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The Phantom Tollbooth Assessment Quiz

The Phantom Tollbooth Assesment
Name:__________________________ 4-_____ Date: _________________
1. What act does Faintly Macabre say will have to happen in order
that she be set free? (from Chapter 6, Faintly Macabre's Story)
Rhyme and Reason must be imprisoned.
Rhyme and Reason must be set free.
Milo must find the answer to a riddle.
Azaz the Unabridged and Mathemagician must be reunited.
2. What is the shape of the palace in Dictionopolis? (from Chapter 7,
The Royal Banquet)
A dome.
A book.
A wagon.
A square.
3. What does Milo use to wrap up a half baked idea for later? (from
Chapter 7, The Royal Banquet)
His napkin.
His handkerchief.
His sock.
His necktie.
4. Who does King Azaz say should serve as Milo's guide for the
journey? (from Chapter 8, The Humbug Volunteers)
King Azaz.
Rhyme and Reason.
5. Where does the Soundkeeper store the sounds? (from Chapter 12,
The Silent Valley)
In the radio.
In the bedroom.
In the vault.
In a tower.
6. What do Milo, Tock and Humbug discover in Chapter 13 they will
have to do to return to their journey? (from Chapter 13, Unfortunate
7. What does the dirty bird resemble? (from Chapter 16, A Very Dirty
A dirty dust rag.
A dingy cleaning cloth.
A small cloud of dust.
A dirty floor mop.
8. What color is the envelop with the note for Milo? (from Chapter
20, Good-by and Hello)
Pale pink.
Brilliant purple.
Baby yellow.
Bright blue.
9. What does the floating boy say an ant would think of a bucket of
water? (from Chapter 9, It's All in How You Look at Things)
That it's a place to get a drink.
That it's an ocean.
That it's just a bucket of water.
That it's home.
10. What saves Milo, Tock and Humbug from the man at the bottom
of the stairs in the Castle of the Air? (from Chapter 18, Castle in the
A demon.
Rhyme and Reason.
King Azaz.
11. What threat does King Azaz issue to stop his cabinet members
from fighting? (from Chapter 7, The Royal Banquet)
That they'll be banished.
That they'll have to juggle.
That they'll have to wash dishes.
That they'll be beheaded.
12. What is it that stops the demons from chasing Milo, Tock,
Humbug, Rhyme and Reason in Chapter 19? (from Chapter 19, The
Return of Rhyme and Reason)
Dr. Dissonance and Dynne.
The armies of Wisdom.
King Azaz and the Mathemagician.
Everyone Milo had met along the wa
13. What does Faintly Macabre instruct Milo to do in order to leave
the prison? (from Chapter 6, Faintly Macabre's Story)
Call for help.
Climb through a high window.
Dig a tunnel.
Press a button near the door.
14. It's said the people of Dictionopolis don't really care about the
arrival of a visitor. What are they pleased to see? (from Chapter 8,
The Humbug Volunteers)
Someone go.
Someone watch TV.
Someone eat.
Someone take care of Humbug.
15. What is it that King Azaz and the Mathemagician tell Milo about
his quest after he returns? (from Chapter 19, The Return of Rhyme
and Reason)
That he hasn't yet completed his quest.
That they knew he could do it.
That they never doubted him.
That it was impossible.
16. Where were the babies known as Rhyme and Reason found?
(from Chapter 6, Faintly Macabre's Story)
Under the porch.
In a field.
In a meadow.
Under the grape arbor.
17. What is Milo looking at when he meets the floating boy? (from
Chapter 9, It's All in How You Look at Things)
A turtle.
A bucket of water.
A fish.
The view.
18. What is the response of the Everpresent Wordsnatcher when
Milo yells, "Wait"? (from Chapter 16, A Very Dirty Bird)
Wait for what?.
Thirty-four pounds.
I can't wait.
19. How much time has elapsed when Milo arrives home at the end
of the book? (from Chapter 20, Good-by and Hello)
An hour.
A month.
A week.
A day.
20. Who is the conductor of the orchestra? (from Chapter 10, A
Colorful Symphony)
Chroma the Great.
Christmas tim
21. What sound does Dynne make when he cries? (from Chapter 11,
Dischord and Dynne)
The sound of an explosion.
The sound of a crash.
The sound of fingernails on a chalkboard.
The sound of a radio.
22. How does Milo come to see things from the floating boy's point
of view? (from Chapter 9, It's All in How You Look at Things)
He asks Tock for a boost.
He thinks like Humbug.
He thinks like an adult.
He thinks happy thoughts.
23. What sound does Milo steal in Chapter 12? (from Chapter 12, The
Silent Valley)
The word.
A drumbeat.
A cloud.
The word.
24. What lines the ceilings and mirrors of the entrance halls of the
palace in Dictionopolis? (from Chapter 7, The Royal Banquet)
Pages from books.
25. In Faintly Macabre's story, what question was posed to the
princesses by their brothers? (from Chapter 6, Faintly Macabre's
Which is better, nouns or verbs?
Which is better, darkness or light.?
Which is better, Dictionopolis or Digitopolis?
Which is better, numbers or words?
Christopher the Great.