255 DYNAMICS AND CONTROL OF FLOW-DRIVEN PROCESSES in the feed data sheet. For brevity, the faceplate and configure dialog box included in the Aspen Dynamics window, shown in Figure 5.40. 2 a are not 7 I Dynamic ts - r u loo? scripts - - Mf :iC£3= trx*'*-** fi C | Pre»vc p j111*58 _ t*r - Ml in '1 3 | Unrrt -WOO Ot* - - VUue ] RM r s 0 *2f r fidcn Mofen-tdian U j nr.urT ijnctVnc-l |0.B imMV-nc* a 53 a T mpeiatuie loop i - ; So 1 3 0 05 1 1= 2 25 3 35 4 45 5 000e+000. Time Hems accepted FIGURE 5.40 It is obvious that the reactor liquid level remains unchanged with a change in feed temperature since there is no interaction involved On the other hand, the reactor temperature is disturbed However the TC2 controller provides satisfactory disturbance . . , rejection performance under this situation. So far we have studied mainly the closed-loop behaviour of a reactor system coupled with Aspen-generated control schemes. We did not include any additional controller with the CSTR model In Section 5.3 we consider a distillation example to elaborate this point. . , 5 3 DYNAMICS AND CONTROL OF A BINARY DISTILLATION COLUMN Problem statement A partially vaporized binary mixture of benzene and toluene enters a RadFrac distillation model as displayed in Figure 5 41. . he column has total 25 theoretical stages (including condenser and reboiler) and operates at a pressure in the reflux drum of 18 psia and reboiler of 21 psia. The ow rate is 285 Ibmol/hr and reflux ratio is 2 2 (mole basis) . . 256 PROCESS SIMULATION AND CONTROL USING ASPEN Feed Specifications o TOP Flow rate = 600 Ibmol/hr Temperature = 225° F Pressure = 21 psia Feed stage = 13 (above stage) FEED Mole % Component benzene 45 toluene 55 FIGURE 5.41 BOTTOM A flowsheet of a distillation column . In Table 5.1, the reflux drum and the base of the column (the 'sump' in Aspen terminology) are specified. It is fair to use an aspect ratio (length to diameter ratio) of 2 (Luyben, 2004). TABLE 5.1 Item Vessel type Head type Height / Length (ft) Reflux drum horizontal elliptical elliptical 5 25 5 25 Sump - Diameter (ft) . . The column diameter is 5 ft. Use default values for other tray hydraulic parameters (e.g., tray spacing, weir height and weir length to column diameter ratio). Consider logmean temperature difference (LMTD) assumptions for the total condenser. Actually the LMTD is calculated using the temperatures of process fluid and coolant In the simulation. assume constant reboiler heat duty and apply the UNIFAC base property method. , . Simulate the column model to obtain the products mole fractions. Keeping the default level and pressure control algorithms unaltered, inspect the servo as well as regulatory performance of a proportional integral (PI1 controller that is required to insert to control the benzene composition in the distillate by manipulating the reflux flow rate. (0 Devising an another PI control scheme to maintain the benzene composition in the bottom product with the adjustment of heat input to the reboiler, observe the interaction effect between the top and bottom composition loops. (a) (b) Simulation approach (a) Select Aspen Plus User Interface and when the Aspen Plus window pops up. choose Template and press OK. In the subsequent step, select General with f English Units and hit OK button. To open the process lowsheet window, click OK when the Aspen Plus engine window appears. Creating flowsheet From the Model Library toolbar, select the Columns tab. Place the RadFrac model on the flowsheet window and add the feed as well as two product streams. Renaming all the streams along with distillation block, we have Figure 5.42. DYNAMICH AND rnNTKOI, OP KI-OW DIUVKN I'lfOCKHHKH . 