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Cantab Publisher is an off-shoot of two leading companies named University
Publishers and Leading Publishers. These two publishing companies possess
extensive experience of developing Textbooks for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Textbook
Board (session 2017-18 and session 2018-19), Federal Board of Textbooks and
Azad Jammu and Kashmir Textbook Board according to National Curriculum
2006, Pubjab Curriculum 2017, Federal Curriculum 2018 and KP Curriculum 2018.
Cantab was founded after thoroughly evaluating the Pakistani education system by a
group of National Level Academicians under the supervision of Ph. D. holders,
having more than ten years of experience in the University of Cambridge, UK.
The emerging books publishing company is the consequence of 25 years of National
and International experience and exposure of highly qualified academicians, who
consider it a national duty to provide an opportunity of quality material in the form of
textbooks in line with national education policy and National Curriculum to the
children of Pakistan.
What sets us apart from our counterparts are:
We are independently owned and managed by publishers and academics, not
financial investors. We take a long-term view in our decisions rather than
focusing on short-term financial gains.
We believe that our series translates National Curriculum 2006 into Textbooks of
International standard.
We believe in continuous and dedicated marketing for as long as the content is
relevant and we are in continuous consultation with the research and
professional communities to influence our direction.
We take pride in our efficiency and professionalism in the ever changing needs
of our authors, societies, booksellers, librarians and end-users. You will see
Cantab publishers ever onward and updated according to our national needs
and internationals competition.
Our Mission
Keeping in view our national goals and international challenges on the globe, it is
extremely indispensible to superimpose the minds strength on a single line of action,
through the national curriculum. We are triumphant to utilize our efforts our
transcendent team of enthusiastic educationists, researchers, subject specialists,
authors, master trainers, marketing executives, designers, composers for developing
books according to our national curriculum on international standards and play our
role in the development of our beloved country Pakistan.
Our Values
Passion for Excellence – we challenge ourselves to excel in all aspects of publishing
and most importantly, we enjoy in what we are doing because we feel that we truly
reflect our culture, our religion and social problems.
Our Vision
The history of mankind shows that Nations who preserved and strengthen their
identities have ruled over the world. Education is not only an important pillar for
development but also the basic condition for making one nation. Any education
system is guided by national curriculum. We see that ‘One Curriculum’ can make the
faction as ‘One Nation’.
“One Curriculum, One Nation”
Cantab Publisher
Cantab Publisher is an off-shoot of two leading companies named
University Publishers and Leading Publishers. These two publishing
companies has a long experience of developing Textbooks for Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa Textbook Board and Azad Jammu and Kashmir Textbook
Board. Cantab was founded after thoroughly evaluating the Pakistani
education system by a group of National Level Academicians under the
supervision of Ph. D. holders, having more than ten years of experience
in the University of Cambridge, UK.
Cantab Publisher is an off-shoot of two leading companies named University
Publishers and Leading Publishers. These two publishing companies possess
extensive experience of developing Textbooks for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Textbook
Board, Federal Board of Textbooks and Azad Jammu and Kashmir Textbook Board.
Cantab was founded after thoroughly evaluating the Pakistani education system by a
group of National Level Academicians under the supervision of Ph. D. holders,
having more than ten years of experience in the University of Cambridge, UK.
The emerging books publishing company is the consequence of 25 years of National
and International experience and exposure of highly qualified academicians, who
consider it a national duty to provide an opportunity of quality material in the form of
textbooks in line with national education policy and National Curriculum to the
children of Pakistan.
What sets us apart from our counterparts are:
We are independently owned and managed by publishers and academics, not
financial investors. We take a long-term view in our decisions rather than
focusing on short-term financial gains.
We believe that our series translates National Curriculum 2006 into Textbooks
of International standard.
We believe in continuous and dedicated marketing for as long as the content is
relevant and we are in continuous consultation with the research and
professional communities to influence our direction.
