Uploaded by sawyerbowen99

Lesson Plan

Goal: This lesson will help you understand what causes lower leg amputations and what
difficulties people with lower leg amputates go thourough
1. What causes lower leg amputations
2. What type of lower leg amputations there are
3. What people go through after having amputations
4. What people with lower leg amputations do
Time: 15 minutes
Pre-course: I will have notes taken down on my phone and talk slow so people can
understand. Use trusted sources for my ideas. And use blake to help demonstrate how it's
hard to walk with a lower leg amputation.
Sell it- make what im talking about interesting
Show it- Use blake to demonstrate how it's hard to walk with a lower leg amputation
Do it- ask for feedback and questions
Use it- Use blake to show how hard it is to walk
Evaluate: Ask questions once I am done to see if they understand
Wrap up: run through what I talked about to make sure everyone gets what I just talked about
Follow up: Tell everyone how they can use the knowledge to better help people with lower
leg amputations and how not to offend them.