fingers straight. Your hand should now look like a 6 shape. So C6 dermatome is your thumb and top of arm (reason for crucifix stance). · See diagram.
Heart valves
"Toilet Paper My A$$": · From right to left: Tricuspid Pulmonic Mitral Aortic
Median nerve: hand muscles innervated "The LOAF muscles":
Lumbricals 1 and 2
Opponens pollicis
Abductor pollicis brevis
Flexor pollicis brevis
· Alternatively: LLOAF, with 2 L's, to recall there's 2 lumbricals.
· To remember that these are the Median nerve muscles, think "Meat LOAF".
Interossei muscles: number of palmars vs. dorsals "3 on the P, 4 on the Dor":
There are 3 Palmar, and 4 Dorsal interossei.
Carpal bones: trapezium vs. trapezoid location · Since there's two T's in carpal bone mnemonic sentences, need to know which T is where:
TrapeziUM is by the thUMB, TrapeziOID is inSIDE.
· Alternatively, TrapeziUM is by the thUMB, TrapezOID is by its SIDE.
Sperm pathway through male reproductive tract SEVEN UP:
Seminiferous tubules
Vas deferens
Ejaculatory duct
Ureter to ovarian/testicular artery relation "Water under the bridge":
The ureters (which carry water), are posterior to the ovarian/testicular artery.
· Clinically important, since a common surgical error is to cut ureter instead of ovarian artery when removing uterus.
Soleus vs. gastrocnemius muscle function "Stand on your Soles. Explosive gas":
You stand on soles of your shoes, so Soleus is for posture.
Gasoline is explosive, so Gastrocnemius is for explosive movement.
Serratus anterior: innervation and action "C5-6-7 raise your arms up to heaven":
Long thoracic nerve roots (567) innervate Serratus anterior.
· Test C567 roots clinically by ability to raise arm past 90 degrees.
Wrist: radial side vs. ulnar side Make a fist with your thumb up in the air and say "Rad!".
Your thumb is now pointing to your Radius.
· Note: 'Rad!' was a late 80's catchphrase, short for 'Radical'. Things that were good were called 'Rad'.
Medial malleolus: order of tendons, artery, nerve behind it "Tom, Dick, And Nervous Harry":
· From anterior to posterior:
· Full names for these are: Tibialis Posterior, Flexor Digitorum Longus, Posterior Tibial
Artery, Posterior Tibial Nerve, Flexor Hallicus Longus.
· Alternatively: "Tom, Dick ANd Harry".
· Alternatively: "Tom, Dick And Not Harry".
Hip posterior dislocation: most likely arrangement for one "Hitting the brake pedal before the accident":
You are sitting, so hip is flexed, and adducted and medially rotated so can move your foot away from the gas pedal over to the brake pedal.
· Note: car accidents are
Diaphragm apertures "3 holes, each with 3 things going through it":
Aortic hiatus: aorta, thoracic duct, azygous vein.
Esophageal hiatus: esophagus, vagal trunks, left gastric vessels.
Caval foramen: inferior vena cava, right phrenic nerve, lymph nodes.
Buttock quadrant safest for needle insertion "Shut up and butt out":
The Upper Outer quadrant of the Buttock safely avoids hitting sciatic nerve.
Superior thyroid artery branches "May I Softly Squeeze Charlie's Girl?":
Superior laryngeal
Deep tendon reflexes: root supply "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8":
S1-2: ankle
L3-4: knee
C5-6: biceps, supinator
C7-8: triceps
Vertebrae: recognizing a thoracic from lumbar Examine vertebral body shape:
Thoracic is heart-shaped body since your heart is in your thorax.
Lumbar is kidney-bean shaped since kidneys are in lumbar area.
· See diagram.
Cubital fossa contents MBBR:
· From medial to lateral:
Median nerve
Brachial artery
Biceps tendon
Radial nerve
Ear: bones of inner ear Take a Hammer: Malleus
Hit an Indian Elephant: Incus
It puts its foot in a stirrup: Stapes
· Describes the shape, and relative position (from out to in) of the inner ear bones.
· Alternatively: "Mailing Includes Stamps".
Popliteal fossa: muscles arrangement The two Semi's go together, Semimembranosus and
The Membranosus is Medial and since the two semis go together, Semitendonosus is also medial.
Therefore, Biceps Femoris has to be lateral.
Of the semi's, to remember which one is superficial: the Tendonosus is on Top.
CN VII innervated muscles (branchial arch 2 derivatives)
"Imagine someone making the facial expression to say 'PSS...' ":
Facial expression muscles
Posterior belly of digastric
Carpal bones
"Scottish Lads Take Prostitutes To The Caledonian Hotel":
· Proximal row, then distal row:
· Alternatively: "Students Like Taking Prostitutes To The Carelton Hotel".
Bronchopulmonary segments of the left lung "Astute Anatomists Share Inside Secrets
About Lungs":
Apicoposterior (S1+2)
Anterior (S3)
Superior (S4)
Inferior (S5)
Superior (S6)
Anteromedial basal (S7+8)
Lateral basal (S9)
Biceps brachii muscle: origins
"You walk shorter to a street corner. You ride longer on a superhighway.":
· Short head originates from coracoid process.
· Long head originates from the supraglenoid cavity.
Extrinsic muscles of tongue [for pro soccer fans] "Paris St. Germain's Hour":
· PSG is a French soccer team (foreign), hence extrinsic comes to mind.
Anteflexed vs. anteverted: what bodypart each describes "Anteflexed and Anteverted both bend toward Anterior".
· The "V" words go together: Verted is for the cerVix (therefore flexed must be uterus).
Lung lobe numbers: right vs. left Tricuspid heart valve and tri-lobed lung both on the right side.
Bicuspid and bi-lobed lung both on the left side.
Axillary artery branches "Send The Lord to Say A Prayer":
· From proximal to distal:
Superior thoracic
Lateral thoracic
Anterior circumflex humeral
Posterior circumflex humeral
Foramen spinosum: location on base of skull Foramen spinosum is adjacent to the spine of sphenoid.
Tonsils: The three types "PPL (people) have tonsils":
Palmaris longus: location, relative to wrist nerves "The Palmaris between two Palmars":
Palmaris longus is between the Palmar cutaneous branch of Ulnar nerve and Palmar cutaneous branch of Median nerve.
Hyoid bone: muscle attachments "Christ, He Didn't Screw Girls Much. That's Obvious,
· The first sentence is for 6 muscles attaching superiorly, the second sentence is for 3 muscles attaching inferiorly.
· Both sentences are in order from lateral to medial:
Constricter (middle)
Lung lobes: segments of right middle lobe "ML=ML":
Segments of Middle Lobe are Medial & Lateral.
Female pelvic organs' blood supply "3 organs, each get 2 blood supplies":
Uterus: uterine, vaginal.
Rectum: middle rectal, inferior rectal [inferior rectal is the end of pudendal].
Bladder: superior vesical, inferior vesical.
Face muscles: large muscle groups' cranial innervation Mandibular nerve: Mastication.
Facial nerve: Facial expression.
Femoral triangle: arrangement of nerve, artery, vein VAN:
· From medial to lateral:
· Nerve/Artery/Vein are all called Femoral.
Cranial bones "Old Pygmies From Thailand Eat Skulls":
· Note: 'skull-eating pygmies' helps remind that mnemonic is for the skull.
· Alternatively: "Old People From Texas Eat Spiders".
· Alternatively: "Prostitutes Offer Free Sex To Everyone".
Psoas major: innervation If you hit L2, 3, 4
Psoas gets sore!
Ansa cervicalis nerves "GHost THought SOmeone STupid SHot Irene":
Superior Omohyoid
Inferior omohyoid
Leg: anterior muscles of leg "Tom's Hairy ANd Dirty Penis":
T: Tibialis anterior
H: extensor Hollicis longus
AN: anterior tibial Artery & deep fibular Nerve
D: extensor Digitorum longus
P: Peronius tertius [aka fibularis tertius]
Eye rotation by oblique muscles "I Love S&M":
Inferior oblique: Lateral eye rotation.
Superior oblique: Medial eye rotation.
Inversion vs. eversion direction in the foot Little INtroVERted boys roll their feet in when talking to girls.
Also, can just watch which way the sole of the foot goes: does it face in or out?
· See diagram.
Bowel components
"Dow Jones Industrial Average Closing Stock Report": · From proximal to distal:
Duodenum Jejunum Ileum Appendix Colon Sigmoid Rectum · Alternatively: to include the cecum, "Dow Jones Industrial Climbing Average Closing Stock Report".
Ulnar nerve to ulnar artery and radial nerve to radial artery relationsThink "peripheral nerves": The ulnar nerve is "ulnar" to the ulnar artery. Radial nerve is "radial" to the radial artery.
Carpal bones
"Her C#nt's Too Tight So Lubricate The Penis": · Anticlockwise: Hamate Capate
Trapezoid Trapezium Scaphoid Lunate Triquetral Pisiform
Oblique muscles: direction of externals vs. internals
"Hands in your pockets": When put hands in your pockets, fingers now lie on top of external obliques and fingers point their direction of fibers: down and towards midline. ·
Note: "oblique" tells that must be going at an angle. · Internal obliques are at right angles to external.
Murphy's point organ [for Irish]"Murphy was an Irishman (and Murphy is a classic Irish surname), and Ireland=green": Green organ in body is gallbladder, so Murphy's point is the gall bladder.
Duodenum: lengths of parts"Counting 1 to 4 but staggered": 1st part: 2 inches 2nd part: 3 inches 3rd part: 4 inches 4th part: 1 inch
Elbow: which side has common flexor originFM (as in FM Radio): Flexor Medial, so
Common Flexor Origin is on the medial side.
Carpal bones
"She Licks Toms Prick; Her Cu*t's Too Tight": Scaphoid Lunate Triquetrum Pisiform
Hamate Capitate Trapezoid Trapezium
Supination vs. pronation: which is more powerfulScrews were designed to be tightened well by majority of people. "Righty tighty": to tighten screws you turn to the right.
Majority of people are right-handed. Turning right-hand to the right is supination.
Median and ulnar nerves: common featuresEach supply 1/2 of flexor digitorum profundus. Each supplies 2 lumbricals. Each has a palmar cutaneous nerve that pops off prematurely. Each supplies an eminence group of muscles [ulnar: hypothenar. median: thenar]. Each enters forearm through two heads [ulnar: heads of flexor carpi ulnaris. median: heads of pronator teres]. Each has no branches in upper arm. Each makes two fingers claw when cut at wrist. Each supplies a palmaris [median: palmaris longus. ulnar: palmaris brevis].
Bowel components "Dublin Sisters Ceramic Red Colored Jewelry Apparently Illegal":
· 2-4 letters of each component:
Thoracic duct: which half of upper body does it drain Know drains all of lower body, but was it the right or the left part of the upper body?
Answer: its Lymph from the Left of the upper body.
Mediastinums: posterior mediastinum structures
There are 4 birds:
The esophaGOOSE (esophagus)
The vaGOOSE nerve
The azyGOOSE vein
The thoracic DUCK (duct)
Maxillary artery branches
"DAM I AM Piss Drunk But Stupid Drunk I Prefer, Must Phone Alcoholics Anonymous":
Deep auricular
Anterior tympanic
Middle meningeal
Inferior alveolar
Accessory meningeal
Deep temporal
Descending palatine
Posterior superior alveolar
Middle superior alveolar
Anterior superior alveolar
Artery of the pterygoid canal
Ulna bone: quick recognition in oral exam The Ulnar bone has a "U" at the end where it goes over the trochlea.
Vetebrae subtypes "Certain Doctors Luv Saddling Coeds":
· From superior to inferior:
External carotid artery branches StApLE OPIS:
Superior thyroid
Ascending pharyngeal
External maxillary (facial)
Posterior auricular
Internal maxillary
Superficial temporal
Carpal bones "The boat sailed to the moon with 3 pEas in a rOw, at the wheel was
Captain Hook":
· Carpal bones in order of occurrence:
Boat is scaphoid. Moon is lunate. 3 is triquetrum. Peas is pisiform (stressing the E sound for trapezium). Row is trapezoid (stressing the O for trapezOid). Captain is capitate.
Hook is hamate (hamate has the hook).
Coelic trunk: branches Left Hand Side (LHS):
Left gastric artery
Hepatic artery
Splenic artery
Penis: spinal level innervation "S2, 3, 4 keep the penis off the floor":
· Alternatively: "S2, 3, 4 make a mess on the floor".
Penis innervated by pudendal nerve branches, derived from spinal cord levels S2-4.
Thoracic cage: relations to the important venous structures Behind the sternoclavicular joints: the brachiocephalic veins begin.
Behind the 1st costal cartilage on the right the superior vena cava begins.
Behind the 2nd costal cartilage on the right the azygos vein ends.
Behind the 3rd costal cartilage on the right the superior vena cava ends.
Lacrimal nerve course "Lacrimal's story of 8 L's":
Lacrimal nerve runs on Lateral wall of orbit above Lateral rectus, then Lets communicating branch join in, then supplies Lacrimal gland, then Leaves it and supplies
Lateral upper eye Lid!
Saphenous veins: path of great vs. small at malleolus "MAGdelaine has varicose veins" [The saphenous veins are important for varicose veins]:
Medial maleolus, Anterior to maleolus, and Great saphenous go together.
Then the opposites of these go together: Small saphenous is posterior to the lateral maleolus.
Leino- definition "Leino" rhymes with "spleen-o":
Therefore leino- means something to do with the spleen.
Spermatic cord contents "Piles Don't Contribute To A Good Sex Life":
Pampiniform plexus
Ductus deferens
Cremasteric artery
Testicular artery
Artery of the ductus deferens
Genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve
Sympathetic nerve fibers
Lymphatic vessels
Brachial plexus organization "The Castrated Dog Turns Rabid":
· From lateral to medial:
Terminal branches
Lordosis vs. kyphosis Lordosis: Lumbar.
KYphosis is HY up on the spine.
Carpal bones "Happy Cat Tom Took Pie To Little Sister":
Plantarflexion vs. dorsiflexion Plantar flexion occurs when you squish a Plant with your foot.
Autonomics to the gut "The PARAsympathetics follow a rule of TWO" [pair = two]:
· The vagus does the top, the sacral splanchnics the outflow tract.
"The sympathetics follow a rule of threes":
· Greater, lesser, least splanchnic nerves go to the celiac,superior and inferior mesenteric ganglion.
Adductor magnus innervation "AM SO!":
Adductor Magnus innervated by Sciatic and Obturator.
Carpal tunnel syndrome: causes TRAMP:
Trauma (occupational)
Rheumatiod arthritis
· Alternatively: ARMPIT to include Idiopathic.
Musculocutaneous nerve: muscles innervated BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation):
Biceps brachii
Descending abdominal aorta: seven divisions "Sometimes Intestines Get Really Stretched
Causing Leakage":
Suprarenals [paired]
Inferior mesenteric
Gonadal [paired]
Renals [paired]
Superior mesenteric
Lumbar [paired]
Menisci attachments in knee "Each meniscus has something attached to it":
The medial meniscus has the medial collateral ligament.
The lateral meniscus is attached to the popliteal muscle.
Carpel bones "So Long To Pinky, Here Comes The Thumb":
· Proximal row, lateral-to-medial, then distal row, medial-to-medial:
Cruciate ligaments: insertions PAMS APPLES:
Posterior [passes] Anterior [inserts] Medially.
Anterior [passes] Posteriorly [inserts] Laterally.
Sperm: path through male reproductive system "My boyfriend's name is STEVE":
Seminiferous Tubules
Vas deferens
Ejaculatory duct
Femoral artery deep branches "Put My Leg Down Please":
Profundus femoris (deep femoral artery)
Medial circumflex femoral artery
Lateral circumflex femoral artery
Descending genicular arteries
Perforating arteries
Lower limb peripheral nerve injurys "Drop into a DEeP PIT and shuffle your way out":
Foot Drop results from Dorsiflexors and Evertors paralysis, due to common Peroneal nerve lesion.
Plantarflexion and Inversion impairment due to Tibial nerve lesion, results in a shuffling gait.
Supination vs. pronation "SOUPination": Supination is to turn your arm palm up, as if you are holding a bowl of soup.
"POUR-nation": Pronation is to turn your arm with the palm down, as if you are pouring out whatever is your bowl.
· Alternatively, Pronation donation: Pronation is palm facing downward, as if making a donation.
Subclavian artery branches "Very Tired Individuals Sip Strong Coffee Served Daily":
Vertebral artery
Thyrocervical trunk
---Inferior thyroid
---Superficial cervical
---Superior intercostal
---Deep cervical
Scalp: nerve supply GLASS:
Greater occipital/ Greater auricular
Lesser occipital
Tibia: muscles of pes anserinus (the muscles attached to tibia's medial side) "A Girl between Two Sargeants":
Gracilus is between
Sartorius and
Rib costal groove: order of intercostal blood vessels and nerve VAN:
· From superior to inferior:
Internal pudendal branches "I Pee Pee But Don't Dump!":
Inferior rectal
Posterior scrotal (or labial)
Deep artery
Dorsal artery
Spinal cord: length in vertebral column SCULL:
Spinal Cord Until L2 (LL).
Erector spinae muscles: order Spinalis is on the spine (most medial).
Iliocostalis is on the ribs (most lateral).
And it's a Long (Longissimus) way between the spine and the ribs!
Portal-systemic anastomoses: main 2 places that retroperitoneals connect into systemic
RetroPeritoneals hook up with Renal and Paravertebral veins.
Carpum and tarsum "SCIT":
(Artum) Superior Carpum
(Artum) Inferior Tarsum
Brachial artery: recurrent and collateral branches "I Am Pretty Sexy"
Inferior ulnar collateral artery goes with Anterior ulnar recurrent artery.
Posterior ulnar recurrent artery goes with Superior ulnar collateral artery.
· Alternatively: "I Am Pretty Smart".
Orbit: bones of medial wall "My Little Eye Sits in the orbit":
Maxilla (frontal process)
Sphenoid (body)
Facial nerve branches "Two Zombies Buggered My Cat":
· From superior to inferior:
Temporal branch
Zygomatic branch
Buccal branch
Mandibular branch
Cervical branch
· Alternatively: "Two Zulus Bit My Cat".
· Alternatively: "Two Zebras Bit My Coccyx".
· Alternatively: "To Zanzibar By Motor Car".