257 imaimAJmm lAdftiauugj*) ji.ojjiIzJII o: 6 -i twin ' TmT FIGURE 5,42 Configuring settings Ah we hit Nt'xf followed by OK button, the ROtUp input Corni appcarH (h«m* Kitfun! .43). The diHtillation problem Is tilled oh: 'Cl0S6d-l00p Performanct; of a DihI illation ('olumn' Iniportuntly, une tin- 'Dynanne' input noxle mltiMI ? lit I:: | n I NiMH ( ( FIGURE 6 43 258 PROCESS SIMULATION AND CONTKOI, IISINC ASPEN Figure 5.44 includes the Aspen I'lus (iccon/ilin Accounting sheet with any name, number and ID. infornuition We can fill up the . ' - t ft vW mm jj ai LiinsMibd ad j ..ijj-j -j ai . O o i '1 o** jJgjJT; j Mil illR"ZI i i uL..] Ma - J-. f> 1 " I - !(. [Ilflll, . MCM fToirTiTTT I _ J M.>i*t 4» M 1><» 1 DSTWU DHH nwJFp £.ii*;i MJ/tac SCr-oc - Pei(iJ t»c P*iefi« fa -1* prt-M 11 BvcWi* C - 0 :s*Kt5-/Jeei". (Vfl !1 I I -l|a. n/ ' Hi'W.O | ' } rhjiHg fi tVio«imVcrt [[ Aapcn fits Uvain . HUM (leoulcillnM »?t>8 111' FIGURE 5.44 We like to see the composition of all incoming and outgoing streams in mole fraction basis in the final results table. Accordingly, we use Stream sheet under the Report Options of Setup folder (see Figure 5.45). rif F* Mix Otfa fir F*<3 i MHl iJM«l I I I FV JJ _ l±rtv Wtwjo- Hrfc BMSLSfcalgl "'I "'I "" . " FlipdrtOplta 0 S*-*. ", ' w. , _ I I "I "I ~l LLM_Lia| 351 bnnil | rbwihWI | BM ./SIiiimi| Piorniy [ ADA | «.. . Itw* lo N> rrlaM »i i>tMn> ixoa) O I! J . - . 1 P W .Hum. FIGURE 5.45 g DYNAMICS \NI) CONTUOI, OK I'l.OW DRIVKN ('UOCICSSKS 259 Specifying components ' From (In- Data Brow.scr, hoIoc! ( oniponcnta/Speeipcctions to open the componont input lorm In ill'' lahlc. shown in l- i mc S 1 (> Ihc Ivvo species are dclincd ' . UM M» fVA I** Unfti h 0 d .Igil I lal -iW H"" Qp him nl rrniioii ni.urm mo Itarimi Ophor* I Ml/ tC Qrm)« ml Mi Wiwii d b rit»i».; li. i Muifi« ..ti feMtoi 0«oN>i«> FIGURE 5.46 Specifying property method ,, >(. li'i on Hm- Nil choose Properties/Specifications and gel the property Inpul form. a property method originall} Includes several models for calculating the physical properties For the distillation example, set the UNIPAC base method b> . in Aspen simulation , scrolling down (see Figure 5.47). Specifying stream Information ," next, (.pen Streama IFEED IInput ISpecifications sheel Entering the given Values lor all State variables and teed eompo Figure 6 'IH ion Ihe slream mpnl lorm looks like . Specifying block information ," lefl pane ol the Data Browser window select Blocks IRADFRACI Setup to open Configuration sheet and then insorl the required datn (see Figure 5.49) , 260 . PROCESS SIMULATION AND CONTROL USING ASPEN > He E* Wew Oati Tooli ft FW Ut*»ry Window H*> JjiJ _ LJ~- I I I HU J J Jje J±hJill -ZliiJuLJgij I Relerenced | 0 Slream Oae* B | S<i)*ww Piowxtyrwthocbt moded Picwtymethod juNiFftr PtocMt IVP* B«e meitwd Q Cutlom OMi O Repwt Opicna jufJIFAC Tj r Modlv P<ope<iy rmdett Heniy corrvcuwitt [ ' PelTOteum cflloHston option* ~ Fiw-watm method 3 3 3 3 ~ b t-end Pfop«i«i W«le< »otut*y P»e<rfoc«npOfi«rt9 Etecddyte c ciisbon option: ~ O MrCorpi ; r Chamtiiy ID 17 . : . Potjma _ B fl Property Method! j . EHi _ Un 9 CD Wotecd» Slftjcti« a Qt LJNIFAC wlh AedKrh-Kwof.g elation d tlate and Henty't law | Prap-S«ts £ r j Adveoced hpot Complete [it* MbMi/Splilleri j Sepstfon | HhI Exchangees Cohaint { Readou | Piettue Changeft | Manptiatori | Sokh | UteiModrt | STREAMS DSTVAJ Di'.H FladFiac E act Mijfrac SCf<ac FelioFisc fWeFrac BaichFrac C \ d Fitfcn'Asien dd IM | .'- JOMptef -Mgoicft W j 0 «S-Hcto W j ) tjMftJ Twig-Mcn:«< |j FIGURE 5.47 fi- - ?d( [Ula d|b;|h| l T04I1 Run not tibrary Wride)v< HH' l Nel ¥?! akiahl-gl i n.