Law , Tourism and Property Rights in British Caribbean States ; the Modern Mode of Warfare PhD Thesis Donald Saint Patrick Taylor, MSc., CPA, LLM (City of London), LLM (De Montfort) Attorney at Law Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management Studies University of Aruba JE Irausquinplein 4, Oranjestad , Aruba Dutch Caribbean Tel:( 00297) 5262200 Page | 1 Abstract: Legal rules should be reflective of domestic social values and are structurally institutionalized in Caribbean societies, yet they are also reflective of a colonial past, a continuation of the neo colonial dependency that characterizes the emergence of post colonialism. Laws of many Caribbean States defer to metropolitan institutions divorced from the current social context from which they ought to derive. This paper intends to explore briefly the theoretical and contextual underpinnings of legal rules that guide our insights into issues of critical importance for legal rules in Western neoliberal societies and its appendages in Caribbean societies, that is the focus on protection of property rights. It is this protection of property rights that allows tourism to develop in the Caribbean, and it is the implicit and pervasive acceptance of the neoliberal legal model by institutional mechanisms that allows for the establishment of chain hotels on small islands and other tourism related modalities. It is in effect colonialism, defined in terms of exploitation of indigenous resources by the developed North, by other means. Key Words: Colonialism, Neo Colonialism, indigenous, dependency Page | 2 Introduction and Overview The concept of law , politics and economic development are often perceived as distinct areas of work that is researched and discussed in separate subject silos. However, while that may be modern Western thought , it sometimes clashes with the reality of small island states that emerged from the throes of colonialism such as Jamaica , Trinidad and most of the English speaking Caribbean or are currently in a state of post- colonial subjection such as Aruba and the Dutch Caribbean. The purpose of this paper is to explore and research the extent to which law which is the modern expression of rules based social interaction that comes with sanctions, impacts economic development in small islands by perpetuating the doctrine of sanctity of property rights as fundamental to a global neoliberal order and its consequences. One notable consequence of the dominance of property rights as a basic tenet in the legal rules generally accepted by small island states is that it privileges power when such power is manifested in investment by foreign investors. This allows for the continuation of a dependency paradigm reflected in the need to attract foreign investors to drive and sustain economic development and growth. The dependency narrative of the 1960’s and 1970’s described a culture and focus of dependency as being derived from the plantation system , transmuted into the dominance by multinational corporations. Norman Girvan (2004) in particular pointed out that dependency was a consequence of colonialism and postcolonialism. With the demise of socialism as a global ideological force in driving alternatives to the dependency model , neoliberalism expressed as the “Washington consensus” has dominated global economics and global political development. Under neoliberalism as a global economic system, small island states have become disengaged from the global discourse as their voices are increasingly otherized and peripheralized in international discourse on issues such as human rights and climate change and the globalization of income inequality. This is so even though these issues are relevant and pertinent to small island states’ economic and social development. The marginalization of small islands under neoliberalism gives support to increasingly positive views on remaining colonized or having the lingering detritus of colonialism by some small islands as part of a thematic shift from the goal of sovereignty to seeking to become small non-independent jurisdictions (SNIJs) . These SNIJs include Aruba , Curacao , Cayman Islands and others in the Caribbean that given the Darwinian culture and environment that is engendered by unfettered neoliberalism find safe harbor by remaining colonized or near colonized and therefore adopting the legal rules and laws of the metropolis. It is clear that as Caribbean islands seek to optimally allocate resources aimed at maximizing their citizens’ welfare there is only one clear ideological path that frames economic development discussions and that is the neoliberal agenda. This implies that economic development is path dependent and exogeneous and not autochthonous led and therefore growth and development is externally driven and dominated. This paper is organized as follows , in part one we will describe the global neoliberal order and the role that property rights play in this harmonizing and globalizing effort and in the concept of the rule of law . In part two we will