What do you see in the picture? Mention the things in the picture! What do you see in the picture? SIZE Big Huge Small Tiny Large Gigantic Heavy Light Wide COLOUR Red Black Brown Yellow Blue Purple Yellowish Dark blue Gray Brownish Pastel Metallic Silver Colorless Transparent SHAPE Round Square Triangle Tube Circular Oval Cylindrical Rectangle MATERIAL Plastic Metal Fabric Steel Paper Wood Glass CLay Cotton Leather Ceramic Silver Bronze Gold Iron ADJECTIVES New Old Thick Thin Clean Dirty Expensive Cheap Good Cute Smooth Bad Antonym Big >< Small Huge >< Tiny Expensive >< Cheap Thick >< Thin Clean >< Dirty Heavy >< Light New >< Old Modern >< Ancient Nice >< Bad Luxurious >< Ordinary Valuable >< Worthless Bright >< Dark What is this? It is a ........ Its colour is ..... The shape is ....... It is made from ......... It has ......... The function is ........ It is a ........ Its colour is ..... The shape is ....... It is made from ......... The function is ........ It is a ........ Its colour is ..... The shape is ....... It is made from ......... The function is ........ It is a ........ Its colour is ..... The shape is ....... It is made from ......... It has ......... The function is ........ It is a ........ Its colour is ..... The shape is ....... It is made from ......... It has ......... The function is ........ Examples of dialogue: Rina Feby Rina Feby Rina Feby : Hai, Feby. I am sorry to disturb you, but do you know my pencil case? 15 minutes ago I put it on this table. : What does it look like, rin? Because I didn’t see any pencil case here. :Well, the color is light blue and there is a hello kitty on it. The shape is cylindrical, not really big. : Oh, I think I see Rara took it 5 minutes ago before you came. Maybe you can ask Rara. : Thanks God. So, now my pencil case is in Rara. Thank you so much, Feby. : You are welcome. Situation: The teacher asks the students to tell about their favorite things. Sasa : Well, my favorite thing is my mug. I always use it to drink at home. Teacher : Why do you really love your mug? Sasa : I love my mug because my mom gave it to me as a birthday gift. Teacher : What is the unique thing about it? Sasa : It is a white mug with my name written on it. And under my name is written the date of my birthday. It has a handle so I can use it to drink hot milk safely. Example of Descriptive Text: My Laptop I have a laptop. My father bought it for me last month. It is a nice laptop with black color. It has a 14 inch screen. This is the latest product from Asus. The performance of this laptop is also great. I can play games that require high specification using it. I can also play music, watch movies and draw using it. And the most important thing is that I can type using it. So, if I have the assignment from my teacher, it will help me to do my assignment. I also can find many references from internet using my laptop.I really like this new laptop. Because it always be helpful to me in various situations. Meeting 2 No. 1 I am a stationery. My shape is cylindrical and long I am made from wood My function is to write a letter So, I am a _____________ No. 2 I am a stationery. My shape is square I am made from paper I am used for purposes such as recording notes or memoranda, writing, or drawing So, I am a _____________ No. 3 I am a thing in the classroom My shape is rectangle My colour is white I am made from wooden and melamine I am used for writing in front of the class. So, I am a _____________ No. 4 I am a thing in the classroom My shape is rectangle My colour is brown I am made of wood Anyone should go through me if they want to go into a room So, I am a _____________ No. 5 I am a stationery My shape is cylindrical and long I am colourful. There are red, yellow, black, blue, etc. I am made of wood People usually used me for colouring or drawing. So, I am a _____________ No. 6 I am a thing in the classroom My shape is rectangle, and long cuboid My colour is usually brown I am made of wood People use me to sit down So, I am a _____________ No. 7 I am a thing in the classroom My shape is round I am made from plastic People really needs me to know the time So, I am a _____________ No. 8 I am a thing My shape is like a key, or rectangle I am made from plastic My function is to transfer datas or keep files So, I am a _____________ No. 9 I am a stationery I am made of metal blades People use me to cut paper, rope, cloth, hair, or something else. So, I am a _____________ No. 10 I am a stationery I am rectangular in shape