January 24

January 24
-Carbohydrates: Any of a large group of organic compounds occurring in foods and living tissues
and including sugars, starch, and cellulose.
-Function: Can be broken down to release energy in the body.
-Ex: Grains, Dairy, Fruit
- Fiber: Dietary material containing substances such as cellulose, lignin, and pectin that are
resistant to the action of digestive enzymes.
-Function: lowers cholesterol and prevents diabetes.
-Ex: Whole grain breads, cereal, vegetables
-Proteins: an essential part of all living organisms, especially as structural components of body
tissue such as muscle, hair, collagen, etc., and as enzymes and antibodies.
-Function: Keeps skin and hair healthy
Ex: Meat, eggs, cheese
-Lipids: Organic compounds that are fatty acids.
-Function: Stores energy
-Ex: Oils, Waxes, Steroids
-Vitamins: Essential for normal growth and nutrition and are required in small quantities in the
-Function: Helps form and maintain healthy teeth, bones, soft tissue, mucus membranes, and
-Ex: Fruits, Veggies, Meat.
-Minerals: Essential for growth and health.
-Function: Help your body grow, develop, and stay healthy.
-Ex: Sodium, Potassium, Calcium
2. Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats each help the body develop and remain healthy.
3. If you don’t eat as much saturated fats, it will decrease the levels of cholesterol in your blood
4. Eat foods that contain more fiber and protein.
5. Water-soluble Vitamins are absorbed into the body, but Fat-Soluble Vitamins are stored into
the intestines.
6. (https://s3.amazonaws.com/scschoolfiles/1853/january_21st-febuary_1st_2419.pdf)
Monday 1- NO SCHOOL
Tuesday 1- Garden Salad, Mixed Fruit
Wednesday 1- Vegetable Medley, Wheat Roll
Thursday 1- Green Beans, Roll
Friday 1- Ham and Cheese Sandwich/Wrap, Veggie Sticks, Fruit.
Monday 2- Bananas w/ Strawberries
Tuesday 2- Fresh Grapes, Mexican Corn, Rice, Pinto Beans
Wednesday 2- Carrots
Thursday 2- Veggie Sticks
Friday2- Green beans, Garden Salad