describe the role of tourism to the extent that it is driven by law to provide a rules based dispute settlement mechanism that lies outside the sovereignty of small island states. In part three we will discuss the dominance of the North on their continued peripheralization in this order and the significance of that dominance. In part four the paper will conclude and prescribe more research. Page | 3 1.0 The Neoliberal Order and the Rule of Law Colonialism was central to the development of international law and the sovereignty doctrine emerged out of the colonial encounter (Antony Anghie, 2004). Anghie further notes that colonialism was a central tenet of the constitution of international law . This was because international law was designed to structure the legal rules for the colonial encounter and was an integral component and weapon of the imperialist project and the underlying exploitation of non- European peoples by the colonizers. From the point of view of the Third World international law was structured and weaponized to assure Northern supremacy and disempowerment and disenfranchisement of the colonial peoples ( Anghie, 2004). In seeking to attain this objective , international law also needed an economic and political ideology that was potent and palatable to most common sense thinkers and intellectuals of the Third World. This economic ideology was neoliberalism which asserted a sense of economic freedom combined with liberal democracy within the context of a more globalized and connected world. Neoliberal institutionalists are one of the many groups that seek to assert the dominance and hegemony of neoliberalism by arguing that states should view inter state cooperation and relationships from a long term perspective and that reputation matters (N. Wheeler, 2008). This is because at an international legal, political and economic level there is more to be gained from not incurring a state’s reputational risk and in greater cooperation. According to David Harvey (2005) neoliberalism involves and embraces the intensification of the influence and hegemonic dominance of capital and its accoutrements and in doing so asserts the supremacy and elevation of capitalism, as the primary and most efficient mode of production, into a globalized ethic, which includes a tapestry of political imperatives, and socio-cultural logic. Neoliberalism is then an imperative architecture for the application and dominance of international law to be used to dominate and subjugate the non-European other by appealing to the amorphous concept of a “rule of law”. From a Marxian perspective neoliberalism is a global project driven by Western thought that seeks to strengthen and reinforce the dominant power of economic elites and extend it globally (D.Harvey, 2005). Neoliberalism is an economic and political ideology that privileges and places supreme values on market exchange as “an ethic in itself, capable of acting as a guide to all human action, and substituting for all previously held ethical beliefs,”. It does this by focusing on the preeminence and economic efficiency that contractual relations brings to the market and focuses on the market driven nature of most transactions to best allocate resources. In addition the neoliberal logic holds that the social good will be maximized by increasing the reach and frequency of market transactions, and it seeks to bring all human action into the domain of the market.’ (p. 3) In this context sovereignty should be reconceptualized from one of territorial control and independence to the unmasked racialization and otherization of non- Europeans. Sovereignty thus defined is unmoored by imprecise claims of morality and justice (Anghie, 2004, p 101).This reconceptualization entails a rethinking of the concept of international law and legal thought in the colonial encounter where colonial states were denied recognition of their sovereignty. The primary instrument used by European powers was the conceptual stick of the “recognition” which acknowledged states that were integrated into Western concept of civilized international society when European standards of institutional governance emerged. In the context of an emerging doctrine of international law , viewed from a post colonial perspective Europe is the subject and non Europe can be perceived as the object of sovereignty conceptualization. Page | 4 It should be noted that even in within the post-modern legal philosophical framework the developed Western states have asserted that international law is ostensibly neutral even though the basis of such law is the dominant exercise of asymmetric power by those former colonizers. International law as now generally accepted is a consequence and reflective of that dominance which the West has continued to maintain through the pervasiveness and dominance of an economic ideology and political hegemony (Anghie, 2018). International legal concepts such as the doctrines on state succession , acquired rights and sources doctrine are evidence of concepts ostensibly tilted towards