· Alternatively: "Tall Zulus Bear Many Children".
Cartilage derivatives of 1st pharyngeal arch (mandibular) "I'M A Super Sexy Guy" (or
Anterior ligament of malleus
Spine of sphenoid
Sphenomandibular ligament
Genial tubercle of mandible
Facial nerve: branches after Stylomastoid foramen "Ten Zulus Buggered My Cat
· From superior to inferior:
Temporal branch
Zygomatic branch
Buccal branch
Mandibular branch
Cervical branch
(Posterior auricular nerve)
· Alternatively: "PAssing Through Zanzibar By Motor Car" (PA for Posterior Auricular).
Sperm pathway through male reproductive tract "STaRT DEEP--VD!":
· Sperm duct system progression, from smallest to largest:
ST: Seminiferous Tubules
RT: Rete Testes
DE: Ductus Efferentes
EP: Epididymis
VD: Vas Deferens
Superior orbital fissure: structures passing through "Live Free To See Absolutely No
Lacrimal nerve
Frontal nerve
Trochlear nerve
Superior branch of oculomotor nerve
Abducent nerve
Nasociliary nerve
Inferior branch of oculomotor nerve
Vertebrae: number of facets a typical thoracic has Typical Thoracic has Ten facets.
External carotid artery branches "So Long For Acting Old Parenting Means Stability":
Superior thyroid
Ascending pharyngeal
Posterior auricular
Superficial temporal
Horner's syndrome components "HORNy PAM"
· Horner's is:
Superior mediastinum contents "BATS & TENT":
Brachiocephalic veins
Arch of aorta
Superior vena cava
Nerves (vagus & phrenic)
Thoracic duct
Scrotum layers "Some Days Eddie Can Irritate People Very Thourougly":
Dartos layer
External spermatic fascia
Cremaster muscle
Internal spermatic fascia
Parietal tunica vaginalis
Visceral tunica vaginalis
Tunica albuginea
External carotid artery branches "Sally Ate Lots Of Fresh Produce March Through
Superior thyroid
Ascending laryngeal
Occipital (O before F is an extremely common variation)
Posterior auricular
Transverse facial
Superficial temporal
Cubital fossa contents "Really Need Booze To Be At My Nicest":
· From lateral to medial:
Radial Nerve
Biceps Tendon
Brachial Artery
Median Nerve
Cricoarytenoids: abductor vs. adductor When aliens abduct you, they Probe you.
Posterior cricoarytenoids abduct. Lateral therefore is adduct by default.
Extensor expansion location in the hand The eXtensor eXpansion is on the proXimal phalynX.
Carpal bone having the hook The Hamate has the Hook.
External carotid artery branches "She Lay Flaccid As Olaf's Penis Slipped In":
· From caudal to cephalad:
Superior thyroid
Ascending pharyngeal
Posterior auricular
Superficial temporal
(Internal) maxillary
Brachial artery is medial to biceps tendon "BAMBI":
Brachial Artery is Medial to Biceps In elbow.
Ossification ages "Every Potential Anatomist Should Know When"
· When they ossify, in order of increasing year:
Elbow: 16 years
Pelvis, Ankle: 17 years
Shoulder, Knee: 18 years
Wrist: 19 years
Carpal bones (multangular names) "Never Lower Tillie's Pants. Mother May Come
Pisiform greater Multangular (trapezium) lesser Multangular (trapezoid)
V3: sensory branches "Buccaneers Are Inferior Linguists":
Inferior alveolar
Premature ejaculation: treatment 2 S's:
SSRIs [eg: fluoxitime]
Squeezing technique [glans pressure before climax]
· More detail with 2 more S's:
Sensate-focus excercises [relieves anxiety]
Stop and start method [5-6 rehearsals of stopping stimulation before climax]
Keober-Ross dying process: stages
"Death Always Brings Great Acceptance":
Denial Anger Bargaining Grieving Acceptance
Male erectile dysfunction (MED): biological causes MED: Medicines(propranalol, methyldopa, SSRI, etc.)
Diabetes mellitus
Male Erectile Dysfunction (MED): drugs causing it
"STOP erection":
SSRI (fluoxtine)
Thioridazone methyldOpa
Gain: primary vs. secondary vs. tertiary
Primary: Patient's Psyche improved.
Secondary: Symptom Sympathy for patient.
Tertiary: Therapist's gain.
Depression: major episode characteristics
Sleep disruption
Psychomotor retardation
Appetite change
Concentration loss
Energy loss
Depressed mood
Interest wanes
Suicidal tendencies
Depression: symptoms
Behavioural change (slowing down or agitation)
Appetite change (weight loss or weight gain in the young)
Depressed look (looking down)
Concentration decrease (does not do serial 7s well)
Ruminations (constant negative thoughts, hopelessness good indicator of suicidality)
Interest (reduced interest in what is normally pleasurable)
Sleep change (insomnia or hypersomnia, sleeping early, waking up at night, waking up feeling tired)
Energy change (fatigue)
Autistic disorder: features
Again and again (repetitive behavior)
Unusual Abilities
Talking (language) delay
IQ subnormal
Social development poor
Three years onset
Inherited component [35% concordance]
Cognitive impairment
Self injury
Sleep stages: features
DElta waves during DEepest sleep (stages 3 & 4, slow-wave). dREaM during REM sleep.
Narcolepsy: symptoms, epidemiology
CHAP: Cataplexy Hallucinations Attacks of sleep Paralysis on waking
· Usual presentation is a young male, hence "chap".
Cluster personality disorders
Cluster A Disorder = Atypical. Unusual and eccentric.
Cluster B Disorder = Beast. Uncontrolled wildness.
Cluster C Disorder = Coward [avoidant type], Compulsive [obsessive-compulsive type], or Clingy [dependent type].
Reinforcement schedules: variable ratio
SLOT machines show SLOwesT extinction.
AIDS Dementia Complex (ADC): features
Atrophy of cortex
Infection/ Inflammation
Six months death
HM: this classic patient's lesion
HM had Hippocampus Missing.
Middle adolescence (14-17 years): characteristics
Heterosexual crushes/ Homosexual Experience
Education regarding short term benefits
Risk taking
· And there is interest in being a Hero (popular).
Impotence causes
Psychogenic: performance anxiety
Libido: decreased with androgen deficiency, drugs
Autonomic neuropathy: impede blood flow redirection
Nitric oxide deficiency: impaired synthesis, decreased blood pressure
Erectile reserve: can't maintain an erection
REM: features
Rapid pulse/ Respiratory rate
Mental activity increase/ Muscle paralysis
Essential Amino Acids
• Phe, Val, Thr, Trp, Ile, Met, His, Arg, Leu, Lys
Urea Cycle
• Ordinarily, Careless Crappers, Are Also Frivolous About Urination.
• Ornithine, Carbamoyl, Citrulline, Arginosuccinate, Aspartate,
Fumarate, Arginine, Urea.
Cell division
• Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase.
• "People Meet And Talk."
In the Phasted State
• Phosphorylate Phosphorylation cascade active when blood glucose low.
• DNA expression into mature mRNA
• Exons expressed, Introns in the trash.
• Pyrimidines are CUT from purines.
• Pyrimidines are Cytosine, Uracil, Thiamine and are one ring structures.
• Purines are double ring structures.
Porphyrias: acute intermittent porphyria symptoms 5 P's:
Pain in abdomen
Psychologial abnormalities
Pink urine
Precipitated by drugs (eg barbiturates, oral contraceptives, sulpha drugs)
BUN:creatinine elevation: causes ABCD:
Azotremia (pre-renal)
Bleeding (GI)
Catabolic status
Diet (high protein parenteral nutrition)
G6PD: oxidant drugs inducing hemolytic anemia AAA: Antibiotic (eg: sufamethoxazole)
Antimalarial (eg: primaquine)
Antipyretics (eg: acetanilid, but not aspirin or acetaminophen)
Vitamin B3 (niacin, nicotinic acid) deficiency: pellagra
The 3 D's of pellagra: Dermatitis Diarrhea Dementia
· Note vitamin B3 is the 3 D's.
Tangier's disease: hallmark
"Tangierene tonsils":
Hallmark is large orange tonsils.
· Important clinical note: there is no increased risk of atherosclerosis, just like eating tangerenes.
Na+/K+ pump: movement of ions and quantity
K+ and in each consist of 2 characters, so so 2 K+ are pumped in. Na+ and out each consist of 3 characters, so 3 Na+ are pumped out
Glycogen storage: Anderson's (IV) vs. Cori's (III) enzyme defect
Anderson's=Branching enzyme.
Cori's=Debranching enzyme.
· Otherwise, can't really distinguish clinically.
Nitric oxide: amino acid precursor
When the dentist works on your teeth, you say, "AAArg! (Arginine)" before he administers Nitric Oxide (NO) to take the pain away.
· Other players necessary for NO synthesis: NO synthase, Ca++, NADPH.
Pompe's disease: type "Police = Po + lys":
Pompe's disease is a lysosomal storage disease (alpha 1,4 glucosidase).
Metabolic acidosis (normal anion-gap): causes
· With hyperkalemia: RAISE K+:
RTA type 4
Aldosterone or mineralocorticord deficiency
Iatrogenic: NH4Cl, HCl
"Stenosis": obstructive uropathy
Early uremia
· With hypokalemia: ReDUCE K+:
Renal TA type 1 and 2
Urine diversion into gut
Carbonate anhydrase inhibitor
Galactosaemia: enzyme deficiency
GALIPUT: Galactose 1 Phosphate Uridyl Transferase.
· There is an assay called the Galiput test for this.
Citric acid cycle compounds
"Our City Is Kept Safe And Sound From Malice":
Oxaloacetate Citrate Isocitrate alpha-Ketoglutarate Succinyl-CoA Succinate Fumarate
Folate deficiency: causes A FOLIC DROP:
Folic acid antagonists
Oral contraceptives
Low dietary intake
Infection with Giardia
Celiac sprue
Relative folate deficiency
Mitochondrial DNA (mt DNA) properties
"mt DNA". mt stands for: Maternal Transfer Mutates Tremendously (high mutation rate)
Vitamins: which are fat soluble
"The FAT cat is in the ADEK (attic)":
Fat soluble vitamins are A,D,E,K.
Enzyme kinetics: competitive vs. non-competitive inhibition
With Kompetitive inhibition: Km increases; no change in Vmax. With Non-kompetitive inhibition: No change in Km; Vmax decreases.
Glycogen storage: names of types I through VI
"Viagra Pills Cause A Major Hardon":
Von Gierke's
Sickle cell disease pathophysiology
SICKle cell disease is due to a Substitution of the SICKsth amino acid of the B chain.
Glucagon function
"Mr. Gluca has Gone to the cAMP to bring out some Glucose":
· Glucagon elevates glucose by cAMP mechanism.
Van den Bergh reaction (Jaundice test)
"Indirect reacting bilirubin = Unconjugated bilirubin":
Both start with vowels, so they go together:
Indirect & Unconjugated.
Hemoglobin binding curve: causes of shift to right
"CADET, face right!":
2,3-DPG (aka 2,3 BPG)
G proteins for respective receptors
"QISS & QIQ" (Kiss and Kick):
· G-proteins and their respective receptors (alphabetical order):
Q: alpha 1 I: alpha 2 S: beta 1 S: beta 2 &
Q: M1 I: M2 Q: M3
Adrenaline mechanism
"ABC of Adrenaline":
Adrenaline--> activates
Beta receptors--> increases
Cyclic AMP
Citric acid cycle compounds
"Can I Keep Selling Sex For Money, Officer?":
Citrate Isocitrate alpha Ketogluterate Succinyl CoA Succinate Fumerate Malate
Carbon monoxide: electron transport chain target
"CO blocks CO":
Carbon monoxide (CO) blocks Cytochrome Oxidase (CO)
Metabolism sites
"Use both arms to HUG":
Heme synthesis Urea cycle Gluconeogenesis · These reactions occur in both cytoplasm and mitochondria.
Na/K pump: concentrations of Na vs. K on inside/outside of cell, pump action, number of molecules moved
HIKIN': There is a HIgh K concentration INside the cell. From this can deduce that the
Na/K pump pumps K into cell and Na out of cell. Alternatively: When I was learning this pump (circa 1992), a band that was "in" was Kris Kross, and a band that was "out" was
"Sha Na Na Na": So pump moves K K (2 K) in and Na Na Na (3 Na) out. · Sadly, as infectious as their debut album was, Kris Kross can really no longer be classed as "in".
DNA bond strength (nucleotides)
"Crazy Glue":
Strongest bonds are between Cytosine and Guanine, strong like Crazy Glue (3 H-bonds), whereas the A=T only have 2 H-bonds. · This is relevant to DNA replication, as the weaker A=T will be the site where RNA primer makes the initial break.
Dicarboxylic acids (alpha, omega) C2 through C10: common names
"Oh My, Such Good Apple Pie, Sweet As Sugar!":
Oxalic Malonic Succinic Glutaric Adipic Pimelic Suberic Azelaic Sebacic
Infantile Beriberi symptoms
Restlessness Sleeplessness Breathlessness Soundlessness (aphonia) Eatlessness
(anorexia) Great heartedness (dilated heart)
· Alternatively: Get 5 of 'em with BERI: Breathless/ Big hearted, Eatless, Restless,
AcetylCoA and acetacetylCoA: amino acids forming them
"A Lighter Lease" (A LyTr LeIs):
A=AcetylCoA or Acetoacetyl CoA
Fasting state: branched-chain amino acids used by skeletal muscles
"Muscles LIVe fast":
Glycolysis steps
"Goodness Gracious, Father Franklin Did Go By Picking Pumpkins (to) Prepare Pies":
2-Phosphoglycerate (to)
Phosphoenolpyruvate [PEP] Pyruvate · 'Did', 'By' and 'Pies' tell you the first part of those three: di-, bi-, and py-.
· 'PrEPare' tells location of PEP in the process.
Fabry's disease
Foam cells found in glomeruli and tubules/ Febrile episodes
Alpha galactosidase A deficiency/ Angiokeratomas
Burning pain in extremities/ BUN increased in serum/ Boys
Renal failure
YX genotype (male, X linked recessive)
B vitamin names
"The Rhythm Nearly Proved Contagious":
· In increasing order: Thiamine (B1) Riboflavin (B2) Niacin (B3) Pyridoxine (B6)
Cobalamin (B12)
Electron transport chain: Rotenone's site of action
Rotenone is a site specific inhibitor of complex one.
Citric acid cycle compounds
"Oh! Can I Keep Some Succinate For Myself?":
Oxaloacetate Citrate Isocitrate Ketoglutarate Succinyl coA Succinate Fumarate Malate
Citric acid cycle compounds
"Oh Citric Acid Is Of (course) A SiLly STupid Funny Molecule":
Oxaloacetate Citrate Aconitate Isocitrate Oxalosuccinate Alpha-ketoglutarate SuccinyL-
CoA SuccinaTe Fumarate Malate
· SilLy and sTupid used to differentiate succinyL and succinaTe
Type 1 glycogen storage disease
Type 1 = one (Von), ie Von Giereke's disease
Essential amino acids
PVT. TIM HALL: Phe Val Thr Trp Ile Met His Arg Leu Lys
· Pvt. is short for Private in the military.
· Arg and His are considered semiessential.
· Alternatively: "MATT VIL PHLy".
Citric acid cycle compounds
"Can I Ask Sharon Stone For My Orgasm?":
Citrate Isocitrate Alpha-Ketoglutarate Succinyl CoA Succinate Fumerate Maleate
Golgi complex: functions
"Golgi Distributes A SPAM":
Distributes proteins and lipids from ER
Add mannose onto specific lysosome proteins
Sulfation of sugars and slected tyrosine
Proteoglycan assembly
Add O-oligosugars to serine and threnonine
Modify N-ologosugars on asparagine
Pyruvate: products of complete oxidation
"4 Naked Fun 3 Coeds + 1 Guy":
· Complete oxidation of pyruvate yields:
Catabolism steps of branched chain amino acids
"Truck hit the Ox to Death":
Oxidative decarboxylation
Niacin deficiency: signs and symptoms
The famous 4 D's:
Diarrhoea Dermatitis Dementia Death (if untreated)
Creatine phosphate: amino acid precursors
"Nice GAMs!": Glycine Arginine Methionine
· Gam is slang for a person's leg, especiallay an attractive female's leg: "Nice gams = nice legs!"
· Creatine phosphate is a muscle energy store, and spontaneously converts to creatinine which is excreted in the urine in direct proportion to muscle mass: clinically useful, such as in MS Dx.
Enzymes: classification
"Over The HILL":
· Enzymes get reaction over the hill.
Insulin: function
INsulIN stimulates 2 things to go IN 2 cells: Potassium and Glucose.
Collagen concisely covered
C-terminal propeptide (procollagen)/ Covalent Cross links/ C vitamin/ Connective tissue/
Cartilage/ Chondroblasts/ Copper Cofactor (Covalent Cross linking)
Outside the cell is where collagen normally functions/ Osteoblasts/ Osteogenesis imperfecta
Lysyl hydroxylase/ Lysyl oxidase (oxidatively deaminates lysyl and hydroxylysyl residues to form collagen cross links, last biosynthesis step)
Long triple helical fibers/ Ligaments
Alpha chains/ Attached by H bonds form triple helix/ Ascorbate for hydroxylation of lysyl and prolyl residues of pro-Alpha chains (postranslational modification)
Gly in every third position/ Glycosylation of hydroxyl group of hydroxylysine with
Glucose and Galactose; GOlgi allows procollagen to GO outside of cell
Extracellular matrix/ Eye (cornea, sclera)/ Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
N-terminal propeptide (procollagen)/ Nonhelical terminal extensions
· Note: Procollagen LEAVEs the cell to be cLEAVEd by procollagen peptidases
Essential amino acids
"PVT. TIM HALL always argues, never tires":
Phe Val Thr Trp Ile Met His Arg Lue Lys
· Always argues: the A is for Arg, not Asp.
· 'Never tires': T is not Tyr, but is both Thr and Trp.
Hypervitaminosis A: signs and symptoms
"Increased Vitamin A makes you HARD":
Headache/ Hepatomegaly
Anorexia/ Alopecia
Really painful bones
Dry skin/ Drowsiness
Heme synthesis: amino acid precursors to basic unit of porphyrins, heme (pyrrole ring)
"Dracula wants to Suck a Co-ed's blood [think heme] with his Glystening teeth!":
Succinyl CoA and Glycine are precursor amino acids to pyrrole rings, which is the basic unit of porphyrins and heme.