We take pride in our efficiency and professionalism in the ever changing needs
of our authors, societies, booksellers, librarians and end-users. You will see
Cantab publishers ever onward and updated according to our national needs
and internationals competition.
CEO Message
The differences between Pakistan and Cambridge/Oxford textbooks
were closely observed during our stay at University of Cambridge
from 1995 to 2005. It was our wish to mold and replicate those ideas
and use them for the development of our future generation. Luckily,
introduced National
2006, National Textbook and Learning Material (NTLM) Policy
2007 and National Education policy 2009. The National Curriculum
2006 is unmatchable in-terms of vertical and horizontal alignment and
up-to date knowledge. The NTLM policy was totally a new method of
developing the Textbooks. According to this policy, the Textbooks
are to be developed by private publishers and the government has to
select one out of them for the government schools.
Why Cantab Publisher
Why should you use CANTAB? We have made a difference in the Pakistani society
by creating a common curriculum for the children of this country. The child that
comes out of a private school mostly embraces the western culture or grows up into
a bureaucrat just to rule the country. He walks without any idea of his culture,
national ideology and religious code of life.
Thirty years ago, private schools did not exist. That was the time when same
curriculum was taught in all government educational institutions. There was a kind of
unity and coherence in the society. Past three decades produced an elite class,
hibernated at private institutes, who were alienated in their own country losing their
national identity by following the curriculum of western nations just to ‘fascinate’ the
common public.
Dr. Naeem Khalid
Prof. Dr. Tariq Mahmood Ph.D. (Heavy Metal Stress in Plants) University of
Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Dr. Shazia Naeem
Dr. Waseema Shahzad
Professor Air University Islamabad · Humanities
Mr. Ajmal Khan
Ex Voice Chancler Islamia College University Peshwawar
Prof. Shoukat Taran Ex. Chairman BISE Malakand
A competent teacher, well organized contents and a conducive environment can
take us towards the achievement of our objectives. A competent and well-performing
teacher is one of the most important resources in any educational institution. Today,
there is a dire need to shift from traditional-based teaching that is largely based on
theoretical educational processes to a research-theory-based teaching particularly
focusing upon SLOs based teaching, which informs and inspires teaching practices.
Cantab provides subject based trainings to acquaint the teachers on the SLOs of the
book, the vertical and horizontal linkages of the concepts defined by the national
curriculum. Cantab training team is consists of HEC certified master trainers,
renowned educationists, educational psychologists and enthusiastic subject
specialists. Cantab training is optimized to Stop cramming culture and failure among
students, helps avoid teacher burnout, provide an understanding of the benchmarks
for achievement, stops costly experimenting on students.
Following are Teaching Guides which are a complete learning package and the
intention of these guides is to help the teachers use the Cambridge Scholar Series
textbooks effectively. The Teaching Guide will provide many ideas that can be used
and developed throughout the textbooks. With careful planning, teacher can vary
lessons, allocate sufficient time to every aspect of learning, and introduce new and
interesting ideas and activities which will make your classes lively and interesting.
Teaching Guides will prove an invaluable tool in this process.
SLO’s (Student Learning Outcomes):
Student Learning Outcomes play the most pivotal role in the learning process in
order to achieve the ultimate objective of education. Outcome, the consequence, or
the result tells us the significance of the whole process of learning and training.
Therefore, Outcome is more important than the process, to achieve the targets.
Unfortunately, our education system has many flaws. It does not keep an eye on the
target. In our times of early education, whenever, we heard that syllabus changed,
people thought the books were altered. They waited for the book. The teacher would
announce with excitement, ‘Congratulations! Kids! The new book has arrived.’ In
addition, the duty of the teacher was to make the students memorize the book and
take exam, and target was to get more and more marks. That is because of our
typical system, still in vogue today. That is what people are still doing.
