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Spiritual Revival: A Call to the Church

Young People!
It’s Time for..
By: Joshua Meneses
06 – 06 – 18
You’ve done it again, Lord.
You’ve done it again.
You are good, and You are mighty, and You are merciful! And You keep taking care of me
when I don’t deserve it. Praise You, Jesus! You are Lord….
Raise up more that will call upon Your name. Raise up those that love You, and seek You, and
trust You. Raise ‘em up, Lord! Raise 'em up!
Lord, we need a generation of believers who are not ashamed of the gospel! We need an army
of believers, Lord, that hate to be lukewarm, and will stand on Your Word above all else!
Raise 'em up, Lord! Raise 'em up! I pray for unity among those that love You.
I pray that You open their eyes so that they can see Your truth, Lord. I pray for Your hand of
protection and guidance. Raise up a generation, Lord, that will take light into this world; that
will not compromise when under pressure; that will not cower, Lord, when others fall away!
Raise 'em up, Lord, that they will proclaim that there is salvation in the name of Jesus Christ!
Raise up warriors, Lord, who will fight on their knees, who will worship you with their whole
hearts, Lord!
Lord, call us to battle, that we may proclaim King of Kings, and Lord of Lords! I pray these
things with all my heart. Raise 'em up, Lord! Raise 'em up!
Many are familiar with the old hymn, “Revive Us Again.” But what does this mean? Revived to
what? How and when are we revived? We hear much talk, often negatively, about “revival”-about
“getting right” with God-but through misuse and overuse, this term has become blurred in the minds of
most hearers today. To many, a “revival” means an enigmatic, highly emotional religious meeting.
Often, the word “revival” conjures up visions of an old-fashioned tent meeting featuring a charismatic,
white-jacketed, sweaty-faced, hoarse-throated, foam-flecked evangelist shouting such “filler-words” as
“Hallelujah!” “Praise the Lord!” “We’re gonna twist the old devil’s tail tonight!” “Let me hear you say,
‘Amen!’” “Won’t you give your heart to the Lord just now?” And, oh, yes, “Let the ushers with the offering
baskets please come forward. Amen and Hallelujah!”
True revival, however, is a biblical concept. “For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth
eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and
humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones” (Isaiah
57:15). In Psalm 85:6-7, the psalmist asks God an interesting question: “Wilt Thou not revive us again;
that Thy people may rejoice in Thee? Show us Thy mercy, O LORD, and grant us Thy salvation.” To
be revived again implies that there had been a revival previously. More about that later.
The word “revival” is from the Hebrew word chayah and means “to bring back to life,” to “restore
to consciousness,” or to “restore to a previous condition.” We might say, “The drowning victim was
miraculously revived.” As used in the Bible, it means a restoration, rejuvenation, or renewal of interest
after spiritual neglect, oblivion, or obscurity.
What revival is not: Revival, as used in the Bible, is not evangelism, even though many may be
revived as a result of it. It is not emotionalism, although there may be emotional manifestations
connected to it. What it is: It is the personal renewal to spiritual life in an individual, or among a group
of people. It is an “at-one-ment,” a heartfelt return to God and His commandments.
Revival is needed whenever the love of God’s people has grown cold. We read in Revelation
3:15-17, “I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then
because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Because thou
sayest, ‘I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing’; and knowest not that thou art
wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.”
Consider the symptoms of the need of revival: just as a sick person manifests physical
symptoms, so the need for personal spiritual revival has spiritual symptoms. A few of them are…
Complacency: self-satisfaction or satisfaction with the status quo. “Seat-warmers” who have a
“don’t rock the boat” attitude may well need a spiritual revival.
Lack of concern for the lost and the suffering in the world (1 Corinthians 10:23). How can we see
or read the world news, considering all the suffering in the world, and not be moved by it? If we are not,
we definitely need spiritual renewal or revival.
Hiding or covering secret sins (Numbers 32:23). If we find ourselves covering or excusing our sins, or
rationalize, “I will have to change that…someday,” we may well need spiritual revival.
Having an unforgiving spirit (Matthew 6:14-15). Some parrot, “I can forgive, but I can’t forget.” An
unforgiving spirit is a strong indication that we need spiritual revival. We are to put on the mind, the
views, and the feelings of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16). God forgives and forgets sins once we’ve
repented of them. “As far as the east is from the west, so far hath He removed our transgressions from
us” (Psalm 103:12). We need to forgive and then forget what we have forgiven. we-are like beasts when
we kill. We are like men when we judge. We are like God when we forgive.
Being filled with pride (Proverbs 29:23). We are reminded in Proverbs 16: 18 that “Pride goeth before
destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” Pride and vanity were the cause of Lucifer’s fall (Ezekiel
28:17). We must beware, lest his attitude is reflected in us. If we find ourselves feeling superior or
puffed up, we need the humility of revival.
Animosity toward other Christians. It is said that we can pick our friends, but we cannot pick our
brethren. One sage rightly quipped, “We must also overcome the brethren.” Read and heed Mathew
18:15 to revive that friendship.
Any condition of spiritual standing where we are less than we were before: a “backslidden
condition.” We all know the way back to Babylon—it is only two half-steps back to our old ways and
habits of life. If you feel yourself slipping, YOU need spiritual revival!
All of these symptoms are strong indications that we need to draw closer to God and His Word.
We are reminded in 2 Corinthians 4:16 that “though our outward man perish, yet the inward man
is renewed [revived] day by day.” We are warned in 1 Thessalonians 5:19, “Quench not the Spirit.”
