Peoples’ anti-war will Current situation • First World War: First large-scale war of human • Caused serious losses and disasters "Europe has fallen into an extreme situation that Americans cannot understand” ---- New York Times Current situation • Unemployment as high as • 6 million 66 million Germans were struggling in hunger and poverty • This Painful cost of war caused majority of European people against war • Pacifism became mainstream thinking Stress from public • Britain: a pioneer of Western democracy • Political elites had to follow the wills of people “Political parties or politicians who dare to take different routes seem to have a lot of pressure and are almost in danger of being eliminated politically” Something about Neville Chamberlain itself Chamberlain's character Early experience: Lost his mother at 6 years old Became an introverted person E.g. dare not take part in the discussion club Chamberlain's character • A restrained person that tried his best on the appeasement policy • Only compromised all the time with the threaten of Hitler “I believe it is peace in our time…go home and get a nice quiet sleep.” -- Neville Chamberlain Political stand • The reason why he embarked the political road: he wanted to benefit the people • Deeply aware of the suffering of the people • Hope to maintain stability and prosperity • A leader from conservative party • Reasonable for Chamberlain to making appeasement policy