| la] " O 3 Report Ot*or< ConpaTerts Speofcebont Asw'Bend - 3 FlsshOplioBt I ClI.C Lghl-End Prcpofto Pteudocorvowta 3 I I ) Comp-Groupi ) lanlltow Potywi _ .J/) Prtceft ee Cj E«mal»3n j Wcc iaf Sbucture d d [Mote d d 1 J |600 Property M«hod9 * . p.. Compel _ B d 225 HonyCcrrps UNIFAC Gtohm - 3 >>J Q|aJ n J EOOpiw: I I Siij!li«mf»m» )yMIXED $ 'JJ Peiro Owaclefuabon > J*J <<J( i " |M*f 3 Vofcje CotrpGrem SEN2ENE 015 TOLUENE 055 _ W p»wwet« ' , i Data J MM* Ji Pr -Sett _ - $ . MvarvceC !oUI F | BOTTOM Jl) FEED o _ - EOVMMu STREAMS 1 DSTVA) FoH* PMF1 Book FIGURE 5.48 HUM tmpmn Pka DYNAMICS AND CONTROL OK KLOW-DKiVEN PROCESSES 261 cz: '- a Mr 3 a 9 - 1->- inc«a Si-vi M «. d tan <Mf<B ap> J Klw Inrfv ' i iH* 11 6.H i iinl i ill FIGURE 5.49 In the subsequent step (see Figure 5.50), fill up Streams sheet with informing t\ location 113th tray (above stage)!. M ; 1 Mm Cm r - i - t - la* K» : - i»w> VM- M nr j Kim - w » - I .» , »« fTTTTB FIGURE 5.50 DYNAMICS AND CONTROL OK KLOW-DKiVEN PROCESSES 261 cz: '- a Mr 3 a 9 - 1->- inc«a Si-vi M «. d tan <Mf<B ap> J Klw Inrfv ' i iH* 11 6.H i iinl i ill FIGURE 5.49 In the subsequent step (see Figure 5.50), fill up Streams sheet with informing t\ location 113th tray (above stage)!. M ; 1 Mm Cm r - i - t - la* K» : - i»w> VM- M nr j Kim - w » - I .» , »« fTTTTB FIGURE 5.50 262 PROCESS SIMULATION AND CONTROL USINKi ASPEN In Figure 5.51, the column pressure profile is defined. Re SmWIon 1 [Bock IWDFRAC (nadFrac) Sell* - Dan Bnnrawl Dala Tool* Run Plol Ubraty VtMum HHp Ed< _ JiJxJ Li!iJ J JZJ J d l ill itei O Setup /Condguistion j -/SUevni /Pioiiure|-/Conden:e( | J/j Prc<iSdS I I ]P(e;iNfepic.l(li¥ Vnw: 38 t _ Pistture j eorroM tttt - O hpu e 1 fiesuts 21 25 j tOP * * _ (j Bocks 8 S«tup Q Design Specs D S Vaiy lJ Putnoarxjxis Heaierj Co era D*c»Tlefs o ® D BfoencJes Reeciavs Condenser Hc n.' Reboter Hcijr\-es _ . J Tray Sung D Tray ReU-g CJ Peck Sa ig Peck Relng 0 Praoerties «3 - 1L 1 w :6 Stages MKm/SpUleis HZH1 STREAMS Sep«alots j Heat Exchanges Cduran* } Reactors lf*Jtrcr*s*j-. Piessute ChangH! j Man atojs j SofcU ) Uiei Models j (C-I-C-S-M-jfr-C-cT' DSTWU SCftac PeltoFrac R eFiac SatchFfdc " ' C V a Fo | Chapter 2 - Wcfos . | 4] Chapter 5 - Mcti; | t]} Useful Temg - Mk V apenPlus 11 1 Aapen Rib NUM S - 'Reajuedin{>i In .-vxwH- Wo6e AcroM Pr I « S i Jff 2C FIGURE 5.51 Entering heat transfer data for condenser and reboiler Next select Dynamic under RADFRAC of Blocks folder. There are three heat transfer options: constant duty, constant medium temperature and LMTD. As mentioned in the problem statement, the condenser heat duty depends on the log-mean temperature differential between the process fluid and the coolant. The coolant inlet temperature is set constant. Here the temperature approach represents the difference between the process temperature and the coolant outlet temperature at the initial steady state Note that among the heat transfer specifications the coolant inlet temperature and temperature approach may vary during a dynamic simulation whereas the specific heat capacity of the coolant is fixed during a dynamic run (see Figure 5.52). , , For the reboiler , simulation. However it is fair to use constant heat duty computed in the Aspen Plus the reboiler duty may be changed at dynamic state either by , manually or automatically with employing a controller (see Figure 5.53). Entering geometry data for reflux drum and sump The reflux drum and sump are specified in Figures 5.54(a) and (b) with their given geometry data. The information on vessel orientation, head type, length (or height) and diameter are used to compute the vessel holdup . DYNAMICS AND CONTROL OF FLOW DmVKN PROCKSSP S - BOL \W» j|a;|B| i Zm» roote Rf> PW I I r -i U vy Wndmr H«f. v\ r;|Tlal».|<|w| n i i i rv i .isi J2J ] ±LI iijri 3 uu Nj Sim HmI i<«i;tai option 1 [lmTD o MM D iVi j- Se*ci _ _ 1] *y i " " I *«mCoolen 9 CJ «np«amB appiMch ( p 1 ] « M : j _ a Reboier Moves ii j _ Pat* Siing faw Rang i i _ o o o o ijm- SutraArm 0 O iarrjc Eaueme Reoort Bock Opuon* 1 J Mwr»/SpfcJlM« j Sep«arori | HMTExchangen | C(*in>> j RMctai | FtenusChangen | M. CM - MUM ' FSfil 5TRt»S SSpB Book FIGURE 5.52 i a F- 1 - i . ie] <PJ ntn 1 nr " 3 ' I M l i ~l I l"l *l s1! 