Uploaded by Ben Kleier

Principles of Business BUS 110 Course Syllabus

Spring - 2019
M/W/F: 12:00-12:50
OFFICE: Graff 118
TELEPHONE: 447- 8859
E-MAIL: rogersti@otc.edu
(You must email me from your OTC email account. In the subject line of the email, you
must include your name and the course that you are in (BUS 110 9:30am for example)).
Monday & Wednesday: 10:00-12:00pm
Tuesday & Thursday: 9:30am – 10:00am
Friday: By appointment. Other times may be arranged. Please call.
SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS: If there are any special arrangements (regarding
hearing, vision or other special circumstances) that will aid in your learning experience,
please inform the instructor, and any reasonable accommodations within our power will
be made.
TEXT: Understanding Business, 12th Ed., by Nickels, McHugh, and McHugh, loose-leaf
OR eBook with Connect access code. Additional reading materials and references will
be provided by the instructor.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: A survey of business in the U.S., its background, functions,
objectives, ethics, and opportunities for careers. Various aspects of business will be
covered: economics, marketing, production, personnel, accounting, finance,
management, data processing, laws/regulations, and international trade. This course is
a broad overview of business.
COURSE OBJECTIVE: The objective of the course is for students to have a basic
understanding of business terms and principles including entrepreneurship,
management, human resources, marketing, finance, and others. The reasons for
obtaining and understanding of business are to help students:
1. Identify vocabulary and concepts that are commonly used in business.
2. Identify the operational considerations of various types and sizes of businesses.
3. Develop knowledge of the major considerations involving e-business and global trading
4. Create the fundamentals of a business plan.
5. Develop knowledge of the key components of marking good financial decisions for
businesses and in one's own personal life.
GRADING POLICY: Several areas of performance will be evaluated during this course.
Grades will be based on the following rules:
1. Unit exams are worth 100 points each, 6 total.
2. Final exam is worth 200 points.
3. Business plan creation quizzes are worth 200 points total.
4. Assigned homework and quizzes will be at random and will be worth points.
5. Connect assignments are worth 350 points total.
6. Attendance and participation is worth 100 points total
Grades will be assigned based on the following scale:
90% or more
at least 80% but less than 90%
at least 70% but less than 80%
at least 60% but less than 70%
less than 60%
ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: The college experience is founded on the concepts of
honesty and integrity. Dishonesty, cheating, plagiarism or knowingly furnishing false
information are regarded as particularly serious offenses. Cases of dishonesty will be
handled by levying certain penalties. Cheating, copying, using material from other
sources and not citing it, and similar cases will result in a zero for the project/test.
Plagiarism will result in being removed from the class. The student is responsible for
fully understanding OTC’s Standards of Student Conduct in the Student Handbook.
GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES: If you have a complaint, you should bring your
grievance directly to your instructor’s attention, and/or to the attention of your
instructor’s Department Chair or Dean. Students having complaints that cannot readily
be resolved through normal channels may bring their complaint to the Vice President of
Student Development located in the Information Commons, 205G, 895-7132.
ATTENDANCE POLICIES: Students are expected to attend class. You are expected to
be in class, on time, every time. I DO TAKE ATTENDANCE AND ATTENDANCE WILL
class you will miss important information that may not be covered elsewhere. In those
rare cases where makeup work is allowed you alone are responsible for making up any
work you miss. All make up work will be done outside of regular class time.
Administrative Withdrawal from a Course
It is the policy of the College that a student will be administratively withdrawn from a
course due to lack of attendance in seated classes or nonparticipation in online classes
(Policy 5.36).
The number of absences that will result in administrative withdrawal from this class is six
days or three consecutive calendar weeks.
Students should be aware that administrative withdrawal for lack of attendance or
nonparticipation may reduce the amount of financial aid they receive, delay their
graduation or necessitate repayment of aid already received and does not relieve their
obligation to pay all tuition and fees due to the College.
CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR: Disruptive behavior, discourteous actions towards others, or
any other behavior deemed inappropriate and may lead to removal from the course.
Turn off all cell phones, pagers, and other devices which could disrupt the class.
EXAMS: All exams will be graded on a straight percentage basis. Make-up exams may
be given only in cases of extenuating circumstances. If you find yourself in an
extenuating circumstance you must let me know prior to the exam or you will
receive a zero for the exam. Prior arrangements must be made if you know you will
not be able to take an exam at the scheduled time.
FINAL EXAM: The final exam will be:
Allow two hours for the final exam. This exam will be comprehensive.
HOMEWORK AND ASSIGNMENTS: You should expect quizzes on the assigned
reading material. There will also be short research assignments throughout the course.
You will be given a specific due date for any assignments that are to be turned in for a
grade. All assignments are expected to be turned in by the stated due date. If an
assignment is late, no points will be awarded.
Consider assignments, quizzes, and tests as “ships leaving port.” If you miss the
deadline, then you have missed the boat.
McGraw-Hill’s Connect with LearnSmart/Smartbook:
During the semester you will be assigned homework in Connect. For each chapter we
cover in class you will have a LearnSmart module due at the beginning of class on
the day we cover it (hence, prior to class time). Please check the Course Outline
(below) for the dates that each chapter will be covered in class. Each LearnSmart
module you successfully complete will be worth 10 points.
LearnSmart is an adaptive learning tool that, if used correctly, can help you learn the
material that you are the most weak in. By answering a series of questions, LearnSmart
is able to predict your knowledge base over particular learning objectives and concepts.
Please be honest in selecting your confidence level for each question in order for the
program to work correctly. For those students who take this seriously, increases in
grades should result. Please watch the video that I have posted on Canvas that
explains what Connect is, how it works, how to register and get started, and how to use
LearnSmart/SmartBook. It is a quality video that is actually quite funny!
Other Connect assignments will be assigned for each chapter, so please be sure you
complete them all by their individual due dates (listed in Canvas by each assignment
link). If you have any questions at all, please let me know!
Course Outline –– BUS 110 - Spring 2019 (MWF)
Week 1: Week of Jan 14:
Chapters 1 & 2
Week 2: Week of Jan 21:
Chapters 3, & Chapter 4, Bonus A
Week 3: Week of Jan 28:
Catch up & Test #1 (1-4&Bonus A) Jan 30 & Ch. 5
Week 4: Week of Feb 4:
Chapter 5 & 6 & Test #2 (5-6) Feb 8
Week 5: Week of Feb 11:
Chapter 7 & 7 & 8
Week 6: Week of Feb 18:
No Class & Chapter 8 & Chapter 9
Week 7: Week of Feb 27:
Test #3 (7-9) Feb 25 & Chapters 10 & 10
Week 8: Week of March 4:
Chapter 11 & 12 & Test #4 (10-12) March 8
Week 9: Week of March 11: Spring Break!!
Week 10: Week of Mar 18: Chapter 13 & 13 & 14
Week 11: Week of Mar 25: Chapter 14 & 15 & Test #5 (13-15) March 29
Week 12: Week of April 1:
Chapter 17 & 17 & 18
Week 13: Week of April 8:
Chapter 18 & 19 & 19
Week 14: Week of April 15: Bonus Chapter D & D & No Class
Week 15: Week of April 22: Review & Test #6 (17-19 & D) April 24 & TBA
Week 16: Week of April 29: Tucker & Tucker & Tucker
Week 17: Week of May 6:
Final review & Final Review & Dead Day
Week 18: Week of May 13: TBA
Principles of Business, BUS 110 Spring 2019
I have read, and I clearly understand the course syllabus. I have reviewed the grading
and due date policy, and I will abide by it.
(Printed Name & Date)
Class time ____________________
BUS 110 (You must determine which time/event you wish to not participate in.
It cannot be anything related to the business plan quizzes or the final exam.)
NAME: __________________________________________________
11:30 12:00
Exact EVENT:__________________________________________________