Enzymes: competitive inhibitors
"Competition is hard because we have to travel more kilometers (Km) with the same velocity":
With competitive inhibitors, velocity remains same but Km increases
Phosphorylation cascade: action during low glucose
"In the Phasted State, Phosphorylate":
The phosphorylation cascade becomes active when blood glucose is low.
Sickle cell anemia: mutation
"HbS isn't Very Good":
At Sixth position of HB beta chain, Valine is present instead of Glutamic acid. tRNA: molecular shape
Fortunately, tRNA (Transfer RNA) is shaped like a capital T.
· See diagram.
Malate-aspartate shuttle
"MAD commute":
Malate in. Alpha-ketoglutarate and D (Aspartate) out.
Vitamins: which are fat soluble
KADE: Vitamin K Vitamin A Vitamin D Vitamin E
Phenylketonuria: which enzyme is deficient
PHenylketonuria is caused by a deficiency of: Phenylalanine Hydroxylase
In the Phasted State Phosphorylate
Phosphorylation cascade active when blood glucose low.
Exons expressed, Introns in the trash--DNA expression into mature mRNA
Pyrimidines are CUT from purines.
Pyrimidines are Cytosine, Uracil, Thiamine and are one ring structures.
Purines are double ring structures.
Amino Acids:The ten essential amino acids:
"These Ten Valuable Amino Acids Have Long Preserved Life In
(Threonine, Tryptophan, Valine, Arginine, Histidine, Lysine,
Phenylalanine, Leucine, Isoleucine, Methionine)
INsulin gets sugar INto cells- (Excess sugar is removed via urine.The Romans noticed bees attracted to the urine of diabetics and coined the term "diabetes" to describe the overflow of sugar.)
GOAT FLAP- Eight hormones: Growth hormone, Oxytocin, Adenocorticotropin, Thyroid stimulating hormone, Follicle stimulating hormone, Leutinizing hormone (interstitial cell stimulating hormone in males), Anti-diruetic(Vasopressin), and Prolactin
Back Trouble?
This uses the name of a famous Flemish physician to list off the different factors causing back troubles. It's pretty old, though, as knife and bullet wounds aren't mentioned. :^)
Vertebral Fracture
Extraspinal Tumour
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Lumbar Disk Increase
Intraspinal Tumour
Carpal (Wrist) Bones
"Scared Lovers Try Positions That They Can't Handle."
Starting from the thumb, the eight carpal bones are Scaphoid,
Lunate, Triquetrum, Pisiform, Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate, and Hamate. To tell the three T's apart... triquetrum has "tri/
S try" in it, and trapezium and trapezoid are in alphabetical order.
CARPenters use their hands. The CARPAL bones are of the hand, and not the foot.
Cranial Bones
Annoying, aren't they? The cranial bones are the PEST OF 6...
Frontal the six? the number of bones!
Try this one as well: Old People From Texas Eat Spiders.
Cranial Sutures
Sutures have CLASS...
Lambdoid and
Facial Bones
"Con Man Max and Pal Ziggy Lack Nasty Voices". Not the most intuitive acrostic in the world, but it works...
Fontanels (Infant Skull)
A baby's first words might be "PAPA!"...
Star Wars fans (hi, Inderpal!) use "Go C3PO" to recall the seven types of bone fractures...
Lower Leg Bones
Can't tell your tib from your fib? The TIBia is the Thick, Inner
Bone. The FibuLa is Finer, Fluted, and Lateral.
Orbital Bones
This one's a bit silly. It relies on the belief that a species called the FLEZMS are in ORBITaround the earth.
Two Zulu's Bruised My Cervix
This one is used to remember the branches of the facial nerve...a (Sent to me by
T emporal nerve
Z ygomatic nerve
B uccal nerve
M arginal mandibular nerve
C ervical nerve
To Zanzibar By Motorcar
Aortic stenosis characteristics SAD:
MI: basic management BOOMAR:
Bed rest
Reduce clot size
Some Lovers Try Positions That
They Can't Handle
For the order of the bones in the wrist : Scaphoid, Lunate,
Triquetral, Pisiform, Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate, Hamate.
Some Say Marry Money But My Brother Says Big Breasts
Matter Most
For the Cranial Nerves 1 through 12, in determining whether they are Sensory, Motor, or Both (starting with Cranial Nerve
ECG: left vs. right bundle block "WiLLiaM MaRRoW":
W pattern in V1-V2 and M pattern in V3-V6 is Left bundle block.
M pattern in V1-V2 and W in V3-V6 is Right bundle block.
· Note: consider bundle branch blocks when QRS complex is wide.
Pericarditis: causes CARDIAC RIND:
Collagen vascular disease
Aortic aneurysm
Drugs (such as hydralazine)
Acute renal failure
Cardiac infarction
Rheumatic fever
Dressler's syndrome
Murmurs: systolic types SAPS:
· Systolic murmurs include aortic and pulmonary stenosis.
· Similarly, it's common sense that if it is aortic and pulmonary stenosis it could also be mitral and tricusp regurgitation].
MI: signs and symptoms PULSE:
Persistent chest pains
Upset stomach
Shortness of breath
Excessive sweating
Heart compensatory mechanisms that 'save' organ blood flow during shock "Heart
Symphatoadrenal system
Atrial natriuretic factor
Endogenous digitalis-like factor
Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
· In all 5, system is activated/factor is released
Murmurs: right vs. left loudness "RILE":
Right sided heart murmurs are louder on Inspiration.
Left sided heart murmurs are loudest on Expiration.
· If get confused about which is which, remember LIRE=liar which will be inherently false.
ST elevation causes in ECG, ELEVATION:
Early repolarization
Ventricular hypertrophy
Treatment (eg pericardiocentesis)
Injury (AMI, contusion)
Osborne waves (hypothermia)
Non-occlusive vasospasm
Beck's triad (cardiac tamponade) 3 D's:
Distant heart sounds
Distended jugular veins
Decreased arterial pressure
MI: therapeutic treatment ROAMBAL:
Morphine (diamorphine)
Beta blocker
CHF: causes of exacerbation FAILURE:
Forgot medication
Arrhythmia/ Anaemia
Ischemia/ Infarction/ Infection
Lifestyle: taken too much salt
Upregulation of CO: pregnancy, hyperthyroidism
Renal failure
Embolism: pulmonary
Murmurs: systolic vs. diastolic PASS: Pulmonic & Aortic Stenosis=Systolic.
PAID: Pulmonic & Aortic Insufficiency=Diastolic.
Murmurs: systolic vs. diastolic Systolic murmurs: MR AS: "MR. ASner".
Diastolic murmurs: MS AR: "MS. ARden".
· The famous people with those surnames are Mr. Ed Asner and Ms. Jane Arden.
Mitral stenosis (MS) vs. regurgitation (MR): epidemiology MS is a female title (Ms.) and it is female predominant.
MR is a male title (Mr.) and it is male predominant.
Pericarditis: EKG "PericarditiS":
PR depression in precordial leads.
ST elevation.
Jugular venous pressure (JVP) elevation: causes HOLT: Grab Harold Holt around the neck and throw him in the ocean:
Heart failure
Obstruction of venea cava
Lymphatic enlargement - supraclavicular
Intra-Thoracic pressure increase
Depressed ST-segment: causes DEPRESSED ST:
Drooping valve (MVP)
Enlargement of LV with strain
Potassium loss (hypokalemia)
Reciprocal ST- depression (in I/W AMI)
Embolism in lungs (pulmonary embolism)
Subendocardial ischemia
Subendocardial infarct
Encephalon haemorrhage (intracranial haemorrhage)
Dilated cardiomyopathy
Toxicity of digitalis, quinidine
Murmurs: innocent murmur features 8 S's:
Sounds (S1 & S2) normal
Special tests normal (X-ray, EKG)
Standing/ Sitting (vary with position)
Sternal depression
Murmur attributes "IL PQRST" (person has ill PQRST heart waves):
Murmurs: locations and descriptions "MRS butt":
MRS: Mitral Regurgitation--Systolic butt: Aortic Stenosis--Systolic
· The other two murmurs, Mitral stenosis and Aortic regurgitation, are obviously diastolic.
Betablockers: cardioselective betablockers "Betablockers Acting Exclusively At
· Cardioselective betablockers are:
Apex beat: abnormalities found on palpation, causes of impalpable HILT:
Laterally displaced
Thrusting/ Tapping
· If it is impalpable, causes are COPD:
Pleural, Pericardial effusion
MI: treatment of acute MI COAG:
Glycerol trinitrate
Coronary artery bypass graft: indications DUST:
Depressed ventricular function
Unstable angina
Stenosis of the left main stem
Triple vessel disease
Peripheral vascular insufficiency: inspection criteria SICVD:
Symmetry of leg musculature
Integrity of skin
Color of toenails
Varicose veins
Distribution of hair
Heart murmurs "hARD ASS MRS. MSD": hARD: Aortic Regurg = Diastolic
ASS: Aortic Stenosis = Systolic
MRS: Mitral Regurg = Systolic
MSD: Mitral Stenosis = Diastolic
Mitral regurgitation When you hear holosystolic murmurs, think "MR-THEM ARE holosystolic murmurs".
Sino-atrial node: innervation Sympathetic acts on Sodium channels (SS).
Parasympathetic acts on Potassium channels (PS).
Supraventricular tachycardia: treatment ABCDE:
Calcium channel antagonist
Excitation (vagal stimulation)
Ventricular tachycardia: treatment LAMB:
Mexiltene/ Magnesium
Pulseless electrical activity: causes PATCH MED:
Pulmonary embolus
Tension pneumothorax
Cardiac tamponade
Hypokalemia/ Hyperkalemia/ Hypoxia/ Hypothermia/ Hypovolemia
Myocardial infarction
Electrolyte derangements
Sinus bradycardia: aetiology "SINUS BRADICARDIA" (sinus bradycardia):
Infections (myocarditis)
Neap thyroid (hypothyroid)
Unconsciousness (vasovagal syncope)
Subnormal temperatures (hypothermia)
Biliary obstruction
Raised CO2 (hypercapnia)
Deficient blood sugar (hypoglycemia)
Imbalance of electrolytes
Cushing's reflex (raised ICP)
Rx (drugs, such as high-dose atropine)
Deep anaesthesia
Ischemic heart disease
Rheumatic fever: Jones criteria · Major criteria: CANCER:
Rheumatic anamnesis
· Minor criteria: CAFE PAL:
CRP increased
Elevated ESR
Prolonged PR interval
Anamnesis of rheumatism
JVP: wave form ASK ME:
Atrial contraction
Systole (ventricular contraction)
Klosure (closure) of tricusps, so atrial filling
Maximal atrial filling
Emptying of atrium
· See diagram.
Coronary artery bypass graft: indications DUST:
Depressed ventricular function
Unstable angina
Stenosis of the left main stem
Triple vessel disease
Exercise ramp ECG: contraindications RAMP:
Recent MI
Aortic stenosis
MI in the last 7 days
Pulmonary hypertension
ECG: T wave inversion causes INVERT:
Normality [esp. young, black]
Ventricular hypertrophy
Ectopic foci [eg calcified plaques]
Treatments [digoxin]
Rheumatic fever: Jones major criteria JONES:
Joints (migrating polyarthritis)
Obvious, the heart (carditis, pancarditis, pericarditis, endocarditis or valvulits)
Nodes (subcutaneous nodules)
Erythema marginatum
Sydenham's chorea
Myocardial infarctions: treatment INFARCTIONS:
IV access
Narcotic analgesics (eg morphine, pethidine)
Facilities for defibrillation (DF)
Aspirin/ Anticoagulant (heparin)
Converting enzyme inhibitor
IV beta blocker
Oxygen 60%
Stool Softeners
Atrial fibrillation: causes PIRATES:
Pulmonary: PE, COPD
Rheumatic heart: mirtral regurgitation
Atherosclerotic: MI, CAD
Thyroid: hyperthyroid
Sick sinus syndrome
Atrial fibrillation: management ABCD:
Beta-block to control rate
Anti-arrythmics: for AV nodes "Do Block AV":
Murmurs: systolic MR PV TRAPS:
Regurgitation and
Aortic and
Apex beat: differential for impalpable apex beat DOPES:
Pericarditis or pericardial tamponade
Sinus inversus/ Student incompetence
• Gallstones, Ethanol, Trauma, Steroids, Mumps,
Autoimmune(PAN), Scorpion bites, Hyperlipidemia,
Drugs(azathioprine, diuretics)
• A - appearance (color)
• P - pulse (heart rate)
• G - grimmace (reflex, irritability)
• A - activity (muscle tone)
• R - respiratory effort
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia: Each of the MENs is a disease of three or two letters plus a feature.
• MEN I is a disease of 3 P's (pituitary, parathyroid, and pancreas) plus adrenal cortex
• MEN II is a disease of 2 C's(carcinoma of thyroid and catacholamines [pheochromocytoma]) plus parathyroid for MEN
IIa or mucocutaneous neuromas for MEN IIB(aka MEN III)
Acute pneumonia caused by Pyogenic bacteria--PMN infiltrate
Acute pneumonia caused by Miscellaneous microbes--Mononuclear infiltrate
Takayasu's diz = pulseless diz, therefore when you have Takayasu's, I can't Tak'a yu pulse.
CAGE--alcohol use screening
• Have you ever felt it necessary to CUT DOWN on your drinking?
• Has anyone ever told you they were ANNOYED by your drinking?
• Have you ever felt GUILTY about your drinking?
• Have you ever felt the need to have a drink in the morning for an
P-Q-R-S-T--eliciting and HPI and exploring symptoms
• P--palliative or provocative factors for the pain
• Q--quality of pain(burning, stabbing, aching, etc.)
• R--region of body affected
• S--severity of pain(usually 1-10 scale)
• T--timing of pain(eg.-after meals, in the morning, etc.)
A-S-C-L-A-S-T--eliciting and HPI and exploring symptoms
• A--aggravatiing and alleviating factors
• S--severity
• C--character, quality
• L--location
• A--associated sx
• S--setting
• T--timing
• note: ASCLAST means let the patient talk first, then ask him/her specific questions
Argyll-Robertson Pupil--syphilitic pupil: Accommodation reflex present, Pupillary reflex absent due to damage at pretectal area. Also called the "prostitute's pupil" (accommodates but does not react).
The five W's--post-operative fever
• Wind--pneumonia, atelectasis
• Wound--wound infections
• Water--urinary tract infection
• Walking--walking can help reduce deep vein thromboses and pulmonary embolus
• Wonderdrugs--especially anesthesia
Predisposing Conditions for Pulmonary Embolism: TOM SCHREPFER
• T--trauma
• O--obesity
• M--malignancy
• S--surgery
• C--cardiac disease
• H--hospitalization
• R--rest (bed-bound)
• E--estrogen, pregnancy, post-partum
• P--past hx
• F--fracture
• E--elderly
• R--road trip
• pain
• pallor
• pulselessness
• paresthesias
HYPERSENSITIVITY REACTIONS: "Anna Cycled Immediately Downhill--Gell &
Goombs" or "ACID."
