TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING PULCHOWK CAMPUS Thesis No: 068/MSI/619 DISTRIBUTED DENIAL OF SERVICE (DDOS) ATTACK DETECTION IN CLOUD ENVIRONMENT By Shalik Ram Subedi (CRN: 068/MSI/619) A MID TERM THESIS REPORT SUBMITTED TO MASTERS OF SCIENCE IN INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING March, 2015 1 DISTRIBUTED DENIAL OF SERVICE (DDOS) ATTACK DETECTION IN CLOUD ENVIRONMENT By Shalik Ram Subedi (CRN: 2068/MSI/619) Thesis Supervisor Prof. Dr. Subarna Shakya Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering Institute of Engineering, Pulchowk Campus A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science in Information and Communication Engineering Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering Institute of Engineering, Pulchowk Campus Tribhuvan University Lalitpur, Nepal March, 2015 2 COPYRIGHT © The author has agreed that the library, Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Institute of Engineering, Pulchowk Campus, may make this thesis freely available for inspection. Moreover the author has agreed that the permission for extensive copying of this thesis work for scholarly purpose may be granted by the professor who supervised this work recorded herein or, in their absence, by the Head of Department, wherein this thesis was done. It is understood that the recognition will be given to the author of this thesis and to the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Pulchowk Campus in any use of the material of this thesis. Copying of publication or other use of this thesis for financial gain without approval of the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Institute of Engineering, Pulchowk Campus and author’s written permission is prohibited. Request for permission to copy or to make any use of the material in this thesis in whole or part should be addressed to: Head of Department Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering Institute Of Engineering Pulchowk Campus Lalitpur, Nepal 3 Recommendation The undersigned certify that it has been read and recommended to the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering for acceptance, a thesis entitled “Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attack Detection in Cloud Environment” , submitted by Shalik Ram Subedi in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of “Master of Science in Information and Communication Engineering”. ………………………………………. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Subarna Shakya Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Institute of Engineering, Pulchowk Campus 4 Executive Summary Cloud computing is a recent computing model based on service oriented architecture. It has revolutionized the IT world by providing dynamic resource provisioning mechanism that enables service providers to allocate computing and storage resources to subscriber as per their need. The resource allocation is scalable and costs as per-use basis. This model has reduced the investment of corporate houses on IT infrastructure and the software license. Many researchers have studied the security issues of the cloud to maintain data confidentiality, data integration and availability. Confidentiality and data integrity issues are maintained by application of digital signature and certificates. To maintain access-control firewall, proxies and authentication servers are used. The issues of maintaining availability is sometimes questioned by denial of service attack by IP spoofing and flooding. Intrusion detection and prevention systems have been designed and applied. Categorically the systems are signature based and anomaly based detectors. Signature based detectors are faster and accurate but can’t detect the anomalous behaviors. Anomaly based detectors used features analysis of IP packets like IP addresses, ports, flow labels, hop counts etc. This thesis work focuses on the implementation of the intrusion detection system based on the calculation of the entropy of the incoming traffic. The features of the packets captured from the incoming flows are extracted and entropy of the source Ip address is calculated for number of packets in different window size. If normalized entropy is deviated from the threshold, attack is suspected. Then the cluster entropy of the traffic is calculated to see whether the entropy changes are due to Flash event. In the mean time is flash event is not confirmed attack alert is generated. 5 Acknowledgement Many people have contributed in various ways to make this work up to this stage without their constant support and motivation it would not be a success. First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to my supervisor Prof. Dr. Subarna Shakya for his constant guidance, empowerment and support. His vision to the research work and friendly manner always encourage me to move forward. Secondly, I appreciate support and encouragement from my family members, specially my wife Sabina and son Shirshastha who never let me feel alone. During the study and inception period many friends have given ideas to make the framework of the thesis. My thanks goes to Kamal Chapagain, Devnarayan Paudel, Niranjan Baral for their support. I would like to thank DETER lab for providing me the online experimentation facility. I am grateful to all the members of faculty in the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering , specially, Prof. Dr. Sashidharram Joshi for his encouragement in this area of research and Asst. Prof. Dayasagar Baral for his support to capture the normal real-time traffic in the server of Centre for Information Technology. Last but not least, I would like to thank program coordinator Asso. Prof. Surendra Shrestha for his guidance. 6 Contents Acknowledgement……………………………………………………..5 Executive Summary………………..…………………………………6 List of Figures……………………………………………………………………9 List of Tables……………………………………………………………………..10 Abbreviation…………………..……………………………………………… …11 1. Introduction…………………………………………………………… …..12 1.1 Background and Motivation………………………………………………………..13 1.2 Objectives and Scope……………………………………………………………….14 1.3 Organization of Thesis……………………………………………………………...14 2. Background and Related Works…………………………………………...16 2.1 Overview of Cloud Computing…………………………………………………….16 2.2 Cloud Security Issues………………………………………………………………..18 2.3 Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attacks…………………………………….22 2.3.1 Classification of DDoS Attacks…………………………………………..23 7 High-Rate Flooding (HRF) Attack……………………………..24 Semantic Attacks……………………………………………….27 2.3.2 Target of DDoS Attack…………………………………………………..28 2.3.3 DDoS Attack Tools………………………………………………………29 2.4 Flash Events…………….……………………………………………………….....30 2.5 DDoS Attack Detection .……………………………………………………….....31 2.5.1 Network Traffic Feature Analysis Based DDoS Detection….….