a reference to historical origins irrespective of their current relevance .For example the sources doctrine , which among other things indicates that treaties are international law and which provides the framework , structure and coherence for an expansionist doctrine of international law are part of this engaged structure of Western domination (H.G. Cohen, 2007). Further the concept of acquired rights ( vested or executed rights) are those rights not automatically revoked if a treaty or law no longer applies. If acquired rights are recognized, they become a part of that state’s legal heritage and cannot be revoked despite changes in the ultimate power over a country from colonized to sovereign state (S. Douglas-Scott, 2016). State Contracts For developing states the concept of internationalized state contracts , which are ostensibly agreements between the state and foreign MNCs became a symbol of the emergence of an international law doctrine rooted in the historically accepted doctrine of pacta sunt servanda. The rationale for the internationalization of state contracts was to restrict the sovereign rights of host states to modify , abrogate or rescind such agreements which are essentially under contract law , private agreements recognized within domestic jurisdictions. This internationalization raised the profile of state contracts from the private domestic arena , subject to host state jurisdiction to the status of quasi-treaties. As Anghie (2004) points out the elevation of state contracts to quasi treaties limited the ability of developing countries as host states of foreign investments to intervene and modify contract terms even though they may be detrimental to the citizens’ welfare. In addition there is a raising of a private actor’s position and profile to that of equality with the host state in dispute settlement forums such as arbitral panels.1 Such elevation also implies the assertion of rights equal to the host state in such matters and allowing such companies the position to assert rights equal or comparable to host states. It involves the diminution of host state’s sovereign powers to legislate in its own national interest and the interest of its citizens to enhance their welfare and reduces the state’s autonomy in the domestic sphere to the advantage and priviliege of large multi national corporations (MNCs). The concept of state contract and its elevation to the status of quasi treaties , allowed for the application of the doctrine of pacta sunt servanda within a domestic and international legal context that limited host state’s autonomy and discretionary powers. Multinational corporations (MNCs) who made investments in the Caribbean and other developing states were granted a quasi-sovereign status by being on equal footing with hosts states in cases of contract disputes. Such status not just elevated the profile and standing of MNCs domestically but within the context of international law by supporting a view that there is equality or near -equality of status with sovereign host states. It should be noted that while this MNCs considered themselves equal or near equal in the context of their negotiations or settlement dispute matters in the Caribbean such audacity would not be accepted by governments in states from which they emerged. This duality in MNCs 1 For example the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) Page | 5 treatment of Caribbean islands versus the position they accepted in their home country is one of the paradox of globalization. International law was founded on an epistemic grounding that invariably focused on the conceptual dichotomy between the civilized and uncivilized peoples. In that context from an historical perspective only European peoples were civilized and therefore subject to and could perpetuate the concept of international law. This ideology meant that non civilized were otherized and had no place in international law and was therefore outside its civilizing sphere. International law was epistemologically positivist in its doctrinal underpinnings which emphasized the concept of sovereign which meant control over physical space. This implied that property rights , that is rights over physical territory , rights over physical things at the time mattered in determination of what or ho could be considered sovereign . According to Anghie (2004) , the conceptual and philosophical framing as determined by European private law with a specific focus on property law and property rights influenced the nasceant emergence of international law jurisprudence and weaponized international law as an instrument of colonialism. Legal Imperialism Conquest and the colonial encounter are critical components of what is referred to as legal imperialism , that is, the imposition of legal values and norms on colonized societies. It involves a consistent and coherent effort to universalize Western legal mores and to impose that as the normative reference for law. Whitman(2009) notes that Western law was culturally engineered to expand beyond its