• Type I Anaphylaxis
• Type II Cytotoxic-mediated
• Type III Immune-complex
• Type IV Delayed hypersensitivity
WBC Count: "Never Let Mom Eat Beans" and "60, 30, 6, 3, 1"
• Neutrophils 60%
• Lymphocytes 30%
• Monocytes 6%
• Eosinophils 3%
• Basophils 1:
Clinical - Free Association
Proud Dead Guys and Other Diseases
Addison’s Disease • primary adrenocortical deficiency Addisonian Anemia • pernicious anemia (antibodies to intrinsic factor or parietal cells → ↓ IF → ↓ Vit B12 → megaloblastic anemia) Albright’s Syndrome • polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, precocious puberty, café au lait spots, short stature, young girls Alport’s Syndrome • hereditary nephritis with nerve deafness, Type 4 collagen defect (basement membranes) Alzheimer’s
• progressive dementia; tau proteins, neurofibrillary tangles, apolipoprotein E4 allele, narrow gyri and wide sulci (atrophy), occipital sparing, hydrocephalus ex vacuo, plaques in hippocampus and cortex, ↓ Acetylcholine, Hiramo bodies (inrtacellular inclusion bodies in hippocampal cells) Argyll-Robertson Pupil • loss of light reflex constriction
(contralateral or bilateral) • “Prostitute’s Eye” - accommodates but does not react •
Pathognomonic for 3°Syphilis Arnold-Chiari Malformation • cerebellar tonsil herniation
Barrett’s • columnar metaplasia of lower esophagus (* risk of adenocarcinoma)
Bartter’s Syndrome • hyperreninemia Becker’s Muscular Dystrophy • similar to
Duchenne, but less severe (deficiency in dystrophin protein) Bell’s Palsy • CNVII palsy
(entire face; recall that UMN lesion only affects lower face) Berger’s Disease • IgA nephropathy Bernard-Soulier Disease • defect in platelet adhesion (abnormally large platelets & lack of platelet-surface glycoprotein) Berry Aneurysm • circle of Willis
(subarachnoid bleed) • often associated with ADPKD Bowen’s Disease • carcinoma in situ on shaft of penis (* risk of visceral ca)
Briquet’s Syndrome • somatization disorder • psychological: multiple physical complaints without physical pathology Broca’s Aphasia • Motor Aphasia intact comprehension
Bronchiolitis RSV Brown-Sequard • hemisection of cord (contralateral loss of pain & temp / ipsilateral loss of fine touch, UMN) Bruton’s Disease • X-linked agammaglobinemia Budd-Chiari • post-hepatic venous thrombosis Buerger’s Disease • acute inflammation of small, medium arteries * painful ischemia * gangrene
Burkitt’s Lymphoma • small noncleaved cell lymphoma EBV • 8:14 translocation
Caisson Disease • gas emboli Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Median nerve entrapment
Chagas’ Disease • Trypansoma infection sleeping disease, cardiomegaly with apical atrophy, achlasia Chediak-Higashi Disease • Phagocyte Deficiency: neutropenia, albinism, cranial & peripheral neuropathy • repeated infections Congenital adrenal hyperplasia 21-hydroxylase deficiency: virilism, no cortisol, salt loss, hypotension 11hydroxylase deficiency: virilism, no cortisol, salt retention, hypertension Conn’s
Syndrome • primary aldosteronism Cori’s Disease • glycogen storage disease
(debranching enzyme deficiency) Creutzfeldt-Jakob • prion infection * cerebellar & cerebral degeneration
Crigler-Najjar Syndrome • congenital hyperbilirubinemia (unconjugated) • glucuronyl transferase deficiency Crohn’s • IBD; ileocecum, transmural, skip lesions, lymphocytic infiltrate, granulomas (contrast to UC: limited to colon, mucosa & submucosa, crypt abscesses, pseudopolyps, * colon cancer risk)
Croup Parainfluenza Curling’s Ulcer • acute gastric ulcer associated with severe burns
Cushing’s • Disease: hypercorticism 2* to * ACTH from pituitary (basophilic adenoma) •
Syndrome: hypercorticism of all other causes (1* adrenal or ectopic)
Cushing’s Ulcer • acute gastric ulcer associated with CNS trauma de Quervain’s
Thyroiditis • self-limiting focal destruction (subacute thyroiditis) DiGeorge’s Syndrome • thymic hypoplasia * T-cell deficiency • hypoparathyroidism Down’s Syndrome • trisomy
21 or translocation Dressler’s Syndrome • Post-MI Fibrinous Pericarditis autoimmune
Dubin-Johnson Syndrome • congenital hyperbilirubinemia (conjugated) • striking brownto-black discoloration of the liver Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy • deficiency of dystrophin protein * MD X-linked recessive
Edwards’ Syndrome • trisomy 18 • rocker-bottom feet, low ears, heart disease Ehler’s-
Danlos • defective collagen Eisenmenger’s Complex • late cyanotic shunt (R → L) pulmonary HTN & RVH 2° to long-standing VSD, ASD, or PDA Erb-Duchenne Palsy • trauma to superior trunk of brachial plexus Waiter’s Tip Ewing Sarcoma •
ANATOMY undifferentiated round cell tumor of bone Eyrthroplasia of Queyrat • carcinoma in situ on glans penis Fanconi’s Syndrome • impaired proximal tubular reabsorption 2* to lead poisoning or Tetracycline (glycosuria, hyperphosphaturia, aminoaciduria, systemic acidosis) Felty’s Syndrome • rheumatoid arthritis, neutropenia, splenomegaly Gardner’s
Syndrome • adenomatous polyps of colon plus osteomas & soft tissue tumors Gaucher’s
Disease • Lysosomal Storage Disease glucocerebrosidase deficiency • hepatosplenomegaly, femoral head & long bone erosion, anemia Crinkled tissue paper cells in marrow Gilbert’s Syndrome • benign congenital hyperbilirubinemia
(unconjugated) GIST Tumor arising in cells of Cajal (pacemakers of gut) Glanzmann's
Thrombasthenia • defective glycoproteins on platelets Goodpasture’s • autoimmune: ab’s to glomerular & alveolar basement membranes; linear immunofluorescence Grave’s
Disease • autoimmune hyperthyroidism (TSI) Guillain-Barre • idiopathic polyneuritis
(ascending muscle weakness & paralysis; usually self-limiting) Hamman-Rich Syndrome
• idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis Hand-Schuller-Christian • chronic progressive histiocytosis Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis • autoimmune hypothyroidism (antimicrosomal or antithyroglobulin); Hurthle cells, thyroid germinal centers, Hapooh poohoxicosis • initial hyperthyroidism in Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis that precedes hypothyroidism Henoch-
Schonlein purpura • hypersensivity vasculitis • hemmorhagic urticaria (with fever, arthralgias, GI & renal involvement) • associated with upper respiratory infections
Hereditary Spherocytosis RBC cytoskeletin defect, most commonly spectrin
Hirschprung’s Disease • aganglionic megacolon Horner’s Syndrome • ptosis, miosis, anhidrosis (lesion of cervical sympathetic nerves often 2* to a Pancoast tumor)
Huntington’s • progressive degeneration of caudate nucleus, putamen & frontal cortex;
AD Hunter’s Decreased iduronosulfate sulfatase Hurler’s Decreased alpha-L-iduronidase
Jacksonian Seizures • epileptic events originating in the primary motor cortex (area 4)
Job’s Syndrome • immune deficiency: neutrophils fail to respond to chemotactic stimuli
Kaposi Sarcoma • malignant vascular tumor (HHV8 in homosexual men) Kartagener’s
Syndrome • immotile cilia 2° to defective dynein arms infection, situs inversus, sterility
Kawasaki Disease • mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome (lips, oral mucosa)
Keratoconjunctivitis adenovirus Klinefelter’s Syndrome • 47, XXY Kluver-Bucy • bilateral lesions of amygdala (hypersexuality; oral behavior) Krabbe Disease Betagalactosidase deficiency Krukenberg Tumor • adenocarcinoma with signet-ring cells
(typically originating from the stomach) metastases to the ovaries Laennec’s Cirrhosis • alcoholic cirrhosis Lesch-Nyhan • HGPRT deficiency • gout, retardation, self-mutilation
Letterer-Siwe • acute disseminated Langerhans’ cell histiocytosis Libman-Sacks • endocarditis with small vegetations on valve leaflets • associated with SLE Lou Gehrig’s
• Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis degeneration of upper & lower motor neurons Mallory-
Weis Syndrome • bleeding from esophagogastric lacerations 2* to wretching (alcoholics)
Marfan’s • elastin defect, floppy mitral valve, arachnodactyly, cystic medial necrosis, subluxed lens McArdle’s Disease • glycogen storage disease (muscle phosphorylase deficiency) Meckel’s Diverticulum • rule of 2’s: 2 inches long, 2 feet from the ileocecum, in 2% of the population • embryonic duct origin; may contain ectopic tissue (gastric,
ANATOMY pancreatic, etc.) Meig’s Syndrome • Triad: ovarian fibroma, ascites, hydrothorax
Menetrier’s Disease • giant hypertrophic gastritis (enlarged rugae; plasma protein loss)
Monckeberg’s Arteriosclerosis • calcification of the media (usually radial & ulnar aa.), pipestem arteries Munchausen Syndrome • factitious disorder (consciously creates symptoms, but doesn’t know why) Meningioma Arachnoid cap cells, whorls of cells
Mesothelioma Asbestos exposure Nelson’s Syndrome • 1* Adrenal Cushings * surgical removal of adrenals * loss of negative feedback to pituitary * Pituitary Adenoma
Niemann-Pick • Lysosomal Storage Disease sphingomyelinase deficiency • “foamy histiocytes” Osler-Weber-Rendu Syndrome • Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia
Osteogenesis imperfecta Type I collagen defect Paget’s Disease • abnormal bone architecture (thickened, numerous fractures * pain) , woven and lamellar bone mosaic
Pancoast Tumor • bronchogenic tumor with superior sulcus involvement * Horner’s
Parkinson’s • dopamine depletion in nigrostriatal tracts; Cogwheel rigidity Peutz-Jegher’s
Syndrome • melanin pigmentation of lips, mouth, hand, genitalia plus hamartomatous polyps of small intestine Peyronie’s Disease • subcutaneous fibrosis of dorsum of penis
Pick’s Disease • progressive dementia similar to Alzheimer’s, knife-edged gyri
Plummer’s Syndrome • hyperthyroidism, nodular goiter, absence of eye signs (Plummer’s
= Grave’s - eye signs) Plummer-Vinson • esophageal webs & iron-deficiency anemia, ↑
SCCA of esophagus Pompe’s Disease • glycogen storage disease (acid maltase deficiency) * cardiomegaly
Pott’s Disease • tuberculous osteomyelitis of the vertebrae Potter’s Complex • renal agenesis * oligohydramnios * hypoplastic lungs, defects in extremities
Raynaud’s • Disease: recurrent vasospasm in extremities • Phenomenon: 2* to underlying disease (SLE or scleroderma)
Reiter’s Syndrome • "Can't see, can't pee, can't climb a tree" • urethritis, conjunctivitis, arthritis non-infectious (but often follows infections), HLA-B27, polyarticular Reye’s
Syndrome • microvesicular fatty liver change & encephalopathy • 2* to aspirin ingestion in children following viral illness
Riedel’s Thyroiditis • idiopathic fibrous replacement of thyroid Rotor Syndrome • congenital hyperbilirubinemia (conjugated) • similar to Dubin-Johnson, but no discoloration of the liver Sezary Syndrome • leukemic form of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (mycosis fungoides) Shaver’s Disease • aluminum inhalation → lung fibrosis
Sheehan’s Syndrome • postpartum pituitary necrosis Shy-Drager • parkinsonism with autonomic dysfunction & orthostatic hypotension Simmond’s Disease • pituitary cachexia
Sipple’s Syndrome • MEN type IIa (pheochromocytoma, thyroid medulla, parathyroid)
Sjogren’s Syndrome • triad: dry eyes, dry mouth, arthritis ↑ risk of B-cell lymphoma
Spitz Nevus • juvenile melanoma (always benign) Stein-Leventhal • polycystic ovary
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome • erythema multiforme, fever, malaise, mucosal ulceration
(often 2° to infection or sulfa drugs) Struma Ovarii Thyroid teratoma of ovary Still’s
Disease • juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (absence of rheumatoid factor) Takayasu’s arteritis
• aortic arch syndrome • loss of carotid, radial or ulnar pulses Tay-Sachs • gangliosidosis
(hexosaminidase A deficiency * GM2 ganglioside)
Tetralogy of Fallot • ÊVSD, Ëoverriding aorta, Ìpulmonary artery stenosis, Íright ventricular hypertrophy
Tourette’s Syndrome • involuntary actions, both motor and vocal Turcot’s Syndrome • adenomatous polyps of colon plus CNS tumors Turner’s Syndrome • 45, XO Typhoid
Fever Bradycardia and in white people rose spots on abdomen Vincent’s Infection •
“trench mouth” - acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis von Gierke’s Disease • glycogen storage disease (G6Pase deficiency) von Hippel-Lindau • hemangioma (or hemangioblastoma) • adenomas of the viscera, especially renal cell carcinoma defect in
VHL tumor suppressor von Recklinghausen’s • neurofibromatosis & café au lait spots &
Lisch nodule (iris hamartomas) von Recklinghausen’s Disease of Bone • osteitis fibrosa cystica (“brown tumor”) 2* to hyperparathyroidism von Willebrand’s Disease • defect in platelet adhesion 2* to deficiency in vWF; increased bleeding time and PTT
Waldenstrom’s macroglobinemia • proliferation of IgM-producing lymphoid cells
Wallenberg’s Syndrome • Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery (PICA) thrombosis
“Medullary Syndrome” • Ipsilateral: ataxia, facial pain & temp; Contralateral: body pain
& temp Waterhouse-Friderichsen • catastrophic adrenal insufficiency 2* to hemorrhagic necrosis (eg, DIC) • often 2* to meningiococcemia
Weber’s Syndrome • Paramedian Infarct of Midbrain • Ipsilateral: mydriasis;
Contralateral: UMN paralysis (lower face & body) Wegener’s Granulomatosis • necrotizing granulomatous vasculitis of paranasal sinuses, lungs, kidneys, etc. Weil’s
Disease • leptospirosis Wermer’s Syndrome • MEN type I (thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal cortex, pancreatic islets, pituitary) Wernicke’s Aphasia • Sensory Aphasia impaired comprehension Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome • thiamine deficiency in alcoholics; bilateral mamillary bodies (confusion, ataxia, ophthalmoplegia) Whipple’s Disease • malabsorption syndrome (with bacteria-laden macrophages) & polyarthritis Wilson’s
Disease • hepatolenticular degeneration (copper accumulation & decrease in ceruloplasmin) Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome • immunodeficiency: combined B- &T-cell deficiency (thrombocytopenia & eczema) Wolff-Chaikoff Effect • high iodine level (*)’s thyroid hormone synthesis
Zenker’s Diverticulum • esophageal; cricopharyngeal muscles above UES Zollinger-
Ellison • gastrin-secreting tumor of pancreas (or intestine) * * acid * intractable ulcers
Hallmark Findings (and a few odd items mixed in) Adhesive arachnoiditis Caused by bacterial meningitis, leads to obstructive hydrocephalus Albumino-Cytologic
Dissociation • Guillain-Barre (markedly increased protein in CSF with only modest increase in cell count) AFP increase Neural tube defects, hepatocellular carcinoma, yolk
ANATOMY sac and embryonal carcinoma AFP decrease Down’s Amnion nodosum Renal agenesis
Amyloid in thyroid Thyroid medullary carcinoma (calcitonin) Analgesic abuse Papillary necrosis, esp. in diabetics Anasarca Minimal change disease Aneurysmal nodules
Polyarteritis nodosa Angiomyolipoma Tuberous sclerosis Anosmia Kallman’s syndrome
Anterior vermian atrophy alcoholism Anti-centromere antibody Limited scleroderma
(CREST) Anti-DNA topoisomerase antibody Diffuse scleroderma Anti-endomysial antibody Celiac sprue Anti-jo antibody polymositis Anti-mitochondrial antibody Primary biliary cirrhosis Antiplatelet Antibodies • idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura Antisacharommyces cervisiae antibody Crohn’s Anti-Smith antibodies Specific for SLE, antiribonulceoprotein Anti-smooth muscle antibody Autoimmune hepatitis type I
Arachnodactyly • Marfan’s Aschoff Bodies • rheumatic fever Ashleaf spots (skin)
Tuberous sclerosis Atypical lymphocytes EBV Auer Rods • acute promyelocytic leukemia (AML type M3) Autosplenectomy • sickle cell anemia Babinski • UMN lesion
Bacterial conjuntivitis S. aureus, strep. pneumo, Hemophilus aegyptius Basophilic
Stippling of RBCs • lead poisoning Bence Jones Protein • multiple myeloma free light chains (either kappa or lambda) • Waldenstrom’s macroglobinemia Bilateral breast cancer
Lobular carcinoma Bilateral renal cell carcinoma Von Hippel-Lindau Birbeck Granules • histiocytosis X (eosinophilic granuloma) Bladder trabeculation BPH Bloody nipple discharge Intraductal papilloma Blueberry muffin baby Rubella Blue Bloater • Chronic
Bronchitis Blue Sclera Osteogenesis imperfecta Boot-Shaped Heart • Tetralogy of Fallot
Bouchard’s Nodes • osteoarthritis (PIP) Boutonniere’s Deformity • rheumatoid arthritis
Bronze Diabetes Hemochromatosis Brown Tumor • hyperparathyroidism Brudzinski sign meningitis Brushfield Spots • Down’s, on iris Call-Exner Bodies • granulosa cell tumor
Carbon monoxide poisoning Hyperemia, edema and necrosis of globus Cardiomegaly with Apical Atrophy • Chagas’ Disease Central Nuclei in Muscle Muscular dystrophies
Chancre • 1* Syphilis, painless firm ulcers
Chancroid • Haemophilus ducreyi, painful soft ulcers Charcot Triad • multiple sclerosis
(nystagmus, intention tremor, scanning speech) Charcot-Leyden Crystals • bronchial asthma Cherry-red spot on macula Tay-Sachs, 50% of Niemann-Pick Cheyne-Stokes
Breathing • cerebral lesion Chocolate Cysts • endometriosis Cholesterol clefts atherosclerosis Chordae tendinae short and fused Rheumatic heart disease Chronic staph infections Chronic granulomatous disease, a deficiency of NADPH oxidase, can’t kill catalase positive bugs Chvostek’s Sign • Hypocalcemia facial spasm in tetany Clear nuclei Thyroid papillary carcinoma (Orphan Annie’s eyes) Clue Cells • Gardnerella vaginitis Codman’s Triangle • osteosarcoma Coin Lesions in Lung Pulmonary
Hamartoma Cold Agglutinins • Mycoplasma pneumoniae • infectious mononucleosis
Cold thyroid nodules Colloid cyst or thyroid adenoma Concentric laminar intimal fibrosis of small arteries of lung Primary pulmonary hypertension Condyloma Lata • 2* Syphilis • new coffee flavor at Bagel & Bagel Congenital Hepatic Fibrosis Polycystic Kidney
Disease, juvenile autosomal recessive form Contraction Band Necrosis MI Cotton Wool
Spots • HTN Councilman Bodies • dying hepatocytes Crescents In Bowman’s Capsule • rapidly progressive (crescentic glomerulonephritis) Crushed ping pong balls
Pneumocystis carinii Crypt abscesses Ulcerative colitis Currant-Jelly Sputum • Klebsiella
Curschmann’s Spirals • bronchial asthma Cystathioine synthase deficieny homocystinuria
D-dimers DIC Depigmentation Of Substantia Nigra • Parkinson’s Dew drop on rose petal
Chicken pox Diaphragmatic pleural plaques Asbestosis Donovan Bodies • granuloma inguinale (STD) Double bubble sign on ultrasound Down’s syndorme – duodenal atresia