1 leal i ibi - ftmwwj-di S Cleans _ ) ' - x<JerMr Mar* O 'JMr SoOTOJUTW 0 a«*C«bor» 1*L FIGURE 5.53 1 ill ScWi I UwHcmMi J 263 4- PROCESS SIMULATION AND CONTROL USING ASPEN He Eck V*ew Data Tods Run Ubr*v Window H In jJIZJ l 3 ±l_JiiJR ~ Vessel lype |Hotizonial !1J 0«isn Speci Headlype Vaiy 9 Heater CocJeo CJ ?ii«>anxx>ds 3 Vessd geomstiy : l nil /Condense, j/Reboiier /Reltmi Dmml Sump j 2 PrccMei Jfl Steams , _ 321] " 3 Efb |m . mm 1 1 i Lengtlk Diwnetei : 5 fl z 25 ft z . Oacartefi i 5 _ Iniialspdcificabon s Reactone Cordansaf H _ Tra)' Stw>3 TrajRing Pack Sons PactRalrtg i a EJ _ v RebalerHcu-wss jj j 9 ?ro(j«rt:« 0 Eawnatei 9 9 Conveyance Repor. 9 Uiw SiijfDU;nes Oynanac w ' iTangen' lc- tange'-tl ertgUi J Heod Type-EBclic oi Hemisphenc-al Acfuattenglh it Head Tvp*=FU t 264 25 5t»5£S t; Rmpifotnd f Mwen/SpliHeft | Sepaisios j H»at£xchangeit j Cokimne | Rescloit { Piessue CKsngef: | ManipUators I Solicft j UserModeis { Mattel ' Mom STREAMS J Mbw FSpil FSpB SSpW For Help. pre«i FT 1 $ Aspen Oyna j _ . psty Tta . j j-j spxxK hg . j Calajbto; FIGURE 5.54(a) S3ESSESS s % EdR Mew Oa i Too* Pin flat Ubwy 3 -I I'M lEi J Si i r jjj_fv _ . " 3 V1 oc-rt es J/j areams _ fitoda - RMFRK 0»gr. Specs : Headiippe Hei t Dimtat Totatiqi*dvoU?ehac!wn Morot/SpMlaft | Sopar tcf. | Hea* Exthonffm | [ , | (Mom | P».«.CI»W" | Maroiaw. | S<*k | U« 0 AMk OtWMn n- | - FIGURE 5.54(b) | <... - ~. NT* I c* . <m DYNAMICS AND CONTROL OF FLOW-DRIVEN PROCESSES 265 Entering tray geometry The example column has total 25 stages-Stage 1 being the condenser and Stage 25 the reboiler. We already have inserted the necessary information for stages 1 and 25. Now, we need to inform the simulator the tray geometry specifications for stages 2 through 24. Note that the tray holdups are computed using these geometry data (see Figure 5.55). n» E* Vb« Mi Tooi» " : f ft* Lfcrao VWrdpw fV Hsfc - ~ 3 I - imi I lai iilFi 1 1 3 ill d l \ 3 . - jj Stan Mi Stage' _ j . d 90 0 726££ :4 « » Oecanfm j L>WO Spaong «y Retokr Haxves _ lj Tufting : l i _ 0 BtockOptofa - . - - V |rt>J SeG«*tn | Hea EKChaqot | Cckm | ReKUfl | PieumChanpn | M««i>lois { SotcH | day Mod* | - D-> Mam* 1 .1 pr-u j.p _ t. . . . - NUM Seoul*! rxxl CMP-e Caiaiacr FIGURE 5.55 Running steady state simulation and viewing results Hit Afecf button and press OK to run the steady state simulation. Finally, the result." table , shown in Figure 5 56, is obtained. At this time, we should save the work. . (b) Exporting dynamic simulation: For process dynamics study, we wish to export the steady state Aspen Plus simulation into flow-driven Aspen Dynamics simulation giving a file name of'Ch5 _ window . 53 . RadFrac'. Then close the Aspen Plus _ 266 PROCESS SIMULATION AND CONTROL USING ASPEN E* Vte*v Data To* R« Ubr*v Window Help 1 ±Lil <iJF 3«1 Setup , 1 1 P pel s _ 31 9mamt - Bseki 3 F-m*; Sue-am Table I Rnctane Com Optons 3 EO Cenv Cfilioht 9 S«t*> Q 01-10 Ejk Q L'HO Adv O LSSOF Base Q LSSQP idv - IHttUIB psi I 0«5 0 000 600 000 285 000 29009731 51497.054 22487 324 607353 14147.249 446 618 3 99! 11.329 6 675 BENZENE 1 036 270.000 268,964 TOLUENE 313.964 330000 16036 BENZENE 0 003 0450 0 944 TOLUENE 0 S97 0 550 0 056 Malt Flow b i Convergence ;nthi*(. ConvOder 4cfcFlowlhcnoi/t. Sequence 18 00 0 000 Volume Flow ctitAm j RoA-shee!r>; Options j Mc- ei ttafytii T< s Jj EO Cc guratan Zl 21 00 315000 Mole Fte Ito.oll, _ : 21,00 /apoiFiac Tea. - d z\ - MMBHi/hi . . _ oleFtac [jj ResJls Sixmrafy 9 . , Pijn Status . . Convef ence Roula Avoleble " plj Uureit/Spllten ] Separatort ) Heal Ewhangett ] CoUww ) Reacton | Piewuie OwrgBrs | MampUatois | Srtdt ) U«e( Models | Man M « STREAMS '1 Mi»«. :FocHe|p.