65 CHAPTER-3 MIX DESIGN AND STRENGTH PROPERTIES OF GPC 3.0 IMPORTANCE OF MIX DESIGN Many parameters are involved in the production of GPC, out of which alkaline liquid mineral admixtures ratio and superplasticiser are important. Sulphonated Naphthalene based dispersing agents are adopted as super plasticizers to obtain better mechanical properties of GPC. Low calcium flyash gives better results from the point of view of chemical composition. GGBS is used to fill the voids between flyash and fine aggregate and this helps in the degree of particle aggregation, nature and quantity of impurities and basic particle size. Sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate solutions used as alkaline liquids react with flyash and GGBS to form the geopolymer gel binding the aggregates to produce GPC. The final product was cured in steam curing chamber at 60°C for 24 hours. Based on review of literature, Rangan’s method [18] has been adopted to produce M60 GPC. TVC mix design has been carried out using Perumal’s method [112]. 3.1 MATERIALS CHARACTERISTICS 3.1.1 Fly Ash Fly ash is the alumino silicate source material used for the synthesis of geopolymeric binder. Class F fly ash shown in fig 3.1 obtained from the silos of Raichur Thermal Power Station, Karnataka 66 was used for the experimental work. The percentage of fly ash passing through 45µm IS Sieve was found to be 95%. The physical characteristics are as shown in table 3.1 Fig. 3. 1 - Low calcium Fly Ash (ASTM Class F) Table 3. 1 - Physical Characteristics of Fly Ash Properties Specific gravity Blaine’s fineness (m2 / kg) Values 2.40 439 3.1.2 Ground granulated blast furnace slag Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS) shown in fig 3.2 is a byproduct of the steel industry. Blast furnace slag is defined as “the non-metallic product consisting essentially of calcium silicates and other bases that is developed in a molten condition simultaneously with iron in a blast furnace”. About 10% by mass of binders was replaced with GGBS. Fig. 3. 2 - Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS) 67 3.1.3 Coarse and Fine Aggregates The fine aggregate used in the study was river sand and coarse aggregate are crushed angular granite stone passing 12.5 mm sieve. The sieve analysis of fine and coarse aggregate are shown in table 3.2 & 3.3 Table 3. 2 - Sieve Analysis Results of Fine Aggregate Sieve size (mm) Wt. retained (gms) 4.75 2.36 1.18 0.60 0.30 0.15 001 023 129 328 406 094 Cum. % Wt. % Wt. passing retained 00.10 02.40 15.30 48.10 88.70 98.10 99.9 97.6 84.7 51.9 11.3 01.9 Specifications as per IS 383: 1993 [133] for % passing with different zones I II III IV 90 - 100 90 - 100 90 - 100 90 – 100 60 - 95 75 - 100 85 - 100 95 – 100 30 - 70 55 - 90 75 - 100 90 – 100 15 - 34 35 - 59 60 - 79 80 – 100 5 - 20 8 - 30 12 - 40 15 – 50 0 - 10 0 - 10 0 - 10 0 – 15 Table 3. 3 - Sieve Analysis Results of Coarse Aggregate Sl. No 1 2 3 4 Sieve Size (mm) 20 12.5 10 4.75 Wt. % Wt. Retained Retained 0 200 1280 3200 0 4 25.6 64 Cum. % % Wt Wt. passing Retained 0 100 4 96 29.6 70.4 93.6 6.4 Grading limits as per IS 383: 1993 [133] 100 90 – 100 40 – 85 0 – 10 Coarse and fine aggregate tested conforms to the specifications as per IS 383: 1970 [110] with fine aggregate belonging to zone II as per the specifications. The physical characteristics of coarse and fine aggregates are shown in table 3.4 and 3.5 Table 3. 4 - Physical Characteristics of Coarse Aggregates Sl. No. 1 Specific Gravity 2.65 Fineness Modulus 7.04 Flakiness Index 28.3% Density (kg/m3) Loose Rodded 1373 1535 68 Table 3. 