Duret Hemorrhages Uncal herniation Eburnation • osteoarthritis (polished, ivory-like appearance of bone) Eccentric intimal fibrosis with medial hypertrophy Chronic transplant rejection Ectopia Lentis • Marfan’s Embolizing endocarditis Infectious, marantic (fibrin deposits in hypercoagulable states) Erythema Chronicum Migrans •
Lyme Disease Excavation of Optic Cup Glaucoma Exopthalmos hyperthyroid FAT RN
TTP (fever, anemia, thrombocytopenia, renal failure, neuro problems) Fatty Liver •
Alcoholism Fecalith Acute appendicitis False positive VDRL SLE, Treponema pertenue
(non-STD tropical infection) Ferruginous Bodies • asbestosis Fish-mouthed mitral valve
Rheumatic heart disease Flea-bitten Kidney Malignant Hypertension Frontal bossing
Sickle cell anemia Fungus ball in lung Apergillus galactosemia Galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase deficiency or galactokinase deficiency Garlic odor on breath Arsenic
(or lasagna) Ghon Complex • Tuberculosis, primary Gold Pneumonia Lipid pneumonia, exogenous (aspiration) or endogenous (obstruction Gower’s Maneuver • Duchenne’s MD use of arms to stand Gray discoloration of skin Argyria (silver poisoning) Hat size increase Paget’s disease of bone Heart Failure Cells CHF; hemosiderin-laden macrophages in lungs Heberden’s Nodes • Osteoarthritis (DIP) Heinz Bodies • G6PDH
Deficiency Hemarthrosis Coagulation factor deficiency Hemorrhagic Temporal Lobe
Lesion HSV Hemorrhagic Urticaria • Henoch-Schonlein Heterophil Antibodies • infectious mononucleosis (EBV) Hirano Bodies • Alzheimer’s HLA B27 Ankylosing spondylitis ochronosis (dark pigment of fibrous tissue) Alkaptonuria –homogentisic acid oxidase deficiency Honeycomb lung Pulmonary fibrosis Howell Jolley Bodies
Splenectomy, remnant of nuclear DNA H shaped vertebrae Sickle cell anemia Human placental lactogen increase Placental site trophoblastic tumor Hyaline thrombi TTP
Hydrosalpinx Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease Hypersegmented PMNs •
Megaloblastic anemia Hypochromic Microcytic RBCs • iron-deficiency anemia IgM against IgG Rheumatoid arthritis (rheumatoid factor) ↓ Immunoglobulins X-linked
Brutons agammaglobulinemia, and common variable immunodeficiency Index finger overlapping 3rd and 4th Edward’s (Trisomy 18) Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction • Syphilis over-aggressive treatment of an asymptomatic pt. that causes symptoms 2° to rapid lysis
Joint Mice • osteoarthritis (fractured osteophytes) Kaussmaul Breathing • acidosis
Keratin Pearls • SCCA Kernig’s sign meningitis Keyser-Fleischer Ring • Wilson’s
Kimmelstiel-Wilson Nodules • diabetic nephropathy Koilocytes • HPV Koplik Spots • measles Lacunar cells Variant of Reed-Sternberg cell seen in nodular sclerosing
Hodgkin’s Disease Lacunar infarct Chronic hypertension Lamellar bodies Contain surfactant in Type II pneumocytes Langhans giant cells Tuberculosis, other including coccidioides Lemon yellow skin color Pernicious anemia Lemon sign Ultrasonographic finding in Neural Tube Defects Leukocoria Retinoblastoma Lewy Bodies • Parkinson’s
(eosinophilic inclusions in damaged substantia nigra cells) Leukocyte alk. Phos. Positive
Leukemoid rxn. Lines of Zahn • arterial thrombus Lisch Nodules • neurofibromatosis
(von Recklinhausen’s disease) Loss of grey-white junction Tuberous sclerosis Low set ears Downs, DiGeorge, Trisomy 18 (Edwards) Lumpy-Bumpy IF Glomeruli • poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis Machine-like murmur Patent ductus arteriosus
Macronodular cirrhosis Wilson’s, viral hepatitis, alpha-1-antitrypsin Malignant pustule
Anthrax (black skin lesion) Mallory Bodies Alcoholic liver disease: intermediate filaments of hepatocyte cytoskeleton Maple syrup/burnt sugar urine Alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase deficiency; valine, leucine and isoleucine build up (branched)
McBurney’s Sign • appendicitis (McBurney’s Point is 2/3 of the way from the umbilicus to anterior superior iliac spine) Meconium ileus Cystic Fibrosis Mees lines Arsenic
(parallel lines on fingernails) Melanosis coli Laxative abuse Mental probs. with heart defect Mitral prolapse Michealis-Gutmann Bodies • Malakoplakia, an abnormal tissue response to kidney infection Microglial nodules HIV Micrognathia DiGeorge
Micronodular cirrhosis Wilsons, alcoholic, hemochromatosis, primary biliary cirrhosis
Microsatellite instability HNPCC (right-sided colon cancer), but also possible in other cancers Mid-systolic click Mitral prolapse Monoclonal Antibody Spike • multiple myeloma this is called the M protein (usually IgG or IgA) • MGUS Mousy / musty odor
PKU Mucosal bleeding Platelet problem (qualitative or quantitative) Myxedema • hypothyroidism Necrolytic migratory erythema dermatitis α -cell islet tumor Negri Bodies and hydrophobia • rabies Neuritic Plaques • Alzheimer’s Neurofibrillary Tangles •
Alzheimer’s Night pain relieved by aspirin Osteoid osteoma Non-embolizing endocarditis Rheumatic, Libman-Sacks (with SLE) Non-pitting Edema • Myxedema •
Anthrax Toxin Notching of Ribs • Coarctation of Aorta Nutmeg Liver • CHF, right heart
Onion skin kidney arterioles Malignant nephrosclerosis (malignant hypertension)
Oligoclonal band Multiple sclerosis Osteoid production osteosarcoma Painless Jaundice • pancreatic CA (head) Palatal Petechaie Strep pharyngitis Palpable purpura
Hypersensitivity vasculitis (Henoch-Schonlein, serum sickness) Pancarditis Rheumatic fever Pannus • rheumatoid arthritis PAS positive macrophages Whipple’s disease Patent ductus arteriosus Maternal rubella and prematurity Pautrier’s Microabscesses • mycosis fungoides (cutaneous T-cell lymphoma) Periductal edema Gynecomastia Periventricular
Calcifications Congenital CMV (brain ventricles, that is) Phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency PKU Philadelphia Chromosome • CML Pick Bodies • Pick’s Disease
Piecemeal Necrosis Chronic active hepatitis (periportal hepatocytes) Plexiform lesions
Pulmonary HTN (aneurysmal expansion of vessel wall) Pink, foamy lung exudate
Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia Pink Puffer • Emphysema Centroacinar – smoking
Panacinar - α 1-antitrypsin deficiency Podagra • gout (MP joint of hallux) Porcelain gallbladder Chronic cholecystitis (scarring) Porcelain gallstones Associated with gallbladder adenocarcinoma Port-Wine Stain • Hemangioma Posterior Anterior Drawer
Sign • tearing of the ACL Proliferating bile ducts Obstructive jaundice Psammoma
Bodies • Papillary adenocarcinoma of the thyroid • Serous papillary cystadenocarcinoma of the ovary • Meningioma • Mesothelioma Pseudohypertrophy • Duchenne muscular dystrophy Pseudopoyps Ulcerative colitis Pulmonary atherosclerosis Cor pulmonale
Punched-Out Bone Lesions • multiple myeloma Punched-out esophageal lesions herpes
Rash on Palms & Soles • 2° Syphilis • RMSF RBC poikilocytosis Beta-thalassemia
Rectangular RBC’s Hemoglobin SC Red hyalin globules Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency
(in liver) Red Morning Urine • paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria Reed-Sternberg
Cells • Hodgkin’s Disease Reid Index Increased • chronic bronchitis Reinke Crystals •
Leydig cell tumor Rhomboid crystals Pseudogout Rim pattern SLE, staining pattern with anti-double stranded DNA antibodies Rockerbottom feet Patau (Trisomy 13), Edward’s
(Trisomy 18) Rose thorns Sporotrichosis Rouleaux Formation • multiple myeloma RBC’s stacked as poker chips Rugae loss Pernicious anemia (atrophic gastritis) S3 Heart Sound •
L → R Shunt (VSD, PDA) • Mitral Regurg • LV Failure S4 Heart Sound • Pulmonary
Stenosis • Pulmonary HTN Scalloped colloid Grave’s disease Schwartzman Reaction •
Neisseria meningitidis impressive rash with bugs Shagreen patches Tuberous sclerosis
Simian Crease • Down’s Smith Antigen • SLE (also anti-dsDNA) Smudge cells CLL
(delicate cells easily destroyed on peripheral smear) Soap Bubble on X-Ray • giant cell tumor of bone Soldiers plaque Clinically insignificant remnant of healed pericarditis
Spider telangiectasia Hyperestrinism: liver faillure, pregnancy Spike & Dome Glomeruli
• membranous glomerulonephritis Splinter hemorrhages Infective endocarditis
Strawberry tongue Scarlet fever, Kawasaki’s Strawberry cervix Trichomonas vaginalis
Strawberry gallbladder cholesterolosis String Sign on X-ray • Crohn’s bowel wall thickening Sugar icing on spleen Portal hypertension Sulfer granules Collection of actinomyces or nocardia organisms in chronic abscessing bronchopneumonia Swiss cheese brain Clostridia (gas forming) Syncitia RSV, measles Tamm-Horsfall protein
Hyaline casts (non-specific) Target Cells • Thalassemia Teardrop RBCs Myelofibrosis
Temporal lobe encephalitis Herpes Tendinous Xanthomas • Familial
Hypercholesterolemia Tethered cord Arnold-Chiari malformation (tonsilar herniation)
Tetrahydrobiopterin cofactor def. PKU Thymidine dimers Xeroderma pigmentosum
Thymus, parathyroid agenesis Digeorge (3rd and 4th pharyngeal pouch) Thyroidization of Kidney • chronic pyelonephritis TIBC increase Anemia of chronic disease Tingible
Bodies Macrophage in lymph node germinal centers Tophi • gout Tram-Track Glomeruli
• membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis Tree bark aorta Syphilis Trousseau’s Sign • visceral ca, classically pancreatic (migratory thrombophlebitis) • hypocalcemia (carpal spasm) These are two entirely different disease processes and different signs, but they unfortunately have the same name. TSI > TGI Grave’s TGI > TSI Hashimoto’s
Tyrosinase deficiency Albinism Virchow’s Node • supraclavicular node enlargement by metastatic carcinoma of the stomach VMA and metenephrins in urine
Pheochromocytoma Warthin-Finkeldey Giant Cells • Measles Waterhammer pulse Aortic regurgitation WBC Casts • pyelonephritis White matter petechaie Fat emboli Winged scapula Long thoracic nerve (C5,6,7) damage, common with radical mastectomy Wire
Loop Glomeruli • lupus nephropathy, type IV Wrinkled glomerular basement membrane ischemia ↑ AFP in amniotic fluid or mother’s serum • Spina Bifida • Anencephaly ↑ Uric
Acid • Gout • Lesch Nyhan • Myeloproliferative Disorders • Diuretics (Loop &
Thiazides) ↓ FEV1/FVC • COPD ↓ glucose, ↑ protein in CSF Bacterial meningitis ↑ dopamine receptors Schizophrenia ↓ dopamine receptors Parkinson’s
Most Common… 1° Tumor arising from bone in adults • Multiple Myeloma Adrenal
Medullary Tumor – Adults • Pheochromocytoma Adrenal Medullary Tumor – Children •
Neuroblastoma Arteries of stroke Lateral striate Bacterial Meningitis – adults • Neisseria meningitidis Bacterial Meningitis – elderly • Strep pneumoniae Bacterial Meningitis – newborns • E. coli Bacterial Meningitis – toddlers • Hib B cell defect (genetic) Isolated
IgA deficiency Bone Tumors • Metasteses from Breast & Prostate Brain Tumor – Child •
Medulloblastoma (cerebellum) Brain Tumor –Adult • Astrocytoma (including
Glioblastoma Multiforme) then: mets, meningioma, Schwannoma Breast Carcinoma •
Invasive Duct Carcinoma Breast Mass • Fibrocystic Change (Carcinoma is the most common is post-menopausal women) Bug in Acute Endocarditis • Staph aureus Bug in debilitated, hospitalized pneumonia pt • Klebsiella Bug in Epiglottitis • Hib Bug in GI
Tract • Bacteroides (2nd – E. coli) Bug in IV drug user bacteremia / pneumonia • Staph aureus Bug in PID • N. Gonnorrhoeae Bug in Subacute Endocarditis • Strep Viridans
Cardiac 1° Tumor – Adults • Myxoma “Ball Valve” Cardiac 1° Tumor – Child •
Rhabdomyoma Cardiac Tumor – Adults • Metasteses Cardiomyopathy • Dilated
(Congestive) Cardiomyopathy Carpal bone fractured scaphoid Cause of 2° HTN • Renal
Disease Cause of Addison’s • Autoimmune (2nd – infection) Cause of Congenital
Adrenal Hyperplasia • 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency (then, 11-) Cause of Cushings •
Exogenous Steroid Therapy (then, 1° ↑ ACTH, Adrenal Adenoma, Ectopic ACTH) Cause of death in Alzheimer pts • Pneumonia Cause of death in amyloidosis Chronic renal failure Cause of death in Diabetics • MI Cause of Death in SLE pts. • Lupus Nephropathy
Type IV (Diffuse Proliferative) Cause of Dementia • Alzheimer’s Cause of Dementia
(2nd most common) • Multi-Infarct Dementia Cause of food poisoning • Staph aureus
Cause of mental retardation • Down’s Cause of mental retardation (2nd most common) •
Fragile X Cause of preventable blindness • Chlamydia Cause of Pulmonary HTN • COPD
Cause of SIADH • Small Cell Carcinoma of the Lung Chromosomal disorder • Down’s
Congenital cardiac anomaly • VSD (membranous > muscular) Congenital early cyanosis
• Tetralogy of Fallot Coronary Artery thrombosis • LAD Demyelinating Disease •
Multiple Sclerosis Dietary Deficiency • Iron Disseminated opportunistic infection in
AIDS • CMV (Pneumocystis carinii is most common overall) Esophageal cancer • SCCA
Fatal genetic defect in Caucasians • Cystic Fibrosis Female Tumor • Leimyoma Form of
Amyloidosis • Immunologic (Bence Jones protein in multiple myeloma is also called the
Amyloid Light Chain) Form of Tularemia • Ulceroglandular Gynecologic malignancy •
Endometrial Carcinoma Heart Murmur • Mitral Valve Prolapse Heart problem in AIDS
Pericarditis Heart tumor in adults myxoma Heart tumor in kids rhabdomyoma Heart
Valve in bacterial endocarditis • Mitral Heart Valve in bacterial endocarditis in IV drug users • Tricuspid Heart Valve involved in Rheumatic Fever • Mitral then Aortic
Hereditary Bleeding Disorder • Von Willebrand’s Disease Liver 1° Tumor • Hepatoma, seen in women on oral contraceptives Liver Disease • Alcoholic Liver Disease Location of Adult brain tumors • Above Tentorium Location of Childhood brain tumors • Below
Tentorium Location of GI tuberculosis Ileocecal Lysosomal Storage Disease • Gaucher’s
Motor Neuron Disease • ALS Myocarditis cause Coxsackie B Neoplasm – Child •
Leukemia Neoplasm – Child (2nd most common) • Medulloblastoma of brain
(cerebellum) Nephrotic Syndrome • Membranous Glomerulonephritis Opportunistic infection in AIDS • PCP Osteomyelitis in IV drug user Pseudomonas Osteomyelitis in sickle cell Salmonella Ovarian Malignancy • Serous Cystadenoma Ovarian Tumor •
Hamartoma Pancreatic Tumor • Adeno (usually in the head) Patient with ALL / CLL /
AML / CML • ALL - Child / CLL - Adult over 60 / AML - Adult over 60 / CML - Adult
35-50 Patient with Goodpasture’s • Young male Patient with Reiter’s • Male Pituitary
Tumor • Prolactinoma (2nd – Somatotropic “Acidophilic” Adenoma) Primary
Hyperparathyroidism • Adenomas (followed by: hyperplasia, then carcinoma) Pt. With
Hodgkin’s • Young Male (except Nodular Sclerosis type – Female) Pt. With Minimal
Change Disease • Young Child Secondary Hyperparathyroidism • Hypocalcemia of
Chronic Renal Failure Sexually transmitted disease • Chlamydia Site of Diverticula •
Sigmoid Colon Site of metastasis • Regional Lymph Nodes Site of metastasis (2nd most common) • Liver Sites of atherosclerosis • Abdominal aorta > coronary > popliteal > carotid Skin Cancer • Basal Cell Carcinoma Stomach cancer • Adeno Testicular Tumor •
Seminoma Thyroid Cancer • Papillary Carcinoma Tracheoesophageal Fistula • Lower esophagus joins trachea / upper esophagus – blind pouch Tumor of Infancy •
Hemangioma Type of Hodkin’s • Mixed Cellularity (versus: lymphocytic predominance, lymphocytic depletion, nodular sclerosis) Type of Non-Hodgkin’s • Follicular, small cleaved Vasculitis (of medium & small arteries) • Temporal Arteritis Viral Encephalitis •
HSV Worm infection in US • Pinworm (2nd – Ascaris)
Signature Drug Toxicities Agranulocytosis • Clozapine Aplastic Anemia •
Chloramphenicol • NSAIDs • Benzene Arrhythmia Tricyclic antidepressant (wide QRS)
Cardiac glycosides, especially with hypokalemia Atropine-like Side Effects • Tricyclics
Blindness Methanol (Formic Acid) Cardiotoxicity • Doxorubicin • Daunorubicin
Cartilage Damage in children • Fluoroquinolones (Ciprofloxacin & Norfloxacin)
Cinchonism • Quinidine Cough • ACE Inhibitors Diabetes Insipidus • Lithium
Disulfiram-like effect • Metronidazole • Sulfonylureas (1st generation) Extrapyramidal
Side Effects • Antipsychotics (Thioridazine, Haloperidol, Chlorpromazine) Fanconi’s
Syndrome • Tetracycline Fatal Hepatotoxicity (necrosis) • Valproic Acid • Halothane •
Acetaminophen Gingical Hyperplasia • Phenytoin Gray Baby Syndrome •
Chloramphenicol Gynecomastia • Cimetidine • Azoles • Spironolactone • Digitalis
Hemolytic Anemia in G6PD-deficiency • Sulfonamides • Isoniazid • Aspirin • Ibuprofen •
Primaquine Hepatitis • Isoniazid Hepatocellular carcinoma Polyvinyl chloride, anaphylatoxins Hot Flashes, Flushing • Niacin • Tamoxifen • Ca++ Channel Blockers
Induce CP450 • Barbiturates • Phenytoin • Carbamazepine • Rifampin Inhibit CP450 •
Cimetidine • Ketoconazole Interstitial Nephritis • Methicillin • NSAIDs (except Aspirin)
• Furosemide • Sulfonamides Lupus like Procainamide, hydralazine Malignant hyperthermia Succinyl choline, halothane Monday Disease • Nitroglycerin Industrial exposure → tolerance during week → loss of tolerance during weekend → headache, tach, dizziness upon re-exposure Neuroleptic malignant syndrome Haloperidol Orange
Body Fluids • Rifampin Osteoporosis • Heparin • Corticosteroids Positive Coombs’ Test •
Methyldopa Pulmonary Fibrosis • Bleomycin • Amiodarone Red Man Syndrome •
Vancomycin Severe HTN with Tyramine • MAOIs
SLE-like Syndrome • Procainamide • Hydralazine Tardive Dyskinesia • Antipsychotics
(Thioridazine, Haloperidol, Chlorpromazine) Tinnitus • Aspirin • Quinidine Torsade de pointes Quinidine Vaginal Adenosis and Clear Cell Carcinoma DES
Miscellaneous • Fastest growing tumor – Burkitt’s • PE’s are found in half of all autopsies • Courvoisier’s Law: tumors that obstruct the common bile duct cause enlarged gallbladders, but obstructing gallstones do not (too much scarring). • Only DNA virus to replicate in cytoplasm: Pox • Only RNA virus to replicate in nucleus: Influenza • Bacillus anthracis has the only protein capsule • Bordetella pertussis (Whooping Cough) elicits lymphocytosis rather than granulocytosis • Bronchioalveolar carcinomas grow without destroying the normal architecture of the lung • Cryptococcus neoformans often lacks a capsule and, when stained with GMS, looks just like Pneumycistis carinii, except that
Cryptococcus lacks the prominent nucleoli.
