TIME SERIES FORECASTING Presented By, 1. Nishant Nagle 2. Piyush Suryawanshi 3. Saurabh Patil 4. Sohan Kapse 5. Anuj Umare 6. Bhakti Datarkar 1 INTRODUCTION AIM- To carefully collect and rigorously study past observations to develop appropriate model Model used to generate future values of the series i.e. forecast Act of predicting future by understanding the past Used in – Statistics Econometrics Weather Forecasting Earthquake Prediction 2 TIME SERIES FORECASTING Definition: A time series is a set of observations on the values that a variable takes at different times. Univariate and Multivariate Regular Time Intervals Monthly ( Consumer Price Index) Weekly (Money Supply) Quarterly (GDP) Annually (Government Budget) 3 COMPONENTS OF TIME SERIES TrendUpward Trendseries relating to population growth Number of houses in a city Downward TrendMortality rates Seasonal- Sales of ice-cream increase in summer Sales of woolen clothes increase in winter Quarterly GDP series for India 4 TIME SERIES COMPONENTS CyclicalWavelike Pattern Longer period Usually for 2 or more years e.g. Business Cycle consists of 4 phases 5 TIME SERIES COMPONENTS Random These are sudden changes occurring in a time series which are unlikely to be repeated. Eg : Floods,fires,earthquakes,revolutions and strikes etc are the root causes. 6 DESIGN OF FORECASTING SYSTEMS • Develop the forecasting logic by identifying the purpose, data and models to be used. STAGE 1 • Establish control mechanisms to obtain reliable forecasts STAGE 2 • Incorporate managerial considerations in using the forecasting system STAGE 3 7 DEVELOPING THE FORECASTING LOGIC Identify: 1) The purpose of forecast. 2)The time horizon. 3)Type of Data needed. Start Identify a suitable technique: 1) Collect or Analyse past data 2) Select an appropriate model Develop the Forecasting logic: 1)Establish Model Parameters 2) Build the model Stop Satisfactory Test model adequacy using historical data 8 CLASSIFICATION OF MODELS FOR FORECASTING • Extrapolative methods o Making use of Past data to prepare future estimates o Useful for Short term purpose in an organisation o Moving Average • Casual Models o Analyse the data from the viewpoint of a cause-effect relationship o Econometric Model o SPSS model helps in developing casual model • Based on Subjective Judgement o Based on set of Quantitative and Qualitative data 9 Applications • Inflation rate or unemployment rate or net inflow of foreign funds • Demand of products like automobiles, soft drinks etc. • Forecasting of Gold and Silver prices by Merchants • Budgetary Analysis • Stock Market Analysis • Process and Quality Control • Inventory Studies • Workload Projections 10 CONCLUSION • Proper selection of model is extremely crucial for forecasting • Fast growing area of research provides many scopes for future works, one of them is combining approach • A sophisticated forecasting system is not enough; managers must use the forecast obtained from the system in the context of external information 11 THANK YOU 12