There are basically two ways to quench God’s Spirit: 1) We can deliberately rebel and say, in effect,
“God, I do not want what you have to offer. I am going to do things my way; or, 2) We can allow God’s
Spirit to dwindle and “starve” to death by lack of renewal or replenishment. “Neglect not the gift that is
in thee,” Paul warned, “which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the
presbytery” (1 Timothy 4:14). Often, spiritual deterioration comes slowly and insidiously, without our
awareness. Because there are seldom any physical symptoms, we grow weaker and weaker inside—
spiritually—and an unsuspected trial or circumstance can easily ‘‘take us out.” ‘Samson, for example,
had the Spirit of God upon him (Judges 14:6,19), but he played around with sin—and was found
wanting. At one point the disciples had received power from Jesus Christ to heal and cast out demons
(Matthew 10:5-8). Yet later, they seem to have lost their ability to cast out a certain demon and did not
understand why. Jesus told them that it was because of their unbelief (Matthew 17:19-20)—their lack
of spiritual renewal. Peter thought he was strong until times got tough, and with cursing he denied the
Lord three times (John 13:38). Often the condition of our hearts is such that we are not aware of our
need at the very time it is most needed. We often cover up our inadequacies with a self-deceptive
shroud of self-righteousness.
Know this: Human nature—the flesh—will fight against revival. For proof, all we need to do is
ask ourselves, “Do I study and pray in ALL my spare time? Or do comfort and cares of the world crowd
out that time I could otherwise be spending with God?” It is said that the road to Gehenna is paved with
good intentions. To have true spiritual revival we must admit that we have a need—and take action.
We need a renewal or recommitment that will resurrect God’s church collectively to spiritual life.
Remember, revival means a renewal, a “return to life,” or spiritual consciousness.
Let us look into God’s Word to see what Jesus Christ says to the churches. Blow the dust off
your Bible and turn to the second and third chapters of Revelation, where we see His messages to the
seven churches. Elements of all the seven churches of Asia are present with us today! The letters were
written to “the churches,” plural, i.e., the people in them. Seven times we are cautioned, “He that hath
an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches,” collectively.
This is important. Read this TWICE: Read over the messages to the seven churches and, in
each case, ask yourself, “Is this a word picture of ME?”
As we read over these seven messages, notice that nothing is said or even suggested about
“eras,” “ages,” or “dispensations.” It is speculated by some that the seven letters to the seven churches
of Revelation are an outline of seven dispensations or “ages” or phases of church history. This concept,
however, is not taught in Scripture, but is a belief that is read into the Bible. Much confusion and many
false teachings have resulted due to this theory. The danger of looking for esoteric, mystical, or hidden
meanings is that this approach obscures the plain correction to all Christians in all churches all through
time. Carried to the extreme, if we were to apply this “church for an era” theory throughout the Bible,
we could conceivably make twenty-one additional “church periods” out of all the other New Testament
epistles or letters mentioned, as some do these seven letters. We should look into God’s Word for
personal correction, not shift the messages off to some other “church era.” Again, we need to ask
ourselves, “Are any of these warnings applicable to ME, personally?”
What was Christ’s intention in addressing the seven churches in Revelation 2-3? Plainly, He
strove to wake up, or “revive,” the churches. It is the same message He inspired Jude to write in Jude
3: “Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me
to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered
unto the saints.”
Jesus rebuked the church at Ephesus for having left its first love (Revelation 2:4).
He rebuked the church at Smyrna because some of its members tolerated apostate believers among
them who were really instruments of Satan (Revelation 2:9).
He rebuked the church at Pergamos because some of its members held to the doctrine of Balaam, who
hired himself out to do religious work for personal gain and held the false doctrine of the Nicolaitans
(Revelation 2:14-15).
He rebuked the church at Thyatira because some there had listened to and tolerated false preaching,
committing spiritual and even physical adultery (Revelation 2:20-21).
Jesus declared to the church at Sardis, “Thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead” (Revelation
3:1-3). They were devoid of spiritual life and power. He said, “Be watchful, and strengthen the things
that remain” (Revelation 3:1).
Christ commended members of the church at Philadelphia for their love, but warned them to beware
and hold fast that no man take their crown (Revelation 3 :11). This strongly implies there would be
those who would attempt to overthrow their faith by whatever means.
Christ called upon members of the church at Laodicea to repent; they thought they had need of nothing
(Revelation 3:17). They had a lukewarm, neutral, compromising, or accommodating attitude.
Again, we need to ask ourselves, “Are any of these warnings applicable to ME, personally?”
Notice that the common admonition given to the churches was to overcome, surmount, or triumph over
their sins and shortcomings. The same warnings apply to Christians today.
Some folks are members of the church in name only; they are not interested in changing,
overcoming, or growing. Others are satisfied with the way things are and see no reason for any change.
Still others are too concerned about their own agendas to see that we need to spiritually analyze
ourselves. First Corinthians 11:28 is not just for Passover time; it is for all the time. “But let a man
examine himself…” “For if we would judge ourselves,” we are reminded in verse 3 1, “we should not be
In a parable, Christ warned there would be tares, or false grain, among the good wheat. “Let
both grow together until the harvest,” Christ said in Matthew 13:30, “and in the time of harvest I will say
to the reapers, ‘Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to bum them: but gather
the *cat into my barn.”‘ “Ye shall know them by their fruits” (Matthew 7:16). This common figure is
wonderfully expressive. Notice, fruit, not leaves, appearance, or professions are the proper tests of the
life that is in the tree. We are to test all men—including ourselves—and every institution by every Word
of God (Matthew 4:4). We are further cautioned in Matthew 7:22, “Many [Greek, polus, meaning “most”]
will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy name? and in Thy name have
cast out devils? and in Thy name done many wonderful works?’ And then will I profess unto them, I
never knew you: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity” (Matthew 7:23). “For many are called, but few
are chosen” (Matthew 22:14).