Alcohol abuse screening questions CAGE:
1. Ever felt it necessary to Cut down on drinking?
2. Has anyone ever said they felt Annoyed by your drinking?
3. Ever felt Guilty about drinking?
4 Ever felt a need to have a morning drink as an Eye opener?
Abdominal swelling causes 5 F's:
Fat Feces Fluid Flatus Fetus Full-sized tumors
Patient examination organization SOAP:
Subjective: what the patient says.
Objective: what the examiner observes.
Assessment: what the examiner thinks is going on.
Plan: what they intend to do about it.
Vomiting: non-GIT differential ABCDEFGHI:
Acute renal failure Brain [increased ICP] Cardiac [inferior MI] DKA Ears [labyrinthitis]
Foreign substances [Tylenol, theo, etc.] Glaucoma Hyperemesis gravidarum Infection
[pyelonephritis, meningitis]
History: quick EMS medical history checklist SAMPLE:
Signs/ Symptoms Allergies Medications Pertinent history Last oral intake Events preceding this incident
Pain history checklist OPQRSTU:
Onset of pain (time, duration) Palliative factors for pain Quality of pain (throbbing, stabbing, dull, etc.) Region of body affected Severity of pain (usually scale of 1-10)
Timing of pain (after exercise, in evening, etc.) U: How does it affect 'U' in your daily life?
· May wish to expand to OPPQRRSTTUVW, with the extra letters representing:
Provocative factors Radiation (how does pain spread) Treatments tried Deja Vu: Has this happened before? Worry: What do you think or fear that it is?
Differential diagnosis checklist "A VITAMIN C"
A and C stand for Acquired and Congenital
· VITAMIN stands for:
Inflammatory (Infectious and non-Infectious)
Trauma/ Toxins
· Example usage: List causes of decreased vision: Central retinal artery occlusion,
Retinitis pigmentosa, Perforation to gobe, Chronic Gentamycin use, Ruematoid arthritis,
Diabetes, Idiopathic, Any eye tumor, Myopia.
Sign vs. symptoms
Ign: something I can detect even if patient is unconscious. sYMptom is something only hYM knows about.
Eyes: abbreviations for the eyes
You look OUt with Both eyes. Take the Right dose so you won't OD [overdose]. The only one that is Left is OS.
· Both eyes=OU, Right eye=OD, Left eye=OS.
Medical history: disease checklist MJ THREADS:
Myocardial infarction Jaundice Tuberculosis Hypertension Rheumatic fever/ Rheumatoid arthritis Epilepsy Asthma Diabetes Strokes
Pain history checklist "On Days Feeling Low Character, Run A Seven Pace Race":
Precipitating factors
Relieving factors
Pain history checklist ASK LAST:
Aggravating/ Alleviating
Associated symptoms
Pain history checklist SOCRATES:
Alleviating factors/ Associated symptoms
Timing (duration, frequency)
Exacerbating factors
· Alternatively, Signs and Symptoms with the 'S'.
Symptom attributes "FAST LQQ'S":
Factors that make it better/worse
Associated manifestations
Heart valve auscultation sites "All Patients Take Meds":
· Reading from top left:
· See diagram.
· Alternatively: All Prostitutes Take Money.
· Alternatively: APe To Man.
Four point physical assessment of a disease
"I'm A People Person":
Physical exam for 'lumps and bumps'
"6 Students and 3 Teachers go for CAMPFIRE":
Site, Size, Shape, Surface, Skin, Scar
Tenderness, Temperature, Transillumination
Regional lymph nodes
Surgical sieve VANISHED:
Accident & trauma
Haematologic/ Hereditary
Differential diagnosis checklist "I VINDICATE":
Degenerative/ Drugs
Inflammatory/ Idiopathic
Allergic/ Autoimmune
Endocrinal & metabolic
Symptom sieve "TIN CAN BED DIP POG":
Blood/ Bone
Disintegration/ Degeneration
Iatrogenic/ Idiopathic
Pain history checklist LOST WAR:
Location Onset Severity Time Worsening factors Alleviating factors Radiation
Short statue causes RETARD HEIGHT:
Rickets Endocrine (cretinism, hypopituitarism, Cushing's) Turner syndrome
Achondroplasia Respiratory (suppurative lung disease) Down syndrome Hereditary
Environmental (postirradiation, postinfectious) IUGR GI (malabsorption) Heart
(congenital heart disease) Tilted backbone (scoliosis)
Ascultation: crackles (rales )"PEBbles":
Pneumonia Edema of lung Bronchitis
Pain history checklist CHLORIDE:
Character (stabbing, throbbing, etc.) Location Onset Radiation Intensity Duration Events
(associated with, or palliative and provocative factors)
Differential diagnosis CIMETIDINE:
Congenital Infection/ Inflammatory Metabolic Endocrine Trauma Iatrogenic
Degenerative Idiopathic Neoplastic Everything else
Sign vs. symptom Remember Ace of Base's song that goes like this: "I Saw the Sign, and it opened up my eyes".
The physician sees the signs.
Systems review: systems checklist I PUNCH EAR:
Integumental Pulmonary Urogenital Nervous Cardiovascular Hematolymphoid Endocrine
Alimentary Reproductive
Pain history checklist MR. C T FARADS:
Main site Radiation Character Timing Frequency Associated factors Relieving factors
Aggravating factors Duration Severity
Abdomen assessment To assess abdomen, palpate all 4 quadrants for DR. GERM:
Distension: liver problems, bowel obstruction Rigidity (board like): bleeding Guarding: muscular tension when touched Eviseration/ Ecchymosis Rebound tenderness: infection
Pain history checklist CLITORIS:
Character Location Intensity Timing Onset Radiating Irritating and relieving factors
Symptoms associated
Past medical history (PMH)
Vices (tobacco, alcohol, other drugs, sexual risks) Allergies Medications Preexisting medical conditions Trauma Hospitalizations Immunizations Surgeries
Patient profile (PP)
Living situation/ Lifestyle Anxiety Depression Daily activities (describe a typical day)
Environmental risks/ Exposure Relationships Support system/ Stress
Family history (FH)
Blood pressure (high) Arthritis Lung disease Diabetes Cancer Heart disease Alcoholism
Stroke Mental health disorders (depression, etc.)
Differential diagnosis checklist
Drugs Infection Rheumatologic Endocrine Cardiovascular Trauma Inflammatory Other
Pathologic classification
Neoplastic Infectious Traumatic Degenerative/ Drugs Immune Toxic Vascular
Inflammatory Totally obscure
Pyrexia of Unknown Origin: history taking
Sexual history Immunisation status Travel history Occupational history Nutrition
(consumption of dairy products, etc.) Family history Recreational habits Animal contacts
(including ticks and other vectors) Drug history
Health related behavior (HRB) topics: history taking
"Healthy SEEDS":
Substances (alcohol, tobacco, IV drugs?) Environment (hazards at home or work? feel safe?) Exercise (what do you do? how often do you do it?) Diet (any special diet?) Sex
(active with m/f/both? >1 partner? safe sex? STD history? difficulty with arousal or orgasm? history of abuse?)
· I find this order works well: patients most expect to be asked about alcohol and they least want to talk about their STD history, but taking a solid HRB history first reassures them that it's all part of good medical care.
Breast history checklist
Lump Mammary changes Nipple changes Other symptoms Patient risk factors
Pain history checklist
Character Onset Location Duration Exacerbating factors Radiation Before (ever happened before) Associated symptoms Relieving factors Severity
Pain history checklist
Site Onset Character Radiates to Associated symptoms/ Alleviating and exacerbating factors Periodicity
History, HCFA components for E+M coding
Quality Location Severity Duration Modifying factors Context Associated signs and symptoms Timing
Surgical sieve for diagnostic categories
Iatrogenic Neoplastic Vascular Endocrine Structural/ Mechanical Traumatic
Inflammatory Genetic/ Congenital Autoimmune Toxic Infective Old age/ Degenerative
Nutritional Spontaneous/ Idiopathic
Mental state examination: stages in order
"Assessed Mental State To Be Positively Clinically Unremarkable":
Appearance and behaviour [observe state, clothing...]
Mood [recent spirit]
Speech [rate, form, content]
Thinking [thoughts, perceptions]
Behavioural abnormalities
Perception abnormalities
Cognition [time, place, age...]
Understanding of condition [ideas, expectations, concerns]
Branham sign: definition
BRAnham sign:
BRAdycardia after compression or excision of a large AV fistula.
Glasgow coma scale: components and numbers
· Scale types is 3 V's: Visual response Verbal response Vibratory (motor) response
· Scale scores are 4,5,6:
Scale of 4: see so much more Scale of 5: talking jive Scale of 6: feels the pricks (if testing motor by pain withdrawl)
Meckel’s diverticulum- rule of 2’s
2 inches long,
2 feet from the ileocecal valve,
2% of the population commonlly presents in the first 2 years of life may contain 2 types of epithelial tissue
Pheochromocytoma-rule of 10s:
10% malignant
10% Bilateral
10% extraadrenal
10% calcified
10% children
10% familial
* discussed 10 times more often than actually seen
"BROKen aphasia" (Broca’s aphasia-broken speech)
"Wordys aphasia" (Wernicke’s aphasia- wordy, but making no sense)
GET SMASH'D--Causes of Acute pancreatitis
Gallstones, Ethanol, Trauma, Steroids, Mumps, Autoimmune(PAN), Scorpion bites,
Hyperlipidemia, Drugs(azathioprine, diuretics)
(Multiple endocrine neoplasia) Each of the MENs is a disease of three or two letters plus a feature.
"MEN I" is a disease of the 3 Ps (pituitary, parathyroid and pancreas) plus adrenal cortex.
"MEN II " is a disease of the two Cs (carcinoma of the thyroid and catacholamines [pheochromocytoma]) plus parathyroid for MEN IIa or mucocutaneous neuromas for MEN IIb (aka MEN III).
Acute pneumonia caused by Pyogenic bacteria--PMN infiltrate
Acute pneumonia caused by Miscellaneous microbes --Mononuclear infiltrate
Takayasu's diz = pulseless diz, therefore when you have
Takayasu's, I can't Tak'a yu pulse.
Argyll-Robertson Pupil--syphilitic pupil (AKA "Prostitute's pupil" - Accommodates, but doesn't react )
Accommodation reflex present, Pupillary reflex absent
CAGE--alcohol use screening
1. Have you ever felt it necessary to CUT DOWN on your drinking?
2. Has anyone ever told you they were ANNOYED by your drinking?
3. Have you ever felt GUILTY about your drinking?
4. Have you ever felt the need to have a drink in the morning for an EYE OPENER?
P-Q-R-S-T--eliciting and HPI and exploring symptoms
P--palliative or provocative factors for the pain
Q--quality of pain(burning, stabbing, aching, etc.)
R--region of body affected
S--severity of pain(usually 1-10 scale)
T--timing of pain(eg.-after meals, in the morning, etc.)
The five W's--post-operative fever
Wind--pneumonia, atelectasis
Water--urinary tract infection
Wound--wound infections
Wonderdrugs--especially anesthesia
Walking--walking can help reduce deep vein thromboses and pulmonary embolus
ACID or "Anna Cycled Immediately Downhill" classification of hypersensitivity reactions
Type I - Anaphylaxis
Type II - Cytotoxic-mediated
Type III - Immune-complex
Type IV - Delayed hypersensitivity
WBC Count:
"Never Let Momma Eat Beans(60, 30, 6, 3, 1)
Neutrophils 60%
Lymphocytes 30%
Monocytes 6%
Eosinophils 3%
Basophils 1%
A - appearance (color)
P - pulse (heart rate)
G - grimmace (reflex, irritability)
A - activity (muscle tone)
R - respiratory effort
Predisposing Conditions for Pulmonary Embolism: TOM SCHREPFER
C--cardiac disease
R--rest (bed-bound)
E--estrogen, pregnancy, post-partum
P--past hx
R--road trip
The 4 P's of arterial Occlusion: pain pallor pulselessness paresthesias
The 4 T's of Anterior Mediastinal Mass:Thyroid tumor,Thymoma,Teratoma, Terrible
Vitelline duct: closure time
VItelline duct normally closes around week VI of intrauterine life.
Potter syndrome: features POTTER:
Pulmonary hypoplasia
Twisted skin (wrinkly skin)
Twisted face (Potter facies)
Extremities defects
Renal agenesis (bilateral)
Placenta-crossing substances "WANT My Hot Dog": Wastes
Hormones/ HIV
Cranial and spinal neural crest: major derivatives GAMES:
Glial cells (of peripheral ganglia)
Arachnoid (and pia)
Enteric ganglia
Schwann cells
Mesoderm components MESODERM:
Mesothelium (peritoneal, pleural, pericardial)/ Muscle (striated, smooth, cardiac)
Embryologic Spleen/ Soft tissue/ Serous linings/ Sarcoma/ Somite
Osseous tissue/ Outer layer of suprarenal gland (cortex)/ Ovaries
Dura/ Ducts of genitalia
Renal Microglia
Mesenchyme/ Male gonad
Vasculogenesis vs. angiogenesis
"Vascu is new. Angi is pre": Vasculogenesis is new vessels developing in situ from existing mesenchyme. Angiogenesis is vessels develop from sprouting off pre-existing arteries.
Weeks 2, 3, 4 of development: an event for each
Week Two: Bilaminar germ disc.
Week Three: Trilaminar germ disc.
Week Four: Four limbs appear.
Teratogenesis: when it occurs
TEratogenesis is most likely during organogenesis--between the: Third and Eighth weeks of gestation.
Tetrology of Fallot "Don't DROP the baby":
Defect (VSD)
Right ventricular hypertrophy
Overriding aorta
Pulmonary stenosis
Lung development phases "Every Premature Child Takes Air":
Embryonic period
Pseudoglandular period
Canalicular peroid
Terminal sac period
Alveolar period
Branchial arch giving rise to aorta
"Aor- from Four": Aorta is from fourth arch.
Neuroectoderm derivatives
Neuroectoderm gives rise to:
Neurohypophysis piNeurol (pineal) gland
Tetrology of Fallot
"IHOP-International House of Pancakes":
Interventricular septal defect
Hypotrophy of right ventricle
Overriding aorta
Pulmonary stenosis
Woffian duct (mesonephric duct) derivatives.
Gardener's SEED:
· Female: Gartner's duct, cyst
· Male:
Seminal vesicles
Ejaculatory duct
Ductus deferens
Foregut derivatives
"Little Embryo People Do Like Swallowing, Producing Gas": Lungs Esophagus Pancreas
Duodenum (proximal) Liver Stomach Pancreas Gall bladder
Emergency Medicine
Coma: conditions to exclude as cause MIDAS:
Air (respiratory failure)
Subdural/ Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Resuscitation: basic steps ABCDE:
Malignant hyperthermia treatment
"Some Hot Dude Better Give Iced Fluids Fast!"
(Hot dude = hypothermia):
Stop triggering agents
Hyperventilate/ Hundred percent oxygen
Dantrolene (2.5mg/kg)
Glucose and insulin
IV Fluids and cooling blanket
Fluid output monitoring/ Furosemide/ Fast heart [tachycardia]
Vfib/Vtach drugs used according to ACLS "Every Little Boy Must Pray":
Coma causes checklist AEIOU TIPS:
Acidosis/ Alcohol
Trauma to head
Insulin: too little or or too much
Pyschosis episode
Stroke occurred
Shock: types RN CHAMPS:
· Alternatively: "MR. C.H. SNAP", or "NH CRAMPS".
Shock: signs and symptoms TV SPARC CUBE:
Pulse weak
Respirations shallow/rapid
BP low
Eyes blank
Fall: potential causes CLADE SPADE:
Cardiovascular/ Cerebrovascular
Locomotor (skeletal, muscular, neurological)
Ageing (increased body sway, decreased reaction time)
Drugs (esp. antihypertensives, antipsychotics)
Sensory deficits (eg. visual problems)
Psychological/ Psychiatric (depression)
Acute illness
Diabetic ketoacidosis management F*¢KING:
Fluids (crytalloids)
Urea (check it)
Creatinine (check it)/ Catheterize
K+ (potassium)
Insulin (5u/hour. Note: sliding scale no longer recommended in the UK)
Nasogastic tube (if patient comatose)
Glucose (once serum levels drop to 12)
Asthma: management of acute severe "O S#!T":
Oxygen (high dose: >60%)
Salbutamol (5mg via oxygen-driven nebuliser)
Hydrocortisone (or prednisolone)
Ipratropium bromide (if life threatening)
Theophylline (or preferably aminophylline-if life threatening)
V-fib/pulseless v-tach (new ACLS as of 2001)
"EVAL My Pumper":
Epinephrine Vasopressin Amiodarone (class IIb--better for heart failure) Lidocaine
(indeterminate - better for young, healthy or persistent) MgSO4 (IIb for hypomagnesemic state or torsades) Procainamide (IIb for intermittent/recurrent VF/VT)
Trauma: motor vehicle accident considerations
Impact (head-on, rear-end, t-bone, rollover, rotational etc.) Auto vs. pedestrian, bike, motorcycle (start @ speed >10mph) Medical history (cardiac, coagulolation, liver, immuno, obese, prego) Speed (>50 mph?) Compartment intrusion (>12 inches?) Age (<5 or >55 y.o.?) Restraints (lap & shoulder, either, airbag, infant or child seat?) Ejection/
Extrication (eject=25x greater death, extr>20min) Death (at scene, same vehicle, other)
Decompression sickness
Boyle's law: volume of gas is inversely proportionate to its pressure. · Therefore,
Breathe (as you ascend) Or Your Lung Explodes · Breathe as you ascend after scuba diving, since the pressure decreases on surfacing, so the gas volume in lungs increases.
