Introduction to pastoral planning Pastoral management Outline I. Introduction II. Basic concepts III. Elements of pastoral planning Iv. characteristics of a vibrant faith community V. introduction on the pastoral council V. conclusion PASTORAL COUNCIL One of the rights and duties of the lay faithful is to make known to their pastors their views on matters pertaining to the good of the Church (canon 212 &3) PASTORAL COUNCIL It is a parochial structure formed by representative members of the parish who plan an promote pastoral action within the parish territory (can. 536) PASTORAL COUNCIL Requirements for Parish Leadership Roles: 1. Qualification 2. Formation 3. Admission PASTORAL COUNCIL Pastoral planning and decisionmaking are done in this participatory structure. PASTORAL COUNCIL Pastoral planning and decisionmaking are done in this participatory structure. Conclusion Pastoral planning and decisionmaking are essential works in the parish. This must be led by the President of the Pastoral Council, the Parish Priest. Conclusion Pastoral planning and decisionmaking are essential works in the parish. This must be led by the President of the Pastoral Council, the Parish Priest. Conclusion Planning by those who have special duty and appointment is always for the good of the people of God.