………32 2.5.2 SNMP MIB Data Analysis Based DDoS Detection ……………………33 3. Research Methodology…………………………………………………..35 3.1 Data Collection……………………………………………………………………35 3.2 Block Diagram……………………………………………………………………37 3.3 Algorithm for Entropy Calculation……………………………………………….38 3.3.1 Entropy…………………………………………………………………38 3.3.2 Algorithm ………………………………………………………………..39 3.4 Experimental Setup……………………………………………………………40 8 4. Results and Discussion………………………………………………..41 4.1 Entropy of Normal Traffic…………………………………………………….41 4.2 Entropy of Attack Traffic……………………………………………………..42 4.3 Discussion and Remaining Works……………………………………………43 5. Bibliography…………………………………………………………44 9 List of Figures 2.1 NIST visual model of cloud computing definition …………………………… 17 2.2 Taxonomy of DDoS Attack…………………………………………………. 23 2.3 Three way handshake of TCP connection…………………………………. .34 3.1 Block diagram of DDoS detection system……………………………………..37 3.2 Experiment setup in DETER test-bed………………………………………….41 4.1 Graph showing entropy of source IP address of traffic of IOE web server…… 42 4.2 Graph showing entropy of source IP address of attack traffic…………………43 10 List of Tables 2.1 Cloud computing security issues identified by cloud security alliance………..…19 2.2 Cloud computing security issues identified by ENISA………………………… .20 2.3 Cloud computing security issues identified by NIST…………………………… .21 2.4 Common tools for launching DDoS attack……………………………………… 22 2.5 Commonly used SNMP MIB variables…………………………………………34 3.1 Basic statistics of normal traffic of IOE web server………………………… ...36 3.2 Basic statistics of attack traffic taken from CAIDA dataset………………… ...37 4.1 Mean and standard deviation of normal traffic in different window size………42 4.2 Mean and standard deviation of attack traffic in different window size……… .43 11 Abbreviations CAIDA CC CDN CLC CNN CSA DDoS DoS DSTER EC2 ENISA FE GAE HRF HTTP IaaS ICMP IDS IP IPS JSON MIB NC NE NIST PaaS PoD RBF SaaS SEER SIP SNMP SOAP SSL UDP VM WS XML Centre for Applied Internet Data Analysis Cluster Controller Content Distribution Network Cloud Controller Cable News Network Cloud Security Alliance Distributed Denial of Service Denial of Service Cyber defense technology experimental research Elastic Cloud Computing European Network and Information Security Agency Flash Event Google App Engine High Rate Flooding Hypertext Transfer Protocol Infrastructure as a Service Internet control message protocol Intrusion detection system Internet Protocol Intrusion Prevention System JavaScript Object Notation Management Information Base Node Controller Normalized Entropy National Institute of Science and Technology Platform as a Service Ping of Death Radial Basis Function Software as a Service Security Experimentation Environment Session Initiation Protocol Simple Network Management Protocol Simple Object Access Protocol Socket Security Layer User Datagram Protocol Virtual Machine Web Service Extensible Markup Language 12 1. Introduction Cloud has changed the computing paradigm, shifting the conventional in-house infrastructure based computing into computing as utility from service provider. The cloud service providers provide infrastructure, platform or software as service and the users pay per-use basis [1]. The high investment in hardware, system software, application software and the cost of maintenance have been greatly reduced due to the adoption of cloud services in social and business corporations. The revenue of Cloud computing has been rising and will be major in coming years. Though adoption of cloud is increasing, business organizations raise concerns about the security of the data they store in the system they don’t own. Cloud service providers have adopted various security measures like authentication, encryption, digital certificates, firewalls, intrusion detection systems and intrusion-prevention systems. But the system is still vulnerable to various attack that compromise confidentiality, data integrity and availability [2]. Among the vulnerabilities, threat against availability is the most serious because it causes the service unavailable and hampers the customer satisfaction index. Denial of Service (DoS) attack occurs whenever access to a network resource or service is intentionally prevented or degraded as a result of a malicious action. Resource exhaustion has been the most popular method to materialize a DoS attack by flooding the network with malicious requests or messages. The intensity of such attack is increased by employing a set of compromised computers over the internet forming a network called as Botnet and the attack so launched is called as Distributed DoS (DDoS). Various approaches have been proposed and utilized to maintain high availability of the services preventing them from Denial of Service (DoS) attack. Broadly, Intrusion detection systems can be divided into two types signature based and anomaly based. The signature based detectors use a rule set to apply against each access or packets and blocks the access from unauthorized or un-trusted source. This thesis focuses on the anomaly based 13 intrusion detection technique to detect the denial of service attack in cloud environment. To detect the anomaly in the incoming stream of network traffic source address entropy and traffic cluster entropy of the normal and attack traffic are compared. Proposed intrusion detection system will be placed near cluster controller and in VM to see the detection overhead. The rest of this chapter is organized as follows. Section 1.1 briefly describes the DoS and DDoS attacks. Section 2.2 outlines the motivations of the research work in the area of security of Cloud Services. Next, section 1.3 illustrates the objectives and scope of the study and finally section 1.4 outlines overall structure of the thesis. 1.1 Background and Motivation The first recorded DoS attack occurred in 1974 at the Computer-based Education Research Laboratory (CERL), at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. The attack was carried by forcing 31 computers to power-off simultaneously exploiting the default configuration of PLATO terminals running the TUTOR programming language [4]. In 1998, Morris worm, a computer program written by a graduate student of Cornell University, paralyzed the Internet in its preliminary stage [5]. Two years later, in 2000, commercial websites of eBay, CNN and Yahoo were flooded with a large number of malicious requests forcing them down and causing a significant financial loss [6]. Such attacks use the potentials of hundreds and sometime thousands of compromised computers in Internet, forming a botnet. The attack is then termed as High Rate Flooding (HRF) attack or Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. The magnitude, complexity and frequency of DDoS attacks have been increasing day by day with number of attack tools and techniques. Prolexic inc., a DDoS detection and mitigation company has claimed to record a DDoS attack of peak bandwidth 4.63 Gbps in third quarter of 2013 [7]. The reports highlighted the rising of DDoS attacks. 14 Service hosted by Cloud Service Provider, has a set of allocated memory, CPU usage, network bandwidth and file input/output capacity based on the Service Level Agreement (SLA) between the client and the CS provider. Clients have to pay on the pay-per-use basis. DDoS attack may breach the SLA of the service which directly causes financial loss of the Cloud Service Users. So, DDoS detection and mitigation always remains an active area of research. 