5 - Physical characteristics of Fine Aggregates Sl. No. 1 Specific Gravity 2.56 Fineness Modulus 2.429 Flakiness Index 4.1% Density (kg/m3) Loose Rodded 1500 1675 3.1.4 Alkaline Liquids Sodium silicate gel (Na2SiO3) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solutions used for fly ash activation is shown in fig 3.3 Sodium hydroxide solution of 8, 12 and 14 Molar was prepared by mixing the pellets with water. The mass of NaOH solids in a solution varied depending on the concentration of the solution expressed in terms of molar, M. For instance, NaOH solution with a concentration of 8M consisted of 8×40 = 320 grams of NaOH solids (in pellet form) per litre of the solution, where 40 is the molecular weight of NaOH. The Sodium silicate and Sodium hydroxide solution were mixed 24hrs prior to usage. Fig. 3. 3 - Sodium hydroxide pellets and Sodium silicate solution. 3.1.5 Super plasticizer Super plasticizers are capable of reducing water contents by about 30 percent. However it is to be noted that full efficiency of super plasticizer can be got only when it is added to a mix that has as initial slump of 20 to 30 mm. Addition of super plasticizer to stiff concrete mix reduces its water reducing efficiency. Depending on the solid content of 69 the mix, a dosage of 1 to 3 percent by weight is recommended. For the present investigation, a super plasticizer namely CONPLAST SP 430 has been used for obtaining workable concrete at low a/m ratio. CONPLAST SP 430 complies with IS 9103: 1999 [130] and BS: 5075 part 3 and ASTM C 494, TYPE ‘B’ as a HR WRA. CONPLAST SP 430 is based on Sulphonated naphthalene formaldehyde (NSF) condensates with chloride content. 3.1.6 Water Potable drinking water was used. 3.2 NORMAL CONCRETE 3.2.1 Cement The cement used in the study is ordinary Portland cement (53 Grade) conforming to IS 12269: 1987 [131] with the physical characteristics as shown in table 3.6 Table 3. 6 - Physical Characteristics of Cement Properties Specific gravity Blaine’s fineness (m2 / kg) Values 3.07 310 3.2.2 Silica fume Silica fume is a by-product of silicon metal or ferrosilicon alloy production. 42 kg/m3 of silica fumes was used in M60 concrete. 70 3.3 GPC MIX DESIGN AND EXPERIMENTAL DATA 3.3.1 Ingredients Required The range of ingredients for M60 concrete based on Rangan’s [18] Is listed below. Fly ash – Low calcium (ASTM Class F) GGBS – 10% of flyash Ratio of Na2SiO3 Solution to NaOH Solution, by mass – 0.4 to 2.5 Molarity of NaOH Soln – 8M to 14M. Alkaline liquid to Binders ratio – 0.3 and 0.45. Aggregates – 75 to 80% of mass of concrete Super plasticizer – 2.5 to 3% of flyash and GGBS GPC mix design based on trial mix design and the following quantities are arrived for M60 concrete as given in table 3.13 3.4 MIX DESIGN FOR TRADITIONALLY VIBRATED CONCRETE PROCEDURE 3.4.1 Target Mean Strength Target mean strength is calculated as follows: = fck + (t × s) with usual IS notations. When adequate data are not available to establish, the fck value can be determined from the following table 3.7 given by ACI report 318. 71 Table 3. 7 - Target Mean Strength when Data are not available to establish a Standard Deviation Target mean Compressive (MPa) Strength, fck + 6.9 fck + 8.3 fck + 9.7 Specified Characteristic Compressive Strength, fck (MPa) Less than 20.5 20.5 – 34.5 More than 34.5 3.4.2 Selection of maximum size of coarse aggregate The maximum size of the coarse aggregate is selected from the following table 3.8 as given by ACI Report 211.4R.93. Table 3. 8 - Maximum Size of Coarse Aggregate Characteristic Comp. Strength, fck (MPa) Less than 62 Greater than or equal to 62 Maximum aggregate size (mm) 20 - 25 10 - 12.5 3.4.3 Estimation of free water content The water content to obtain the desired workability depends upon the quantity of water and super plasticizer. However, the saturation point of the super plasticizer is known, and then the water dosage is obtained from the following table 3.9 If the saturation point is not known, it is suggested that a water content of 150 liters/m3 shall be taken to start with. Table 3. 