Uploaded by Zachary Conrad

Introducing Rube Goldberg Machines

A Rube Goldberg
Machine (RGM)
• Silly, overly-complicated
process to do simple task
• Created from everyday
Rube Goldberg was not
an inventor.
He was a cartoonist.
His art questioned and
made fun of technology
And celebrated
playfulness and ingenuity.
Make Your own
With your partner, create a
cartoon drawing of a Rube
Goldberg Machine. Decide on a
simple task and design a way to
do it using at least 5 steps.
Make sure to label each step.
You will share your cartoon with
the class so be ready to explain
how it will work!
Some Tasks
• Blow up a balloon
• Fill a cup
• Pop a balloon
• Turn on a light switch
• Turn the page of a book
• Ring a bell
• Throw a paper into the bin
• Open or close a door
Or choose your own
cataloged from
Check out some more RGMs! Search the internet or go
here to start:
Decide on a task for your team’s RGM. What will your
machine do?
Start collecting materials…what do you have you can
make a machine with?