We need a revival that will rekindle the old fires, the “first love” we had at conversion.
Do you remember “better days”?
Days of dedication to the Lord and to His work?
Days when you came to church expecting great things from God—inspiring sermons, warm fellowship,
spiritual satisfaction?
Days when you wouldn’t think of missing church to go to a ball game or some other secular activity?
When you didn’t look for some excuse for why you couldn’t serve the Lord? What is your best excuse?
Will Christ accept it?
We need to cry out to God, “Wilt thou revive us again?” “Revive us again” means that there have
been revivals before. God will always forgive as long as we return to Him. The Christian life is made up
of “many beginnings.” We fall down—or sin—but keep getting up, striving not to fall in this way again.
With this resolve in mind, we should be growing daily stronger and wiser in our Christian walk.
To illustrate, the life of a believer is not like hooking onto a hot air balloon and just drifting up to higher
and higher plateaus forevermore. Yes, Christianity is a journey that involves mountaintop experiences,
but plateaus and valleys as well. We are reminded in Psalm 23:4, “Yea, though I walk through the valley
of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me.”
While it is true that God is not calling many wise, mighty, or noble at this time (1 Corinthians 1:26), He
does not expect us to stay in a weakened or foolish condition. “But grow in grace, and in the knowledge
of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be glory both now and forever” (2 Peter 3:18).
We need a revival that will restore joy and victory—a sense of overcoming (Revelation 21:7)—to the
child of God. There are…
Too many defeated Christians today. They will not rise up again.
Too many discouraged Christians. They wallow in self-pity.
Too many backslidden Christians. They fall back into their old ways and habits of life.
Too many depressed Christians who will not let the past remain in the past. We cannot change
the past; we can only go with the present and the future. “Brethren, I count not myself to have
apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto
those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ
Jesus” (Philippians 3: 13-14).
We need heart—a pure, dedicated, willing heart. Knowing full well the rewards ahead of us (1
Corinthians 13:12), we should wake up every morning feeling as if we had just won the lottery, and
more! Our reward will be so much greater than any lottery has ever been! There is no need to feel
defeated or discouraged. There is no room for tired, old, worn-out Christians. The joy—the exaltation—
of the Lord is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10); we need a revival where God will give us a song—
happiness—in our hearts because we know who and what we are and where we are going. Habakkuk
prayed, “LORD, revive thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; in
wrath remember mercy,” and went on to say, “Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my
salvation (Habakkuk 3:2,18).
Only God can send revival. He alone is the Source: “Wilt Thou…revive us again” (Psalm 85:6)?
No man, no organization, can “schedule” or plan spiritual revival. It is not something men do; it is what
God will do if we are repentant and imbibe of His Word and remain constant in prayer.
Remember, God’s Spirit, which gives revival, is renewed in us daily, but conditionally! What are those
We must face up to spiritual realities. “Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own
selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates” (2
Corinthians 13:5)?
We need to see ourselves as we are—as God sees us; we must be honest. We must be repentant. “I
tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish” (Luke 135). (Send for our free booklet,
Ten Facts You Should Know About Repentance.)
We need to acknowledge God for Who He is and stop playing church. “Oh how great is Thy goodness,
which Thou hast laid up for them that fear Thee; which Thou hast wrought for them that trust in Thee
before the sons of men” (Psalm 31:19).
We must see sin for what it is—confess it, repent of it, and forsake it. FOREVER! “Go, and sin no more”
(John 8:11).
We must cultivate an earnest desire to be revived. If we believe strongly enough in a cause, how can
we not get involved? Read the entire fifty-first Psalm for a beautiful example of David’s attitude.
Often, we don’t want revival badly enough to make any difference or change in our lives. Change is
what Christianity is all about. We must change from what we are—our “old man,” or nature—to become
more and more like Jesus Christ is in every way. Godly character is knowing right from wrong and
choosing to go God’s way no matter what—even if it seems uncomfortable or awkward or brings
persecution. Isaiah 55:6-7 encourages us to “Seek ye the LORD while He may be found.” This implies
that a time is coming when God may not be easily found. No one knows how much time he or she may
have left. God wants to send revival upon those who genuinely seek it. We need:
Personal revival: that means individuals getting right with God.
Home revival: that means families getting back to the place they need to be.
Church revival: that means to be doing the work Christ ordained (Mathew 28:19-20).
Revival—a returning to God—is not turned on and off like a water fountain, but if we meet God’s
conditions He will bestow it upon us. He wants us to be renewed!
There are people—millions, no, billions, of them—who need to be taught what you know! Yet do
we—God’s called-out ones—sometimes grow complacent and self-satisfied? How can we revive others
to God’s Truth when we, ourselves, need reviving? Can we expect God to add members to a sick,
lukewarm, non-functional body? “And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of
sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we [first] believed” (Romans 13 :11). We are reminded
in Mathew 25:5 that all ten of the virgins in the parable slumbered and slept, but fortunately, some woke
up in time.
Is it not without cause that Christ asks in Luke 18:8, “Nevertheless, when the Son of man cometh, shall
He find faith upon the earth?” Will He find spiritual revival?
Let us all hear and heed God’s regular “call to revival” by attending Sabbath services each and every
week (Hebrews 10:25), as well as attending all His annual holy days (Leviticus 23). These are God’s
divinely appointed special holy days that He commands us to attend so we might be spiritually revived.
When He comes again will Christ find us so doing (Matthew 24:46)?
