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China Urbanization: Population Growth & Migration


China growing urban population (urbanisation in china)

China is about to have more people living in urban areas then rural

Migrant from country have come to find work

Migrants provide labour and consume/ buy the products

Relied too much on investments and exports

Urbanisation is going to continue growing

18% lived of china lived in the city (1978), 30% in urban (mid 90s) and then 40% in 2002

Another 350 million to move into the cities in the next two decades

Young people are leaving the countryside

A lot of people have migrated to the city, worked in a factory, then got fired because their too old and moved back to the country

Household registration system means you can’t just move from country to city

If you’re from the rural areas you are given an area (you can farm n stuff), but you don’t earn it so you can’t sell it. That’s what’s holding back people from migrating

China doesn’t have slums because their reducing the amount of people in the city

Urbanisation in china

China’s population has been split with people living in the urban areas and rural areas. With the continuous growth of urbanisation, many migrants, especially young people, move into the city to find work, resulting in China going to have more people in the urban compared to rural. Statistics illustrate that in 1978, 18% of China’s population lived in the city, in the mid-90s, 30% of people lived in urban areas and that percentage soon rose to 40% in 2002. The migrants from the country provided labour in the factory and also consume/ buy different products being sold in the market, which is good for China’s economy. However, there are several times where people held back from migrating, for reasons such as the household registration system, which is used to actively limit the number of people living in the cities. When you live in rural areas you are given an area of land where you can farm and grow food, but if you were to sell it you wouldn’t receive the money, making people hesitant to leave. Additionally, many individuals have migrated to the city from the country, work in a factory, then got fired as they’ve become too old and then moved back to the country.
