5 T H I N G S YO U C A N D O TO … HELP EMPLOYEES STAY FOCUSED ON PRIORITIES • Productivity Partners, Inc. • Cynthia Kyriazis • Productivity strategist, coach, trainer Priorities When I first began my business I gave presentations and training to employees about time management. I noticed there were a lot of comments about having difficulty identifying priorities. Years passed and the comments were more about having too many priorities. SOME THOUGHTS More years passed again and the questions and comments now were how to handle all these ‘priorities du jour’ because what was important kept shifting. Today the questions are about how to protect the focus required to actually work on what’s important. The intent of this booklet is provide something of a reminder about the elements needed to work on what’s important…routinely…and consistently. Because that’s how we get to where we want to go. “The main thing is to remember that the main thing is the main thing.” Stephen Covey Let’s begin with a reminder from Dr. Covey. Urgent AND Important| #1 Don’t become overwhelmed with the chart to the left. It’s just a tool. 1 It’s a matrix, commonly known as the Covey Matrix, because it was developed in the 1970’s by Dr. Stephen Covey, an educator –especially of how to use available time. The 4 quadrants in the diagram represent the 4 areas in which we choose to our spend time. Quadrant 1, represents time spent with things you can’t really control…emergencies, some immediate customer issues, last minute changes. It was the 1980’s and Dr. Covey suggested we should spend about 15% of our time in this quadrant. Fast forward to 2015 and the book ‘5 Choices’ was published. It was based on the results of a 6 year global study that examined how employees actually spend time today. The results? Today employees spend 27.6% of their time in this quadrant…almost double. • What quadrant I activities can you identify that happen in your own world? • Which of these events seem to be repetitive? Can you mitigate some of these when it comes to your employees? #2 Urgent but NOT Important Quadrant III is about things that cause a sense of urgency, but aren’t that important.These types of things, simply put, hijack our attention. Our brains have two parts brain. One responds to things calmly, objectively, and perhaps analytically. The other responds more emotionally. We need both parts. But sometimes our brain gets hijacked and the emotional, reactive, responsive side takes over when… maybe…it’s not the right time. That’s how our day slides into quadrant III. Covey suggested employees should spend about 9% of our time in this quadrant. III Today employees spend 23.6% of their time in this quadrant. • What quadrant III activities can you identify that happen in your own world? • Which activities seem to be repetitive? • Are you able to reduce the frequency of these activities for your own staff> NOT Urgent…NOT Important #3 It’s obvious by looking at quadrant IV that from a time management perspective, it’s not a valuable way to spend time. To relax, yes. But to spend an increasing amount of time in this quadrant is simply put, wasting your time. Yes…you can call it relaxing, fun and really needed after the 24/7 type of business environment we work in today. But again, it’s an issue of the amount of time spent in this quadrant. Covey said employees should spend only about 1% of their time here. Research says we’re spending 17.9% of our time here. 1V The concern isn’t one of whether or not we should spend time in this quadrant. The concern and question is…are you getting value from the time you spend here at the expense of other activities in your life? • What quadrant IV activities can you identify when it comes to your employees? • Which activities seem to be repetitive? • How much time do you think your employees spend during the work day in quadrant IV? #4 Not Urgent…BUT IMPORTANT So now we land on quadrant II – commonly referred to as Q2. I use the expression ‘commonly’ because for those employees and organizations that use the Covey matrix as a tool use Q2 as a short-hand reminder of where they should be focusing their time. II Covey referred to Q2 is the ‘results’ quadrant because activities in this quadrant should be time you work on your priorities. The important things. These activities matter when it comes to moving your goals forward -because priorities should always be connected to the goal. Covey said we should spend a full 75% of our time in this quadrant. Research says employees currently only spending 30.8%. Why? A lot of the time we used to spend in Q2 has floated into Quadrants II and III…not important ones. • Are your employees identifying priorities based on their goals? • Can employees identify what quadrants their time float into at the expense of their priorities? • Can you help employees identifying solutions to their Q2 hijack? Last but not least #5 When time and focus shift away from Q2, it generally results in a very low return on time invested. 1 1I The idea is to try and stay above the RED LINE during your workday. True you can’t control some of the quadrant 1 activities, but you can work towards returning to Q2 focus at the right time. Easy? Not always. But if you’re motivated consider some of the suggestions below to begin protecting your Q2 time. ❑ Does the goal motivate the employee? If not, then working on priorities doesn’t motivate them either. Re-visit the goal. III 1V ❑ Are interruptions and distractions interfering with employee focus? As a supervisor, are you potentially the cause of some of these? ❑ Consider opening a discussion within your organization about designating certain days or hours when interruptions of any kind (technology or people) are either not allowed or seriously restricted. For example, focus time is 8 to 10am daily. Or no meeting Mondays. Or no email Fridays – which Intel practices. I have tried focus time with clients with great results. ❑ Short of using earbuds, is there an office, area, or zone that can be designated as noise/interruption FREE? Google has one and it seems to work because employees respect the intent of the room. Important reminder Helping protect employee priority time isn’t always easy but it can be done. SUMMARY 1. Ask employees. Open a dialogue around what type of system or practice employees would like to see put in place to help them remain focused on Q2 activities. For example, Q2 activity only the first hour of every day – no interruptions. 2. Behaviors needed. If a system is put in place to protect focus time, it will probably also require employees learning to set boundaries. On themselves as well as others who don’t respect the system or practices put in place. At the same time employees will need to learn to limit distractions they cause for themselves (such as social media mania). 3. Plan B. There will obviously be times when the system/plan might not work. Be ready to get it back on track without letting the situation slide into what it was before. “The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” Stephen Covey Cynthia Kyriazis Founded Productivity Partners in 1992 to help employees learn how to manage the 24/7 demands on their already frazzled time. Services include coaching, training and presentations to a nationwide clientele including Fortune 500’s, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations. Interviews in Wall Street Journal online, Forbes, Philadelphia Inquirer, and other major newspapers and radio stations. And Amazon best-selling author. Cited as ‘One of the 28 best time & productivity experts online’ in Time management 2.0, Past-Secretary to the National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO), Past-President of the International Society for Performance Improvement- Kansas City chapter, consultant to the American Coaching Association, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst (CPBA), Certified Professional Values Analyst (CPVA). Let’s connect! .ProPartnersInc.com Cynthia@ProPartnersInc.com 913-649-0878 Website I LinkedIn I Twitter Amazon Best-Seller This book is filled with practical information, approaches and tips to help overcome the challenges you face with managing your time in an ‘always-on’ business environment. Based on Cynthia’s trainings topics include… getting organized goal setting prioritizing and focus scheduling and planning managing meetings and email managing interruptions and distractions delegating and … procrastination