Let us cry out with all our hearts and beseech God Almighty, “Wilt Thou not revive us again: [why?] that
Thy people may rejoice in Thee? Shew us Thy mercy, 0 LORD, and grant us Thy salvation” (Psalm
King Asa’s Revival
A Time for Real Christians
A Time for Zeal
Pointers for a Productive Church
The God who Answers by Fire
David’s Sin and Revival
Offensive Christianity
Nehemiah’s Revival (2 sermons)
Making a Difference
Holiness: Dare to be Different
Two Stages of Revival
What’s it going to take?
“Sow yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the
LORD, till He come and rain righteousness upon you. Ye have plowed wickedness, ye have reaped
iniquity; ye have eaten the fruit of lies because thou didst trust in thy way, in the multitude of thy mighty
men” (Hosea 10:12-13).
What Time Is It?
Hosea tells us that it is time to seek the Lord. It is time to break up the fallow ground.
It is time for God’s people to wake up and do something. The apostle Peter informs us that it is
time for judgement to begin, “For the time is come that judgement must begin at the house of God: and
if it first begins at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?” (1 Peter 4:17). It
is also a time for the saint of God to stop being lazy, “How long are ye slack to go to possess the land,
which the LORD God of your fathers hath given you?” (Joshua 18:3). It is time for the Church to repent
of its backsliding and sin, “Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins be blotted out, when
times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord” (Acts 3:19). If we want to experience the
times of refreshing as promised by the Lord then we must return to the Lord with our whole heart.
The subject of revival can be broken down into two sections: [1] A time to get real; [2] A time to get
[1] A Time to Get Real
We need genuine Christianity in our churches and pulpits today. When clowns are found
entertaining God’s people instead of Holy Spirit baptized preachers teaching the truth then we need
revival desperately. Our churches our filled with those claiming to be Christians but who will not hear
and obey God’s word. “Thus, saith the LORD, stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths,
where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, we will not
walk therein” (Jeremiah 6:16). If we want revival we are going to have to have it God’s way. We all must
return to the old way, yes, the old-time religion of the Bible.
“There are no shortcuts when it comes to revival. The church desperately needs revival, but it is not
going to come by quick and easy methods. Evan Roberts prayed for eleven years before the Welsh
Revival broke out, and his ministry during that remarkable time broke him physically. More than one
hundred thousand people were converted to Christ during that mighty awakening, but it was not the
result of manufactured meetings (they were spontaneous) or manmade promotions. True revival goes
deeper than that.” (God Isn’t in a Hurry, Warren Wiersbe).
The new Christianity with all its gimmicks does not work. It is valueless, bankrupt, and void of
the Holy Spirit. Leonard Ravenhill said, “The Church is either supernatural or superficial.” If we return
to the old paths of righteousness and obedience, if we would but walk in the ways of the Lord, then we
will find the revival we desire. These new teachings, new waves, new bibles, and new songs cannot
and will not produce revival. God cannot and will not bless them. The modern-day believer can think
that he has the baptism of the Holy Spirit because he can babble in tongues, he can think he is
worshipping God with his meaningless songs, he can try to build up his faith with unholy versions of
the scriptures, but God will not bless him, answer his prayers or accept his praise. If we don’t do it
God’s way we are simply playing games, looking for new gimmicks to promote our churches, and raising
the temperature of God’s wrath against such abominations.
What churches today are living according to the New Testament Pattern? No wonder we have
to return to the old paths, the good way, the road to revival. The 19th century evangelist Charles G.
Finney said, “Revival is the renewal of the first love of Christians resulting in the conversion of sinners
to God. It presupposes that the church is backslidden, and revival means conviction of sin and
searching of hearts among God’s people. Revival is nothing more than a new beginning of obedience
to God.” (Source unknown).
So why do we not return to the old paths? The reason is simple – there is a price to pay, and
few are willing to pay that price. Few believers have paid the price of laying down their lives and being
fully committed to Christ. Even fewer are willing to consider taking up the cross daily. Few pay the price
because they are too comfortable in this world. Maybe what we need is a dose of old-fashioned
persecution to wake us up! “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution” (2
Timothy 3:12). The world does not persecute Christians who live ungodly lives. It does not persecute
those who frequent pubs, clubs and bars. It does not persecute those who waste time in cinemas and
other worldly pursuits. The world is not offended by a hypocritical believer. Gone are the days of seeking
the Lord for lost souls, now we invite them to the barn dance, line dance, church barbecue or table sale.
Revival is the visitation of God. It wakens sleeping saints, it is the presence of God in our midst. It brings
the reality of God’s holiness and a deep understanding of our sinfulness. It reveals the power of the
cleansing blood of Jesus Christ. “A true revival means nothing less than a revolution, casting out the
spirit of worldliness, making God’s love triumph in the heart” (Andrew Murray).
We need to come to the point where we know we cannot do without a mighty move of God.
“Seek the LORD” says Amos, “and ye shall live; lest He break out like a fire in the house of Joseph,
and devour it, and there be none to quench it in Bethel” (5:6). There are only two options here, Revival
or Judgement – God is leaving the choice to us.
There needs to be a shake-up in our churches. Hell is burning while we sleep in our comfortable
Christianity that is powerless to impact society. “It is not our eloquence, our learning, our fame, or our
wealth, that can commend Christ to the world: it is only the holy living of Christians” (The Key to
Holiness, C.H. Spurgeon).
One major problem is that few amongst us expect or dare believe for a revival. We blame it on
the devil, society, or the Last Days instead of our personal laziness in the Lord’s work. Yes, we blame
it on everything except our lack of faith. Of course, we are living in the last days, and things are getting
worse, sin is increasing and the love of many is waxing cold, but have we never read, “Where sin
abounded, grace did much more abound” (Romans 5:20)? Though we are at the close of world history
souls still need to be saved. We are not doing what Jesus commanded – this is why we need
revival. “Revival is needed when there is a worldly spirit in the church. The church has sunk down into
a low backslidden state when you see Christians conform to the world in dress, parties, seeking worldly
amusements, and reading filthy novels” (Charles Finney).
