Uploaded by Kristi Chazan

Microscope Basics: Vocabulary, Observation, Wet Mount

Orlando Science Center
March 2003
Microscope Vocabulary
• Compound light microscope – An instrument that
allows light to pass through a specimen and uses 2
lenses to form an image.
•Depth of view - vertical distance from the
specimen. When you focus on a 3 dimensional
object, you can only focus on one section at a time.
• Field of view – What you actually see when you
look through the microscope
•Total Magnification – Magnification of the ocular
lens multiplied by the magnification of the objective
Orlando Science Center
March 2003
Proper Microscope
Only 1 per side of page!
Pencil ONLY! (May use coloring pencils)
Title of Specimen
Clear Labels
Objective Used
Total Magnification
Orlando Science Center
March 2003
Lines don’t
Making a Wet Mount
Place a drop of water on a clean slide.
Place the material in the water.
Without touching the front of the cover slip,
place the edge in the water.
Drop the cover slip down carefully without
adding bubbles.
Orlando Science Center
March 2003
Study collections