founding tenets and engage spaces that it considered void of law and legal rules recognized by those in power. Its origins lies in antiquity, as law of the city-state law, and once that space was covered by legal rules expanded to fill spaces outside the city- state. For the Caribbean, Western legal imperialism was part and parcel of the context and social contract with slavery and as Antoine (2005) notes there is an enduring psychological residue that ensures that such a brutal system of law and governance impacted former colonies with levels of doubt and insecurities that is reflected in their ability to develop and structuralize legal rules that are reflective of their social reality. For most British Caribbean and other Caribbean islands there is a reference to legal rules as determined by former colonizers on matters of deep social ills which is outside their capacity and contextual knowledge . For example the continued dominance of final appeals to the Privy Council located in England is an example and the continued rejection of the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ)2 as a competent judicial body for final appeals by Grenada are two main touchpoints. Caribbean people continue to doubt their capacity to adjudicate final appeals in a manner that is justiciable . According to Antoine (2005) this lack of trust and continued self-doubt in the capacity and capabilities of Caribbean peoples is one of the primary drivers for the preponderance of written constitutions in the Caribbean compared to the continuation of the Westminster model of unwritten constitution. As Antoine(2005) further points out , British Caribbean states’ courts and jurists rely almost exclusively on English precedent. Legal rules are based on a social contract and are normatively context driven, this basis of law as reflective of the social institutional structures is absent to some extent in the Caribbean because of the impact of legal imperialism and its role as being reflective of social action is diminished. Therefore 2 Grenada and Antigua & Barbuda Reject Caribbean Court of Justice, Oct. 7, 2018 <, accessed Nov 12, 2018> Page | 6 where the social reality of Caribbean islands and legal rules are disconnected from each other legal decisions do not serve to dispense justice as in the Pratt and Morgan judicial rulings .3 Property Rights in The Caribbean Property can be defined in terms of a system of pre-established rights , which are disputable or even disputed and to be clear there is no universalization of the concept of property and property rights but what Perrone (2017) refers to as different conceptions based on normative and policy preferences. He notes that the interpretation of property is ‘informed by background conceptions about economics , public law and private authority , the nature of property and by ideas about what law itself is and how it works ‘. This is impacted by temporal and spatial contexts. Property rights is regarded as a fundamental right in some economic and legal cultures , particularly those that are the source of neo liberal ideology such as the United States. This view of property as rights is rooted in the Lockean philosophy of the sanctity of such rights and the privileging of property as a basic right. As Kramer (1997) notes Lockean philosophy on property rights laid the foundation for the conditions for the appropriation of material goods by individual human subjects. In pursuit of individual autonomy man in could procure or transform things existing in a state of nature as possessions, that is as property. Property rights represents and reflects the human ability to transform effort manifested as labor into property and therefore assert a right to the outcome of that effort. Within the Caribbean property rights feature prominently in the foreign investor’s decision to invest in countries that have strong property rights protection rules. It is also the general consensus that strong property rights rules reflects a fundamentally strong system of legal rules . It affirms and confirms the existence and robustness of the rule of law. Our point of departure starts from an assessment of property rights in the Caribbean and includes a compilation of the property rights index which is a useful reference point. This index seeks to measure the extent to which domestic laws provides protection for private property rights, as well as the robustness of enforceability in these jurisdictions. The higher the score signals greater protection of property rights and the more attractive for global capital flows. As a reflection of the robustness and resilience of the rule of law the property rights index provides an objective basis for the evaluation of whether or not there is potential for expropriatory action by the host state and assesses key components of rule of law measures. These include issues such as judicial independence, the culture oof legal corruption and the capacity and capability of the legal system to ensure that contracts are enforced within the jurisdiction . For Caribbean states it is clear that the index signals rule of law development with most Caribbean states at below the accepted levels in developed states as a measure of rule of law robustness. 