It is time to get real with God and ourselves. We must get back to the old paths – back to God,
back to the altar. If you look closely you will find that the altars of the Lord have been replaced with
modern-day idols. Revival means that the idols must come down and God’s altars repaired. “And
[Manasseh] took away the strange gods, and the idol out of the house of the LORD, and all the altars
that he had built in the mount of the house of the LORD, and in Jerusalem, and cast them out of the
city. And he repaired the altar of the LORD, and sacrificed thereon peace offerings, and commanded
Judah to serve the LORD God of Israel” (2 Chronicles 33:15-16). King Manasseh had the courage to
change his life, to rid himself and his people of all forms of idolatry – everything that was offensive to
God. We who have the Holy Spirit are doing less than what is expected of us. God has not changed
His mind for He still wants us to get right with Him. “If my people, which are called by my name, shall
humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will forgive
their sin, and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14).
Revival does not start with organizations or denominations, it begins with individuals. “There is
no doubt that a Christian may be enabled to clearly discern the signs of the times, so as to understand,
by providence, what to expect, and to pray for it in faith. They are often led to expect a revival, and to
pray for it in faith when nobody else can see the least sign of it” (Charles Finney). Research the history
of Revivals and you will find that one man (maybe two or three) got right with God. God is still looking
for that one man … “And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand
in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none” (Ezekiel 22:30) … will
we continue to disappoint Him?
[2] A Time to Get Zeal
It is not only a time to get real with God, it is a time to get zeal for God. We are living amongst
the Laodicean Church (some call this the Laodicean Church Age – the final age before the Second
Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ). Reading from the letter to the Laodicean Church should leave us in
no doubt regarding Revival and Zeal. “Unto the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the
Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God; I know thy works, that thou
art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither
cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with
goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor,
and blind, and naked; I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and
white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness does not appear; and
anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten; be
zealous therefore, and repent. Behold, I stand at the door, and knock; if any man hear my voice, and
open the door, I will come in to him, and sup with him, and he with me. To him that overcometh will I
grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in His
throne. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.” (Revelation 3:14-22).
The last day wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked church has the opportunity to repent and
receive revival from the hands of Christ. Notice that the letter is written to a whole church (to a whole
church age) but Jesus says, “If any man….”. It only takes one person to open the door and receive
personal revival for the outpouring of God’s power to spread throughout the church. Notice that Jesus
actually loves the Laodicean Church and wants it to experience revival! It is a church that has much
going for it, but it is all worldly. It has the outward appearance of power but none of the ingredients for
it. If you believe, as I do, that we are living in the last days, then do not miss the obvious significance
of the above text. While there are sinners needing to be saved and no church zealous enough to preach
the word to them, then there is a need for revival. Those who object to this are living proof that revival
is needed.
We need zealous believers to stand up for Jesus. We are not calling for militancy here – history
proves it does not work. We do not envision a Christianized world (that is the trap the Kingdom Now
people have fallen into). What we need is a revival amongst God’s people (the remnant that see the
desperate need of the day). There is no real move of God at the moment anywhere in this world (forget
the nonsense going on in Toronto and Pensacola – that is not God but the devil. As I stated earlier, we
must return to the old paths not accept the ways of these barking mad fanatics that bare their gold
Read the Parable of the Ten Virgins in Matthew 25:1-13 before you read on. Now read verse 6
again, “At midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the Bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet Him.”
Notice four things about this: - [1] It is Midnight – Spiritual darkness in the church, especially since she
sleeps; [2] A cry made – this means that someone was awake (that one man again); [3] The Bridegroom
cometh – the last days – Jesus is coming soon; [4] Go ye out to meet Him – they must wake up first
(REVIVAL). This is the revival we have been talking about and which we should be expecting. Those
God will use in the last revival are those who are convinced that Jesus is coming soon and dare to
wake others up to the fact. These are the people whom God will fill with His Holy Spirit to bring revival
to a sleeping church.
You must make sure you are awake on time or it will be too late. We need a people possessed
of God and full of zeal. We need someone who will take hold of God. “There is none that calleth upon
Thy name, that stirreth himself to take hold of Thee: for Thou hast hid Thy face from us, and hast
consumed us, because of our iniquities” (Isaiah 64:7). Do you really want God to move? “For I will pour
water upon Him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground: I will pour my Spirit upon thy seed, and
my blessing upon thine offspring” (Isaiah 44:3). It is a time for the zealous to take hold of God. Let’s
follow the example of others who prayed until revival came. In the spring of 1904 a young Welshman
named Evan Roberts was repeatedly awaked to pray from 1:00 to 5:00 a.m. By November a powerful
spiritual awakening was spreading through Wales. When we are revived, we are in a position not only
to pray, but for God to hear and answer our prayers.
Don’t leave it a moment longer to call out to God for personal revival. While we carelessly drift
through life souls are slipping into a Christless eternity. Don’t wait until you are zealous enough. You
will never have zeal until you repent of what offends Christ in your life. “Remember therefore from
whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will
remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent” (Revelation 2:5). In effect Jesus is saying,
“Return to thy first love” (:4). We limit God because of our lack of faith and love. Because we believe
God will not do it we think that He cannot do it. If God did it for Moody, Finney, Evan Roberts, Duncan
Campbell and John Wesley, then He can do it for us.
We need to add one final ingredient to this – a desperate, serious and earnest desire for revival.
