SPD4581 Building Maintenance for Sustainability Introduction to Sustainable Development 1 Agenda for Week 1 • • • • What is Sustainability? Sustainable building maintenance Buildings and their impact on the environment Various aspects in sustainable building maintenance 2 Definition of Sustainability • In general terms, sustainability is to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs • The needs of the future must not be the present sacrificed to the demand of Reference: Bruntland Report for the World Commission on Environment and Development (1992) 3 Definition of Sustainability • To preserve as many options as possible for future generations since they have the right to determine their own needs. • 3 main directions: -Social equity -Economic prosperity -Ecological integrity 4 Sustainable Development Concept Economic Sustainability Environmental Sustainability Growth Development Productivity Trickle-down Society Sustainability Economy Society Ecosystem integrity Carrying capacity Biodiversity Environment Cultural Identity Empowerment Accessibility Equity Human Well Being 5 Kyoto Protocol • Protocol derived from the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change • Negotiated in 1997, entered into force 2005 • Goal: “stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system” • Aimed to set emission targets on 6 GHGs: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs) and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) Sources: CNN, NPR.org, Science Direct 6 Kyoto Protocol • Ratified by 192 parties around the world • 37 industrialized nations plus the European Community mandated to cut their GHG emissions (developing nations asked to voluntarily comply) • Countries have flexibility in deciding how to meet targets or compensate by helping developing nations • US dropped out in 2001 • Canada calls for new agreement in 2011 citing US and China having not agreed to Kyoto Protocol Sources: CNN, NPR.org, Science Direct 7 Paris Agreement • 195 countries gathered in Paris in December 2015 for universal climate treaty to prevent worst-case scenarios for global warming, agreement came into force in November 2016 • Goal: to hold increase in global average temperature to well below 2oC over pre-industrial revolution levels (mid-1800s) and pursue to limit increase to 1.5oC • Significant emission reductions needed from burning coal, oil and natural gas • Requires all parties to put in best effort through nationally determined contributions (NDCs) Sources: UNCCC, NY Times, Phys.org, France Diplomatie 8 Paris Agreement • Collective progress to be assessed through “global stock-take” every 5 years (starting in 2023), compared to the countries national plans • Countries required to monitor, verify and report their GHG emissions using the same global system • “Capacity-Building Initiative for Transparency” intended to help developing countries meet their targets • Call for at least US$100 billion per year in climaterelated financing by 2020 Sources: UNCCC, NY Times, Phys.org, France Diplomatie 9 Situation in Hong Kong 10 Situation in Hong Kong Source: HK Environment Bureau 11 Definition of Sustainable Maintenance = ‘Sustainable Refurbishment’ • to provide a healthier environment such as less energy consumption, lower greenhouse gas emissions, rational resources use and advanced technologies through maintenance or refurbishment Source: Sustainable Construction http://www.supplychainschool.org.au/images/Supply% 20Chain%20School%2010%20Key%20Issues%20v2 %20(2).png 12 Definition of Sustainable Maintenance (cont’d) • Description on existing buildings to improve their environmental performance using sustainable methods and materials. • The process of sustainable refurbishment includes: recycling and using environmentally friendly materials; minimizing energy use, noise and waste during the refurbishment; minimizing the waste of existing components. Source: Material Life Cycle Cost https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/styles/me dium/public/2015-09/lifecycle.jpg 13 Objectives of Sustainable Building Maintenance Source: http://www.cmu.edu/gelfand/docum ents/succeed/lct-0.png 1. Minimize life-cycle carbon emission; 2. Minimize life-cycle cost, and 3. Target the right level of lifecycle employment opportunity generated. Source: http://www.kronos.com/uploadedImages/wwwKronoscom/Special_Product_Lines/Human_ Capital_Management/lifecycle-220x230.gif 14 Importance of Sustainable Building Maintenance • Large stock of existing buildings in Hong Kong, with age of over 30 years; • Building constitutes 30%-50% energy use; • Great potential of energy saving in exiting buildings (residential, industrial, commercial, institutional); • Meet the goals of economy, minimum environment impact, and improved social prosperity in a balanced approach; • To reduce the operating cost and environmental impact of existing buildings through Repair and maintenance works. 