3 Pratt v A-G [1993] 43 WIR 340 Page | 7 Source: The Heritage Foundation and the Wall Street Journal A further analysis of Global Property Rights Index updated to 2018 for selected Caribbean islands include the following countries: Source: International Property Rights Alliance Country Jamaica Haiti Dom. Rep. Trinidad & T. Score 5.99 2.73 4.83 5.71 Global Rank 51 125 87 57 Regional Rank 4 20 13 7 Source: International Property Rights Alliance Page | 8 The more updated report indicates that Caribbean islands are marginally better than their counter parts from a comparative perspective but are ranked low internationally when it comes to recognition of property rights . This is important because it is a key component in measuring the rule of law. Statistic IPRI Legal And Political Judicial Independence Rule Of Law Control Of Corruption Political Stability Protection Of Physical Property Property Rights Protection Registering Property Ease Of Access To Loans Intellectual Property Rights Protection Of Intellectual Property Rights Patent Protection Jamaica 5.991 5.328 6.401 4.496 4.678 5.736 6.474 5.98 9.36 4.083 5.625 6.17 6.716 Comparison between Trinidad & The Netherlands Haiti Tobago Dom Rep Netherlands and Jamaica 2.733 5.714 4.837 8.325 2.334 2.92 5.193 3.98 8.431 3.103 2.371 5.811 2.225 9.075 2.674 3.002 4.674 4.423 8.787 4.291 2.303 4.476 3.446 8.901 4.223 4.003 5.812 5.826 6.958 1.222 1.326 5.913 6.106 8.012 1.538 2.789 5.448 4.82 8.684 2.704 1.298 7.46 8.524 9.897 0.537 1.19 4.831 4.975 5.457 1.374 2.108 4.57 4.713 8.661 3.036 3.954 6.035 4.426 8.531 2.361 5.8 7.5 6.166 9.333 2.617 Source: International Property Rights Alliance Page | 9 Tourism Investments- FDIs Investment flows follows countries where the rule of law is perceived to be strong. Latin America and the Caribbean: FDI inflows, by recipient country and subregion, 2005–2017 (Millions of dollars and percentages) Country 2005-2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Absolute variation 2017 2017-2016 Relative variation 20172016 Jamaica Barbados Bahamas Trinidad and Tobago 882 416 1265 1232 218 458 1409 41 413 548 1034 -1904 545 56 1133 -1130 582 559 3244 661 925 69 408 194 928 230 943 -24 888 286 928 -374 -40 57 -15 -350 -4.3 24.6 -1.6 -1475 The Caribbean 6 598 5 380 4 579 3 885 8 478 4 917 5 501 6 074 1 086 21.8 Source: Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), on the basis of preliminary figures and official estimates at 6 June 2018. Note: Information based on the sixth edition of the Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual (BPM6) (IMF), except for Argentina, the Bahamas, Page | 10 Conclusion and Call for Further Research There is need for further research on the extent to which the Caribbean has been and continues to be subject to legal imperialism, that is , adopting the legal norms of values that are exogeneous to its social reality without substantial modification for the uniqueness of its culture and its people. In terms of property rights which is generally accepted culturally as an inherent , human right, Caribbean peoples have been impacted by both cultural and legal imperialism which privileges property rights and accumulation of those rights in terms of wealth as a marker of success. Critique of the concept of rights as property are driven by the need to seek alternatives to the inevitable social and economic inequality that is globalized and its potential impact on small islands. Therefore there is a need to embrace alternative theories of property rights and place it in a communitarian context, as well as separating it from being an index of the pervasiveness and consistency of the rule of law. The rule of law , in terms of social adherence to general rules and natural law of fairness and equity can be distinct and sustainable without dependence on a single metric as an index of good governance. Further it is time to limit the judicial dependence on European and American models of justice where it conflicts with the social reality of the Caribbean, for example when it involves a matter of justice for victims and which issues are justiciable. This can only occur if the Caribbean embrace their uniqueness and social independence to have that reflected in the legal rules that are socially acceptable and which may differ from the historical imperial center. There is need to consider that the islands are not peripheralized but thoughts and social action can be if there is no assertion of independence in legal thought in the Caribbean. Page | 11 References Anghie, A., Imperialism, Sovereignty and the Making of International Law, Cambridge University Press, 2004 Kramer, M. (1997). Labor and property. In John Locke and the Origins of Private Property: Philosophical Explorations of Individualism, Community, and Equality (pp. 91-92). 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