1.2 Objectives and scope Maintaining the data confidentiality, data integrity and availability is the main concern of any cloud service providers. This thesis focuses on the availability aspect of the cloud service. Availability is always threatened by denial of service attack. The main aim of the thesis is to study the implementation of the anomaly detection mechanism based on the entropy of the incoming traffic flow. Thus, this thesis work has following objectives. 1.2.1 General Objective To study the detection of DDoS attack by calculating entropy of the incoming network traffic in cloud environment. 1.2.2 Specific Objectives 1. To implement entropy based DDoS attack detection mechanism by capturing the incoming traffic to a server in cloud environment. 2. To differentiate DDoS attack from Flash Event traffic. 1.3 Organization of Thesis Illustrating introduction and motivation, chapter one concludes with the objectives of the thesis work. Rest of the thesis is organized as follows: Chapter two highlights the existing 15 research and literature in the area of network and cloud intrusion detection system. Theoretical concept of cloud, DDoS attack, tools for executing attack, and techniques of attack detection are illustrated. Chapter three presents the approach for DDoS detection based on the entropy of source IP address of the incoming traffic. This chapter also highlights the difference between high rate flooding attack and legitimate high rate traffic in a network. The results and inferences are depicted in chapter four. Chapter five highlights the contributions and further works of the research in the area of DDoS detection in cloud environment. 16 2. Background and Related Works In 1961, John McCarthy envisioned that “computation may someday be organized as a public utility.” We can view the cloud computing paradigm as a big step toward his dream. Cloud Computing is an emerging approach of providing computing resources being changed and altered to a new model consisting of services that are commoditized and delivered in a style similar to conventional utilities such as water, gas, electricity, and telephony service. In such a model, customers access services based on their requirements without knowing where the services are hosted or how they are delivered. According to the official National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) definition, "cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction" [1]. 2.1 Overview of Cloud Computing The combination of virtualization, distributed computing and the service-oriented architecture creates a new computing paradigm, called Cloud Computing. Based on the level of abstraction, there are three major scenarios in cloud computing [2]. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) refers to service that exposes the hardware resources to users. Amazon EC2 is a successful IaaS implementation in the market. Platform as a Service (PaaS) provides computational resources as high level application platforms. Google App Engine (GAE) and Amazon Web Service (AWS) are examples of PaaS. 17 Software as a Service (SaaS) focuses on exposing software functions as services (i.e. WS). Many service providers including Google, Yahoo, and Amazon offers their software functions as WS. Programmable Web collected thousands of Web APIs from various categories. Broad Network Access Rapid Elasticity Measured Service On-Demand Self-Service Essential Characteristics Resource Pooling Software as a Service (SaaS) Public Platform as a Service (PaaS) Private Community Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Hybrid Service Models Deployment Models Figure 2.1: NIST visual model of cloud computing definition Cloud services can be deployed in one of the four models: public, private, community and hybrid cloud. The cloud infrastructure which is made available to the general public or a large industry group is termed as public cloud. It is owned by an organization selling cloud services. On the other hand, private cloud infrastructure is operated solely for a single organization. It may be managed by the organization or a third party, may exist onpremises or off- premises. The cloud infrastructure is shared by several organizations and supports a specific community that has shared concerns (e.g., mission, security requirements, policy, or compliance considerations) falls in community cloud category. Hybrid cloud deployment is a composition of two or more clouds (private, community, or public) that remain unique entities but are bound together by standardized or proprietary 18 technology that enables data and application portability (e.g., cloud bursting for loadbalancing between clouds). 2.2 Cloud Security Issues The security-related issues that should be taken into account while adopting cloud computing are outlined mainly by three institutions namely: Cloud Security Alliance (CSA), European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). CSA is founded by industry representatives like Google, Microsoft, IBM,, VMware etc. ENISA and NIST are government funded institutions from Europe and USA respectively. Security issues identified by CSA are documented in a guideline document "Security Guidance for Critical Areas of Focus in Cloud Computing". The document highlights twelve major issues and elaborated some of the issues by sub-issues which are summarized as follows. CSA has also identified top seven security threats to cloud computing. Those threats include: abuse and nefarious use of Cloud Computing, insecure application programming interfaces, malicious insiders, shared technology vulnerabilities, data loss/leakage, account, service & traffic hijacking and unknown risk profile [8]. The reasons why DDoS attack is a serious threat to cloud computing environment are: it is devastating attack, so many attackers are involved to exploit the loop holes of the system and the attackers usually disguise or spoof the IP address field of the source packet header. Security Issues Discussed Sub-Issues 1. Governance and Enterprise Risk 1.1 Governance Management 1.2 Enterprise Risk Management 1.3 Information Risk Management 1.4 Third Party Management 2. Legal and Electronic Discovery 19 3. Compliance and Audit 4. Information Lifecycle Management 4.1 Data Security 4.2 Data Location 4.3 Data Remanance 4.4 Data Commingling 4.5 Data Backup/Recovery 4.6 Data Discovery 4.7 Data Aggregation 5. Portability and Interoperability 6. Traditional Security, Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery 7.Data Center Operations 8. Incident Response, Notification and Remediation 9.Application Security 10.Encryption and Key Management 10.1 Encrypting Data in Transit 10.2 Encrypting Data at Rest 10.3 Encrypting Backup Data 10.4 Secure Key Stores 10.5 Access to Key Stores 10.6 Key Backup and Recovery 11.Identity and Access management 11.1 Identity Provisioning 11.2 Authentication 11.3 Federation 11.4 Authorization and User Profile Management 12.Virtualization