Uploaded by Mariajose Paredes

19th Century European History Notes

`Mariajose Paredes
Warm Up
1,2 p.187; CT p.188
1. The ruler of the kingdom, beginning in 1849 was King Victor Emmanuel II. In 1852 the
prime minister Cavour pursued a policy of economic growth in order to equip a large
army and made alliance with Louis-Napoleon. Provoked Austria into declaring war but
then there was a peace settlement.
2. Lorraine, Strasburg, and Alsace were the provinces germany won in the
Franco-Prussian war.
3. They differed because garibaldi raised an army of men called the red shirts and seized
sicily unlike Bismarck became known as a national hero.
NWH (10-3)
● Crimean War - resulted from a long term struggle between Russia and the Ottoman
● Russia wanted to expand into Ottoman lands in the Balkans
● 1853​ - Russia invaded Moldavia and Walachia
● Ottomans declared war on Russia
● Britain and France, fearful of Russian gains, declared war on Russia
● Treaty of Paris (1856) - Russia agreed to let Moldavia and Walachia be placed under the
protection of the Great Powers (Concert of Europe was destroyed by this war )
● Italy​ - Austria was the dominant power in Italy in 1850 e
● After the failure of 1848 revolutions, people looked to Piedmont for leadership in
achieving independence. The House of Savoy ruled Piedmont
● Cavor​ - prime minister. He made an alliance with France and provoked the Austrians into
declaring war
● Garibaldi​ - Italian revolutionary, raised an army, turned his conquest over to Piedmont
● March 1861​ - a new state of Italy was proclaimed under King Victor Emmanuel II
● 1870​ - France withdrew from Rome. It was annexed in 1870 and became the capital.
● Germany​ - looked to Prussia for leadership in the cause for unification
● Bismark​ - new prime minister (Prussia). He believed in the realpolitik (politics based on
practical matters rather than ethics
● 1862-1866 ​- Bismarck governed Prussia without Parliament's approval.
● Prussia won a series of European ears that united German states under Prussian rule.
William I of Prussia became Kaiser (emperor) of the 2nd German Empire. Germany was
now the strongest power in europe.
● New voters (mostly from the industrial middle class ) helped them avoid the revolutions
of 1848
● Queen Victoria reigned from 1837-1901 (longest reign in English History)
● 1852 Louis Napoleon became Emperor Napoleon III, he was authoritarian
● His government subsidized the building of : railroads, harbors and canals. He rebuilt
1860s​ - because of opposition, Napoleon began to liberalize his regime
● After France’s loss in the Franco/ Prussian war, the 2nd empire fell
● Austrian Empire - Compromise of 1867​ - created the dual monarchy of Austria-Hungary
● Francis Joseph​ - single monarch (emperor of Austria, king of Hungary )
● Russia​ - Alexander’s Emancipation Edict freed the serfs
● Alexander II was assassinated, his son Alexander III turned against reform
● US​ - civil war (1861-1865)
● Emancipation Proclamation - freed the slaves
● Confederate surrender - April 9, 1865