Pain history checklist
Onset Location Description (what does it feel like) Exacerbating factors Radiation
Severity Associated symptoms Alleviating factors Before (ever experience this before)
Asystole: treatment
"Have some asystole "TEA":
Transcutaneous pacing Epi Atropine
Endotrachial tube deliverable drugs
Oxygen Naloxone Atropine Ventolin (albuterol) Epinephrine Lidocaine · If you can't get
IV access established, and have necessity to administer resuscitative meds, remember you have the airway and can give the above drugs. · Drug delivery is enhanced if diluted with
10cc NS and rapid introduced for aeresolization. · Alternatively, bare bone version is
ALE, as above.
RLQ pain: differential
Appendicitis/ Abscess PID/ Period Pancreatitis Ectopic/ Endometriosis Neoplasia
Diverticulitis Intussusception Crohns Disease/ Cyst (ovarian) IBD Torsion (ovary)
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Stones
Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) causes
Berry aneurysm Arteriovenous malformation/ Adult polycystic kidney disease Trauma
(eg being struck with baseball bat) Stroke
Syncope causes, by system
· CNS causes include HEAD:
Hypoxia/ Hypoglycemia Epilepsy Anxiety Dysfunctional brain stem (basivertebral TIA)
· Cardiac causes are HEART: Heart attack Embolism (PE) Aortic obstruction (IHSS, AS or myxoma) Rhythm disturbance, ventricular Tachycardia
· Vascular causes are VESSELS: Vasovagal Ectopic (reminds one of hypovolemia)
Situational Subclavian steal ENT (glossopharyngeal neuralgia) Low systemic vascular resistance (Addison's, diabetic vascular neuropathy) Sensitive carotid sinus
Coma and signicantly reduced conscious state causes:
Causes COMA:
CO2 and CO excess Overdose: TCAs, Benzos, EtOH, insulin, paracetamol, etc.
Metabolic: BSL, Na+, K+, Mg2+, urea, ammonia, etc. Apoplexy: stroke, SAH, extradural, subdural, Ca, meningitis, encephalitis, cerebral abscess, etc.
Bowel Segments
"Dow Jones Industrial Averages Closing Stock Report" is a good one, even though it misses the Cecum...
Liver Lobes
The four lobes of the liver: caudate, quadrate, left and right, bring to mind the newspaper headline of the wheelchair bound fellow who left a party right after his ugly girlfriend departed:
Pertoneum Facts
The idea is to relate key letters of related parts...
stOMach and OMentum (which lays over the stomach)
The bacterium e. coLI is found in the Large Intestine
The OMentum covers the stOMach
The Lesser OMentum holds the Liver and stOMach
The Mesentery holds the sMall intestine
The mesoCOLON attaches the large intestine (COLON) to the posterior abdominal wall.
The periTONEa, which prevents the intestines from kinking,
TONES the GI tract.
Sphincters of the Ailmentary Canal
APE OIL initials the five of them...
(Lower) Esophageal
Ileocecum iLeocecum
Stomach Parts
"The CAR is FUN 'til the BODY PILES" relates the four parts of the stomach: Cardiac, Fundus, Body, Pylorus. The pylorus is where the food piles waiting for the sphincter to open.
Ulcerative colitis: definition of a severe attack A STATE:
Anemia less than 10g/dl
Stool frequency greater than 6 stools/day with blood
Temperature greater than 37.5
Albumin less than 30g/L
Tachycardia greater than 90bpm
ESR greater than 30mm/hr
Vomiting: extra GI differential VOMITING:
Vestibular disturbance/ Vagal (reflex pain)
Migrane/ Metabolic (DKA, gastroparesis, hypercalcemia)
Toxicity (cytotoxic, digitalis toxicity)
Increased ICP, Ingested alcohol
Neurogenic, psychogenic
Pancreatitis (acute): causes GET SMASHED:
Autoimmune (PAN)
Scorpion stings
Hyperlipidemia/ Hypercalcemia
Drugs (including azathioprine and diuretics)
· Note: 'Get Smashed' is slang in some countries for drinking, and ethanol is an important pancreatitis cause.
IBD: surgery indications "I CHOP":
· "Chop" convenient since surgery chops them open.
Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer (HNPCC) cause is DNA mismatch repair
DNA mismatch causes a bubble in the strand where the two nucleotides don't match.
This looks like the ensuing polyps that arise in the colon.
IBD: extraintestinal manifestations A PIE SAC:
Aphthous ulcers
Pyoderma gangrenosum
Erythema nodosum
Sclerosing cholangitis
Clubbing of fingertips
Digestive disorders: pH level With vomiting both the pH and food come up.
With diarrhea both the pH and food go down.
H. Pylori treatment regimen (rough guidelines) "Please Make Tummy Better":
Proton pump inhibitor
· Alternatively: TOMB:
Bilirubin: common causes for increased levels "HOT Liver":
Liver disease
Ulcerative colitis: complications "PAST Colitis":
Pyoderma gangrenosum
Ankylosing spondylitis
Sclerosing pericholangitis
Toxic megacolon
Colon carcinoma
Cholangitis features CHOLANGITITS:
Charcot's triad/ Conjugated bilirubin increase
Hepatic abscesses/ Hepatic (intra/extra) bile ducts/ HLA B8, DR3
Alkaline phosphatase increase
Inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis)
Transaminase increase
Charcot's triad (gallstones) "Charge a FEE":
Charcot's triad is:
Epigastric & RUQ pain
Emesis & nausea
Haemachromatosis complications "HaemoChromatosis Can Cause Deposits Anywhere":
Cancer (hepatocellular)
Diabetes mellitus
Pancreatitis: criteria PANCREAS:
PaO2 below 8
Age >55
Neutrophils: WCC >15
Calcium below 2
Renal: Urea >16
Enzymes: LDH >600; AST >200
Albumin below 32
Sugar: Glucose >10 (unless diabetic patient)
Pancreatitis: Ranson criteria for pancreatitis: at admission "GA LAW" (GA is abbreviation for the U.S. state of Georgia):
Glucose >200
AST >250
LDH >350
Age >55 y.o.
WBC >16000
Pancreatitis: Ranson criteria for pancreatitis: initial 48 hours "C & HOBBS" (Calvin and
Calcium < 8
Hct drop > 10%
Oxygen < 60 mm
BUN > 5
Base deficit > 4
Sequestration of fluid > 6L
Pancreatitis: Ranson criteria for pancreatitis at admission LEGAL:
Leukocytes > 16.000
Enzyme AST > 250
Glucose > 200
Age > 55
LDH > 350
GIT symptoms BAD ANAL S#!T:
Abdominal pain
Abdominal bloating
Nausea & vomiting
Anorexia/ Appetite changes
S#!ts (diarrhea)
Increased bilirubin (jaundice)
Temperature (fever)
Crohn's disease: morphology, symptoms CHRISTMAS:
High temperature
Reduced lumen
Intestinal fistulae
Skip lesions
Transmural (all layers, may ulcerate)
Abdominal pain
Submucosal fibrosis
Dysphagia: differential DISPHAGIA:
Disease of mouth and tonsils/ Diffuse oesophageal spasm/ Diabetes mellitus
Intrinsic lesion
Pharyngeal disorders/ Palsy-bulbar-MND
Heart: eft atrium enlargement
Goitre/ myesthenia Gravis/ mediastinal Glands
American trypanosomiasis (chagas disease)
Dry mouth: differential "DRI":
· 2 of each:
Drugs/ Dehydration
Renal failure/ Radiotherapy
Immunological (Sjogren's)/ Intense emotions
Liver failure: decompensating chronic liver failure differential HEPATICUS:
Electrolyte disturbance
Protein load/ Paracetamol
Alcohol binge
Sedatives/ Shunt/ Surgery
Cirrhosis: causes of hepatic cirrhosis HEPATIC:
Hemochromatosis (primary)
Enzyme deficiency (alpha-1-anti-trypsin)
Post hepatic (infection + drug induced)
Indian childhood (galactosemia)
Cardiac/ Cholestatic (biliary)/ Cancer/ Copper (Wilson's)
Hepatic encephalopathy: precipitating factors HEPATICS:
Hemorrhage in GIT/ Hyperkalemia
Excess protein in diet
Acidosis/ Anemia
Colon surgery
Diabetic ketoacidosis: precipitating factors · 5 I's:
Ischaemia (cardiac, mesenteric)
Ignorance (poor control)
Intoxication (alcohol)
Whipple's disease: clinical manifestations SHELDA:
Hyperpigmentation of skin
Eating less (weight loss)
Celiac sprue gluten sensitive enteropathy: gluten-containing grains BROW:
· Flattened intestinal villi of celiac sprue are smooth, like an eyebrow.
Liver failure (chronic): signs found on the arms CLAPS:
Palmar erythema
Scratch marks
Splenomegaly: causes CHIMP:
Haematological ( eg CML, myelofibrosis)
Infective (eg viral (IM), bacterial)
Metabolic/ Misc (eg amyloid, Gauchers)
Portal hypertension
DNA: Z vs. B form: which is inactive
ZZZZ is sleeping (inactive). B form is therefore active DNA.
Nucleotides: purines vs. pyrimidines
Guardian Angels are Pure, with two Wings: G and A are Purines, with two Rings.
Nucleotides: purines
AGUA PURa: Adenine and GUAnine are PURines.
· Agua pura is spanish for pure water.
Hurler Syndrome features HURLER'S:
Ugly facies
Recessive (AR inheritance)
L-iduronidase deficiency (alpha)
Eyes clouded
Retarded Short/
Stubby fingers
Nucleotides: which are purines
Pure Silver:
· Chemical formula of Pure silver is Ag. Therefore, Purines are Adenine and Guanine.
Down syndrome features: complete
Congenital heart disease/ Cataracts
Hypotonia / Hypothyroidism
Incure 5th finger/ Increased gap between 1st and 2nd toe
Leukemia risk x2/ Lung problem
Duodenal atresia / Delayed development
Hirshsprung's disease / Hearing loss
Alzheimer's disease / Alantoaxial instability
Squint/ Short neck
Protruding tongue/ Palm crease
Round face/ Rolling eye (nystagmus)
Occiput flat/ Oblique eye fissure
Brushfield spot/ Brachycephaly
Low nasal bridge/ Language problem
Epicanthic fold/ Ear folded
Mental retardation/ Myoclonus
Blots: function of Southern vs. Northern vs. Western
· Match up the 1st word letter with 2nd word letter:
· The 0's in snow drop are zeros, since there is no Eastern blot.
Down syndrome pathology DOWN:
Decreased alpha-fetoprotein and unconjugated estriol (maternal)
One extra chromosome twenty-one
Women of advanced age
Nondisjunction during maternal meiosis
Pyrimidines nucleotides
CUT the PY (cut the pie):
Cytosine Uracil Thiamine are the PYrimidines
DiGeorge/ Velocardiofacial syndrome: features CATCH 22: Cardiac abnormalities
Abnormal facies
Thymic aplasia
Cleft palate
22q11 deletion
Marfan syndrome features MARFAN:
Mitral valve prolapse
Aortic Aneurysm
Retinal detachment
Negative Nitroprusside test (differentiates from homocystinuria)
Cell cycle stages
Go Sally Go! Make Children!:
G1 phase (Growth phase 1)
S phase (DNA Synthesis)
G2 phase (Growth phase 2)
M phase (Mitosis)
C phase (Cytokinesis)
Cri-du-chat syndrome: chromosomal deletion causing it is 5p(-)
What's another name for a cat that's five letters long and starts with a P? (Answer: kitty).
Why is the cat crying? Missing its P.
APKD: genetics
ADult Polycystic Kidney Disease is Autosomal Dominant
· Also, Polycystic kidney has 16 letters and is due to a defect on chromosome 16.
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium: causes for deviations from it
Maggie May Does Not Smoke:
Mutations Migration Drift Non-random mating Selection
Achrondroplasia dwarfism: inheritance pattern
Achondroplasia Dwarfism is Autosomal Dominant.
Exon vs. intron function
Exons Expressed. InTrons In Trash.
Nucleotides: class having the single ring ·
Pyrimadines are CUT from purines
· Pyrimidines are: Cytosine Uracil Thiamine They are cut from purines so the pyrimadines must be smaller (one ring).
Codons: nonsense mutation
Stop talking nonsense!:
Nonsense mutation causes premature stop.
Tumor suppressor vs. proto-onogene mutations: recessive vs. dominant
Recess Suppress:
Tumor suppressor mutations are recessive. Proto-oncogenes are opposite (dominant).
Pedigree symbols: gender and affected
Gender: The cIRcle is a gIRl [so boys are squares].
Affected: Black plague was a disease, so black-filled symbol means an affected/diseased person [so non-filled-in is unaffected].
Tay Sach's features SACHS:
Spot in macula
Ashkenazic Jews
CNS degeneration
Hex A deficiency
Storage disease
· Extra details with TAY:
Testing recommended
Autosomal recessive/ Amaurosis
Young death (<4 yrs)
Chromosome 15 diseases
Chromosome 15 has its own MAP:
Marfan syndrome
Angelman syndrome
Prader-Willi syndrome
Bartter syndrome: inheritance
BARtter syndrome is autosomal recessive (AR).
Nucleotides: double vs. triple bonded basepairs
TU bonds (two bonds):
T-A and U-A have Two bonds. G-C therefore has the three bonds.
Imprinting diseases: Prader-Willi and Angelman
Pray to an Angel:
Prader-Willi and Angelman are the 2 classic imprinting diseases. · Which disease results, depends on whether 15q deletion is maternal or paternal. Keep them straight by: Paternal is Prader-Willi.
Dementia: some common causes
Diabetes Ethanol Medication Environmental (eg CO poisoning) Nutritional Trauma
Infection Alzheimer's
Whipple's disease: features [for neurologists]
Arthralgias Whipplei (organism) Hypothalamic involvement Intestinal involvement/
Intestinal biopsy required PAS positive macrophages PCR positivity Lymphadenopathy
Extrapyramidal involvement Septran treat with Dementia Ocular abnormalities (vertical gaze palsy) Oculomasticatory myorhythmia Myoclonus
Neurofibromatosis: diagnostic criteria
Relative (1st degree) Osseous fibromas Lisch nodules in eyes Axillary freckling
Neurofibromas Dime size cafe au lait spots Optic gliomas
Visual loss: persistent bilateral sudden onset visual loss differential
Functional Leber's hereditary neuropathy Occipital infarctions Pituitary apoplexy
Neurofibromatosis: diagnositic criteria (type-1)
Cafe-au-lait spots Axillary, inguinal freckling Fibroma Eye: lisch nodules Skeletal
(bowing leg, etc) Pedigree/ Positive family history Optic Tumor (glioma)
Babinski and LMN signs: conditions exhibiting them
Diabetes Motor neuron disease Ataxia (friedrichs) Subacute combined degeneration of cord Tabo paresis Syringobulbia
Ramsay-Hunt syndrome: cause and common feature
"Ramsay Hunt":
· Etiology: Reactivated Herpes zoster
· Complication: Reduced Hearing
Stroke risk factors
HEADS: Hypertension/ Hyperlipidemia Elderly Atrial fib Diabetes mellitus/ Drugs
(cocaine) Smoking/ Sex (male)
Vertigo: differential
Vestibulitis Ototoxic drugs Meniere's disease Injury Tumor Spin (benign positional vertigo)
Encephalitis: differential
Enteroviridae (esp. Polio)
Slow viruses (esp. JC, prions) Syphilis
Legionella/ Lyme disease/ Lymphocytic meningoencephalitis
Intracranial pressure
Neisseria meningitidis
Measles/ Mumps/ Mycobacterium tuberculosis/ Mucor
E. coli
Rabies/ Rubella
Cryptococcus/ Candida
Neoplasm/ Neurocysticercosis · Neurocysticercosis should be assumed with recent Latin
American immigrant patient unless proven otherwise.
Measles: complications "MEASLES COMP" (complications):
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
Early death
Sh!ts (diarrhoea)
Corneal ulcer
Otis media
Mesenteric lymphadenitis
Pneumonia and related (bronchiolitis-bronchitis-croup)
Sturge-Weber syndrome: hallmark features Sturge-Weber:
1. Seizures
2. PortWine stain
Guthrie card: diseases identified with it "Guthrie Cards Can Help Predict Bad
Cystic fibrosis
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Biotidinase deficiency
Maple syrup urine disease
Croup: symptoms 3 S's:
Subglottic swelling
Seal-bark cough
Ataxia-Telangiectasia (AT): common sign AT:
Cerebral palsy (CP): most likely cause CP: Cerebral Palsy
Child Premature
· The premature brain is more prone to all the possible insults.
Vacterl syndrome: components VACTERL:
Vertebral anomalies
Anorectal malformation
Cardiac anomaly
Tracheo-esophageal fistula
Exomphalos (aka omphalocele)
Renal anomalies
Limb anomalies
Guthrie card: diseases identified with it GUTHRIE:
Urine [maple syrup urine disease]
THyRoid [hypothyroidism]
Inborn Errors of metabolism [eg: PKU]
Duodenal atresia vs. Pyloric stenosis: site of obstruction Duodenal Atresia: Distal to
Ampulla of vater.
Pyloric stenosis: Proximal to it.
Bilirubin: phototherapy BiLirUbin absorbs light maximally in the
BLUe range.
