The e x ecuTi v e c a r d Features and Benefits Guide Table of ConTenTs The strength and legacy of the J.P. Morgan brand Benefits that meet the needs of the modern Executive WELCOME 3-4 ExECutivE SErviCE 5-6 ExtEnSivE travEL PrOtECtiOn 7-8 EnHanCED BEnEfitS aPPEnDix ThE J.P. Morgan ExEcuTivE card 9-10 10 It is our pleasure to welcome you to the J.P. Morgan executive Card. this exclusive card offers travel benefits and privileges that will ease the demands of your corporate travel experience. the J.P. Morgan Executive Card provides you with access to a team of executive service professionals who are trained to understand your needs and get results for you. We understand that travel places extra demands on your schedule. the J.P. Morgan Executive Card delivers premium travel benefits that give you the access and comfort you deserve when you are away from the office. ThE J.P. Morgan ExEcuTivE card Tailored for the Executive Experience With your Executive Card, you also gain 24/7 access to the J.P. Morgan Concierge service, to assist you with virtually anything you need, anywhere you are, any time day or night. it is the behind the scenes support you need to exceed the expectations of clients and colleagues. as you read the following pages, you will notice additional card benefits available to you, including extensive Travel Protection and other enhanced benefits. these privileges provide you with the flexibility and assurance you need as you navigate your demanding business travel schedule. one call into our Executive Service team will take care of any needs you may have as you get started. We are pleased and honored to count you as one of the select Executives we serve and encourage you to contact us with any inquiries you may have. 4 ExEcuTivE SErvicE at J.P. Morgan, our Executive Service professionals exeCuTIve servICe TeaM One phone call provides you with immediate and direct access to our Executive Service team 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Your call will be directed to a live person every time. Our team is prepared to assist you with any questions you may have about the J.P. Morgan Executive Card such as: understand your needs and they are committed to • Current card balance providing you with timely information, options and • available credit line solutions with every inquiry. • recent transaction history • travel benefits and more J.P. Morgan ConCIerge servICes You have access to a personal Concierge at your convenience. this premium service is an indispensable tool for Executives who want to make every experience special. With the Executive Card, your Concierge is always at your service to arrange: • Dinner reservations at the world’s finest restaurants • Every detail of your trip, including requests for airline or hotel booking or upgrades • travel destination assistance including duty and customs information, car service arrangements and more • the finest seats at the theater or sporting events • Personal travel for accompanying family members Contact the executive service Team at 1-866-579-3249 to help you reach the Concierge. Or check the number on the back of your card to reach the J.P. Morgan Concierge around the clock. 6 ExTEnSivE TravEl ProTEcTion Protecting yourself and your personal items is serious business when you’re traveling. That’s why J.P. Morgan has constructed your card with extensive travel protection and coverage. Travel aCCIdenT InsuranCe $1,000,000 in travel accident coverage gives you added peace of mind when you’re traveling in the u.S. or abroad. this benefit covers you, your spouse and dependents against accidental loss of life, sight, speech or hearing while riding as a passenger in any licensed common carrier – plane, boat, train or bus. You receive this coverage at no additional cost every time you purchase a ticket using the J.P. Morgan Executive Card. losT luggage ProTeCTIon Your luggage and its contents are automatically covered for up to $5,000 in losses when a common carrier ticket is paid with your J.P. Morgan Executive Card. this coverage applies to your carry-on and checked luggage and exceeds the industry standard. eMergenCY MedICal and denTal Coverage this benefit provides you with secondary coverage for emergency treatments up to $2,500 for medical, surgical and dental conditions that might arise during a trip. HoTel burglarY Protect your personal property when traveling with $1,000 of secondary coverage in the event of theft in your hotel room when you book your accommodations with the J.P. Morgan Executive Card. Coverage is limited to certain countries and items. eMergenCY evaCuaTIon You are eligible for up to $10,000 in coverage for expenses incurred due to an emergency evacuation that occurs while traveling on a trip paid for with your J.P. Morgan Executive Card. Car renTal Coverage Primary worldwide* coverage is provided for repair or replacement of a damaged or stolen rental vehicle. to receive this benefit, you must decline the Collision/Damage Waiver, or similar provision, offered by the vehicle rental agency. *Some high risk countries may be excluded 8 EnhancEd BEnEFiTS We understand that enhanced benefits are a major reason why Executives look for and carry a premium card. The J.P. Morgan Executive card provides convenience and added security while across town or around the world. WorldWIde aCCePTanCe the power to use your card wherever you are, whenever you need it. J.P. Morgan cards are accepted at more than 28 million locations worldwide. fraud ProTeCTIon J.P. Morgan knows that security is critical. We have processes in place to monitor and quickly act on any potential fraud activity that may occur on your account. You can feel secure knowing that you are carrying a J.P. Morgan Executive Card. eMergenCY Card requesTs in the event that your card is lost or stolen, we will rush a new card to you virtually anywhere in the world, within 24 to 48 hours. eMergenCY TICkeT rePlaCeMenT Losing your travel tickets, passport, visas, or other important travel documents is frustrating. if it ever occurs, we will help you contact local authorities, assist you in expediting new documents, and make arrangements for replacement transportation tickets. for assistance with any of these services, please do not hesitate to call: 1-866-579-3249. aPPEndix We are confident you will enjoy the premium services offered on the J.P. Morgan executive Card. refer to the information below for important contact information. exeCuTIve servICe if you have questions about your account, please contact the Executive Service team at 1-866-579-3249. IMPorTanT doCuMenTs Enclosed in this package you will find the Insurance Program Terms, your Guide to Benefits document and your Cardholder Agreement. © 2010 JPMorgan Chase & Co. all rights reserved. JPMorgan Chase bank, n.a. Member fdIC. 10 F03-H778-9