Cold & Warm Fronts Worksheet: Weather Prediction

Name________________________________________________________ Date _____________________ Hour ______
Comparing Cold and Warm Fronts and the Type of Weather They Cause
Directions: Read pages 462-463 then complete the information below.
Cold Front
Warm Front
How it Forms
Weather Map Symbol
(gets warmer/gets cooler)
Dew Point
(likely reached/not reached)
Barometric Pressure
Cloud Formation
Precipitation Chances
Precipitation Description
Wind Direction
(from NW or SW)
1. Which front represents a cold front? _________
2. Describe how the temperature, pressure and cloud
cover will likely change in a city with this front.
Predicting Weather Changes Using Fronts
Directions: Refer to the weather map above to answer the following questions.
1. What type of front is approaching City A? ______________________
2. Describe how the temperature, pressure and cloud cover are likely to change when it reaches City A.
3. Describe the type of wind and precipitation this type of front typically causes. ________________________________
4. What type of front is approaching City B? _______________________
5. Describe how the temperature, pressure and cloud cover are likely to change when it reaches City B.
6. Describe the type of wind and precipitation this type of front typically causes. ________________________________
7. You are planning a 3 day hiking and camping trip and have to choose from Cities A, B, and C shown in the map above.
Your biggest concern is the weather and your outdoor adventures being rained out. Complete the table below. Rank
the city with the least number of days of rainfall likely as your 1st choice to visit, the one with the most likely number
of days of rainfall as your 3rd choice, leaving the remaining city as your 2nd choice.
(What makes you say so) (front info)
(So what?) (What kind of rainfall/weather expected)
(rank order)
Front 2
Front 1
Directions: Refer to the weather map above to answer the following questions.
1. Which city is about to experience warmer weather conditions? _______________________
Explain why ________________________________________________________________________
2. Which city is about to experience cooler weather conditions? _________________________
Explain why ________________________________________________________________________
3. Which city likely has the most clear sunny skies? ____________________
Explain why ________________________________________________________________________
4. Which 2 cities are likely experiencing the most clouds and likely precipitation? ____________________
Explain why _________________________________________________________________________
5. Name the 2 fronts and identify which city they would each pass through within the next 24 hours if they follow
their normal paths. Besides temperature, name 2 ways the weather is likely to change for each of those cities
when the front reaches them.
Front 1 Name__________________________ Next city it will likely pass through __________________
Type of weather changes it will cause (at least 2) ____________________________________________
Front 2 Name__________________________ Next city it will likely pass through __________________
Type of weather changes it will cause (at least 2) ____________________________________________