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Novel: They Came From Center Field
Read chapter 2; pages 10-25
By: Dan Gutman
To negotiate means to bargain or make a deal with another.
Describe a situation in this chapter where the characters
negotiated a deal. Remember to cite text evidence to support
your response.
Novel: They Came From Center Field
Read chapter 2; pages 10-25
By: Dan Gutman
To negotiate means to bargain or make a deal with another.
Describe a situation in this chapter where the characters
negotiated a deal. Remember to cite text evidence to support
your response.
Novel: They Came From Center Field
Read chapter 2; pages 10-25
By: Dan Gutman
To negotiate means to bargain or make a deal with another.
Describe a situation in this chapter where the characters
negotiated a deal. Remember to cite text evidence to support
your response.
Novel: They Came From Center Field
Read chapter 2; pages 10-25
By: Dan Gutman
To negotiate means to bargain or make a deal with another.
Describe a situation in this chapter where the characters
negotiated a deal. Remember to cite text evidence to support
your response.
Novel: They Came From Center Field
Read chapter 2; pages 10-25
By: Dan Gutman
To negotiate means to bargain or make a deal with another.
Describe a situation in this chapter where the characters
negotiated a deal. Remember to cite text evidence to support
your response.
List and Describe the characters in Chapter 1 using only 5 words
or less.
Bloop Jones:
“Corny” Kornbluth:
Mitch Wallace:
Sally Garber:
Ray Robles:
List and Describe the characters in Chapter 1 using only 5 words
or less.
Bloop Jones:
“Corny” Kornbluth:
Mitch Wallace:
Sally Garber:
Ray Robles:
Novel Group: They Came from Center Field
Wednesday, February
1. Finish your plot diagram and novel summary from Friday.
2. Read the NEWSELA article, “Play Ball! For These Girls Means Baseball.”
Answer the 5 quiz questions at the end of the article. This is due tomorrow
Mo'ne Davis, Taney take center stage
at Little League World Series
August 20, 2014
A girl throwing perfect spirals in the outfield: This is how the story of Mo’ne begins, and by
now, Steve Bandura has told it countless times. It was an autumn Sunday in Philadelphia’s
Graduate Hospital neighborhood, the sun fading and night closing fast. Bandura, a local
youth league coach, was on a tractor, grooming a baseball field after a game, when he
noticed a girl throwing a football to a group of boys in the outfield. He introduced himself
and invited the girl to a basketball practice later that week.
"It’s all boys, if you don’t mind," Bandura told her.
Mo’ne Davis on this week’s national Sports Illustrated cover
A girl throwing perfect spirals in the outfield: Anyone who’s been following The Mo'ne
Davis Story at this year’s Little League Series has heard the tale. Someday, they’ll tell the
story at a WNBA awards ceremony, or maybe in Cooperstown. But now, when Bandura
looks back, that part of the story of how he met Mo'ne Davis, then seven years ol d, wasn’t
really the amazing part. The amazing part was what happened two days later: The girl
showed up to the basketball practice.
"I never thought I’d see her again," he said.
It was Sunday night here, and Bandura was walking up the hill toward Lamade S tadium as
he told the story. "We were in the middle of doing three-man weaves, and she walks in, with
her mom," Bandura said. "Mo’ne put her stuff down and got in line. This isn’t an easy drill,
and we had been practicing and practicing, and finally had it down. She got in line, and I
said, 'You don’t have to do this, they’ve been practicing this for a while.' She shrugs and
says, 'No, I’ll try it.'
"She was third in line, two groups in front of her went, and I could see her studying, her eyes
processing, moving back and forth, following it the whole way," Bandura said. "Her turn
came, and it looked like she had been doing it her whole life. I knew right then that this was
someone special.”
You probably know what happened next. Bandura had Mo’ne join the bas eball team — she’d
never picked up a glove in her life — and the rest is history. Now Mo’ne is a national
phenomenon, on the cover of this week’s Sports Illustrated. But the story of the Taney Little
League team is much more than a story of its 13-year-old prodigy. It is also about inner-city
baseball, the challenges it faces, and how — even in this age of AAU and travel baseball,
Versailles-like Little League complexes in the suburbs that city leagues can’t compete with
and early specialization in youth sports — it can still triumph.
Unlike suburban little leagues, the Taney league doesn’t own any fields. It doesn't make
money off any concession stands, it doesn't have a main clubhouse where the kids can
convene, it doesn't even have an address. Instead, it rents a post office box that someone
checks once a week. Fields, most of them poorly maintained, are scattered across the city
and squeezed into narrow city blocks, few with any parking.
Two years ago, the league drew from 52 different zip codes across th e city, from the heart of
Center City to west and south Philly, where some of the city’s poorest neighborhoods are
located. To get to fields that are scattered across the city, from Italian market neighborhoods
in south Philly where Rocky was filmed to Taney’s main field across the Schuylkill River
from the University of Pennsylvania's athletic fields, parents shuttle back and forth on city
buses, or car pool, or walk, or bike through the streets.