9 - Determination of the Minimum Water Dosage Saturation Point (%) Water (l/m3) 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 120-125 125-135 135-145 145-155 155-165 72 3.4.4 Super plasticizer dosage The super plasticizer dosage is obtained from the dosage at the saturation point. If the saturation point is not known, it is suggested that a trial dosage of 1.0% shall be taken to start with. 3.4.5 Estimation of air content The air content (approximate amount of entrapped air) is obtained from the table 3.10 as given ACI Report 311.4R.93. However, it is suggested that an initial estimate of entrapped air content shall be taken as 1.5% or less, and then adjusting it on the basis of the result obtained with the trial mix. Table 3. 10 - Approximate Entrapped Air Content Nominal maximum size of Coarse aggregate (mm) 10 12.5 20 25 Entrapped air, as percent of Volume of concrete 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 3.4.6 Selection of coarse aggregate content The coarse aggregate content is obtained from the table 3.11 as a function of the particle shape. If there is any doubt about the shape of the CA or if its shape is not known, it is suggested that a CA content of 1050 kg/m3 shall be taken to start with. The CA so selected should satisfy the requirements of grading and other requirements of IS 383: 1970 [110]. 73 Table 3. 11 - Coarse Aggregate Content CA Particle shape CA Dosage (kg/m3) Elongated or Flat Average Cubic Rounded 950-1000 1000-1050 1050-1100 1100-1150 3.4.7 Selection of water-binder ratio The water-binder ratio for the target mean compressive strength is chosen from fig 3.4, the proposed w/b ratio Vs compressive strength relationship. The w/b ratio so chosen is checked against the limiting w/c ratio for the requirements of durability as per table 3.5 of IS 456: 2000 [132] and the lower of the two values is adopted. Fig. 3. 4 - w/b ratio v/s compressive strength relationship 3.4.8 Calculation of binder contents The binder or cementitious contents per m3 of concrete is calculated from the w/b ratio and the quantity of water content per m3 of concrete. The cement content so calculated is checked against the minimum cement content for the requirements of durability as per table 3.1.5 and 3.1.6 of IS 456: 2000 [132] and the greater of the two values is adopted. 74 3.4.9 Estimation of fine aggregate content The absolute volume of FA is obtained from the following equation: Vfa = 1000 - [Vw + (Mc / Sc) + (Msf / Ssf) + (Mca / Sca) + Vsol + Vea] Where, Vfa = absolute volume of FA in liters per m3 of concrete Vw = volume of water (liters) per m3 of concrete Mc = mass of cement (kg) per m3 of concrete Sc = specific gravity of cement Msf, Mca = Total masses of the SF and CA (kg) per m3 of concrete respectively Sca, Ssf = specific gravities of saturated surface dry coarse aggregate and silica fume respectively, and Vea = Volume of the entrapped air (liters) per m3 of concrete respectively. The fine aggregate content per unit volume of concrete is obtained by multiplying the absolute volume of fine aggregate and the specific gravity of the fine aggregate. 3.4.10 Moisture Adjustments The actual quantities of CA, FA and water content are calculated after allowing necessary corrections for water absorption and free (surface) moisture content of aggregates. The volume of water included in the liquid super plasticizer is calculated and subtracted from the initial mixing water. 