Table 2.1: Cloud computing security issues identified by cloud security alliance 20 The document for cloud security issues put forwarded by European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) is entitled as “Cloud Computing: Benefits, risks and recommendations for information security”. The overall issues are divided into three categories: 1) Policy and Organizational Issues 2) Technical Issues and 3) legal issues [8]. Distributed Denial of Service attack is one of the technical issues. The summary of the issues are given in table below. Policy and Organizational Issues 1. Lock-in 2. Loss of governance 3. Compliance challenges 4. Loss of Business Reputation due to Co-Tenant Activities 5. Cloud Service Termination or Failure 6. Cloud Provider Acquisition and 7. Supply Chain Failure Technical Issues 8. Resource Exhaustion 9. Isolation Failure 10. Cloud Provider Malicious Insider 11. Management Interface Compromise 12. Intercepting Data in Transit 13. Data Leakage on Up/Download 14. Insecure or Ineffective Deletion of Data 15. Distributed Denial of Service and Economic Denial of Service 16. Loss of Encryption Keys 17. Undertaking Malicious Probes or Scans 18. Compromise Service Engine 19.Conflicts between Customer Hardening Procedures and Cloud Environment Legal Issues 21. E-Discovery and Risk from Changes of Jurisdiction 23. Data Protection and Licensing Risks Table 2.2: Cloud computing security issues identified by ENISA 21 NIST has prepared a document for adoption of cloud computing in all walks of life. The document entitled "Guidelines on Security and Privacy in Public Cloud Computing" discusses nine prominent issues which are presented below. Security Issues Discussed Sub-Issues 1. Governance 2. Compliance 2.1 Data Location Compliance 2.2 Electronic Discovery 3. Trust 3.1 Insider Access 3.2 Data Ownership 3.3 Composite Services 3.4 Visibility 3.5 Risk Management 4. Architecture 4.1 VM Monitor Protection 4.2 Virtual Network Protection 4.3 Ancillary Data Protection 4.4 Client-Side Protection 4.5 Server-Side Protection 5. Identity and Access Management 6. Software Isolation 5.1 Authentication 5.2 Access Control 6.1 VM Monitor Quality 6.2 Threats from Co-Tenant VMs 7. Data Protection 7.1 Data Isolation 7.2 Secure Deletion of Data 8. Availability 8.1 Outages 8.2 DDoS Attacks 8.3 Availability Threats from Data Collocation 9. Incident Response Table 2.3: Cloud computing security issues identified by NIST 22 One of the major issues of NIST document is Availability which is again described by 3 sub-issues: outages, DDoS attacks and availability threat from data Collocation. Thus all the documents have highlighted denial of service attack as one of the major security issue of cloud computing. 2.3 Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attacks Denial of service (DoS) attacks attempt to make Internet resources as well as services unavailable to its intended users. A very common method of DoS attack involves saturating the victim machine with external communication requests such that it cannot respond to legitimate traffic. Moreover, distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks attempt to do so by sending these external requests from many compromised machines (zombies, daemons, agents, slaves, etc.) distributed around the world. These legitimate looking requests bring down the victim server by consuming scarce resources, for example, CPU cycles, memory, and bandwidth of the victim machine or network. DDoS attacks are launched almost every day. Even the most prominent websites like Twitter, Facebook, Google, and so forth could not escape themselves from being hit by it, which caused millions of their users to be affected. The most prominent cases were the DDoS incidents that targeted White House, Federal Trade Commission, Department of the Treasury Washington Post, and the New York Stock exchange, NASDAQ etc [10]. The intensity of the attack has been increasing day by day in terms of volume of attack traffic and number of attacks. 23 2.3.1 Classification of DDoS Attacks Mirkovic et al. classified DDoS attack based on: degree of automation, exploited weakness, attack rate dynamics, source address validity, spoofing techniques, impacts victim type and persistence [10]. This thesis focuses on High-Rate Flooding (HRF) DDoS attack against the computing and networking resources. Some examples DDOS Attack Attack Type Semantic High Rate Flooding TCP/IP layer Application Layer Network Layer Examples ICMP Teardrop s HTTP floodZ Ping of death High Rate Flooding SSL Deeply nested XML Semantic Figure 2.2: Taxonomy of DDoS Attack of such attack is given in figure 2.2. High-Rate Flooding and Semantic attacks, both, can occur, either in TCP/IP layer or application layer of the TCP/IP protocol stack. ICMP echo flood, HTTP flood, SSL flood are examples of HRF whereas teardrop, ping of death, deep nested XML are examples of semantic attack. 24 High-Rate Flooding (HRF) Attack The main aim of HRF attack is to flood unwanted traffic victim service in cloud thus consuming bandwidth and computing power allocated to the service, thus compromising its ability to deliver services to its legitimate clients. Some of the common flooding attacks are mentioned below. Server S Client C SYNc ACKc+SYNs ACKs Figure: 2.3 Three way handshake of TCP connection TCP SYN Flood Attacks A SYN flood attack utilizes a vulnerability of the TCP three way handshake, such that a server must contain a large data structure for incoming SYN packets regardless of authenticity. During SYN flood attacks, SYN packets are sent by the attacker with unknown or non-existent source IP addresses. The three-way handshake occurs when the server stores the request information from the client into the memory stack and then waits for client confirmation. Given that the source IP addresses in SYN flood attacks are unknown or non-existent, confirmation packets for the requests created by the SYN flood attack are not received. Each half-open connection accumulates in the memory stack until 25 it times out. Hence, the memory stack becomes full. Consequently, no requests can be processed, and the services of the system are disabled. Thus, SYN flood attacks are considered one of the most powerful flooding methods [11]. UDP Flood Attack Another example of a transport layer flooding attack is the ‘UDP flooding attack’. In this form of attack, the adversary sends a large number of UDP packets to random ports on the target machine, usually from spoofed IP address [12]. As a result, the target host checks for applications running on the ports specified in the incoming packets. If no application is listening on those ports, it replies with an ICMP Destination Unreachable packet. Thus, for a large number of incoming UDP packets on random ports, the target machine can be forced to send a large number of ICMP packets, provided no application is listening on those ports, and so use up its connection bandwidth and eventually become unreachable by its clients. ICMP Flood Attacks ICMP is based on the IP protocol that can diagnose the status of the network. An ICMP flood attack is a bandwidth attack that uses ICMP packets that can be directed to an individual machine or to an entire network. When a packet is sent from a machine to an IP broadcast address in the local network, all machines in the network receive the packet. When a packet is sent from a machine to the IP broadcast address outside the local network, the packet is delivered to all machines in the target network. Other types of ICMP flood attack are the SMURF and the Ping-of-Death attacks [11]. App-DDoS Attacks Attack power can be amplified by forcing the target to execute expensive operations. These attacks can consume all available corporate bandwidth and fill the pipes with illegitimate traffic. Routing protocols can also be affected and services are disrupted by either resetting the routing protocols or offering data that harm server operation [12]. 