|il»«liFi r rJJ FSpa rA SSl* 0 VBo*-Cheplere |4)Ch8i»5 W..,|| Aipen Phm... fapm.D) .,- | fapen.IVia-.. } apocfeheat:. [ CefcuMof NUM Re>jl( AnAUe | « Q P'tVi 11 53 FIGURE 5.56 Starting Aspen Dynamics Open a blank dynamic simulation window for the example column, following a similar procedure as previously shown for the CSTR problem. In the next, simply open the flow-driven dynamic file 'Ch5 5 3 RadFrac.dynf. As a result, the Aspen Dynamics window appears (see Figure 5.57) accompanying with the closed-loop process flow . _ _ diagram. The flowsheet actually includes the three default control schemes LCI, PC2 and LC3 to monitor the reflux drum liquid level, top stage pressure and column base liquid level, respectively. In the present discussion, we do not want to change anything of the three automatically inserted control strategies. All data, including timing parameters, ranges, bias values and controller actions, remain untouched. A little detail of these control structures is given below. Loop 1 Controller: LCI Type of controUer: P-only (since integral time is very large (60000 minutes)) Controlled variable: liquid level in the reflux drum Manipulated variable: distillate flow rate Controller action: direct DYNAMICS AND CONTROL OF FLOW-DRIVEN PROCESSES »g [Dynnmlt J h« 267 .IS'ByiUEiafl inM - r tt a«i|oo5 J ii. i» -ji f LCI r>0 . C<rtenta d Snmiaaon £5 9 »o-BOTTOM fO LlJ Siaulation ready for solution 7 equations were not eliminated because they had residuals over le A total of S32 equations (38 b'/.) were eiinmated Sinulation has 1991 variables. 1484 equations and 6219 non-zeros - 3 005 IBjnsilcal 0.(10 Aspen fVjs Mty8 [>i ' _ I A »n IVvrtc- FIGURE 5.57 Loop 2 Controller: PC2 Type of Controller: PI Controlled variable: top stage pressure Manipulated variable: coolant inflow rate Controller action: direct Loop 3{ Controller: LC3 Type of controller: P-only Controlled variable: liquid level in the column base Manipulated variable: bottoms flow rate Controller action: direct Adding a new PI controller for top composition loop Now we wish to include a proportional integral (PI) law to control the benzene composition in the top distillation product by manipulating the reflux rate. In the top left of the window the Dynamics library is included within Simulation folder of Ml Items pane Click on expand (+) button of Dynamics subfolder. Consequently, the expand , . button changes to collapse (-) button as shown in Figure 5.58. 268 PROCESS SIMULATION AND CONTROL USING * ar I"-- r s tt o p - 3 » ' i< . ASPEN w t a y u n ca r- , _ Bp tot»l ol 91? Kiu tion* lie IK] v.c. .LktAated ixuiation ha* I'm variabl** l«a< aquat.on. and til' J FIGURE 5.58 Again hit expand button next to the ControlModels icon Then select PID controller . , drag it to the flow diagram and drop the control block near to the top product stream . Renaming the top composition controller as CCT we have Figure 5.59. , lO Uae l* . i£i Si*?0- no TwT-o - 1 . Id §1 - t -Q: V h tgnm K> 9 iai»i - PS 3 Rnuu > und to npJtQOlO FIGURE 5.59 Connecting controller with process variable (Controlled variable) Ixpand Stream Types under Dynamics subfolder and hold down the mouse button he ControlSignal icon. As we drag it onto the flowsheet window, many blue an - on ow appear around the process diagram. Interestingly, when we f l I Z S wiih holding the ControlSignal icon over a port, the name of that P *ame Anyway, move the pointer and release the mouse buttonselect on the 0fe g wo the dastillate compos.tio * OutputSignal originated from TOP (stream) block. To . CONTROL OF FLOW DRTV rPPn cc of benzene as controUed variable, choose 'STREAMSCTOP") ZnCBENyFTWv fraction' by description in the Select the Control Variable 4 bo Fi 269 5 6of . W lOyti.Mc SIR£ AMS| TOPlfcrf BEHZE SlfiEAMSC ICiP lfcnf I0LUE siREMnrniPi fmanaa si a SIBEAMSI'TOP'l fiTtrtTOi U . . SIRDMSTTOPtP STREaMSriOPlZmrtBEftZE STSfAMSlTDP " Moslhacten ' IQUJE Ucli total it snapshots houe been saved to lile snp*00l0 I FIGURE 5.60 As we press 0/!l button, the cursor becomes a solid black arrow representing the input signal to the controller. To transmit this signal to the CCT block, connect the black arrow with a port marked InputSignal. Since this signal conveys the process variable (PV) information