SimSchool Teaching Reflection: Classroom Management & Engagement

Christie Gonzalez
SimSchool Reflection 6
October 1, 2017
I learned so much from this group of students I taught this week in Sim School. Before
going into this classroom, I was informed that other teachers at the school find that this group of
students is highly energetic and very creative. From what I noticed, I can definitely say these
teachers were correct! Most students were highly energetic but they did complete the
assignments that I assigned. In the beginning of each class I would assign the students a level 1
task just to get them into the class rhythm and they responded well by completing what I
assigned. I noticed that students were more engaged in the assignments that included creating a
project and also the assignments that included discussing with partners. When the students were
discussing with their partners some got off task and when they did, I would reinforce the rules
and told them to get back on task. One student refused to listen to what I was saying and did not
respond well to my directions. I asked this student to go to the office and come back with a better
This class was a lot more responsive to my directions versus other classes I have taught in
SimSchool. When the students were off task they would automatically go back on task after I
asked them to. I would assign tasks to each student based on the amount of time it took them to
complete it so if it took one student 5 min to complete a task but another student completed it in
3 minutes I would move them to the next level. I think this class was also a lot more energetic
than other classes I have taught. They were a bit talkative but when I saw them get off task, I
would make sure they would get back on task in a timely manner. I had a great experience
teaching this class and they taught me just as much as I taught them.