26 HTTP Flood Attacks An attack that bombards Web servers with HTTP requests is called an HTTP flood attack. HTTP flood attacks are common in most Botnet software programs. To send an HTTP request, a valid TCP connection that requires a genuine IP address has to be established. Attackers send an HTTP request through the IP address of a bot and then formulate the HTTP requests in different ways to maximize the attack power or to avoid detection [12]. An attacker, for example, can manipulate the Botnet to send HTTP requests to download a large file from the target. The file is then read by the target from the hard disk, stored in the memory, and finally loaded into the packets, which are sent back to the Botnet. Hence, a simple HTTP request can significantly consume resources in the CPU, memory, input/output devices, and outbound Internet link. However, the behavior of HTTP requests from the abovementioned example can be obvious. Repetitive requests for a large file can be detected and can then be blocked. Attackers mimic legitimate traffic by instructing the Botnet to send an HTTP request to the target Web site, analyze the replies, and then recursively follow the links. The HTTP requests from the attacker consequently become very similar to normal Web traffic, thus explaining the extreme difficulty in filtering this type of HTTP flood. Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Flood Attacks The SIP is a widely supported standard for call set-up in Voice-over IP (VoIP). SIP proxy servers generally require public Internet access to accomplish the standard in accepting call set-up requests from any VoIP client. For scalability, SIP is typically implemented with UDP to become stateless. The attacker can flood the SIP proxy in one attack using SIP INVITE packets that pose as genuine source IP addresses. To avoid counter-hacking mechanisms, attackers can also launch the flood from a Botnet through a legitimate source IP address. Two victim categories emerge in this attack scenario. The first type comprises the SIP proxy servers with depleted server resources as a result of the processing of SIP INVITE packets, while their network capacity is consumed by the SIP INVITE flood. The SIP proxy server subsequently becomes incapable of providing VoIP service. The second type of victim is the call receiver, who becomes overwhelmed by fake VoIP calls and encounters difficulty in reaching legitimate callers [12]. 27 Semantic Attacks Semantic attacks exploit a specific design flaw or implementation bug of some protocol or application installed at the victim in order to consume excess amounts of its resources. It makes semantic attacks difficult to execute compared to high-rate flooding attacks, because they require an adversary to have a thorough understanding of the protocol or application being targeted. However, since semantic attacks are ‘stealthy’ in nature, taking advantage of imperfections at various levels, they can be successfully launched even with a disproportionate allocation of resources, in terms of bandwidth or processing capacity, between an attacker and a target. Ping of Death (PoD) is a type of denial of service attack in which an attacker attempts to crash, destabilize, or freeze the targeted computer or service by sending malformed or oversized packets using a simple ping command. PoD attacks exploit legacy weaknesses which may have been patched in target systems. However, in an unpatched system, the attack is still relevant and dangerous. Recently, a new type of PoD attack has become popular. This attack, commonly known as a Ping flood, the targeted system is hit with ICMP packets sent rapidly via ping without waiting for replies [11]. Teardrop attacks exploit the reassembly of fragmented IP packets. In the IP header, one of the fields is the fragment offset field, which indicates the starting position, or offset, of the data contained in a fragmented packet relative to the data of the original unfragmented packet. When the sum of the offset and size of one fragmented packet differ from that of the next fragmented packet, the packets overlap, and the server attempting to reassemble the packet can crash, especially if it is running an older operating system that has this vulnerability [11]. A recently published application layer semantic attack exploits the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) format which allows deeply nested Extensible Markup Language 28 (XML) to be embedded into the message body [12]. When such a message is sent to a web-service provider, it forces the XML parser within the service to process the document, thereby causing memory exhaustion and leading to a DoS attack. 2.3.2 Targets of DDoS Attack Motives behind DDoS attack is to disrupt or degrade smooth operation of the online services by injecting malicious traffic to target network or application. The attack may target any one of the application, host, resource, network and infrastructure. The impact of attack targeting network may be different than that of targeting an application but both have intension of disrupting or degrading the services delivered to the client. A networkbased DDoS attack may exhaust the network bandwidth with the flood of the packets with large volume where as application-based DDoS attack may send relatively low volume of the attack packets but it compromise the resource allocation policy of the scheduler in cloud . An attacker launching network-based DDoS attack may spoof her IP address to prevent herself from detection or tracking. TCP SYN, UDP, ICMP floods are examples of network-based attacks. The attacks based on the application layer of the TCP/IP protocol stack are in rising these days. They use the design flaw or implementation bug of the application. HTTP flood , DNS amplification attacks are some examples of application-based attack. This thesis focuses on both network-based and application-based attack. 