"You hear that baseball is becoming more and more limited, losing kids to soccer or
lacrosse, where they may get scholarships," said Ellen Siegel, one of the five founding
members of the Taney Little League. "But we’re seeing the opposite. We can’t keep up with
the number of teams." Ten years ago Taney had 36 teams; this year, it had 73. "And I can’t
imagine what it’s going to be like next year," Siegel said. "People are already contacting me
saying, 'How do I get my kid signed up?'"
Siegel received a breathless call from one mother last week after the Dragons won t he MidAtlantic regional title to advance to Williamsport. "I want to sign up my kid, but I might be a
tiny bit early," she said.
"How old is your kid?" Siegel asked.
"Three," the mom responded.
As it is dying in cities across the country, youth baseball is thriving in Philadelphia because
of the passion of people like Siegel, Taney head coach Alex Rice, the players' parents and
Bandura, whose program is at the core of Taney’s success — Bandura coached seven of
Taney's 12 players from the time they were six and seven years old. In 1995, Bandura was a
volunteer at the Marian Anderson Recreation Center when he started the Anderson
Monarchs, a program for inner-city kids to play baseball, basketball and soccer year-round.
On an empty field in the middle of a desolate block in the Graduate Hospital neighborhood,
he broke ground on a field that has, with the support of local donors, evolved into the jewel
of youth baseball in the city, with a mound, an on-deck circle and an outfield fence covered
with local advertising,
Inside the rec center next to the field, in a dimly-lit, low-slung room that used to be a girls
locker room, there are batting cages. The boys' locker room is now a weight room.
Throughout the training areas are inspirational quotes from John Woode n, Chuck Knox,
Bobby Knight and painter Edward Simmons ("The difference between failure and success is
doing a thing nearly right and doing it exactly right.") This is where many of the
Taney league players learned the game, from Bandura’s son, Scott, the team’s catcher, to
Davis, who has been with the Monarchs since she was seven. After Taney obtained a Little
League charter in 2012, making it eligible for the Little League World Series, Bandura
encouraged his top players to play for Taney in addition to the Monarchs.
In a room behind the cages, you’ll find shoebox sized lockers with the names of the seven
Monarchs players on the Taney team: Davis; Scott Bandura; Jared Sprague-Lott, who hit a
big home run in Taney's first win in Williamsport; Jahli Hendrick s, who hit a three-run home
run in a key game in the Mid-Atlantic Regionals; Carter Davis, who hit an RBI sac fly in last
week’s win over South Nashville; Zion Spearman, the irrepressible outfielder who says that
before he was clutch, he was just bad; and Jack Rice, the manager’s son and shortstop who
cut his mouth and felt dizzy after a hard tag in the head on Sunday, and was back practicing
the next day.
Mo'ne is the star pitcher, of course, though she can play many positions. And her baseball
story isn’t possible without Bandura, who soon after meeting her encouraged Mo'ne to apply
to Springside Chestnut Academy, one of the top private schools in Philadelphia. Mo'ne
tested in, and five years later, she’s an honor student who makes the hour -plus commute
from her home in southwest Philadelphia to the school in the Chestnut Hill neighborhood.
After all her practices, she typically doesn’t return home until nearly 7 p.m., sometimes
later. A few days a week, she’ll crash with Bandura and his family to save herself the long
"Mo’ne is not only an honor roll student, but she is also the leader," Bandura said.
"Everyone looks up to her, even the older girls. And when you see older middle school girls
looking up to a younger middle school girl, you know that girl is something. It's
The legend of Mo'ne began to grow in local neighborhoods as she dominated boys in just
every sport she played. She is the center midfielder on the Monarchs' boys soccer team,
though her first love is basketball. Her dream, as she's already proclaimed to the world, is to
run Geno Auriemma’s offense at UConn. To hear others tell it, she could run the 76ers'
offense. "She is phenomenal," said Elliott Hughes-Taylor, a Monarchs coach. "She
completely dominated the Philly league here. Every play, matching up with 6-foot-2, 6-3
boys." He added, "Everyone’s seen her pitch. Well, I promise you, she’s five times better at
One night after a basketball game, Bandura asked Mo'ne how the game went. "We won 41 38," she replied.
"How many points did you have?" Bandura asked
"I don’t know."
"About how many?"
"I don’t know."
Later that night, Bandura received a text from the coach. "You missed a great game," it read.
"Mo'ne had 35."
"The thing about that story is that she really doesn’t know," Bandura said. "She’s not selfconscious at all. She doesn’t get too high or too low and nothing fazes her, as people are
seeing. And she’s all about the team, which is why her teammates love her."
Mo'ne will take the mound Wednesday night in Williamsport against a Las Vegas team that
looked like the Detroit Tigers when they clobbered the team from Chicago on Sunday. Taney
may lose tonight, and they may lose again later this week, and that may b e the end of the
story of Taney baseball here in Williamsport.
As for the story of Mo'ne? It’s big. It’s going to get bigger.