INDIVIDUALISM, LIBERALISM AND CONTRACT THEORY by Henri Pallard 8 copyright Henri Pallard 1993, 1987 A. B. C. D. E. --F. G. H. I. Introduction Soviet system Capitalism, individualism and liberalism Role of society Freedom of individuals to choose their contractual obligations Freedom of individuals to choose the price they will pay for the contractual obligations which they have assumed Reasonable expectations arising from contracts Limitations on contractual freedom Philosophical antecedents of liberalism and individualism in the law of contracts A. INTRODUCTION was based on an entirely different theory; according to this model the contract is the means by which society distributes the various tasks that it wants accomplished. The legal theory of contractual obligations is closely linked to the economic system that is in place; thus there are many similarities in the contract law of capitalistic societies. At the heart of the capitalistic law of contracts, be it French, German, English, American, Canadian, or Italian, one finds the fundamental notion of consent to the obligation; consent itself is understood in terms of offer and acceptance. The contract's chief aim is to protect and promote the expectations created by an exchange of obligations which were freely assumed. However, in the former Soviet legal systems of Eastern Europe, the notions of consent, analyzed in terms of offer and acceptance, did not play the same leading role because contracts had a different economic function. In the capitalistic world, the theory of contracts is founded on notions of liberalism and individualism; these ideas have strongly influenced our rules regulating the formation of contracts. We will be focusing on these ideas and their importance in the development of the law of contract, but first, in order to better understand their significance, we will look briefly at the former Soviet model, which B. SOVIET SYSTEM In the Soviet Union, as befitted a directed economy, centralized planning dominated the production process. The senior levels of the party and of the state approved an economic and social development plan for the nation. The various government departments then determined the role of the various state owned companies in order to carry out the plan. It is important to understand that before the parties have formed any contract, an administrative planning act has determined the obligations of each company in the implementation of the plan. Neither the companies nor the individuals were free to determine whether they could engage in other fields of endeavour which could have been more profitable. There were two types of administrative planning acts: they could either be very detailed and precise, determining the products, quantities, 1 prices, delivery dates and the parties to the contract; on the other hand, the companies named in the administrative planning could be left free to decide on their own the details of the contract. In this latter case, the apparatus of the state would intervene to impose a contract only if the parties themselves were unable to come to an agreement. own devices. In seeking to further their own self interest, they will serve the common interest. If an individual undertakes something which s/he finds very profitable, it is because s/he has fulfilled a need of society that was until then unmet. The satisfaction of this newly identified need leads to an improvement in the welfare of the community. If an activity is unprofitable, it is because society does not think that its fulfillment is essential at a price which would render the activity profitable; the price sought in these circumstances is too high. The individual must then redirect her or his activities into a more profitable area, that is to say, into an area that will satisfy a need of the society at both a price that it will be willing to pay and a price that will make it profitable for the individual to undertake this activity. In both cases individual freedom has led to the greater welfare of society. Consequently, the best that society can do is to allow the maximum amount of economic freedom to the individual and then the production of goods and services will automatically adapt itself to society's needs. The primary function of a contract in Soviet law was to carry out the obligations that had been imposed on the parties as a result of the economic plan drawn up by the government. This is why the idea of individual freedom, of autonomy of the will, was not part of the intellectual infrastructure of contract law in Soviet-type legal systems. The Soviets preferred an ideology based on a theory of central planning and on the idea of social welfare being determined by the principal social institutions and not by the free competition of individuals. C. CAPITALISM, INDIVIDUALISM, AND LIBERALISM On the other hand, at the heart of the ideology which shapes the law of contracts in capitalist countries, including Canada, one finds the ideas of individualism and liberalism which, when applied to the economic system, lead to the theory of economic individualism. According to this ideology, people, because of their human nature and individuality, are free and have the right to organize their lives in a manner that best suits them. The main responsibility of government and the law is to protect and promote the interests of individuals. Government must intervene as little as possible in the affairs of its citizens, but more specifically, it must not involve itself in those matters which are closely associated with the economy. An invisible hand guarantees the market equilibrium, that is to say, it guides the operation of markets in such a way that the price of an object will be fixed by offer and demand. This invisible hand transforms an individual benefit into an improvement of the social welfare. Society's productive activities organize themselves in such a way that individuals produce in a roughly sufficient quantity and at an acceptable price those goods and services that other individuals want. One's personal interest is thought to be a sufficiently active principle to allow the means of production to adapt themselves to social needs as well as to allow for a fair distribution of goods. Individuals involved in the exchange will not accept the exchange unless, from their own subjective points of view, they think that the goods exchanged have the same utilitarian value. The same object may have a different utilitarian value for two different individuals. The price that different individuals will be prepared to pay for this object will vary