Erosion & Weathering Project: Earth Science Assignment

Name:____________________________ Period:_______
Erosion and Weathering Project
Earth Science
Dr. Gilbert
Show examples of weathering and erosion in your surroundings
Determine the causes of weathering
Develop ways of preventing erosion
Due Date:
Tuesday: October 23, 2018
The Earth’s crust is constantly being reshaped by constructive and destructive forces. Over
time, weathering due to chemical action (dissolving, oxidation, acid rain, etc.) and
mechanical action (root action, sand blasting, frost/ice wedging, etc.) breaks huge slabs of
solid rock into small pieces called sediments.
The sediments are moved to a new location through the process of erosion. These
sediments settle out in a new location through the process of deposition. These deposits
can be turned into sedimentary rocks through compaction and cementation
Agents of erosion include currents of air or water and glacial movement.
1. Take a tour of the school grounds, the village and surrounding tundra
to find evidence of weathering and erosion.
2. Take pictures with a digital camera or create color drawings which illustrate weathering
and erosion in action.
3. Each photograph or drawing must be clearly labeled, giving the exact location and
explaining what it shows (Note: You cannot just “cut and paste” pictures from the Web!).
Examples of weathering and erosion include but are not limited to:
Rock that has been cracked due to frost wedging
Rock that has been cracked due to tree roots
Rock with layers that are peeling or breaking
Lichens growing on a rock
Rock that is “rusting” or oxidizing (don't confuse lichen withrust)
Rock that has been worn due to salt water or acid rain exposure
Rocks smoothed by running water.
Glacial erratics
Glacial morain deposits of unsorted sediments
Running water making sorted sediment deposits
4. Make a report or wall poster showing:
a) 5 (Five)) examples of weathering and erosion shown by the clearly labeled
illustrations, giving the exact location. Explaining what the type of weathering it shows and
at least one way to stop, slow down or repair each of the examples of weathering or erosion
you have chosen. If it is not necessary to remedy the weathering or erosion, explain why.
b) Report or wall poster must have your name and class period clearly printed in ink on
the front.