Edward Michael S. Fernandez
Junior Partner
October 18, 2015
Mr. Rudolf
BMP Incorporated
Greetings! I am Edward Michael S. Fernandez, a junior partner at Wreath Ventures. Our company is composed of young, determined individuals who have come from a dynamic background of entrepreneurship, banking, and corporate law. As a partnership, we have actively explored the market for possible businesses that we could invest in and partner with for the long term. It has led us to make this proposal with an experienced partner in the commercial leasing industry, BMP Incorporated .
In line of our company’s objective, we would like to propose Potato Corner for The
Galleon Food Avenue at CTP Alpha Building, Alabang. Potato Corner is one of the most sought after brands in the snack-food market. Opening their first outlet in 1992, this timeless brand of flavored French fries has rapidly grown to 306 outlets nationwide. And to further attest to the quality and value of their products, Potato Corner has now expanded its operations abroad with outlets reaching as far as the United States. We believe that this franchise would be a great addition to your initial portfolio of food establishments in The Galleon Food Avenue, Alabang.
Apart from offering mouthwatering French fries to your customers in Alabang, the brand value of Potato Corner will be a strong addition to your portfolio of establishments providing an
increased customer draw for the benefit of all food concessionaires in your location in Alabang.
Wreath Ventures
1324 Apolinario Street, Makati City, Philippines
Email: emsfernandez@wreathcapital.com
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Potato Corner Products and Prices
Regular Fries
Hash Brown
Large Fries
Baked Potato
Jumbo Fries
Trio Fries
Loopy Fries
Super Fries
Mega Fries
Giga Fries
The tables above show a wide variety of products offering not only French fries but also hash browns and loopy fries. The menu of Potato Corner is also able to accommodate for a broader range of budgets by offering their products at various price points. In addition to flavored French fries, Potato Corner is also able to offer ready to drink beverages for its patrons.
They are as follows:
Iced Tea
C2 (various flavors)
Wreath Ventures
1324 Apolinario Street, Makati City, Philippines
Email: emsfernandez@wreathcapital.com
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In the past two decades, Potato Corner has proven itself to be a well-loved brand offering wonderful smelling and deliciously appetizing French fries to its customers at value that never ceases to delight. We truly believe that Potato Corner is a superior value proposition for you, your business partners, and your patrons. We are hoping that the management of BMP
Incorporated would positively receive our application and that this would be a start of a good and lasting relationship between Wreath Ventures and your company.
Thank you.
Respectfully yours,
Edward Michael S. Fernandez
Wreath Ventures
1324 Apolinario Street, Makati City, Philippines
Email: emsfernandez@wreathcapital.com