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Plate Tectonics Project: Boundaries & Real-World Examples

Plate Boundary
Interaction Project
● Differentiate between the type of tectonic plate
● Connect various geologic processes to the type of tectonic plate boundary that
they are associated with.
PART 1 (Modeling)
● This can be done in small groups or alone. YOU DECIDE
1. For this project you will be designing / creating a stop motion video
detailing the interaction of tectonic plates at different plate boundaries
a. Use any app or video maker that you can find.
2. CLEARLY Demonstrate the following plate boundary interactions:
■ Convergent
● Oceanic - oceanic
● Continental - oceanic
● Continental - continental
■ Divergent
■ Transform
○ You can use playdough, clay, wood blocks, or any other items you might
think of to demonstrate this.
○ Use index cards / paper / post it notes to add text to your video. Be sure to
explain the plate motion, the direction it’s moving, and what is happening
for each interaction.
○ Include arrows to show the plate motion
○ Describe in words what is happening at the boundary
○ IMPORTANT: be sure to show the whole process. For example,
subduction, formation of new crust, mountain building process, etc
○ EXTRA CREDIT: add audio or music
*********** Must be submitted on schoology. Include all group member names
PART 2 (Real-World Application)
2. Go to “google map” and create a new map. Title it “plate boundary
3. Find and label the following (you will have to research and find a realworld location for some of these)
a. Convergent Plate Boundary
b. Divergent plate boundary
c. Transform plate boundary
d. Mid-ocean ridge
e. Major continental rift / Rift Valley
f. Composite volcano
g. Shield volcano
h. “Ring of Fire” (a location along it)
i. Recent Major Earthquakes
j. Volcanic Island Arc
k. Fold Mountains
l. Volcanic Mountains
m. Fault - Block Mountains
n. Hot-spot (both continental and oceanic)
4. Each point must have the following
a. POINT TITLE (name of process)
b. Name of Real World Location
c. Type of plate boundary interaction associated with the process (see
part 1)
d. Brief description of the process
e. 1 picture of location
Instructions for Google Maps
● Go to my google maps
1. Create a new map. Title it “PLATE TECTONICS”
2. Add a layer (layer = section in google maps) ….. Title the layer: PLATE
3. Make sure when adding a point to a layer/section that you have first CLICKED
on the layer in the table on the left
4. Change the icon and style by 1.) adding a point onto the map and then editing it
within the table on the left of the page within “Individual styles” or 2.) you can do
it at each point by clicking the “paint bucket” symbol within the point box. Make
the icons different for each unit.
a. You can make all the icons the same or different. YOU CHOOSE
5. You can add picture and text to each location by clicking the “camera” sign.
*********** Must be submitted on schoology