Uploaded by Cricker1964


want to show you my technique for earning and helps other earning.
1. Respond in posts not comments.
2. Comment back to ALL responses to your discussions.
3. Tag all your responses with AS many words as possible.
4. Answer a wide variety of topics.
5. Answer questions with no response.
6. Apply plus ratings to everyone.
7. When you reply in posts write a minimum of 4 lines and don't babble, make quality replies.
8. Keep discussions going.
9. Make friends that can help you out.
10. Aim for over 50 posts per day to different discussions to make and maintain at least 10 new topics
per day.
This is 10 God Blessed rules which help you to b rich.;).
With it you will earn about 2 $ per day. Do you want earn more??
Talk to your friends, and please them that they talk to their friends.
You have to open for 5 to 10 website of Mylot so you can quickly respond to every topic you want to
respond don’t wait for a 1 site to upload go to other site