I am made from plastic People use me to draw or measure a line There are numbers on me So, I am a _____________ The Answers: 1. Pencil 2. Book / Notebook 3. White board 4. Door 5. Colored Pencils 6. Chair 7. Clock 8. Flashdisk 9. Scissor 10. Ruler DETER MINER OPINION SIZE AG E SHAP E COLOR ORIGIN MATERIA L NOUN The wonderful small old round green German wooden VASE a beautiful large new red Indonesi an cotton SKIRT SIZE SHAPE AGE COLOR ORIGIN MATERIAL OPINION : BIG, SMALL, LITTLE, HUGE, MIDDLE, : ROUND, OVAL, RECTANGULAR, SQUARE : OLD, MODERN, ANCIENT : RED, YELLOW, BLUE, GREEN : GERMANY, AMERICAN : WOODEN, METAL, IRON, PAPER : BEAUTIFUL, WONDERFUL, EXPENSIVE, Example : 1. A nice new red German car 2. The little old rectangular French silver Knife 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Now, let’s practice to describe a thing. Make a group of 2 people Go outside of the classroom or inside the classroom Try to find a thing which you want to describe. (1 group 1 thing) Later, make a short dialogue with your partner. Next Monday, 20 March, we will have speaking test using the dialogue about describing things. Meeting 3 Kemampuan Berbicara (Speaking Skill) Aspek yang Dinilai Pengucapan (Pronounciation) Kriteria Score Pengucapan kata-kata dalam dialog hampir sempurna 5 Ada beberapa kesalahan pengucapan namun tidak mengganggu makna 4 Ada beberapa kesalahan pengucapan dan mengganggu makna 3 Banyak kesalahan pengucapan dan mengganggu makna 2 Terlalu banyak kesalahan pengucapan dan mengganggu makna 1 Penempatan intonasi hampir sempurna 5 Ada beberapa kesalahan dalam penempatan intonasi namun tidak mengganggu makna dalam dialog 4 Ada beberapa kesalahan dalam penempatan intonasi dan Intonasi (Intonation) mengganggu makna dalam dialog 3 Banyak kesalahan dalam penempatan intonasi dan mengganggu makna dalam dialog 2 Terlalu banyak kesalahan dalam penempatan intonasi dan mengganggu makna dalam dialog 1 Kelancaran (Fluency) Sangat lancar dalam berbicara dan memerankan peran dalam dialog tanpa ada kata yang terbata-bata 5 Lancar dalam berbicara dan memerankan peran dalam dialog namun ada sedikit kata yang kurang lancar diucapkan 4 Cukup lancar dalam berbicara dan memerankan peran dalam dialog dan ada beberapa kata yang tidak lancar diucapkan dan diulang-ulang 3 Kurang lancar dalam berbicara dan memerankan peran dalam dialog dan banyak kata-kata yang tidak lancar 2 diucapkan dan banyak yang diulang-ulang pengucapannya Tidak lancar dalam berbicara dan memerankan peran dalam dialog dan banyak sekali kata-kata yang tidak lancar 1 dan diulang-ulang dalam pengucapannya Ketelitian (Accuracy) Sangat teliti dan tidak melakukan banyak kesalahan 5 Teliti dan sedikit melakukan kesalahan 4 Cukup teliti dan melakukan beberapa kesalahan 3 Kurang teliti dan melakukan banyak kesalahan 2 Tidak teliti dan melakukan banyak sekali kesalahan 1 Sangat memahami konteks dialog yang sedang diperankan dan sangat memahami tujuan komunikatif dari dialog tersebut 5 Memahami konteks dialog yang sedang diperankan dan memahami tujuan komunikatif 4 dari dialog tersebut Pemahaman (Comprehension) Cukup memahami konteks dialog yang sedang diperankan namun kurang memahami tujuan komunikatif dari dialog tersebut 3 Kurang memahami konteks dialog yang sedang diperankan dan tidak memahami tujuan 2 komunikatif dialog tersebut Sama sekali tidak memahami konteks dialog yang sedang diperankan dan tidak memahami tujuan komunikatif dari dialog tersebut 1 Examples of dialogue: Rina Feby Rina Feby Rina Feby : Hai, Feby. I am sorry to disturb you, but do you know my pencil case? 15 minutes ago I put it on this table. : What does it look like, rin? Because I didn’t see any pencil case here. :Well, the color is light blue and there is a hello kitty on it. The shape is cylindrical, not really big. : Oh, I think I see Rara took it 5 minutes ago before you came. Maybe you can ask Rara. : Thanks God. So, now my pencil case is in Rara. Thank you so much, Feby. : You are welcome. Situation: The teacher asks the students to tell about their favorite things. Sasa : Well, my favorite thing is my mug. I always use it to drink at home. Teacher : Why do you really love your mug? Sasa : I love my mug because my mom gave it to me as a birthday gift. Teacher : What is the unique thing about it? Sasa : It is a white mug with my name written on it. And under my name is written the date of my birthday. It has a handle so I can use it to drink hot milk safely. Now, you may practice with your partner and prepare yourself