from person to person. No one can determine what the utilitarian value of an object will be for another person. The effects which result from this Pursuant to this theory of economic individualism, individuals have the capacity to do what they find the most profitable in a given situation, and this contributes to the happiness of society as a whole and leads to its improvement. Individual members of a society are most productive and useful when they are left to their 2 conscious and interested activity of individuals leads to the greatest good for the greatest number (society) because all individuals are free to pursue their personal interests and to carry out their personal projects without any social obstacles. must be freely assumed; obligations cannot be imposed upon individuals who have not accepted them. The freedom of the will to accept or to refuse an obligation is what characterizes contract law. In other spheres of law, such as criminal law, the state imposes obligations upon individuals; they must abstain from doing certain things; if not, the state will punish them. Tort law is another area where law imposes obligations on an individual. We are all under a duty of care to act in such a way that we do not harm others by our negligence. However, outside of those areas that are prescribed by law, people are free to lead their lives as they see fit; one cannot demand that others do or perform certain acts, that is impose obligations upon them, unless they have freely consented to this obligation. And the law of contracts is this sphere of law which regulates the formation and enforcement of those obligations that have been freely assumed by individuals. Accordingly, there is a necessary link between the mass of individual interests and the collective interests, and it is the responsibility of public authorities not to distort the result of the free play of individual economic activity. Government intervention in the economic sphere must be kept to a strict minimum and then only to guarantee the liberty of exchange and the security of one's own goods. D. ROLE OF SOCIETY According to the individualist's conception of the world, society is not an entity which differs from or is superior to the individuals which form it; society is nothing other than the collection of these individuals into a whole. Consequently the goal of social institutions must be the happiness of individuals (and not of society) and they can only accomplish this insofar as they promote the release of the creative energies of individuals. The responsibility of society and of government is to bring about those conditions which promote the development of the capacities and initiative of individuals because only individuals can determine what will make them happy. Politics must aim to develop private initiative while assuring itself that the responsibilities and functions of the state are kept to a strict minimum. Ultimately the state must limit its active role to helping individuals develop themselves by guaranteeing those liberties that allow them to express themselves. Individualism and liberalism thus give to the capitalist legal system that certain minimum content that it needs in order to be intellectually coherent. E. Since individuals are free to pursue those activities which they feel will maximize their welfare, they may assume those obligations which they think will allow them to better their condition. Individuals are free to order their lives as they so choose. As free beings they choose those obligations which will bind them. The law of contracts assumes that because the parties to a contract are free, they freely take on their contractual obligations. In order for a party to freely assume an obligation, this party must agree to be bound by this obligation; that is to say, the offeree must accept the obligation. Conversely, the offeree cannot accept an offer that the offeror has not communicated. Let us consider an example. John offers to sell his car to Bill for $500. John tells Bill that if Bill does not refuse this offer within 48 hours, he will assume that Bill has agreed to take the car and pay him $500. Given the principle of autonomy of will, otherwise known as individual freedom, John cannot force Bill to accept and pay for the car unless Bill has previously agreed to pay for it if he did not refuse the offer within 48 hours. But in one case as in the other the directing principle remains the same: the party upon whom we wish to impose an obligation FREEDOM OF INDIVIDUALS TO CHOOSE THEIR CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS Legal individualism takes the idea of individual freedom and applies it to the field of law. In the contractual scheme of things, all obligations 3 must have agreed to be bound by the obligation. It follows that a third party, Norman, cannot accept Bill's offer and purchase the car for $500. This offer was made to Bill; the only obligation that John has chosen to assume is to sell his car to Bill if Bill agrees to buy it. Norman cannot oblige John to sell him his car. Human freedom presupposes that one is bound only by those obligations to which one has freely agreed. Conversely, we cannot impose obligations on those who have not agreed to them. receives $500 but he loses the car. The loss of the car represents a disadvantage; this loss is suffered by the seller. It is consideration which justifies his $500 gain in the eyes of the law. The same holds true for the buyer; he must be able to justify his gain, being the car, by a loss, that is the $500 which constitutes his consideration. The seller could not justify his gain had he not lost his car. He could argue that his $500 were a gift and that no consideration was necessary, in which case we would no longer call on the law of contracts but on the law of gifts to settle the matter. This notion of freedom is at the heart of the theory of consent in contact law. The offeror must have agreed to be bound by his or her offer and the offeree must also have agreed to be bound by the offer. The idea of freedom is justified in economic liberalism because individuals are the best judges of what will allow them to better their situations. In choosing those obligations which they will assume, they opt for those which will be the most profitable to them in a given situation. In pursuing their personal interests, they grow as individuals; they also enhance the welfare of society because, theoretically, both parties are better off after a contract has been performed. The first party wants the advantage that s/he receives from the contract and