15 Private Buildings under Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme Years 2014 and 2024 • Year 2024 • Year 2014 Not under MBIS 16.5% Not Under MBIS 34.5% Under MBIS 65.5% + 19.8% Under MBIS 85.3% Source: Home Affairs Department, 2014; Rating and Valuation Department,2014 Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme = Buildings aged 30 or above 16 Application of Sustainable Building Maintenance • Proactive maintenance (scheduled vs. unscheduled) to • Optimize maintenance schedule • Reduce unexpected failures • ensure timely maintenance to avoid escalation of problems BIM x Asset Management • Use of computerized maintenance management system; • Use of low emission materials; • Use of materials of low pollution / recycled material; • Use of innovative technologies to reduce energy use, water use, and waste generation. 17 Importance of Sustainable Building Maintenance (BM) • Buildings are the greatest causes and solutions of today’s challenges, such as climate change, energy security, and longterm sustainability; • Buildings consume roughly 32% of the world’s resources, accounting for approximately 40% of global energy use and generate up to 30% of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions; • BM works offer an opportunity to improve the energy efficiency of existing buildings to reduce their energy consumption during the operational stage. However, materials used in BM may incur sizeable carbon emission because of their embodied carbon (EC); • Maintenance should be carried out environmentalfriendly to eliminate the negative impact to environment. 18 Benefit of Sustainable Building Maintenance Environmental benefit • energy efficiency • emissions reduction • water usage reduction • reduction of construction and demolition waste leading to less disposal in landfill sites; • reduction in the negative impacts of built facilities range from displacement of natural ecosystems on building sites and the over-harvesting of natural resources from ecosystems Reference: Chan, E. (2014). Building Maintenance Strategy: A Sustainable Refurbishment Perspective. Universal Journal of Management, 2(1), 19-25. Langston, C., Wong, F. K., Hui, E. C., & Shen, L. Y. (2008). Strategic assessment of building adaptive reuse opportunities in Hong Kong. Building and Environment, 43(10), 1709-1718. 19 Benefit of Sustainable Building Maintenance (Cont’d) Economical benefit • lower running cost • improved building value • better rental returns • reduced operational cost • extended building life span • lower total project costs, compared with new-build due to elimination of much of the site work associated with newbuild work such as transportation cost of heavy material by lorry and necessary disposal charges Reference: Chan, E. (2014). Building Maintenance Strategy: A Sustainable Refurbishment Perspective. Universal Journal of Management, 2(1), 19-25. 20 Benefit of Sustainable Building Maintenance (Cont’d) Social benefit • create a more productive environment that attracted better staff and improve health and wellbeing. • retain intrinsic heritage values. They can retain attractive streetscapes, add character, and provide status and image to an organisation through the use of massive and highly crafted materials. • create more job opportunities Reference: Langston, C., Wong, F. K., Hui, E. C., & Shen, L. Y. (2008). Strategic assessment of building adaptive reuse opportunities in 21 Hong Kong. Building and Environment, 43(10), 1709-1718. Background of Sustainable Building Maintenance in HK • In Hong Kong, buildings account for 89% of electricity use or over 53% of the total greenhouse gases emission; • If the building maintenance is undertaken in a sustainable manner, considerable environmental, economic, and social benefits would result; • In HK, we have around 45,000 private buildings (more than 3 storeys). 55% of the building is now aged more than 30 years. Therefore, large stock of building need to be maintained. 22 Consideration of Sustainable Building Maintenance • Indoor air quality ; (adequate fresh air intake, high quality filters) • Resource conservation on water, energy, materials; • Waste reduction (recycling); • Green procurement; (ecologically sensitive materials/vendors) • Transportation; • Life Cycle Cost; • Material selection. • Reference: Chan, E. (2014). Building Maintenance Strategy: A Sustainable Refurbishment Perspective. Universal Journal of Management, 2(1), 19-25. 