Research Writing with Allegory: English Assignment

English 2
Research Writing with Allegory Assignment
As we read Animal Farm, we studied not only a historical conflict, but also the art of allegory.
Part 1: Research Paper (108 points)
As a final assessment for this unit, you will be required to research a big historical conflict/issue
(Ex: World War II, the Middle East conflict, the Civil War, American Revolution, apartheid in
South Africa, Nixon and the Watergate scandal, etc.). For part one of this assignment, you will
research your event and write a formal research paper.
Question: How does your conflict/event impact the lives or future of the people/nations
Paper must typed
2-3 pages
1-inch margins
Times New Roman size 12 font
Must include a works cited page
MLA format for citations and heading (see packet from beginning of year or see me for a
new one!)
Must use a total of 5 sources: 3 print sources and 2 web sources (Wikipedia does not
Part 2: Allegory (60 points)
For part two, you will use what you have learned about your event to write an allegory (extended
metaphor ) for the event you have chosen. You may use animals, like in Animal Farm, but this
is not required. Be creative, but be sure that your allegory fits into the events of your research, as
 Paper must typed
 1-2 pages
 Double-spaced
 1-inch margins
 Times New Roman size 12 font
 MLA format for heading
Part 3: Connection (20 points)
For part three, you will write a well-organized, detailed paragraph explaining how your allegory
relates to your event. Answer the following questions: Who are the key characters? Why did
you choose them? What message should your reader take away?