for which s/he pays by assuming an obligation in the contract; this obligation that s/he has assumed is found useful or desirable by the other party to the contract who has given the first party the advantage that s/he receives from the contract. F. When someone seeks to establish that a contract exists, the court will ask whether both parties made such a promise. If in effect one party did not make such a promise, the court will refuse to implement the alleged contract, that is to order the contract carried out. However, if the court can establish that there was consideration, an exchange of promises, then the contract will be enforced. On the other hand, the court will not go so far as to question the fairness of the consideration, it must merely have some value in the eyes of the law. Thus, a peppercorn, although of little value, constitutes sufficient consideration and renders a promise to give or do something in return for the peppercorn enforceable. If the intended recipient of the peppercorn expected more by way of consideration, s/he should have refused to conclude the deal. Courts are not meant to protect individuals from their own ignorance. FREEDOM OF INDIVIDUALS TO CHOOSE THE Once the parties have agreed to be bound by the contract, neither party may alter it without the consent of the other party. The law presupposes that the parties, both of whom are free, have willingly concluded a deal. They must therefore comply with it. The court will not attempt to determine whether the parties concluded a fair deal, that is a deal which is profitable to both parties. The court assumes that the parties are in a much better position to determine whether the deal is in their best interests. The court will not overturn an agreement freely agreed upon by the parties if it seems to favour one of them. The parties may or may not accept the proposed exchange; however, once both parties have agreed on the exchange, PRICE THEY WILL PAY FOR THE CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS WHICH THEY HAVE ASSUMED In order to have a contract, each party must promise to do something (provide a service), give something (real property, goods, money), assume an obligation from the other party, or abstain from doing something (eg promise not to sue). The party's promise to do, give etc. is called consideration. This consideration always involves something which will profit the second party in some way when the contract is fully executed, and thus each party will both gain and lose something. For instance, when selling a car for $500, the seller 4 they have freely assumed their responsibilities and must comply with them. The offeror could have chosen not to assume the obligation; the offeree has agreed to pay the price set by the offeror so that the offeror will assume the obligation which s/he has sold to the offeree by the contract. Since the individuals in question are free and know what may enhance their situation, they determine the utilitarian value related to the obligation which they are assuming. Only they are allowed to establish a price which they are willing to pay for the benefit to be conferred in return. Both parties freely assume the responsibility of paying the fixed price. If the deal proves to be less profitable than one of the parties expected, the party in question must still carry out the assumed obligation because s/he has created an expectation on which the other party could reasonably rely. G. REASONABLE EXPECTATIONS FROM CONTRACTS exchange. By linking exchanges to concepts such as individual freedom, the legal system takes on a certain doctrinal coherence. This allows individuals who are making a deal within a capitalistic system to make plans without fear of being oppressed by legal rules which they could not have foreseen before they entered into the contract. H. LIMITATIONS ON CONTRACTUAL FREEDOM It is important to recognize that contractual freedom is not as vast as the theory on which it is based would suggest. The theory of contract law has been forced to yield ground to everyday life. According to the theory of contractual freedom, the contracting parties are in the same position; they are equal. No party has an advantage over the other since human beings are born free and equal. However, in reality, such equality does not exist. For example, it would be difficult to maintain that a mother with two children, whose only income is her monthly welfare benefit, is in the same position as an important merchant from whom she must buy her daily necessities. It is just as difficult to claim that a fisherman who has not finished primary school is in a position equal to that of a stockbroker when it is time to negotiate the purchase and sale of goods. In the two above-mentioned cases, one should not be surprised if the broker or the merchant have made a very profitable contract. The courts have recognized this inequality between the parties and in some cases, have shown a certain willingness to dissolve contracts to which the parties had supposedly freely consented. However, in cases where the court has hesitated, the legislator has had to intervene to reestablish a certain equality in dealings between merchants and consumers. Laws thus limit the merchants' freedom to impose certain obligations on consumers. ARISING Thus, by organizing exchanges in a society, the law of contracts also aims to protect and promote the reasonable hopes and expectations which arise from a contract. When two parties form a contract, they try to promote their interests. They mean to transfer their resources or goods for something they perceive to be more advantageous, and the law aims to protect this expectation by having the party at fault pay damages equivalent to the loss, that is the unfulfilled expectation of the innocent party. Let us reconsider the car which John offered to sell Bill for $500. If John was to refuse to sell once Bill had accepted his offer, Bill could buy another similar car at a price fixed by the free market and hold John responsible for the damages which he incurred. If Bill paid $600 for a similar car, he lost $100; so to protect his expectation which is reasonably based on the contract to take possession of a car for the sum of $500, he may recover the $100 in damages. Therefore, the law of contracts seems to recognize contracts as a social institution and as a means of exchange. The law ensures the involved parties will receive what they have been promised by guaranteeing a stable and reliable contract. The law thus encourages the use of a contract as a means of The theory of contract