“O LORD, revive Thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; in wrath
remember mercy” (Habakkuk 3:2) and “Wilt Thou not revive us again that Thy people may rejoice in
Thee?” (Psalm 85:6). The heart cry of every true believer in these last days should be, “Oh that Thou
wouldest rend the heavens, that Thou wouldest come down …” (Isaiah 64:1) or as Fanny Crosby wrote,
“Revive Thy work, O Lord! Exalt Thy Precious name: And by the Holy Ghost, our love for Thee and
Thine inflame.”
1 Kings 15:9-15
1. Asa dedicated himself to God (2 Chronicles 14:2, 15:17).
a) Revival will come when we do what is right.
b) God is not looking for human perfection but obedience.
2. Asa dedicated the people to God (2 Chronicles 14:14).
a) Revival only needs one person to get right with God.
b) Others will follow (2 Chronicles 15:9).
c) Others will want to obey God (2 Chronicles 15:12-15).
d) Obedience to God’s word is what matters (2 Chronicles 15:1-7).
3. Asa got rid of the idols (1 Kings 15:12 with 14:24).
a) Idolatry and homosexuality (perversion) went hand in hand.
b) Romans 1:24-28.
c) Those who turn from God pervert His rules (2 Chronicles 15:8, 16).
4. Lessons for Revival:
a) Revival can come to even the wicked of nations.
b) Revival can come where idolatry reigns.
c) Revival can come even in the midst of national perversion.
d) Revival can cleanse people and nations.
Hosea 10:12-13
1. What is Revival?
 It is a time to seek the Lord.
 It is a time for judgement to begin (1 Peter 4:17).
 It is a time for laziness to stop (Joshua 18:3).
 It is a time to repent and refresh (Acts 3:19).
2. It is a time to get real with God (Jeremiah 6:16).
 We need genuine Christians today.
These ‘new’ churches will not produce it.
Another new Bible version won’t encourage it.
Gimmicks will not bring it.
We must return to the old paths.
God will not bless us through the new ways.
The world is not offended by new Christianity.
Do we need a dose of persecution? (2 Timothy 3:12).
Flies land on rotten flesh.
How little godliness there is in our churches today! (Amos 5:6).
Revival or judgement – the choice is ours.
It is a time to get real and to get zeal.
We forget that our zeal needs to be renewed.
Revelation 3:14-22
The state of the last days church.
Wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked.
But notice that Jesus said they can be revived!
Buy, zealous, repent, open the door to Christ.
“If any man” … this means it starts with individuals.
God does not give us impossible opportunities or hopes.
Matthew 25:1-13 (especially verse 6).
Notice 4 important things here:
1. Midnight: Spiritual darkness / God’s people asleep.
2. Cry made: But someone is still awake.
3. Bridegroom Cometh: Second Coming.
4. Go ye out to meet Him: Revival.
We need a watchman to awaken us today.
Who will do it? (Psalm 94:15. Isaiah 64:7).
Isaiah 44:3: Are you thirsty for God?
Revelation 2:5: True repentance brings revival.
The Church needs revival!
1 Peter 4:17
A. Powerful Church (Acts 2:38-43)
These people feared God.
They knew what salvation meant.
God’s power was amongst them.
The same gospel must be preached today.
We need the power of God.
Power that will bring souls to salvation.
B. Practical Church (Acts 2:44-45)
They did not follow Hollywood preachers.
They had real love and concern for each other.
We preach love – do we really understand what it means?
C. Personal Church (Acts 2:46-47)
They walked in holiness not fairy tale land.
Revival does not proceed from ritualism or formalism.
Normal Christianity is revival.
D. Praising Church (Acts 2:47)
They knew how to worship God.
Their focus was correct.
Do we have such passion for Christ today?
1 Kings 18
These are the elements of a mighty move of God.
Promise: - Showers of Blessing (V.1).
Human Effort: - Ahab and Obadiah (V.2-16).
There was a false peace in Israel.
So, Elijah was seen as the Troubler (V.17-20).
He called to choose between Baal and Jehovah (V.21).
The true God answers by fire!
Imagine if the faith teachers were there that day:
Kenneth Copeland would say, God answer by Finances.
Benny Hinn would say: God answers by Fame.
Rodney Howard Brown would say, God answers by Feelings.
Gerald Coates would say, God answers by gold Fillings.
The true man of God said, God answers by Fire (V.24).
The altar needed repairing (V.30).
The Fire Fell (V.38).
The Floods came (V.41).
We need the fire and water of the Holy Spirit for revival today.
When the Fire burns up all our sin, then the showers of blessing will come.
Psalm 51 and Psalm 32
Many of think that God cannot use us.
Some past sin has hindered our faith.
Let’s look at David and his sin:
a) Laziness caused him to sin.
b) Lusted after Bathsheba.
c) Committed adultery.
d) He tried to cover his sin.
e) He arranged the murder of Uriah.
f) He did not repent for over nine months.
It could not get much worse than this could it?
But God restored him (Psalm 32).
He made plans for the Temple.
The Messiah came through his line.
If God can restore and use someone like David!
If we want revival we must get beyond guilt and condemnation.
It may involve repentance of unconfessed sin.
But repent and take God at His word.
Have you sinned like David sinned?
Then David’s God can revive you.
David’s God can still use you.
Revival means that we must go on the offensive.
Backsliders are defensive and defenseless.
1…The Cross is Offensive – 1 Corinthians 1:23.
A revived Church preaches the Cross.
The message we take to the world is not easy.
But it is the only way for souls to be saved.
The world wants a religion that does not challenge them.
We cannot water-down the truth.
2…Christ is Offended – Hebrews 11:6
He is offended by shallow faith.