29 2.3.3 DDoS Attack Tools Various malicious programs are available as free and open source that can be used to launch DDoS and DDoS attack exploiting particular facility of the services in Cloud [10]. Some of such tools are listed below. Attack Tools Description DDoS condition Trinoo (UDP Bandwidth depletion through coordinated Floods) UDP flood via a buffer overflow exploit Launches UDP flood, fragment flood, SYN Trinity flood, RST flood, random flags flood, ack flood, establish flood and null flood TFN Targa Link congestion Launches ICMP flood, SYN flood, UDP Link congestion flood, and Smurf style attacks Resource exhaustion Sends malformed IP packets with invalid unknown/unexpected field values Besides TFN Flooding, TFN2K includes TFN2K Resource exhaustion Teardrop and Land attacks that cause end point crashes. End-point crash Resource exhaustion Link congestion Shaft UDP, TCP SYN, and ICMP flooding Link congestion Mstream TCP ACK floods Resource exhaustion Nimda Exploits vulnerability in IIS Web servers SQL Slammer Agobot Exploits a buffer overflow vulnerability Link congestion End-point corruption Flooding Route instability Spreads in multiple ways, opens backdoors, Link congestion shuts down services. It can launch HTTP, End-point resource UDP, SYN and Ping flood. exhaustion Table 2.4: Common tools for launching DDoS attack 30 2.4 Flash Event The delivery of an online service can also be degraded as a result of legitimate user activity, without any malicious intent. Such situations arise when a large number of users concurrently access a web-server, either following some newsworthy event (e.g., the Olympics, the 9/11 attacks), or as a result of redirection from widely followed websites such as Slashdot or other social media like Facebook or Twitter. These situations are called Flash Events (FEs). Both DDoS attacks and FEs represent anomalies in the normal internet traffic, and share a number of similar characteristics, such as a substantial increase in the incoming network traffic, the overloading of the servers, and degradation in the delivery of service [13]. Although FE and DDoS share similar characteristics and are hard to tell from one another, it is of great interest to be able to distinguish them, because very different actions need to be taken in rectifying these two events. In the case of a FE, the server administrator may want to quickly enable or increase the number of CDNs (Content Distribution Networks), load sharing mechanisms, and etc [13]. so that more users can be accommodated. In the case of a DDoS attack, the server administrator may want to quickly deploy/enable filters at the border gateway to filter out attack traffic so that legitimate requests are not dropped. One aspect in which DDoS and FE differ most is the distribution of distinct clients among clusters, which are constructed by the network-aware client clustering technique. Second, the number of distinct clusters during the FE is much smaller than the number of distinct clients. Third, a large number of clusters active during an FE had also visited the sites before the event [14]. 31 2.5 DDoS Attack Detection Section 2.2 highlights the security issues documented by three prominent bodies, the types and general tools used for DDoS attack. Since DDoS attack hinders the performance of the cloud services, early detection and mitigation is an essential requirement. One concept that cloud can provision any amount of resource to an service is sometime misleading the understanding of DDoS attack. Though rapid elasticity is one of the key features of cloud computing, In reality, every cloud infrastructure has a finite set of resources that can be provisioned to services. Provisioning more resources to a service may hinder the performance of other services and the victim application owner has to pay more for pay-per-use model. So, there is always a Service Level Agreement (SLA) that clearly mentions the upper level of resource provisioning. Thus, DDoS attack detection and mitigation remains always a concern of research and development in the field of cloud security. The classical signature based attack detection techniques are now limited to detect the anomalies occur in the network traffic. Signature based approach for attack detection was introduced based on the knowledge of known attack pattern. Generally signature based approach (SBA) works in following order: 1) find a pattern or signature of an attack, 2) generate attack signature and save them in attack filter database and 3) update the database if new attack signature is found. This approach is efficient and easy to implement. Snort and Bro are two examples of widely used signature based change detection tools. But, since DDoS attack has no attack signature SBA can’t work efficiently in detecting them. More dynamic approaches which can detect the anomalies in the traffic patterns are more useful in place of a set of static rules (signatures) applied in packet filtering. This section describes the two major approaches: network traffic feature analysis and SNMP MIB (Simple Network Management Protocol Management Information Base) data analysis based DDoS detection. 32 2.5.1 Network Traffic Feature Analysis Based DDoS Detection Analysis of packet header of the network traffic can reveal trends and patterns of traffic flow. Besides volume of the incoming traffic, header fields of IP packet for example source IP address can furnish valuable information about the patterns of the incoming traffic and the inherent anomalies. Different researchers use IP address along with other fields of the IP packets for devising a technique to differentiate anomalous behavior of the incoming traffic from normal one. He et. al. proposed a SYN flooding detection mechanism by using a Bloom filter which maintains a list of client IP address [15]. If a SYN request from a client appeared in the traffic monitored, a corresponding counter was incremented and if a FIN+ACK was observed from the same client then the counter was decremented. Thus using the counters for each client, SYN flood could be detected. Wang et. al. employed a similar approach using the ratio of SYN and FIN+ACK counts from each client [16]. Since the intention of the intruder is to overwhelm the network bandwidth and computing power of the server by creating a large number of half open TCP connections in victim, this ratio could be an indicator. In a similar research, Peng et. al. used history based source IP address filtering at edge router [17]. Their proposed a mechanism maintains a historical database of all valid IP addresses i.e. those completing the three-way TCP handshake. This database is updated using a sliding window in order to store the most recent addresses. Whenever the edge router gets overloaded, the IP address database is then used to decide whether to accept the incoming packets. During an attack, only packets originating from source IP addresses present in the database are allowed access. However, the database can be corrupted by the source IP addresses which first complete a three-way handshake and later on participate in the attack. Bakshi et. al presented an idea to detect DDoS attack in cloud by applying intrusion detection system in virtual machine level [18]. Their mechanism logs the inbound and outbound traffic and check if there is spike in graph. In case a spike is found the mechanism checks whether SYN+ACK received or not. If the SYN connection is half 33 open then IDS calls a honey pot to ping the IP address to see if the host in that IP address reply. No reply means DDoS attack then the packets from the IP is blocked. Move the server in another virtual server and update the routing table. Entropy based approaches to network intrusion detection were introduced and turn out to be a powerful network anomaly detection scheme. A. Warner highlighted the benefits of entropy based approach in intrusion detection [19]: 1) use of entropy can increase sensitivity of anomaly detection, 2) the use of traffic features provides additional diagnostic information into the nature of anomalous incidents, and 3) entropy of traffic features provides useful information to measure the distance among the clusters of traffic. 