75 3.4.11 Unit Mass of Concrete The mass of concrete per unit volume was calculated by adding the masses of the concrete ingredients. Trial mixes were done to obtain mixes having suitable consistency and workability. The results of the trials are indicated in table 3.12 for GPC mix 2 was adopted and the final proportions for M60 is indicated in table 3.13 (GPC and TVC). Table 3. 12 – Trial Mixes (GPC) Materials Coarse aggregates Fine sand Fly ash GGBS Na2SiO3 solution NaOH solution Super plasticizer Extra water Mix1, Al/Fa=0.3 1295 555 382 42 90 36 3% 3% Mass, kg/m3 Mix2, Mix3, Mix4, Al/Fa=0.35 Al/Fa=0.4 Al/Fa=0.45 1295 1295 1295 555 555 555 366 355 342 40 39 38 103 112 122 41 44 48 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% Table 3. 13 – Mix proportion for M60 concretes Materials Cement kg/m3 Fly ash kg/m3 GGBS kg/m3 Silica fume kg/m3 Coarse aggregate kg/m3 Fine aggregate kg/m3 NaOH solution (8M) kg/m3 Na2SiO3 solution The kg/m3 Water l/m3 Super plasticizer (%) present investigation shows GPC 366 40 1295 555 TVC 375 42 1050 716 41 - 103 16.24 3 that high 150 2.5 strength GPC mix proportioning can be done on similar guide lines given by Rangan’s method. Further investigations are to be carried out to validate the 76 author investigation for generality of the Rangan’s method for all grades of geopolymer concrete. 3.5 PRODUCTION METHODOLOGY 3.5.1 Introduction Fly ash-based geopolymer concrete using low calcium (ASTM Class F) requires trial and error process was used. The focus of the study is to identify the salient parameters that influence the mix proportions and the properties of GPC. The current practice used in the manufacture and testing of TVC was followed. In order to simplify the development process compressive strength is selected as the benchmark parameter. This is not unusual because compressive strength has an intrinsic importance in the structural design of concrete structures. 3.5.2. Materials for GPC and TVC The material for GPC and TVC described in article 3.1 3.6 SPECIMEN PREPARATION Six cubical moulds of size 100mm, six cylindrical moulds of size 100×200mm and six prisms of size 75×75×450mm were used to prepare specimen of GPC and TVC. 3.7 MIXING 3.7.1 Geopolymer Concrete Fly ash, GGBS and aggregates were mixed dry in the 100 kg capacity pan mixer for 3 minutes. The alkaline solution that was 77 prepared one day prior with super plasticizer and extra water were added into the blend and mixed for 4 minutes. 3.7.2 Test on Fresh Concrete The fresh fly ash-based geopolymer concrete was light in colour and shiny in appearance (fig 3.5). The mixtures were usually cohesive. The workability of both geopolymer and traditionally vibrated concrete were measured by means of the conventional slump test. Fig. 3. 5 - Slump test on fresh concrete to assess the workability 3.7.3 Casting The fresh concrete was then cast into standard cylindrical moulds, cubes and prisms, which was compacted using vibrating table are shown in figs 3.6 to 3.8 Fig. 3. 6 - Concrete being poured to a tray Fig. 3. 7 - Moulds on vibrating table 78 Fig. 3. 8 - Concrete in moulds after compaction 3.7.4 Curing After demoulding GPC specimens were then transferred to a steam curing chamber, having a temperature of 60°C inside the chamber for 24 hours. A boiler was used to produce the steam, which was let in to the chamber (fig 3.9). At the end of the curing regime, the specimens were allowed to cool in air, kept in open till the day of testing. TVC specimens were demoulded after 24 hours and cured in water pond till the day of testing. Fig. 3. 