ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY: NEUROPHYSIOLOGY CASE STUDY Case of Food Poisoning? Latrell and Brittany went on a trip to Indonesia. One evening they went out to dinner. The menu contained many Indonesian delicacies including puffer fish. Brittany convinced Latrell to try the puffer fish. Latrell thoroughly enjoyed his meal. Approximately 30 minutes after eating, Latrell began complaining of the following symptoms: lip and tongue paresthesia, which lead to facial and extremity paresthesia and numbness, headache, sensations of lightness or floating, diaphoresis, dizziness, ptyalism, nausea, emesis, diarrhea, abdominal (epigastric) pain, difficulty moving (motor dysfunction), malaise. Brittany also noticed that Latrell had problems speaking. .He then began to experience abdominal pain and pain in his throat, and eventually he began to vomit, he was rushed to the hospital. He presented with severe headache, motor dysfunction, paresthesia, mydriasis, nausea, dyspnea, and paralysis of his upper body along with arms, neck and face; he was also cyanotic and hyperventilating. Within 30 minutes in the ER, Latrell was experiencing bradycardia and a blood pressure of 80/50, and he began to have seizures and then eventually went into a coma. The doctor informed Brittany that Latrell is suffering from fish poisoning caused by Tetrodotoxin (TTX). AT the end of this case you should be able to answer the following questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Define all terminology highlighted What system(s) in the human body are affected Draw and label a typical cell in the human nervous system Do you support the doctor’s diagnosis? Support your answer Define neurotoxin. Draw and label an action potential. What are the ions responsible for each stage of the action potential. 7. Describe how an action potential is generated 8. Where in the neuron is the action potential generated and then propagated 9. Explain the mechanism of action of TTX (how it affects nervous system/ action potential). 10. What are some other sources of TTX 11. Give at least 5 other examples of neurotoxins found in food, cosmetics, everyday products. For question 11, each group should be able to give 5 examples, different form the other groups. The class will then compile a list of all the examples BIOL 310 CASE OF FOOD POISONING SPRING 2018 DR. V. TOPPIN