2.5.2 SNMP MIB Data Analysis Based DDoS Detection A management information base (MIB) is a database used for managing the entities in a communications network. Most often associated with the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), the term is also used more generically in contexts such as in OSI/ISO Network management model [20]. SNMP is implemented at the application layer and runs over the UDP. The SNMP manager has the ability to collect management data that is provided by the SNMP agent but does not have the ability to process this data. The SNMP server maintains a database of management variables called the management information base (MIB) variables. These variables contain information related to the different operations performed by the network devices. Cabrera proposed a network intrusion detection system based on the analysis of SNMP MIB database [22]. The attack dataset were synthetically achieved using Trinoo and TFN2K tools. In total, 91 MIB variables used from classes- ip, icmp, tcp, udp and snmp colleted at a 5 second sampling period for 2 hour interval were able to detect UDP and ICMP flooding attack. Common SNMP MIB variables are depicted in table below. 34 MIB Group SNMP MIB Object ip ip.ipInReceives ip.ipInDelivers ip.ipOutRequests ip.ipOutDiscards tcp tcp.tcpAttemptFails tcp.tcpOutRsts udp udp.udpInErrors icmp icmp.icmpInMsgs icmp.icmpInErrors icmp.icmpInDestUnreachs icmp.icmpOutMsgs icmp.icmpOutErrors icmp.icmpOutDestUnreachs Table 2.5: Commonly used SNMP MIB variables 35 3. Research Methodology Previous chapter describes the works in the area of detecting and classifying network intrusions and presented two approaches for the detection of DDoS attack. To achieve the goal of this thesis work the approach “network traffic feature analysis based DDoS detection” is selected because the traffic features like source IP address, destination IP address, source port and destination port provide effective quantitative measure to differentiate normal traffic from attack traffic and surge of legitimate access. Source IP address is the main feature utilized to find out the randomness of the incoming traffic. Moreover, the entropy of the source IP address is calculated applying an algorithm discussed later in this chapter. Though attack traffic traces are not readily available, some traces from centre for applied internet data analysis (CAIDA) dataset are used. Emulation of system and captured real time traffic traces of institute of engineering (IOE) web server have been used to achieve the practical essence of the experiment. Rest of the chapter is organized as follows: section 3.1 illustrates the data set used in the analysis, section 3.2 illustrates the block diagram of the system, section 3.3 lists the algorithm to calculate entropy using sliding window. Section 3.4 describes the experiment setup in cyber-defense technology experimental research laboratory (DETER) test-bed. 3.1 Data Collection Three types of datasets are used in the experiment, namely normal traffic traces, DDoS attack traffic traces and flash event traffic traces. Normal traffic traces of one hour duration are captured from IOE web server. Attack traffic traces are obtained from CAIDA data repository and flash event traffic of FIFA world cup football 1998 day 29. 36 Normal Traffic Trace Normal traffic of 6 hours duration has been captured from the web server of on 2013-08-16. Out of the trace, for the purpose of analysis one hour traffic of 642 MB between 15:08 PM to 16:08 PM is taken. The traffic set is cleaned by removing packets other than http protocol. The real IP addresses are anonymized for the sake of confidentiality. This set has been divided into 12 bins of packets each comprising the number of packets captured in 5 minutes of interval. Since, the incoming packets towards web server are of importance; only packets towards the web server are filtered and given to entropy calculation module of proposed system. Basic statistics of this dataset is summarized as follows. S.N. Particulars Measurement 1 Total no. of Packets (in 1 hour traffic capture) 750670 packets 2 Average packets per second 210.418 packets 3 Average packet size 839.963 bytes 4 Average bytes per second 176743 bytes 5 No. of unique source IP address 415 Table 3.1: Basic statistics of normal traffic of IOE web server DDoS Attack Traffic Trace This dataset is taken from the CAIDA. For analysis purpose attack traffic subset of 1 hour duration is selected and preprocessed for entropy calculations. Packets, which are not destined to the server address, are removed. Basic statistics of the dataset is as table 4.2. 37 S.N. Particulars Measurement 1 Total no. of Packets (in 1 hour traffic capture) 1650732 packets 2 Average packets per second 458.539 packets 3 Average packet size 160.963 bytes 4 Average bytes per second 73661 bytes 5 No. of unique source IP address 139 Table 3.2: Basic statistics of attack traffic taken from CAIDA dataset 3.2 Block Diagram The DDoS detection system consists of four modules: packet filter, traffic capture module, feature extraction module and detection module. Packet Filter Incoming traffic Suspicious source IP Address packets Traffic Capture Module Updating module packets Attacker ip address features Normal traffic Entropy based DDoS detection module Feature Extraction module packets packets Traffic Aggregation module Alert generation module Attack traffic Figure 3.1: Block diagram of DDoS detection system 38 alerts Packet filter module blocks packets from suspected source IP addresses. The suspicious source IP list gets regularly updated from the information from detection module. Traffic capture module captures incoming packets for further processing and sends packets to feature extraction module. Feature extraction module extracts the features of the IP packets. The features like sources and destination IP address, source and destination port number, flow label are then provided to entropy based anomaly detection module. This is the main part of the system which computes the entropy of the packets and compares the normalized entropy with the threshold. 