Use your Heart or use your Head? Below is a list of scenarios. Mark on the sliding scale whether your decision would be based on emotion (heart) or reasoning (head) for each. Heart Head a. Pursuing a career b. Choosing to have children c. Expressing your opinion d. Deciding if something is right or wrong e. Making policy and law f. Hiring a person for a job g. Choosing what to wear h. Choosing what to eat i. Deciding if a situation is dangerous j. Deciding if a person is trustworthy k. Spending money l. Choosing a place to live m. Choosing your friends n. Choosing a partner to marry 1. What thought processes influenced your decision when deciding between head and heart? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of making decisions based purely on emotions? Advantages Disadvantages 3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of making decisions based purely on reasoning or logic? Advantages Disadvantages 4. Compare your answers with a partner for each scenario and discuss any differences and similarities in your rankings. From this discussion have you changed your mind on one of the rankings or has your partner changed their mind? Which and why? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Emotions- you own the decision (sense of ownership), access to heights of emotion, heightened living, intuition could telling you something, not having to think of the consequences, living in the moment Disadvantages- subjective, can make wrong decision, excludes context, ill thought through, instantaneous, actions performed in the heat of the moment Logic Advantages- see the bigger picture, greater context, researched and rational, understand the stuation completely, more likely to know what to do next, if something goes wrong Disadvantage- impersonal, depersonalising, loss of identity, overconformity, can lead to negative emotions, is sometimes flawed,