However, if we talk about our educated class, in other words, the elite class, the
question arises why they are shifting to the international system of education and
exam. There are reasons. The reasons are when they give O-level exam, they give
their curriculum as the testing domain i.e., the exam will be conducted through ‘these
aspects (SLO’s) of curriculum. No western kid goes to the textbooks, instead, he
goes to the SLO’s; he has to cover those SLO’s. The students get a reference to
multiple books; every SLO has a target and the students know where to get it. When
he has covered the SLO’s, his learning is not limited to certain questions of exercise.
In our case, in Pakistan, the child memorizes the exercise as questions, most
probably, come from the exercise and sometimes, he memorizes the whole book.
How can he get fewer marks? He can’t because questions are selected from the
exercise, whereas, in international testing system, question comes from SLO’s. For
example, in physics, an SLO is ‘at the end of the lesson, the students will be able to
understand Newton’s law.’ Now the question will not be from the exercise, it will be
about the Newton’s law. This conceptual learning is the basis for their exams and the
name given to it is A-level and O-level. This is the basic difference between Pakistani
exam system and SLO based exam system of Oxford.
Surprisingly, this trend is coming to Pakistan. Take any local book and you will see
SLO’s at the beginning of the unit. Even our textbook boards have started writing
SLO’s. Everybody else has followed suit. The question is why then the intellectual
level of the students doesn’t blossom. It’s because the problem persist in and it lies
with the BISE’s of all the provinces. They pick questions from the exercise, yet they
claim SLO’s must be followed and understood. Fact is, they have written SLO’s at
the beginning of each lesson only for show off and exercise of the unit has got no
conceptual questions – following the same old rugged path.
We, the team of CANTAB Publishers have worked hard to figure out the problem
and its solution. We created awareness among the people and our awareness
program has been working for the last 3 years. The Chief Editor of CANTAB, Dr.
Naeem Khalid, who is a Ph.D in Physics and an educationist of rare talent, gave a
presentation in the annual meeting of IBCC, in which he pointed out that the brilliant
future of Pakistan exists only when we could watch a village school conducting Olevel exams. The future of Pakistan has little promise if we persist in conducting
exam the way we do. IBCC in this regard made decisions and said that from 2020
onwards, they will give only SLO based exams. Most importantly, KP government
took the initiative and issued a notification that exam would be SLO based and
questions won’t be copied from the exercise. What differences will SLO based exam
bring about? Matric will be equivalent to O-level, in accordance with Dr. Naeem’s
presentation to IBCC, and Inter equivalent to A-level. We should equate Matric to Olevel and Intermediate to A-level. Again, the question arises, what is the solution?
Solution is SLO based exam in our education system. Solution is one curriculum,
one nation and then we can say goodbye to the ‘class system’. And what do we
mean by curriculum? Here is a letter about SLO based exam and it is already
mentioned here. [Reference – – – – – – – — – – – — – – – – – – – -]
Let’s consider an example of a question in mathematics.
To find the area of a square or a rectangle (grade 5 , maths):
The children in different settings will have the same task to do e.g., a child in a
village school will learn to find the area of his slate, which is rectangular. The boy in
the city, in Beaconhouse school, will try to find the area of his smart phone, which is
also rectangular. So all the children will calculate the area of a rectangle and say
‘adieu’ to the vicious class system in education.
We conclude that SLO’s based exam has two advantages: first, it will transform the
students’ thinking mode about the knowledge in the book and develop conceptual
perception in them. Second, even greater advantage will be, it would put an end to
the class system in our society. All this would happen if SLO’s were fixed for
all. Moreover, class system in a society is not due to the social status of the people.
It’s, actually due to the different education system for different people. The facilities
provided for the students by their parents may be different but the curriculum should
be the same. It is the duty of the parents and the government to give equal
opportunities to the students. In addition, equal opportunity in education is … the
curriculum. If the curriculum is same for all students, they will have same
opportunities, and they will compete in the next exam on equal basis. The tragedy is,
the government doesn’t provide equal education system to every child. Let us make
it clear that equal system is not about facilities. Equal system means equal mental
status and this direction is provided by the same curriculum for the whole nation.