law also requires that only promises voluntarily assumed in return for other promises can be enforced, and thus that only the actual parties to a contract can be required to comply with it. This is referred to as privity of contract. According to this theory, a buyer who purchased a product from a retailer and not from the manufacturer could not take legal action against 5 the manufacturer for breach of a product warranty since there was no privity of contract between the buyer and the manufacturer; s/he could only sue the retailer with whom the contract had been made. Since the warranties were not normally part of the contract, the retailer usually was not liable either. The retailer had to take legal action against the wholesaler, and the wholesaler against the manufacturer. The manufacturer was thus shielded in part from any legal proceedings taken by consumers for defective merchandise. As products and economic life became more complex, this was recognized by all as being illogical. Therefore the common law came to recognize that when such manufacturers warranties were made there was virtually an implied contract between the buyer and the manufacturer on which the buyer could sue. Rights under tort law were also expanded to permit consumers who were injured by defective products to sue the manufacturer. More recently there is a trend to provide for the liability of the manufacturer in provincial consumer protection legislation, but only a limited number of provinces have done this and Ontario is not yet among them. I. PHILOSOPHICAL ANTECEDENTS OF INDIVIDUALISM AND LIBERALISM IN THE LAW OF CONTRACTS We can retrace the origins of the contractual obligation theory in the writings of two important philosophers, John Locke (1632-1704) and JeanJacques Rousseau (1712-1778). The concept of social contract which they developed to explain the origin of society has itself served as the ideological basis for the exchange theory which constitutes the infrastructure of the law of contracts as we know it. Locke and Rousseau explained the origin of social obligations by calling on the notion of social contract. To them, the social contract is the result of a pact between two persons of equal standing, a product of human will, which results in the formation of society and its government. It is this original pact which justifies the social obligations of people. Society and its form of government must therefore be based on an agreement of free and independent wills rather than on coercion and force. From this standpoint, society is an artificial construction and not a natural result of human existence. Human beings, because they are free and masters of their environment, can model this environment in such a way that it will satisfy their needs and desires. Closely related to the idea that society is a human creation is the idea that people must freely consent to the type of society which will govern them from now on. Thus the social contract is the expression of a voluntary agreement. Other consumer protection laws have given the consumer the right to dissolve a contract after having accepted the offer. This occurs, for instance, when contracts are made at one's place of residence in the course of door-to-door sales. Among others, the law imposes on the seller the obligation to give a written contract to the buyer. From that moment, the buyer is given a certain amount of time (2 to 4 days) during which he may repudiate the contract; consequently he is no longer bound by his previous acceptance of the offer. This law aims to discourage tactics which force the consumer to consent to the contract to rid himself of an annoying salesman. We notice the appearance of concepts such as individual freedom and self-determination which will play a major role in our law of contracts. The element of consent was itself related to the notion of individuals who benefit from certain types of freedoms which cannot be taken away from them. The social contract would guarantee these freedoms and the state could not violate them. Thus, the social contract theory supported arguments which ennobled the individual and sought to limit the powers of the government. The theory of the state of nature in which all people are free and equal, a state which preceded the social 6 contract, supported the same arguments. The social contract theory stressed that the economic activity of individuals and the basic rules governing individual relations do not depend upon the state. The state's role is not to control the economy but rather to ensure conditions in which a selfgoverning economy may function. The government plays a supplementary role; its only aim is to guarantee individual freedom which originates from the pre-societal stage and which therefore exists independently of the government. educated, is not privileged due to this ideology. We must also question to what degree such a concept of contractual obligation can render justice in an economic world much more complex than the one from which it stems. Whatever the answers we give to these questions, we must remember that individualism and liberalism reflect only one vision of society and that our system of contractual obligations is but one type of social organization among many others. We must not imagine that it is the only type or that it is the best one. It has its strong points as well as its weak points. If it can ensure economic freedom, a competitive and efficient free market, it seems to be at the expense of society, as a distinct entity independent of the individual. Other contemporary societies, in Africa, Asia and South America, including the Soviet Union as described above, have refused to follow the path of liberalism and individualism and accordingly can be seen as following social experiments different from ours. It is this multiplicity and diversity of approaches to human existence which make our world prosper. Thus, we perceive in the social contract theory the same notion of individual freedom which plays such an important role in the theory which governs contractual obligations in our contemporary capitalistic world. In the two cases, the contract is the result of an agreement freely established between individuals seeking their own best interests. The individual precedes society. Society exists for the benefit of individuals and not vice versa; its function is to see to it that the conditions are such that individuals will be able to enjoy their freedom to the fullest without constraint from society. But we should ask ourselves if a particular social class, more favoured and better 7