How few are really interested in His word!
The Church talks much about faith …
But few seek God diligently.
This is valueless Christianity (Isaiah 30:9-10).
No wonder we have pagan and Celtic music in the Church.
No wonder we need revival.
Few are truly preaching the word of God (Amos 8:11-12).
The Church is hungry.
She is trying to get fed in all the wrong places (Pensacola / Toronto).
Revival means that we must stand up.
If you know the truth – speak up.
Guidance of God for Revival.
God put the plans in Nehemiah’s heart.
Revival is too important to miss (Nehemiah 6:3)
No walls = no defense = no God.
In revival our spiritual walls are restored.
Jerusalem’s walls were built upon the original foundations.
Revival can only be established upon the original truth.
Are you concerned? (Nehemiah 1:4)
Are you willing to pray? (Nehemiah 1:5-11)
Notice three things about this revival:
* There was a desire to fear God (Nehemiah 1:11)
* There was repentance (Nehemiah 1:6)
* There was a return to God’s word (Nehemiah 1:7-9)
Notice the promise of revival:
* We can be revived (Nehemiah 1:10)
* God promises to hear our prayer (Nehemiah 1:9)
God wants to work in each of us (Philippians 2:13).
He gives us the power to get the job done.
God wants to use those who want to be used by Him.
The Gifts of God.
We must believe that God is still powerful.
There is a lack of power on our part because rot has set in (Ecclesiastes 10:8)
We are encouraged to build (Nehemiah 2:18)
One man can start the work, but others are needed (1 Corinthians 3:9)
God is looking for you (Ezekiel 22:30)
This takes guts (Nehemiah 2:20)
It is all too easy to get discouraged.
But, walls are built one brick at a time!
Keep on doing the work (Nehemiah 4:6)
Do not allow others to hinder you (Nehemiah 6:3)
It is time to rise up and use what Jesus has given us (2:17)
It is a time of desiring truth (8:1)
It is a time of separation (9:2)
It is a time of true worship (9:3)
Revival demands our time, effort, resources, desire, but most of all love for God.
Jude 20-25
To have a revival we must have:
1. Renewed Vitality
This comes through building up our faith.
Rebuild that which has fallen.
Renovate the decayed parts.
Restore the missing parts.
Remove the unnecessary parts.
Revive the dead parts.
Read 1 Peter 2:5 … Good stones needed.
2. Renewed Vision.
Jude encourages us to look.
This means that we must seek rather than peek.
We need to look at ourselves in the light of Scripture.
3. Renewed Victory.
A revived Church must rise in faith.
Do not rely upon abilities.
God wants a strong Church.
Victory and rejoicing go hand in hand.
Revival power is a must.
Power for revival is a must.
Hebrews 12:14
Who is holy today?
1…We must be clean (Ephesians 4:25-27)
Unholiness is rampant because believers do not know the word of God.
Holiness is living by the truth (John 17:17).
See 2 Corinthians 7:1 – it is by the word.
2…We must be consecrated
This involves the way we life (1 Peter 1:15).
Everything about us should be pleasing to God.
Consecration brings revival (2 Timothy 2:21).
3… We must be Christlike
What is seen in us?
Few of us really imitate Christ.
We should allow His life to fill ours.
Revival comes through holiness.
We must be Clean.
We must be Consecrated.
We must be Christlike.
We must dare to be different!
Stage One:
Personal Revival … Psalm 138:7
a) Personal problems cause us to think we can do without it.
If we are stressed out, then we do need revival.
We need an anchor for our souls.
b) David expected the results of revival.
Relief from his enemies.
c) When God revives He:
* Strengthens us to stand.
* Excites our hearts to love and rejoice.
* Reminds us that our security is in Him alone.
Stage Two:
Fellowship Revival … Psalm 85:6
a) We will rejoice with others.
b) No worship? – then we need revival.
c) Sing? Do you really praise God when you sing hymns?
d) Look to others – do they need revival?
e) God wants us to reveal His glory.
f) No revival = doing the work of Satan.
g) Determination to bring revival – this takes real Christianity.
Psalm 51
A…The Purpose of Revival
1) It encourages us to desire personal renewal.
2) It makes us see the condition of the lost.
3) It makes evangelists out of all of us.
4) It gets the Church back on track.
B…Preparation for revival.
1) Sacrifice required.
2) Prayer needs.
3) Start telling others about Christ.
4) Be bold to invite others to Church.
C…People are important.
1) If you invite someone make sure you turn up too!
2) Live like a true Christian.
3) You cannot afford to not have revival.
4) You are important to the work of God.
Pentecostal Revival, Our Only Hope
The cry we hear rising from within the church is a cry for revival. We sing songs like "Revive Us O
Lord," "Light the Fire Again" and others which represent our heart cry, the heart cry for revival. How
many of you want to see not only a revival in the nations, but a personal revival in your own lives?
Stand with me as we read the Word of God in opening tonight’s service. Turn in your Bibles to 2
Chronicles 7:14.
"If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and
turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land."
I key to revival is found in this verse. The word revival comes from the Latin word, re, which means
"again," and vivo, which means "to live". Revival literally means "to live again." Where do we find
revival? It may not necessarily be great preaching, or people being converted, or huge crowds of
Christian people. Revival is found in people who love the Lord Jesus Christ in a deep and powerful
One of the great books written on revival was by Charles Finney called Lecture Notes on Revival. Quite
a powerful book. Finney describes revival as "a new beginning of obedience to God."
This is what our church needs, "a new beginning of obedience to God." That is what I hope will be
birthed this month as we look at the issues of Lordship and prayer, a new beginning of obedience to
God. Amen.
