(flip it) module 20 ➢ Our audition is highly adaptive ○ Audition is another word for hear ➢ Sounds with frequencies in a range of the human voice are sounds we hear best ➢ Those with normal hearing are acutely sensitive to faint sounds SOUND WAVES ARE BANDS OF COMPRESSED AND EXPANDED AIR OUR EARS DETECT CHANGES IN AIR PRESSURE AND TRANSFORM THEM INTO NEURAL IMPULSES Stimulus input: sound waves ➢ Ex 1) A bow across a violin releases energy of sound waves ➢ Jostling molecules, each bumping into the next, create waves of compressed and expanded air ➢ Ex 2) swimming in ocean of moving molecules ➢ We can feel the vibration as our ears detect brief air pressure changes ➢ We hear by both air and bone conduction ➢ Amplitude of waves determine their loudness (al) ➢ Their length, or frequency determine the pitch we experience (fp) ○ Frequency is the number of wavelengths that pass a point in a given time ○ Pitch is a tone’s experienced highness or lowness ➢ We measure sound in decibels The Ear ➢ When sound waves enter the outer ear.. ○ Process that transforms vibrating air into nerve impulses, which our brain decodes as sounds, begins ○ Our brain decodes as sounds 1. Stimulus 2. Vibrating air 3. Outer ear (auditory canal): a. channels the waves through the auditory canal to the eardrum ( a tight membrane) causing it to vibrate 4. Middle ear: ( includes hammer, anvil, and stirrup) a. Chamber between the eardrum and cochlea b. Concentrate vibrations of eardrum c. pick up vibrations and sends it to the cochlea 5. Inner ear: a. cochlea: a snail shaped tube in the inner ear that is a fluid-filled tube i. that triggers nerve impulses b. Vibrations cause the cochela’s membrane (oval window) to vibrate which jostles the fluid c. Rippling of the basilar membrane caused by pressure changes in the fluid, triggers movement of tiny hair cells i. Basilar membrane is where the hair like cells detect vibrations d. Axons of those cells converge to create auditory nerve, which sends neural impulses e. Trigger messages to be sent to auditory cortex (via thalamus) in brain ➢ Cochlear implant: device that converts sounds into electrical signals ○ Stimulates auditory nerve through electrodes (in the cochlea) ○ Less common form of hearing loss ➢ Sensorineural hearing (nerve deafness): hearing loss caused by damage to cochlea's hair cell receptors ○ Disease can sometimes cause hearing loss ○ Most likely biological changes linked with hereditary, aging, and exposure to ear-splitting music are the culprits ➢ Conduction hearing loss: hearing loss caused by damage to mechanical system ○ The mechanical system conducts sound waves to the cochlea Perceiving pitch ➢ Place theory: explains how we hear high pitched sounds (ph) ○ Links pitch we hear with place where cochlea’s membrane is stimulated ■ High pitch sounds are steep ○ Proposes that we hear different pitches because sound waves trigger activity at different places along the cochlea’s basilar membrane ➢ Frequency theory: explains how we hear low pitched sounds (fl) ○ Proposes that our brain reads pitch by monitoring frequency of neural impulses traveling up the auditory nerve ○ The whole basilar membrane vibrates at the frequency of the sound ➢ Volley theory: how we hear pitches in middle range ○ Neurons alternate firing to process the highest pitch sounds ○ Connect the volley principle to biopsychology module 21: ➢ Types of touch (cowpp) ○ Pressure ○ Warmth ○ Cold ○ pain ➢ Understanding pain ○ Biological influences ■ Spinal cord contains a gate that blocks pain signals or allows them to pass to the brain ■ Gate opened by activity of pain signals ■ TRAVELING UP TO THE BRAIN by small nerve fibers ■ Closed by activity in larger nerve fibers or INFORMATION TRAVELING DOWN FROM THE BRAIN ■ ○ ➢ ➢ Biopsychosocial Approach ○ Psychological Influences ■ Attention to pain ■ Learning based on experience ■ Expectations ○ Biological Influences ■ Activity in spinal cords large and small fibers ■ ○ ➢ Taste ○ Basic tongue receptors for sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami ➢ Smell (aka olfaction) ○ Source: Inhale and exhale nearly 20,00 breaths of air ○ Receptor: Millions of receptors at top of nasal cavity ○ Dogs have more olfactory senses ○ Olfaction ■ Chemical sense ■ Odor molecules ■ Olfactory bulb ■ Olfactory nerve ➢ Body Position and Movement ○ Kinesthesia ■ System for sensing the position and movement of individual body parts ○ Vestibular sense ■ The sense of body movement and position, including sense of balance ■ Movement of fluids in inner ear caused by head/body movement ■ Receptors: Semicircular canals (in Inner ear) helps maintain your balance ➢