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Tale of Ch'unhyang: Korean-Filipino Culture Lesson Plan

A Detailed lesson plan in English
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
A. compare and contrast Korean culture to that of Filipinos through a Venn Diagram
B. Compare and contrast Korean women to that of Filipinas through a Venn Diagram
C. Identify the difference between loyalty and being faithful
Subject Matter
A. Topic: Tale of Ch’unhyang
B. Materials: Handouts, powerpoint presentation, television, chalkboard, manila paper
C. Reference: Voyages in Communication Grade 8 pp. 294-298
Teacher’s Activity
Learners’ Activity
A. Daily routine.
Let’s invoke the presence of the Lord through
a prayer. Please lead the prayer, Derrick.
Good morning class! Please sit down.
Miss secretary have you checked the
Who’s absent?
Pass your assignments forward class.
B. Motivation
What was our previous topic class?
Very good! What do we mean when we deal
with structural analysis?
And what is a prefix class?
Give a word with a prefix.
Thank you, Andre.
What is a suffix?
Very good!
Be sure to remember all these things class and
don’t forget that you are going to use these
words in your daily life.
C. Unlocking of difficulties
I have here foreign words. We will be
decoding the meanings of these words.
Afterwards, I’ll let you use these words to
construct your own sentences. Who wants to
read the first word and its meaning? (The one
who reads the word will also give his/her
1. Magistrate- A civil officer or lay judge
who administers the law esp. one who
conducts a court that deals with minor
2. Defiance- open resistance; bold
3. Hasten- be quick to do something
-Move or travel hurriedly.
4. Kisaeng- officially sanctioned Korean
female entertainers or sometimes prostitutes.
Kisaeng are artists who work to entertain
others, such as yangbans and kings.
5. Cangue- a heavy wooden yoke borne
on the shoulders amd emc;psomg neck and
arms, formerly used in China for punishing
petty criminals.
6. Yangban- part of the traditional
ruling class or nobles of dynastic Korea during
the Joseon Dynasty.
D. Presentation
I have here pictures of people and some
places. Can you guess what country did these
things or people come from?
(Shows a powerpoint presentation of pictures
of Korea and actors from Korea.)
Yes, you are right!
Can you give me a sample greeting in Korea?
Okay thank you, Karylle.
Before we take on your next activity, I’ll give
you a pre-test. All you have to do is to write
“Agree” if you agree with the statement, and
Disagree if otherwise. Be sure to be honest in
answering the statement.
(Handouts for the pre-test)
For the next 10 minutes class, you shall read a
tale that has been translated from Korean to
English. It is the “Tale of Ch’unhyang”.
Get one and pass class. Read with your eyes
only. As you read, take down names of the
characters and other important events that
have happened in the story. After reading the
story, I will be asking you questions.
E. Discussion.
(Asking of questions)
1. What are the values of Koreans in the
2. Describe Ch’unhyang from the story.
3. Why did Yi Mong-Yong leave
4. How did Ch’unhyang prove his love to
Yi Mong-Yong?
5. Would you do anything for love? Why
or Why not?
6. Relate Ch’unhyang to modern
Filipinas, how does she differ from
7. Relate Ch’unhyang to Maria Klara,
how to they resemble?
8. What is the moral of the story?
F. Generalization/ Valuing.
Class, would you do the same if you were
Ch’unhyang in the story?
What does Ch’unhyang symbolize?
You are right! She symbolizes a strong woman.
She can be a hero. She might have her statue
built if that story happened at your
In the modern generation, what can you
Very good class!
Can be an unfaithful person be a loyal person
at the same time?
I have a scenario for you class. It’s up to you to
decide if I am loyal or not.
I’m a dota 2 player, for those who doesn’t
know. I play dota 2 most of my gaming time.
But when I am bored, I play other games such
as PUBG, CS:GO, Clash of Clans. But at the end
of the day, I always end up playing dota 2. Am
I loyal to dota 2 or not?
Yes, I am loyal to dota 2.
Okay class, the same scenario class. But I will
change the question. Am I faithful?
Yes, you are right. I am not faithful but I am
Now do you get the idea class?
What is the better attitude? A loyal man or a
faithful man?
G. Application
For your next activity, I’ll be grouping you into
three groups. Let’s start by counting off from
Go to your respective groups class.
Assign a leader, secretary and a presenter or
presenters for your group.
Your faith will be decided through these strips
of papers. In this papers, you will find the
instructions for your group.
Leaders come and draw your work.
Group 1. Through a Venn Diagram, compare
and contrast the government of Korea to that
of the Philippines.
Group 2. Through a Venn Diagram, compare
and contrast the culture, beliefs and practices
of Koreans to Filipinos.
Group 3. Summarize the “Tale of Ch’unhyang”
through acting.
I’ll give you 5 minutes for your work and 2
minutes maximum for your presentation fir
groups 1 and 2. While for group 3. I’ll give you
8 minutes for you to summarize and give your
members their lines. You will be presenting
your work on our next meeting. What I want
you to do is be quiet and do your task. Please
be guided by the criteria for scoring:
Correct Answers: 10
Presentation/Creativity: 10
Group discipline: 5
(After 5 minutes, the learners will present
their work.)
For your quiz, in 5-7 sentences, answer the question: Who would you choose, the one that
loves you or the one that you love? (Mahal ko o mahal ako?)
For your assignment, research on one drama from Korea or famously known as KDrama, and
get the synopsis of that drama.