QUIZ 1. With CP-FSK, the mark and space frequencies are selected such they are separated from the center frequency buy an exact multiple of what degree of bit rate? 1 2 2. What is the another term use for noncoherent in FSK system? ASYNCHRONOUS 3. TRUE OR FALSE. A frequency discriminator works well when signal to noise ratio (SNR) is low but perform poorly when SNR is high. FALSE 4.TRUE OR FALSE. Synchronous simply implies that there is a precise time relationship between mark and space frequency; it does not mean that they are on the same degree. TRUE 5. CP-FSK is binary FSK except the mark and space frequencies are synchronized with the input ___________________. BINARY BIT RATE 6. It is generated by discontinues phase? UNWANTED SPECTRUM 7-8. What are the two types of FSK System. NONCOHERENT AND COHORENT 9. What is the probability error for coherent FSK? 𝑬𝒃 𝑷 𝒆 = 𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐜 𝑵𝑶 10. Disadvantage of CPFSK. It requires synchronization circuits and is, therefore, more expensive to implement. BONUS QUESTION WHAT IS THE TITLE OF OUR REPORT?