Relative vs Absolute Dating Prezi

Relative vs Absolute Dating Prezi
The geologic processes that are happening today
are the same processes that have been shaping
the Earth throughout its history.
The principal that states that all geologic change
occurs suddenly.
 __________________
 __________________
 __________________
Before uniformitarianism, this was the principal
that meet scientists believed.
Happy Medium
Today, Scientists believe that __________ principles affect our Earth.
Although most geological processes occur slowly,
Earth does experience sudden geologic events.
Relative Dating
Finding out whether an
object is _______________ or
_______________ than another
_____________________ or exact
Absolute Dating
Finding the age of an
Relative Dating
A method of determining whether an event or object is ________________________________________ than another
event or object. (_____________________)
Principal of ____________________ – Younger rock lie_________________ older rocks in undisturbed
__________________________ in Rock Layers – unconformities are _______________ layers. Usually due
to _____________. Not all layers are in nice and neat rows. Many have features that cut through them. The
principle of ______________________ relations states that geologic features such as ___________ and
________________ are younger than the rock they cut through.
Angular Unconformity
when a rock layer is missing.
Due to
 _______________
 _______________
At some future time deposition
begins again.
Where sedimentary rock layers
Exits between horizontal rock
layers and rock layers that are
_______________ of an eroded
surface of nonlayered igneous or
Geologic Column – geologists combine data from all known undisturbed rock sequences
from around the world to create an ideal sequence of rock.
Absolute Dating
Measuring the age of an event in years
Example: Can you make your own example???
Relative Dating
Absolute Dating
Relative vs Absolute Dating Prezi
The geologic processes that are happening today
are the same processes that have been shaping
the Earth throughout its history.
 Weathering
 Erosoin
The principal that states that all geologic change
occurs suddenly.
 Earthquakes
 Floods
 Volcanic Activity
Before uniformitarianism, this was the principal
that meet scientists believed.
Happy Medium
Today, Scientists believe that both principles affect our Earth.
Although most geological processes occur slowly,
Earth does experience sudden geologic events.
Relative Dating
Finding out whether an
object is older or younger
than another object
Not specific or exact
Absolute Dating
Finding the age of an
More specific
Relative Dating
A method of determining whether an event or object is younger or older than another event or object.
Superposition – Younger rock lie above older rocks in undisturbed sequences
Disturbances in Rock Layers – unconformities are missing layers. Usually due to erosion. Not
all layers are in nice and neat rows. Many have features that cut through them. The principle of
crosscutting relations states that geologic features such as faults and intrusions are younger than the rock
they cut through.
Angular Unconformity
when a rock layer is missing.
Due to
 Uplifiting
 Erosion
At some future time deposition
begins again.
Where sedimentary rock layers
lie on top of an eroded surface of
nonlayered igneous or
Exits between horizontal rock
layers and rock layers that are
tilted or folded.
Geologic Column – geologists combine data from all known undisturbed rock sequences
from around the world to create an ideal sequence of rock.
Absolute Dating
Measuring the age of an event in years
Example: Can you make your own example???
Relative Dating
Absolute Dating