Williams syndrome: features WILLIAMS:
Weight (low at birth, slow to gain)
Iris (stellate iris)
Long philtrum
Large mouth
Increased Ca++
Aortic stenosis (and other stenoses)
Mental retardation
Swelling around eyes (periorbital puffiness)
Russell Silver syndrome: features ABCDEF:
Asymmetric limb (hemihypertrophy)
Bossing (frontal)
Clinodactyly/ Cafe au lait spots
Dwarf (short stature)
Excretion (GU malformation)
Face (triangular face, micrognathia)
Dentition: eruption times of permanent dentition "Mama Is In Pain, Papa Can Make
1st Molar: 6 years
1st Incisor: 7 years
2nd Incisor: 8 years
1st Premolar: 9 years
2nd Premolar: 10 years
Canine: 11 years
2nd Molar: 12 years
3rd Molar: 18-25 years
Cyanotic heart diseases: 5 types · Use your five fingers:
1 finger up: Truncus Arteriosus (1 vessel)
2 fingers up: Dextroposition of the Great Arteries (2 vessels transposed)
3 fingers up: Tricuspid Atresia (3=Tri)
4 fingers up: Tetralogy of Fallot (4=Tetra)
5 fingers up: Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return (5=5 words)
Cyanotic congenital heart diseases 5 T's:
Truncus arteriosus
Transposition of the great arteries
Tricuspid atresia
Tetrology of Fallot
Total anomalous pulmonary venous return
Head circumference with age · Remember 3, 9, and multiples of 5:
Newborn 35 cm
3 mos 40 cm
9 mos 45 cm
3 yrs 50 cm
9 yrs 55 cm
Weights of children with age Newborn 3 kg
6 mos 6 kg (2x birth wt at 6 mos)
1 yr 10 kg (3x birth wt at 1 yr)
3 yrs 15 kg (odd yrs, add 5 kg until 11 yrs)
5 yrs 20 kg
7 yrs 25 kg
9 yrs 30 kg
11 yrs 35 kg (add 10 kg thereafter)
13 yrs 45 kg
15 yrs 55 kg
17 yrs 65 kg
Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome (HUS): components
"Remember to decrease the RATE of IV fluids in these patients":
Renal failure
Anemia (microangiopathic, hemolytic)
Encephalopathy (TTP)
Cough (chronic): differential When cough in nursery, rock the "CRADLE":
Cystic fibrosis
Rings, slings, and airway things (tracheal rings)/ Respiratory infections
Aspiration (swallowing dysfunction, TE fistula, gastroesphageal reflux)
Dyskinetic cilia
Lung, airway, and vascular malformations (tracheomalacia, vocal cord dysfunction)
Edema (heart failure)
Cystic fibrosis: presenting signs CF PANCREAS:
Chronic cough and wheezing
Failure to thrive
Pancreatic insufficiency (symptoms of malabsorption like steatorrhea)
Alkalosis and hypotonic dehydration
Neonatal intestinal obstruction (meconium ileus)/ Nasal polyps
Clubbing of fingers/ Chest radiograph with characteristic changes
Rectal prolapse
Electrolyte elevation in sweat, salty skin
Absence or congenital atresia of vas deferens
Sputum with Staph or Pseudomonas (mucoid)
Cystic fibrosis: exacerbation of pulmonary infection CF PANCREAS:
Cough (increase in intensity and frequent spells)
Fever (usually low grade, unless severe bronchopneumonia is present)
Pulmonary function deterioration
Appetite decrease
Nutrition, weight loss
CBC (leukocytosis with left shift)
Radiograph (increase overaeration, peribronchial thickening, mucus plugging)
Exam (rales or wheezing in previously clear areas, tachypnea, retractions)
Activity (decreased, impaired exercise intolerance, increased absenteeism)
Sputum (becomes darker, thicker, and more abundant, forming plugs)
Pyloric stenosis (congential): presentation Pyloric stenosis is 3 P's:
Palpable mass
Paristalsis visible
Projectile vomiting (2-4 weeks after birth)
Cyanotic heart diseases: 5 types · 5 T's:
Tetralogy of Fallot
Transposition of the great arteries
Truncus arteriosus
Tricuspid atresia, pulmonary aTresia
Total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage
Breast feeding: benefits ABCDEFGH:
· Infant:
Allergic condition reduced
Best food for infant
Close relationship with mother
Development of IQ, jaws, mouth
· Mother:
Fitness: quick return to pre-pregnancy body shape
Guards against cancer: breast, ovary, uterus
Hemorrhage (postpartum) reduced
Perez reflex Eliciting the PErEz reflex will make the baby PEE.
WAGR syndrome: components WAGR:
Wilm's tumor
Gential abnormalities
Mental retardation
Haematuria: differential in children ABCDEFGHIJK:
Anatomy (cysts, etc)
Bladder (cystitis)
Cancer (Wilm's tumour)
Drug related (cyclophosphamide)
Exercise induced
Factitious (Munchausen by proxy)
Haematology (bleeding disorder, sickle cell)
Infection (UTI)
In Jury (trauma)
Kidney stones (hypercalciuria)
Vitamin toxicities: neonatal Excess vitamin A: Anomalies (teratogenic)
Excess vitamin E: Enterocolitis (necrotizing enterocolitis)
Excess vitamin K: Kernicterus (hemolysis)
Rubella: congenital signs "Rubber Ducky, I'm so blue!" (like the "Rubber Ducky" song):
Rubber: Rubella
Ducky: Patent Ductus Arteriosus, VSD and pulmonary artery stenosis.
I'm: Eyes (cataracts, retinopathy, micropthalmia, glaucoma).
Blue: "Blueberry Muffin" rash (extramedullary hematopoesis in skin +purpura)
· Also, deafness, growth retardation, and some more.
Pediatric milestones in development 1 year:
-single words
2 years:
-2 word sentences
-understands 2 step commands
3 years:
-3 word combos
-repeats 3 digits
-rides tricycle
4 years:
-draws square
-counts 4 objects
Gastroschisis: usual location GasTRoscHIsis usually occurs on the
RIGHT side of the umbilicus.
(Unscramble the letters).
Milk protein: women vs. cows Woman: Whey (mostly)
Cow: Casein (mostly)
Short stature: differential ABCDEFG:
Alone (neglected infant)
Bone dysplasias (rickets, scoliosis, mucopolysaccharidoses)
Chromosomal (Turner's, Down's)
Delayed growth
Endocrine (low growth hormone, Cushing's, hypothyroid)
GI malabsorption (celiac, Crohn's)
Better than Murder …
While working to uncover a hidden acrostic in the list of bodily organ systems, I strung out the first letters of the 10 and immediately picked out MURDER, but had the letters
N, I, C, I left over and did not want to suggest MURDER NICI because NICKI is also the name of my favorite ex-girlfriend. Then, I wrote out the first three letter of each and managed to create two phrases which are easy to recall and make remembering the ten systems a cinch! Ergo:
Sir: I'm nervous about reproducing with the rest. Uri must dig into the end.
The organ system names buried within the phrases are (in order): circulatory, immune, nervous, reproduction, respiratory, urinary, muscle, digestive, integumentary, and endocrine. Easy now?
Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778) named and classified the various forms of life as a way of seeking order in diversity. He created taxonomy to do this, thus giving headaches to many generations of students. His system of kingdom (plant or animal), phylum
(backbone?), class (mammal?), order (carnivore?), family (cat, dog, ape), genus
(orangutan or human), species and variety is still used today, only slightly modified from the original. One easy sentence used is King Philip Conquers Our Fifty Grateful
States. Two others: King Phillip's Class Of Family Geniuses Specializes in Variety and
Kind Phillip's Class Orders Family-sized Gino's Special.
Finally, Z.L. offers this hockey mnemonic: Kings Play Calgary On Friday. Gretzky
Scores! Take your pick.
The 5 kingdoms (used to be only 2 or 3) are protoctista, plantae, fungi, monera, animalia. I embedded them into neurons by: Protecting Plants is Fun, Mon Ami, which sounds like a slogan for a French environmental activist group.
Kingdom, phylum
Keep Perverts Cleverly Occupied, For Gosh Sake!!
(Hallie Ray, Science Department, Rappahannock Community College Warsaw, VA)
Alimentary and Digestion
Ape Oil
The 5 sphincters found in the Alimentary Canal spell APE OIL: Anal, Pyloric, Lower
Esophageal, Oddi, and Ileocecum. Also, try An Odd Pile Lowers the Ileocecum.
Cars, Piles, and the Bay of Fundy
"The CAR is FUN `til the BODY PILES " I remember the 5 layers of the GI stomach:
Cardiac, Fundus, Body, and Pylorus. The fundus looks like the Bay of Fundy (to me, anyway), and the pylorus is where the food piles waiting for the sphincter to open.
Some are Ugly
The 4 lobes of the liver -- quadrate, left & right, caudate -- bring to mind the newspaper headline of the wheelchair-bound fellow who left a party right after his ugly girlfriend departed: QUAD LEFT RIGHT after Cow Date .
Dow Jones and the Cannibal
We are supposed to remember the lengths of the first 3 parts of the digestive system after the stomach, so I came up with the story of a cannibal who consumes a dozen people, including an ailing stock market analyst. It goes: One Ate 12, including an Ill
Dow Jones referring of course to 1, 8, 12-feet lengths for the Ileum, Duodenum,
A really good device for recalling the bowels is to remember the market news: Dow
Jones Industrial Averages Closing Stock Report whose initial letters also identify the
Duodenum, Jejunum, Ileum, Appendix, Colon, Sigmoid, and Rectum. It misses the cecum but is otherwise unforgettable.
Quick Peritoneum Facts
The idea is to relate key letters of related parts. E.g., stomach and omentum (which lays over the stomach) share the letters OM.
• The bacterium E. coli is found in Everybody's Colon
The Omentum covers the stomach
The Lesser Omentum holds the Liver and stomach
The Mesentery holds the small intestine
The mesoCOLON attaches the large intestine (colon) to the posterior abdominal wall
The PERITONEUM , holds PERson's Intestines To Nearest wall.
Oh! Curling turns my Stomach Inside Out
This is what a housewife might say in reaction to her husband's sports selection, but it is a student's way of knowing the 3 layers of muscle around the stomach. The layers are: Oblique , Circular , Longitudinal from inside to outside.
PPL's Tonsils
People (PPL for short) have 3 tonsils: Pharyngeal, Palatine, and Lingual .
Digestive Juices
Airflow Passages
Airflows are prominent in Mouthy People who are Loud
Cartilages of the Larynx
There are 4 cartilages in the larynx whose initial letters are
TEAC (also the brandname of a home stereo). Associate the
TEAC sound and the vocal cords, and you get the connection.
The snake in Garden of Eden spoke with a lisp, saying
"Adam, thry thith apple." This refers to the fact that the
THYRoid cartilage is also called the Adam's Apple.
Lung Lobes
The segments of the (right) Middle Lobe of the lung are
Medial and Lateral [ML=ML]
Nasal Cavity
Never Call Me Needle Nose helps remember the parts of the nasal cavity: Nares (external), Conchae, Meatuses, Nares
(internal), Nasopharynx.
Respiratory Tract
It's a bit of an extended version of the Airflow Passage mnemonic above. Movie Personality Lana Turner's Pretty
Sexy Thighs Turn Retinas All Around helps you recall the order of the respiratory tract segments...
Primary Bronchus
Secondary Bronchus
Teritary Bronchus
Terminal Bronchiole
Respiratory Bronchiole
Alveolar Duct
Alveolar Sac
Three Tonsils
People (or PPL, for short) have three tonsils: Pharyngeal,
Palatine, and Lingual.
Surgery Mnemonics
The 5 W’s For Remembering Common Causes of Fever Post-Operation:
• WATER = urinary tract infections
• WIND = atelectasis or pneumonia
• WALK = deep vein thrombosis
• WOUND = surgucal wound infection
• WEIRD DRUGS = drug induced fever
F = Foreign bodies
E = Epithelization
T = Tumors
I = infection
I = Irradiated tissue
D = Distal obstruction
CT scan indications in trauma setting:
Uncle Nelson ARgues ABout Kids
• Unconcious pt after head trauma
• Neck injury; to confirm vertebral fracture when Xray is equivocal
• Aortic Rupture (after Xray, Before Aortogram)
• Abdominal penetrating wound; when gloved finger in ER cant say for sure if theres penetration
• Kidney injury leading to blood in urine; blunt abdominal trauma
Fact Mnemonic
Branches of the External
Carotid Artery in order starting with the first branch
(superior thyroid artery).
See plate 29 in Netter's Atlas of
Human Anatomy.
Sally Superior Thyroid
Ann Ascending Pharyngeal
Likes Lingual
Flirting Facial
Contributed by Calvin Lee,
Surgical Resident, Case Western
Philidelphia's Posterior auricular
Reserve on 7/22/98. This is a
On Occipital
Main Maxillary good "pimp" question/fact when
Street Superficial temporal you are in the OR assisting on a thyroid or a carotid case. Know this one!
How to remember the basic framework of the Glasgow coma scale?
Eye opening: 4 eyes (glasses)
Motor: 6 cylinder engine
Verbal: Jackson 5
Gives you a total of 15. (A brick has a GCS of 3)
For Causes of A-Fib/Flutter:
Mnemonic by Chris
"Get it? ... A-fib.. occurs in the
HEART ?? Ok.. well I'm postcall..."
H= cHf, other cardiomyopathies
E= Enlargement of the atria
A= Alcohol binge drinking
R= Rheumatic heart disease
T= hyperThyroid
Mnemonic for remembering antiarrhythmics
Class Drug Mnemonic
Class IA Procainamide
Class IB Lidocaine
Phenytoin penny
Mexiletine Mexican
Class IC
Class II
Propranolol feeling proper
Class III Amiodarone amiable
Bretylium British
Class IV Verapamil virtually
Read as:
* Note: "Dissed" is used here as the slang term "dis" - from dismiss. I.e.,
Proven MI.. should be met by
M = morphine
O = oxygen
N = nitrates
A = aspirin
Pathology submitted by Chris
Classification of hypersensitivity reactions submitted by Jed.
Caveat: is suspected right ventricular MI suspected .. hold the Nitrates.
ACLS (1997).
Type I A naphylaxis
Type II C ytotoxic - mediated
Type III I mmune - complex
Type IV D elayed hypersensitivity
Remember the following mnemonic when determining the possible cause(s) of fever in a patient who has recently undergone a surgical procedure: the 5 W's (or 6 W's)
Causes of post op fever
Submitted by Jed
Wind: the pulmonary system is the primary source of fever in the first 48 hours.
Wound: there might be an infection at the surgical site.
Water: check intravenous access site for signs of phlebitis.
Walk: deep venous thrombosis can develop due to pelvic pooling or restricted mobility related to pain and fatigue.
Whiz: a urinary tract infection is possible if urinary catheterization was required.
Also Wonder drugs - drug fevers.
(added by Calvin Lee)
As Easy as 'LMNOP'
Remember the mnemonic LMNOP when treating a patient with acute pulmonary edema:
Lasix® (furosemide) intravenous (IV), one to two times the patient's usual dose, or 40 mg if the patient does not usually take the drug.
Treatment of acute pulmonary edema
Submitted by Jed
Morphine sulfate. Initial dose, 4 to 8 mg
IV (subcutaneous administration is effective in milder cases); may repeat in 2 to 4 hours. Avoid respiratory depression.
Morphine increases venous capacity, lowering left atrial pressure, and relieves anxiety, which reduces the efficiency of ventilation.
Nitroglycerin IV, 5 to 10 ug/min. Increase by 5 ug/min q 3 to 5 minutes. Reduces left ventricular preload. Caution: may cause hypotension.
Oxygen, 100% given to obtain an arterial
PO2>60 mm Hg.
Causes of acute and reversible forms of urinary incontinence
Submitted by Jed
Position patient sitting up with legs dangling over the side of the bed. This facilitates respiration and reduces venous return.
The following mnemonic aids in remembering the causes of acute and reversible forms of urinary incontinence -
D: Delirium
R: Restricted mobility, retention
I: Infection, inflammation, impaction
P: Polyuria, pharmaceuticals
Use the mnemonic SITTT as an aid in evaluating the cause of hematuria:
S: Stone
I: Infection
Causes of hematuria
Submitted by Jed
T: Trauma
T: Tumor
T: Tuberculosis
Remember the following mnemonic when evaluating patients for hyperthyroidism:
S: Sweating
Symptoms of hyperthyroidism
Submitted by Jed
T: Tremor or Tachycardia
I: Intolerance to heat, Irregular menstruation, and Irritability
N: Nervousness
5 T's of early cyanosis:
Sumbitted by Ben Humphreys
G: Goiter and Gastrointestinal (loose stools/diarrhea).
Tetralogy, Transposition, Truncus, Total anomalous, Tricuspid atresia
DATs Right! - the oxygen dissociation curve shifts RIGHT whenever there is an
INCREASE in any of the following: DPG, Acidity, Temperature (DAT)
For the function of the temporal lobes, think of a helmet which covers the side of the head:
H : hearing
E : emotion
L : learning
M : memory
Here's one from one of the psychiatrists on how to remember the symptoms of depression. He said it was like writing a prescription for Energy Capsules.
S - Sleep
I - Interest
G - Guilt
: - (Colon can refer to bowel complaints as this is a common presentation of depression, but not official)
E - Energy (decreased)
C - Concentration (difficult, decreased)
A - Appetite (decreased)
S - Suicidal ideation
HUS/TTP is a CRAFTY syndrome:
C : CNS symptoms
R : Renal failure
A : Anemia (microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, "MAHA")
F : Fever
T : Thrombocytopenia
Y : no one knows "Y" it occurs
2. Normal anion gap acidosis
There's the older mnemonic USED CAR:
U : uterosigmoidostomy
S : saline administration (in the face of renal dysfunction)
E : endocrine (Addisons, spironolactone, triamterene, amiloride, primary hyperparathyroidism)
Clubbing (by Doog)
D : diarrhea
C : carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
A : ammonium chloride
R : renal tubular acidosis and a newer mnemonic RAGE:
R : renal tubular acidosis, respiratory acidosis
A : acetazolamide, ammonium chloride
G : GI (diarrhea, enteroenteric fistula, ureterosigmoidostomy)
E : endocrine (same as above endocrine list)
3. Increased anion gap acidosis
The older mnemonic is MUDPIES:
M : methanol
U : uremia
D : diabetes
P : paraldehyde
I : idiopathic (lactic acidosis)
E : ethylene glycol
S : salicylates and a newer one called DULSI:
D : diabetic ketoacidosis
U : uremia
L : lactic acidosis
S : salicylate poisoning
I : intoxicants (methanol, ethanol, ethylene glycol)
C : cardiac (R -> L shunt)
L : lung (tumor, fibrosis)
U : ulcerative colitis (also Crohn's disease less commonly)
B : bronchiectasis
B : benign mesothelioma
I : inherited; idiopathic; IBD
N : neurogenic tumors
G : GI (cirrhosis, crohn's, UC) also, Hyperplastic Pulmonary Osteoarthropathy, which didn't fit in the mnemonic!