to the CCT controller select 'CCT.PV by name with 'Process , variable ' by description in the Select the Control Variable dialog box (see Figure 5.61). Ulxl - 0«B'<BQi 1% X? |Dyn.mlc - . ri . FIGURE 5.61 270 PROCESS SIMULATION AND CONTROL USING ASPEN Hit OK button and obtain Figure 5.62. Obviously the CCT controller is partially configured. To complete the top composition loop, the controller output should be , connected with the manipulated variable to pass on the signal B pen Oynmics Re E-*l . wiya_Oia I dyrf TocJs Rowsheei D fii; H # El Run Window CS Met iDynamic > [. s FtwrilMl Window r Utt G..d |0 05 t! ) Modd) ( Parametef Types >C2 : | Pol TflJW 0 i Pre5»ureCnsr»geRi LCI J PMH . rc- Bl | Prcceduw ) F actora | Seoaratora CH FEED [ I Slreani Type* >o- CortrolStgnal o r | B0TT0M]</ ConteniiQl ContiptSignal WMlH Controlig >o . LC3 J Cwviedion - SySer _ ~ lation has 1931 variables 1484 equations and 6219 non-zeros 3 ing Simulation ent snapshots have been saved to file snpAOOlO snp I Ready aart| p , m " Bopk | -jjChap-er 5 Mi | Jrj UaeMTgms | Jl focal Adobe Acroba | Dynamic at 0 00 Goo e Wnd | A*>en Ptu: C Dm FIGURE 5.62 Connecting controller with control variable (Manipulated variable) Again hold the ControlSignal icon, drag it onto the process flowsheet and drop it on the blue outgoing arrow marked OutputSignal from the CCT block. As Select the Control Variable dialog box appears (see Figure 5.63), choose 'CCT.OP' by name and press OK. Immediately, a solid black arrow representing the controller output signal is automatically generated. Move the mouse pointer to reflux stream and make a connection to InputSignal2 port. To use the reflux flow rate as control variable, select BLOCKSC'RADFRAC). Reflux.FmR' in the dialog box and click OK (see Figure 5.64). ' Now the binary distillation column is coupled with four control schemes, LCI, PC2, LC3 and CCT, and the closed-loop process looks like Figure 5.65. The subsequent discussion includes the modification of different tuning properties of the CCT controller. DYNAMICS AND CONTROL OK FLOW DRIVKn PROCESSES 271 - HKBB OwtB W | Dynamic r UTtlMln *J J Li \i r M l % BIBB Piocmi rmbto 3 Edit tnq SimuIsIton Current snapcbom timvm bMn «*v«d tc 1)1* onpAOPll «np Uj L . i FIGURE 5.63 0 * H .[! (B V |Ovn.mlr IS, , . 'i . 1.. - V..- iDl , * - _ 3 r it 7f o-d|uir, i; wit » s U««4 »w* l>vim cofln' £1 tQAiM tILUlf SI-HAI'FtUC' lMaoril.'l nLOc»irfuiiFHw: im miii eioc» srwM «*ri vi h ' i eiotr srnADrrut'isi mim yi|| i M toed FIGURE 5.64 tW* 272 PROCESS SIMULATION AND CONTROL USING ASPEN 6* a »Q fl W |Uyn.mlt r « Orfloffi J > , , >o J Stmam Tipca OH FEED h >o J >0-- v m Editing 5i»ulstior. Current sn&pshcta havo bee ad to tile snpAOOU snp ' I U FIGURE 5.65 Modifying controller tuning properties First we wish to see the default tuning properties. So double-click on the CCT block and then hit Configure symbol in the faceplate to open the Configure dialog box (see Figure 5.66). , Fie y*w Too. Pui Wrx w Kefe j Dynamic |r * n -it c..i|o"-, jj ] 5B»B fe»iaOESD9 « 3 n r LCI - Tuwnp | Raryii jf ffamg J Ottw CwT-o g>-ffnoT- OteianMnMlai : TtmepaianeieK Bm |o .* V irOjaJim |» 11- d d i 2031 varittbles jrwnt y H BOTTOM K) ISOi equsiions and 63 3 i snapshots have been aawd - FIGURE 5.66 4 .- » DYNAMICS AND CONTROL OF FLOW-DRIVEN PROCESSES 273 Obviously, some of the default values set by Aspen Dynamics are not acceptable. For example, the operator set point value of process variable (benzene composition in distillate) should not be greater than L Secondly, the CCT controller action must be Reverse'. In addition, the value of control variable (reflux flow rate) at steady state is ' usually used as bias value. We have two options in our hand to correct the default values. Either manually we can do it or Aspen Dynamics can automatically initialize the values of set point process variable, control variable, bias