9 - Steam Boiler with curing chamber 79 3.8 STRENGTH STUDIES 3.8.1 Compressive Strength The GPC and TVC specimens were tested for 7, 14 and 28 days compressive strength as per IS 516: 1959 [127]. The specimens were cleaned and weight of each specimen were recorded. After which the specimen was kept in compression testing machine and loaded till fail as shown in fig 3.10 Fig. 3. 10 - Specimens before and after compression testing 3.8.2 Split Tensile Strength The GPC and TVC cylindrical specimens were tested for 28 days split tensile strength as per IS 5816: 1999 [128] using compression testing machine. The test consists of applying compressive line loads along the opposite generators of a concrete cylinder placed with its axis horizontal between the plattens as shown in fig 3.11 The magnitude of the tensile stress is given by 2P/πDL, where P is the applied load causing splitting of the specimen, where D and L are the diameter and length of the cylinder respectively. 80 Fig. 3. 11 - Specimens before and after split tensile testing 3.8.3 Flexure The GPC and TVC specimens were tested for 28 days flexure strength with the modulus of rupture is determined by testing test specimens of 75×75×450mm prism as shown in fig 3.12 The modulus of rupture is determined from the equation fr = M/Z. where M is the bending moment causing the flexure failure and Z is the sectional modulus. Fig. 3. 12 - Specimen before and after flexural testing 3.9 COMPARISON OF STRENGTH PROPERTIES - GPC AND TVC 3.9.1 Compressive strength For M60 grade concrete the compressive strength results of both GPC and TVC are tabulated in the table 3.14 81 Table 3. 14 - Compressive strengths for GPC and TVC Days 7 14 28 GPC (MPa) 72 81 88 TVC (MPa) 26 59 85 3.9.2 Split tensile strength For M60 grade concrete the split tensile strength results of both GPC and TVC are tabulated in the tables 3.15 & 3.16 Table 3. 15 - Split tensile strength values GPC Tensile load (kN) 120 120 80 120 120 110 Average Splitting tensile strength (MPa) 3.82 3.82 2.55 3.82 3.82 3.50 3.55 Table 3. 16 - Split tensile strength values TVC Tensile load (kN) 150 140 130 140 150 140 Average Splitting tensile strength (MPa) 4.77 4.46 4.14 4.46 4.77 4.46 4.51 3.9.3 Flexural strength For M60 grade concrete the flexural strength results of both GPC and TVC are tabulated in the tables 3.17 & 3.18 according to IS 456 [132]. 82 Table 3. 17 - Flexural strength values for GPC Mix no DG reading 1 2 3 4 5 6 20 23 22 18 24 19 P (N) f = Pl/bD2 6033.21 6938.19 6636.53 5429.89 7239.85 5731.55 Average 6.435 7.401 7.078 5.791 7.722 6.113 6.757 MPa . 6.566 6.566 6.566 6.566 6.566 6.566 6.566 MPa Table 3. 18 - Flexural strength values for TVC Mix no DG reading 1 2 3 4 5 6 20 23 22 18 24 19 P (N) f = Pl/bD2 6033.21 6334.87 6636.53 6334.87 6033.21 6636.53 Average 6.435 6.757 7.078 6.757 6.435 7.078 6.757 MPa . 6.454 6.454 6.454 6.454 6.454 6.454 6.454 MPa 3.10 CONCLUSIONS OF STRENGTH PROPERTIES OF M60 GPC AND TVC 3.10.1 Compressive strength • GPC is around 62% more than OPC in 7 days but at 28 days the strength difference between GPC and TVC is only 5%. Hence GPC is attaining early strength but the improvement of strength after 7days is less. 3.10.2 Split Tensile Strength • Tensile strength of GPC is 20% less than TVC. • Rapid development of tensile strength is achieved. 83 It is true that geopolymer concrete which performs better in compressive strength should have performed in a better way also in split tensile strength as available in the literature. More tests are required to throw light on this so that split tensile strength can be correlated with the corresponding compressive strength. 3.10.3 Flexural strength • There is no much variation in experimental and theoretical values of flexural stress. • There was no much difference found in Flexural stresses of GPC and TVC.