Again, the key is found in the passage in 2 Chronicles we just read. It is a promise from God that if the
church, His people, will do their part, then God will fulfill a promise He also makes in the same verse. I
want to break this prayer down so we will have a fuller understanding of what our part is and God’s
promise to us.
1. If My people, who are called by My name.
Revival begins with the people of God. It is when you and I who have been bought by Jesus Christ and
have accepted and made Him our Lord and Savior begin to believe the answer to this lost and saying
world is within our grasp. This is a tremendous responsibility, but God has given to the church the power
through the Holy Spirit to accomplish what He has set before us. Understand this, when God asks His
church, you and I, to do something, He will always give us the ability to do, He just waits for us to have
the courage to do it.
How do we move in the ability to accomplish His purpose? We need to pray that the eyes of our
understanding be open so we can see what God wants to do through us, and that our ears will be open
to hear the voice of God calling and encouraging us to press on. Imagine what we would forge ahead
and do for the Kingdom if each one of us responded with the knowledge, understanding and obedience
to the call of God for our generation.
2. If my people...will humble themselves.
Humility. God’s people must be broken, modest and humble. We are not to be proud and
arrogant. James 4:6 states, "God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble." Do you want God’s
grace upon your life? Tragically I have seen Pentecostal people who have become spiritually arrogant.
Because they have walked into a deeper communion with God than some others of non-Pentecostal
belief, they walk and talk with spiritual arrogance. Be careful. God’s gifts are irrevocable, but the
presence of God becomes distant when we act superior to others. When God’s people are humble, He
is drawn to them. When pride is present, God resists them.
When David Brainerd was dying, he continued to cry out to God for the souls of the American Indians.
Revival can come when God’s people humble themselves, become concerned and seek God’s
forgiveness and become open to all of God’s ways.
How can you do this? When is the last time you went before God on Bended knees instead of just
singing about coming to Him on them? We need to kneel before the King, to humble ourselves on
Bended knee. We need to pray for God’s compassion upon the lost, and to ask God to forgive us for
our lack of concern for the world which so desperately needs Jesus Christ.
3. If My people...will...pray
Prayer sound easy, yes, I will pray. But words are cheap, action is costly. We need to pray. To pray for
our children, our schools, our homes, our government leaders, our cities, our churches, for the world.
We need to pray for a new Pentecost, a fresh overflowing of the Holy Spirit on the world. Our prayers
should be full of faith, mixed with compassion. But let me warn you about something in revival prayer.
Man cannot bring revival through prayer by his own technique. It only comes when man looks to God’s
ability. Zechariah wrote in chapter 4:6, "Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit."
In Acts we discover the first apostolic sermon preached saw 3,000 saved. That was a message
preached by an uneducated fisherman. Why? Because God did it. In 80 years, the Assemblies of God
has grown to approximately 30 million members. How? Because God did it. Church, our nation
desperately needs help. This community desperately needs help, spiritually, morally, in areas of
employment, and I believe that God is willing, I know that God can do things, open doors to opportunity
and I know He will do it through our obedience.
We need to pray with renewed fervor for our city, for our children, for marriages in this community that
are in trouble. We need to pray for the schools, for the churches in this community. We need to pray
and ask God to send a new Pentecost upon the land.
4. If My People...will...seek My face.
Have you ever thought to seek the face of God? Seeking His face involves determination, discipline,
and perseverance. It is not the kind of praying that is done when we say grace at the dinner table. It
involves focusing our very being on speaking to, and hearing from the living God. Pastor Cho of Korea
spends 3 hours each day in prayer and insists his pastoral staff pray for 2 hours. He asks for his church
to pray for 1 hour each day. It is no wonder the church in Seoul Korea has over 700,000 tithing
We must seek God’s face for our churches with a greater determination.
How can you do it. First you need to ask God to help you become more disciplined, faithful and
determined to be a pray-er. Begin now to purpose in your heart to pray more than you ever have in the
past and to be a one who prayers on a more consistent basis.
5. If my people...will...turn from their wicked ways
God hates sin. God is a holy God and we must continually repent and turn from our wicked ways. When
David had sin in his life, he felt alone and away from God. When Israel refused to deal with their sin,
they lost their battles. Weakness can come to us when we do not deal with sin and rebellion in our lives.
When looking at our lives, we can ask God to give us a new hunger to know Jesus in a deeper way.
We need to specifically ask God to change our lives and we must be completely willing to obey God in
all areas of our lives. Our repentance must be without restraint. David prayed in Psalm 51:10, "Create
in me a clean heart."
We must be determined to keep worldly distractions out of our lives. We must keep focused on our
relationship with God. Paul said in Philippians 3:13, "This one thing I do."
Examine you hearts and lives. Are there areas of rebellion, wicked ways, sinful thinking, feelings or
behaviors that you need to repent from? You need tonight to ask God to forgive you and determine that
you will walk a renewed life in holiness to God and man. And thank Jesus for His forgiveness which He
offers freely to you because of the sacrifice He made on Calvary for you.
Church, revival is when Christians get their relationships right with God. When revived Pentecostal
Christians pray, a nation can be changed because the Creator God moves in supernatural ways. I don’t
know if you realize this, but God wants Pentecostal revival more than we do. He has laid out the
blueprint for what it will take for us to get there, and He waits for the response of His people. God will
do it once again if we will humble ourselves and pray.
I want to close this service with a call to prayer. I want to ask you to take a few moments to pray for
God to give us a fresh Pentecost, in our hearts, in our homes, in our churches, in our schools, in our
nation. Then I want us to end this service with worship to our King.
[2] https://predikuesi.wordpress.com/revival-sermon-outlines/
[4] http://cleartheology.com/topic/Revival/Revival%2001.pdf