Uploaded by Christine Castro

LP naming

Detailed Lesson Plan
In Science 8
I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
A. Classify organisms according to the taxonomic classification,
B. Describe the hierarchy in taxonomic classification; and
C. Identify the naming system in in which organisms has two names.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Classifying and Naming Organisms
B. References: Science Teacher’s Guide 8, pp.169 - 197
Science Learner’s Module 8, pp. 291 - 306
C. Science Process Skills: Describing, differentiating, observing and analyzing
D. Strategies: guided inquiry, deductive reasoning, Science technology and society,
cooperative learning, brain storming
E. Materials: laptop, TV, boxes, printed materials
F. Valuing: Organism are given names in order for us to identify them and easy to
classify. Just like the binomial system, we used names to identify one specie for
convenience with being duplicated.
II. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity
A. Daily Routine
Let us all stand, Carla kindly lead a
Good morning class!
Before you taking your seats, please
make sure that your chairs are properly
aligned and pick the pieces of papers under
your chairs. And class, make sure that your
cell phones are in silent mode.
Is that clear?
B. Review
Class, what was our topic yesterday?
Yes, Mark?
Student’s Activity
: God, sorry for all our sins, thank you for
all of the blessing and guidance. We ask
you to always guide and bless us. Give us
knowledge and wisdom to understand our
lesson for today. This we pray, in Jesus
Name, Amen.
: Good morning, Ma’am!
: Yes ma'am!
: It is about biodiversity, Ma’am.
Very good, Mark!
Who would like to enumerate the 3
levels of biological diversity?
Yes, Jael?
Who can differentiate the 3 levels of
biological diversity?
Yes Lovely?
Excellent, Lovely!
Who can identify a biodiversity?
Yes Wilda?
Correct wilda!
It seems that you already understand our
topic yesterday. Give our self a Monke
: Genetic diversity, ecosystem diversity,
and species diversity.
: Genetic diversity is variety of genes
present in one population, ecosystem
diversity variety of ecosystem in one
biosphere, and the species diversity is
variety of life forms present in a
: Biodiversity is consist of plant and
animals living in an environment.
: (The students do as told.)
D. Motivation
Now class, let us play a game called
I will group you into 5. Now class let’s
do a quick count. Group one will stay here,
group two, three, four and five. Choose
your representative and that representative
will go in front and pick up small strip of
paper. May I ask the representative of
group 5 to read the instructions in the : Choose a representative to go in front to
act. He/she will pick strip of paper. In order
to identify the word being acted, group
mates must guess the word. I will give 10
minutes to finish the activity. The first
group to finish will be declared as the
Thank you. This will our score board.
Class, what are the three guidelines in
doing an activity?
Yes, Kirvie?
That’s right!
Is that clear?
Your timer starts now!
Are you all done class?
It seems that group 3 finished the
activity first. Everybody let’s give them a
balyena clap.
D. Presentation of the Topic
What word did you identify, group 1?
How about group 2?
Group 3?
Group 4?
And group 5?
What do you notice with the words?
Correct! Today we are going to tackle how
are organism are given names whether it is
common name, local name, or scientific
Are you class?
Let us do an activity entitled “What’s in
a name?”
I will give 10 minutes to finish that
If that so, what do you think is our topic
for today? Yes, Kim?
Now do you want to explore the world
of digestive system?
Under your box are puzzled pictures to
be fixed.. You only have 5 minutes to
complete the puzzle. If you are done, just
clap three times.
The timer starts now!
Are you all done, class?
Representatives from each group will
discuss the picture that you were
completed. Let’s start with group 1, then 2,
3, and 4.
Very good, class! You have ideas about
: Observe discipline, participate and follow
procedures ma’am.
: Yes ma’am!
: (The students start the activity)
:Yes ma’am!
: (The students will do as told)
: It is manok, Ma’am.
: Kalabaw, Ma’am.
: Grass, Ma’am.
: Frog, Ma’am.
: Rice, Ma’am
: Names of plants and animals, Ma’am.
: Yes ma’am.
: (The students do the activity.)
: Yes ma’am!
(The students will discuss about the flow of
food in the digestive system.)
: Mechanical and physical digestio,n
the topic that we are going to discuss.
E. Lesson Proper
What are the types of digestion?
Yes, Arjay?
There are 2 types of digestion first
mechanical digestion takes place in the
mouth when churning the foods. And
chemical digestion occurs in the small
What enzyme is present in the saliva?
Yes, Jael?
: Amylase ma’am.it helps break down
: In the stomach where it mixes with gastric
juices and acids, Ma’am.
: Protease and lipase which help break
down proteins ma’am.
After swallowing, the food turned into
a bolus and then go to the esophagus or
: Small intestine where digestion ends and
gullet then... What is the next destination of nutrients are absorbed in the villi and enter
the food?
the circulatory system ma’am.
Yes, Yannah?
Very good ,Yannah.
What enzymes present in the stomach,
Yes, Arlyn?
Then what comes next after the
Yes, Mae ann?
Very good!
Where are the waste stored?
Yes, Jm?
: In the large intestines Ma’am then
excreted in the anus.
: Food is one of our basic need and we
cannot live without food.
: We will loose energy, Ma’am.
: Because they do not eat enough and
healthy foods, Ma’am
All of you already understand our topic.
: They do not have enough income and they
F. Valuing
cannot meet their needs especially foods,
Class, what do you think why we need
food to survive? Yes, Rein?
That’s correct!
What will happen if we do not eat for at
least 1 day?
Why are there people who are
: They do not pursue their education,
Why do you think they are
malnourished? Yes, Mirasol?
Exactly, Mira.
People that do not have good and stable
job tend to skip meals for money.
Why they do not have good and stable
Yes, Gizel?
They do not pursue their education and
and that leads to poor income.
Please pursue education.
Mechanical and chemical digestion ma’am.
G. Generalization
Let’s see if you remember our topic.
What are the 2 types of types of digestion
Yes BJ?
Very good.
: Rubrics
Content - 40 %
Creativity - 30%
Organization - 15%
Originality - 10%
Neatness - 5%
IV. Evaluation
Make a poster regarding to the
: None ma’am.
importance of digestive system in our body.
Then present it a creative way. This is an
: (The class will do the activity.)
individual activity.
I have here the rubrics. Mark, kindly
read it.
: Yes, Ma’am.
Is there any question, class?
You only have 10 minutes to finish this
activity. You may now start.
Okay class, time is up! Are you all done?
I will give you 1 minute to finalize your
Pass it forward now.
V. Assignment
For your assignment, read pages 113119 then answer the question in the page
120. Then be ready for next meeting for
questions. Write your answer in your
assignment notebook.
Is that clear, class?
: Yes, Ma’am!
: Goodbye and thank you, Ma’am.
So, let’s call it a day.
Goodbye, class!
Practice Teacher
Coordinating Teacher