3.3 Algorithm for entropy calculation 3.3.1 Entropy Let X denotes a random variable representing the distribution of values of a particular traffic feature (e.g., the source address) can take. Let x1 . . . xN denote the range of values that X can take. For each xi, let p(xi) represent the probability that the random variable X takes the value xi, i.e., p(xi) = Pr[X = xi]. The entropy of the random variable X is then defined as: H(X) = - ∑𝑁 𝑖=1 p(xi) log p(xi) ……………………………………… (4.1) Normalized Entropy: Since some items may not appear during a single measurement interval, we define N0 to be the number of distinct items that are actually present in the given measurement interval. Intuitively, the entropy is a measure of the diversity of the data coming over the stream. The entropy attains its minimum value of zero when all the items coming over the stream are the same and its maximum value of log (N0) when each item in the stream appears exactly once. Across measurement intervals we might observe a different number of distinct items (N0). Thus, we normalize H to be between zero and one by computing the normalized entropy: H/ logN0.This normalization measures the relative randomness within each measurement interval, and allows us to quantitatively 39 compare entropy values across time. For the remainder of the discussion we will use this definition of normalized entropy. Normalized Entropy = H/ logN0…………………………… (4.2) 3.3.2 Algorithm The overall entropy calculation process is based on slot of some duration. This slot is termed here as window and the source IP addresses within this window are taken for the computation of entropy. This window is shifted towards right i.e. to cover new packets one by one .The effect of addition of new packet and deletion of first packet of the queue is calculated and adjusted in entropy sum. 1. Capture the packet from the incoming stream. 2. Compute the entropy of the first W packets with reference to source IP address. 3. Isolate the term in the summation corresponding to the probability of the first symbol in the window (label this symbol with i=1) and also the value for the corresponding probability (pi1). 4. Slide the window so the new first term was previously the second term and the next W-1 consecutive terms are contained in the window. 5. Isolate the term in the summation corresponding to the probability of the symbol acquired from shifting the window. 6. Subtract off the terms isolated in steps 3 and 5 from the value computed in step 1. 7. Re compute the affected probabilities for the current window of data. That is, re compute pi-1 and the probability of the symbol that was added by sliding the window. 8. Using the values computed in step 7, add the two terms missing from the entropy summation back in and compare this new entropy value to the previous entropy computations. 9. Repeat steps 3-8 to determine subsequent entropy values. 10. Calculate the overall probability distribution in the captured flow for the window . 40 11. Normalized Entropy (NE)= H/logN Where N is the number of distinct feature values in the given time window. 12. Compare NE with threshold, note the deviations. 13. If deviation is more than the threshold, mark flow as suspected, raise an alert. 14. Continue 3.4 Experimental Setup The experiment of research work in cyber security area can have three alternatives: live network, simulation and emulation. All these techniques have pros and cons so are competitive approaches. Live network experimentation is not possible to conduct DDoS attack and see the behavior due to following constraints: often difficult or too expensive to create a real test environment of any significant size; real environment tests also tend to not be reproducible, making it difficult to analyze problems when found. Simulation provides a repeatable and controlled environment for network experimentation. It is easy to configure and allow a protocol to be constructed at some level of abstraction, making simulation a rapid prototype and evaluation environment. Ease of use also allows for exploration of large parameter spaces. On the other hand in case of simulation the hosts, network devices, and operating systems are not real so results differ considerably from actual one. Moreover synthetic environment may also poorly represent real one. 41 LAN7 LAN6 CC CLC LAN5 R4 R5 LAN4 R3 R0 LAN3 R2 R6 NC0 LAN2 NC1 R1 LAN1 LAN0 Figure 3.2: Experiment setup in DETER test-bed This research work utilizes hybrid technique. Cyber defense technology experimental research (DETER) test bed has been used to set up the experimental network. Synthetic traffic generation work is done by using traffic generators provided by security experimentation environment (SEER). Network topology of the experiment is as given in figure 4.2. 42 4. Results and Discussion In experimentation so far, entropies of source IP address of normal traffic and attack traffic taken from dataset are calculated with four window sizes: 5000, 10000, 15000 and 20000. 4.1 Entropy of normal traffic Normalized Entropy Normal traffic of IOE web server traces show following entropies. Normalized entropy of source IP of normal traffic of IOE web server 1 0,9 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Window of 5000 packets Figure 4.1: Graph showing entropy of source IP address of traffic of IOE web server Normalized entropy values Window Size (packets) Mean 5000 0.816378 10000 0.828972 0.04897835 15000 0.839772 0.0438409 20000 0.839667 0.04470784 Standard deviation 0.051798326 Table 4.1: Mean and standard deviation of normal traffic in different window size 43 4.2 Entropy of attack traffic Normalized Entropy of attack traffic 0,9 Normalized Entropy 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Window of 5000 packets Figure 4.2: Graph showing entropy of source IP address of attack traffic Normalized entropy values Window Size (packets) Mean Standard deviation 5000 0.715621 0.06598 10000 0.692142 0.06553 15000 0.642537 0.06489 20000 0.642231 0.06459 Table 4.2: Mean and standard deviation of attack traffic in different window size 44 4.3 Discussion and Remaining Works The entropy values of normal and attack traffic obtained from the experiment indicates that entropy could be a strong measure to differentiate normal traffic from attack traffic. Detection of the entropy variation and corresponding attack in cloud environment needs to be completed by mixing the normal traffic and attack traffic. To validate the concept, synthetic traffic generated by traffic generators will be applied and corresponding traffic traces will be captured at cloud controller level for entropy calculation. Entropy calculation module has been implemented and the experiment network setup is created which will help to perform experiment forward. Remaining works will be completed by the final submission of the thesis report. 45 5. Bibliography [1] NIST web site, retrieved on 24 April 2013 [2] L.M. Vaqueror, “A break in the clouds: towards a cloud definition,” SIGCOMM Computing and Commuunication, vol. 39, 2009, pp. 50–55. [3] S. Roschke, F. Cheng and C. Meinel, “An Advanced IDS Management”, Journal of Information Assurance and Security 5, 2010, pp. 246-255 [4] B.L. 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