and ranges. Note that the controller action is , changed only manually. It is wise to initialize the values by the help of Aspen Dynamics For this, press Initialize Values button in the Configure dialog box and use 'Reverse' . controller action. It is obvious in the window, shown in Figure 5.67, that the values of SP, PV and OP in the faceplate change automatically to their steady state values. If this approach fails to initialize the simulation of controller model with the steady state data, check and replace, if necessary, the values of PV and OP with their steady state values by double clicking on signal transmission lines (input to the controller and output from the controller). fie Vx* Tods Wndow j Dynamic Allttro r Gndi-JCB zl ].] flS-e 3 2* H Mill acci LJL?nH! . O LCI 10 3437 10 9437 |49472 na if < -{TfLCL.j LCI Turong ] Ranges ] nam T 1 0|wdlo«»t|)«* 10 343 33 >o1 BOTTOM K> IfcmoMbmol Tuwigpawieleit Bu; |43472 1105 \bAt a«. 4|l 1 Oenvative me . zi |o Conbofct Kljon r Dieo nables 1494 J been saved Co file snpAOOOO snp » loot It | JlJ Ouplg 5 >4ct»<I W j AJOOe toif friM \ DynmcaOOO tm>on ft» *»l»-0« jj '' « FIGURE 5.67 Modifying ranges for process variable and controller output we hit the Ranges tab, the Configure dialog box (see Figure 5.68) shows the ranges imposed on process variable and controller output. default 274 PROCESS SIMULATION AND CONTROL USING ASPEN Db Tat* W - Kr -; XVhoa* . rt* (ft |lnlllBll?nll<in 3 >C jo g*-'.' BBSiwi Q Hc >oH bohom f<' | P Opts range 0><pki Rw trnwun |3CS4i rill |t/N [7 r > :-.: ¥.. rz :!.: i. v-i ::n _ FlIF t'.-r.i:. THE-: t;-:. " equation B10CK5CLC1 ) CalcDillTer* moved tro« ELSE branch to THEN branch equation BLOCKS( LCI') CaicPropT«r» HMd (ro. ELSE branch to THEH branch has 2031 variables 150S equations and t>32i non-zeros ' Ready ' 5.11 r FIGURE 5.68 However, here we use the typical variable ranges, shown in Figure 5.69 . He «e» Toe* fin Wnjcm hds »ff |rnitializMion « fi S1 © 0 [3 3 3 3 SrUMon % iaizi >o - L -Q H 60MOM [<> nwpwjifiiiii [T . __g groups 664 Solwing group fc'l lo 670 of sire S type Explicit Linear type Linear Group 671 already converged living group* 672 to 601 ol type Explicit Linear fun coaplete at 11 J 16 14 .. FIGURE 5.69 /is DYNAMICS AND CONTROL OF FLOW DRIVEN PROCESSES - 275 Process variable Range minimum: 0.85 Range maximum: 10 Output Range minimum: 10000 Ib/hr Range maximum: 120000 Ib/hr It is important to mention that it is a good idea to carry out Initialization as well as Dynamic run after each new change in the control scheme so that any error in controller installation can be detected individually. We have now completed all required control specifications for the top composition loop In the ongoing study, we prefer to conduct the simulation experiment to observe the designed controller performance continuously for 5 hours. As done for the previous f CSTR problem, similarly either simply press Ctrl+F5 on the keyboard or select Pause At rom the Run menu and put 5 hours as Pause at time. In the next, we will inspect the CCT controller performance first dealing with the servo problem followed by the regulatory problem. Viewing servo performance of CCT As we double-click on the CCT controller block in the flowsheet window the faceplate appears. Then open the Configure as well as ResultsPlot dialog box The second one is , . basically a blank graph sheet that presents the variations of process variable set point and controller output with respect to time. Before running the program make sure that all the items in the Configure dialog box , , and faceplate are correct. In the next hit Run button to start the dynamic simulation. The plots, shown in Figure 5 70, illustrate the servo behaviour of the PI control algorithm with a step increase (0 9437 - 0 97 at time = 1.51 hours) followed by a step decrease (0 97 - 0 9 at time = 3 hours) in the set point value of