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Minerals and Rocks Worksheet: Earth Science Study Guide

Compounds that make up the Earth’s Crust
Elements make up Minerals
Properties of minerals can be found on the back of the ESRT
 Naturally Occurring
 Inorganic
 Solids
 Definite Composition
 Definite Structure
Physical Properties of Minerals
1. Hardness- resistance to scratching
2. Streak-mineral in the powdered form
3. Color- appearance of rock
4. Luster- reflection of light
- Metallic- Looks like Jewelry
- Nonmetallic- shiny, not metallic
5. Density- how heavy something feels
6. Pattern of Breakage
- Cleavage- when a mineral breaks in
straight-line angles
- Fracture- when mineral breaks with
no pattern, jagged edges
7. Crystal Shape- Shape of mineral- determined by
internal arrangement of atoms
Chemical Properties
Some minerals react with acid
Major Mineral Groups
- SILICATES: SiO4Silicon Oxygen Tetrahedron
Igneous Rocks
1. Formed from __________________________________
2. Types
a. Intrusive: Formed BELOW earth’s surface
- SLOW cooling
- The LONGER it takes for the magma to cool
the LARGER the crystal size
b. Extrusive: Formed ABOVE earth’s surface
- FAST cooling
- May appear to have a GLASSY texture
- May be VESICULAR, contain gas pockets
Cooling Time vs Crystal Size
Cooling Rate vs Crystal Size
Sedimentary Rocks
1. Formed from___________________________________
2. Types
a. Clastic: fragments of INORGANIC (nonliving matter) materials
formed on land
b. Bioclastic: fragments of rock containing ORGANIC (living matter)
c. Crystalline/ Chemical: occurs when water evaporates and minerals
become solid and settle out or precipitate to the bottom of the lake
or ocean floor.
3. Characteristics
a. Form layers/ stratification
b. Lithification- the process of turning sediments into solid rock
c. Layers are horizontal and the oldest is on the bottom
d. Only rock to contain FOSSILS
Metamorphic Rock
1. Formed from ___________________________________
2. Conditions needed for metamorphism to occur: _____________________________ and ___________________
3. Effects of metamorphism
a. Recrystallization
d. Distorted structure
b. Foliation
e. Increased Density
c. Banding
f. Harder
4. Parent Rock : __________________________________________
5. Types of Metamorphism
a. Regional Metamorphism
that occurs
- deep in the crust
- large area
- high pressure/
high temperaure
b. Contact Metamorphism
Metaphorism that
occurs along a
boundary where
magma and other rock
- Near surface
- small area
- low pressure/ high