23 Indoor Air Quality (HVAC) • Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning System Provide adequate fresh air intake and circulation Maintain appropriate temperature for occupants Filters need to be replaced periodically to ensure proper functioning of system Trends … Occupant sensors Automatic climate control Air quality sensors 24 Indoor Air Quality (Paint) • Material should be low in VOC or non-toxic Material should emit few or no carcinogens, reproductive toxicants, or irritants, e.g. non-VOC painting; • Moisture resistant Products or systems should avoid moisture or growth of mold in buildings. Source: NO VOC Paint http://newhuespainting.com/wpcontent/uploads/2015/06/voc-paint.png 25 Resource Conservation • Energy Conservation Monitor energy consumption by using the rating system, with precise thresholds for HVAC operations to ensure energy efficiency, comfort, operation, and productivity; Monitor unnecessary electrical demands, such as from plug loads, and ensure they are curtailed immediately; Adjust occupancy based systems like HVAC and ventilation to actual occupancy times of the building or use occupancy-based controls. 26 Water Management • Avoid leakage e.g. Valves can be installed in distribution systems to reduce the pressure in plumbing and thus decreases the risk of pipe leakage. • Reduce the amount of water used by equipment or process • Consider submetering of water systems to identify future opportunities for improvement Source: Water Submetering http://static.wixstatic.com/media/7a5349_4c239d51c60f4dbf9382789f f2ded027.jpg/v1/fill/w_457,h_412,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/7a 5349_4c239d51c60f4dbf9382789ff2ded027.jpg Source:Waste water caused by water-proofingtest http://static.wixstatic.com/media/7a5349_4c239d51c60f4dbf9382789ff2de d027.jpg/v1/fill/w_457,h_412,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/7a5349_4c2 39d51c60f4dbf9382789ff2ded027.jpg 27 Waste Reduction and Management • Use electronic communications versus printed material for facilities guidelines and announcements during renovation • Overall 90% of HK’s construction waste are dumped to landfill sites. Source: electronic communication https://acbanews.files.wordpress.com/2 014/03/istock_000013614379large.jpg • to separate the non-recyclable materials into inert materials (e.g. soil, concrete and bricks) and noninert materials (e.g. general rubbish), with proper material management Sorting classification and streaming of wastes for recycling and reuse purposes. Establish separated areas or individual containers for collection of different recyclable materials material can be recovered into wholly or partially usable product e.g. wood or metal Source: construction waste seperation http://unicyclecreative.com/wordpress/w p-content/uploads/2011/12/constructionbluebox2.jpg ^Source: http://www.epd.gov.hk/epd/english/greenproperty/poll_pro/popup_ren_wastewater.html 28 Waste Reduction and Management • Develop a Site Waste Management Plans (SWMP). • Material delivery plan, and Just-in-time delivery. • Coordinate with recycled business for construction waste collections. • Explore and plan for temporary storage areas. • Adopt compostable and /or recyclable packaging. 29 Waste Reduction and Management Source: Site Management plans (SWMP) http://www.netregs.org.uk/images/image005.png 30 Green Procurement • Definition purchasing products and services that cause minimal adverse environmental impacts. It incorporates human health and environmental concerns into the search for high quality products and services at competitive prices • Principles need to be considered when purchasing products: products with improved recyclability, reduced packing and greater durability; product with greater energy efficiency. Source: Green Procurement Principles http://www.epd.gov.hk/epd/english/how_help/green_procure/green_procure.html high recycled content, Source: Sustainable Procurement http://sustainability.wglhol dings.com/sites/default/fil es/green-cart.png 31 Green Procurement (cont’d) • Minimal use of virgin material in the product; • Replacement of disposables with reusable or recyclables; • Minimal environmental impact from the entire product or service life cycle; • result in smaller production of toxic substances, or of less toxic substance, upon disposal; • avoid items that are not durable or difficult to repair. 32