the distillate composition of benzene. To achieve an improved closed-loop performance we have used the values of proportional , . . , gain of 10 %/% and integral time of 10 minutes. These values have been chosen based on a pulse input test in the distillate composition of benzene and using the trial-anderror approach It should be kept in mind that the objective at this point is not to come up with the best control structure or the optimum controller tuning. We only need a control scheme and tunings that provide a reasonably good tracking performance to drive the simulation to a new steady state. Remember that to edit the plots, shown in Figure 5 70, double-click on different elements of the plots and modify them as we like. Viewing regulatory performance of CCT In order to investigate the regulatory performance of the CCT controller, we give a step input change in the feed pressure (21 -» 23 psia) at time = 1.48 hours and that in the feed temperature (225 -» 230oF) at time = 3 hours. The PI controller tuning set provides good disturbance rejection performance (see Figure 5.71) although the tuning parameter values . gain and integral time) have been chosen based on a pulse set point input change. 276 PROCESS SIMULATION AND CONTROL USfNG AST'EN DgB «a IB <<l |Dyn.,nk 3 r a it Mi-nr 2} £ i s »o - . jtOTTOMfO lor* 1 SOOOd OOO acceptttd FIGURE 5.70 He ,4> Teds Rn 3 S H « (i ..r.x. Heb V? lOyn.mk t Eyewntcrari - Tyl-o >o -- HQ- 33 -. ccr ' 31 = ' il 3 Z«-B£KZE«-J 5 05 1 If 2 2£ 3 3S < «5 5 Time Hoiks 1 j FIGURE 5.71 (c) Adding a new PI controller for bottom composition loop: We have to devise another PI control scheme to monitor the bottoms composition of benzene by adjusting the heat input to the reboiler. As developed, the CCT controller for the top loop, similarly we can configure the CCB controller for the bottom loop as shown in Figure 5.72. DYNAMICS AND CONTROL OF FLOW-DRIVEN PROCESSES I.:IM . : . s 1 . 41 . . ! m . lm< uuuk.'* w-> Ml X-M i.. I.im mmttfll M* FIGURE 5.72 We have chosen the following tuning properties (see Figure 5.73): Gain = 10 %/% Integral time = 10 minutes Controller action: Direct dub .a " % » |M*«.. r 3 . . nvm awocigi _ r :: f - >. »- » ! 1 55 i; ~ 7T i '».»« i : 'w. - f . - v .. r c MM - i .TIM EkMIMi | "1 .MtMlM mmm lia» tl A I.. lftj« WMtlOM m4 M3» mm-two* FIGURE 5.73 li.c... 277 278 . PROCESS SIMULATION AND CONTROL USING ASPEN In addition, the used constraints are reported below: Process variable Range minimum: 0.0 Range maximum: 0.1 Output Range minimum: 6000000 Btu/hr Range maximum: 18000000 Btu/hr Viewing interaction effect between two composition loops To observe the effect of interaction between two composition loops, the set point value of bottoms composition of benzene has been changed twice. The simulation result is depicted in Figure 5.74 for a step increase (0.0033 -> 0.0045 at time = 1.5 hours) followed by a step decrease (0.0045 -> 0.0025 at time = 3 hours). EC He MS*} - Mew Toots fen Window net | Dynamic 9 h « CBS'S aiaocsH =inj l _ - " r Tt (0 05 3 i£ i « W 3 1* LCI >o- {33-0 %j am SP| 100025 I00O25 |12117835,; PV; 0PHH -- LCJ >o- >a-j CCT BOTTOM K> Tunuvj | Ranges | Ffenr Opetatot set poi* (0 0025 ] Olha jbmol/bfrol Turwtg paameten S«t. 63 [l1613W7r jBtu/W Gart [To Iniegrafww. flO Owwabvetimei [o I . s. f i 11 - i Cortiolw action - > £ Drad r Reverte - S? 1 If r 0 0 5 1 1 5 2 2 5 3 3 = 4 45 , 5 i Time Hours 2 2.5 3 13 Time Hours TEE teed FIGURE 5.74 Clearly, the CCB controller shows satisfactory set point tracking performance against a pulse input change It is observed from Figure 5.74 that owing to strong . interaction between the two composition loops of the distillation column the set point changes in bottom loop affect the top product composition Similarly, when any set point change is introduced in the top composition loop, the bottom product composition , . will also be affected.