7.012 Final Exam Preparation Exam 4 Cell Structure o Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic Cell Structure Eukaryotes Plasma Membrane Cytoplasm Nucleus Membrane-bound organelles Cell Wall Ribosome Chromosomes/DNA Flagellum Prokaryotes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Only plants, fungi Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes o Eukaryotic Organelles Endoplasmic Reticulum: membranes in the cytoplasm, half of which are dotted by ribosomes (rough ER) that produce proteins, and half of which are smooth ER that produce lipids Golgi Body: vesicle complex involved in secretion and intracellular transport, performs post-transcriptional modifications like glycosylation Peroxisome: break down fatty acids, and reduction of reactive oxygen species Mitochondria: releases energy to create ATP Nucleus: contains chromosomes (chromatin (DNA wrapped around histones) folded into distinct threads) Lysosome: breaks down food and old cell organelles o Cell membrane Functions: selectively permeable barrier, transport in and out of cell, maintain homeostasis, cell signaling and communication Structure: composed of phospholipids and proteins o Size limitation in cells Large surface area to volume ratio is important since a cell dictates nutrient requirements relative to volume Nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio As size of cell increases, risk of damage to cell membrane also increases Need sufficient support structures within cell Protein Localization o Protein localization is the process by which proteins find their way to proper cell places, directed based on amino acid sequence. o To function properly in a cell, proteins need: To be in right location Right chemical environment to fold properly Post-translational modifications o All proteins are made in cytoplasm by ribosomes o Other proteins made for other cellular components can reach destination by co-translational import or post-translational import o Secretory pathway: ER Golgi Apparatus Plasma Membrane Excreted o All proteins that localize to ER, golgi, or lysosome and all transmembrane proteins of the plasma membrane and secreted have the characteristics: Signal sequence at N terminus Cytoplasm: no signal sequence ER retention tag: RDEL at C-terminus Nuclear localization signal: NLS in middle Secreted: signal sequence at N-terminus Transmembrane: stop-transfer anchor sequence in center with signal sequence at N-terminus Translocation stops when SRP binds signal sequence and brings mRNA, the nascent peptide with emerging signal sequence, and ribosome to ER Translation continues when signal sequence is translocated to the ER and rest of protein threads into the ER co-translationally Microbes: Viruses o General structure of viruses o Life Cycles of Viruses Lysogenic Cycle (non-virulent/temperate infection): following integration of phage DNA into the host cell genome with the phage-encoded integrases (becomes a prophage) and replicates passively with the cell, and may cause the cell to exhibit different properties. Lytic Cycle (virulent infection): following injection into the host cell, the phage genome synthesizes early proteins that break down host DNA, allowing the phage to take control of cellular machinery. From there, host cell synthesizes the remaining proteins to create new daughter phages. Once a critical mass is reached and the phage enzymes weaken the cell enough, the cell will lyse, releasing all the new daughter phages into the bloodstream to infect other cells. Induction: If a bacterium containing prophages is subject to stressors, the prophage can enter the lytic cycle spontaneously in a messy manner where it can leave DNA portions behind or take host DNA portions with them (transduction = process by which antibiotic resistance and toxin genes can be spread through a bacteria population) o Early and Late Genes Early gene expression Via cellular RNA polymerase II and cellular transcription factors that bind to early promoters and promote synthesis of early pre-mRNAs. Alternative splicing can yield different proteins that play roles in the viral life cycle: o Replication of the viral genome o Regulation of viral gene expression by typically activating late gene transcription and autoregulating Altering host-cell metabolism by activating pathways that induce cell entry into S phase for cellular DNA synthesis. Late gene expression Late genes transcribed and translated to give rise to late proteins that encode structural proteins of the virus (capsid, matrix, envelope proteins). Microbes SOURCES https://www.technologynetworks.com/immunology/articles/lytic-vs-lysogenicunderstanding-bacteriophage-life-cycles-308094